MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 16 Blue Silver Sword Rain

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  Chapter 16 Blue Silver Sword Rain

  During the next half day, both Mo Bai wandered around in the sword bamboo forest.

  Ten years, twenty years, a hundred years, three hundred years, and even a thousand-year-old sword bamboo soul beast, all met.

   During the period, I also encountered other soul beasts, but I chose to avoid them.

   It wasn't until the two of them walked around the entire sword bamboo forest that they found a 400-year-old sword bamboo soul beast.

   Dealing with Sword Bamboo Soul Beast is actually very simple.

  According to the characteristics of the Sword Bamboo Soul Beast, Mo Bai and Mr. Ma stepped forward in turn, invading the Sword Bamboo Soul Beast's territory, and then retreated immediately.

   Use this to consume the soul power of the Sword Bamboo Soul Beast!

  Until the sword bamboo soul beast can no longer use soul skills to attack.

  The Sword Bamboo Soul Beast can be said to be one of the easiest Soul Beasts to hunt.

   But when it comes to sword bamboo soul beasts that are more than ten thousand years old, they won't be so stupid!

  It's just that in this forest of soul beasts, there are no soul beasts with such a high age, that is, the sword bamboo soul beast, only a thousand-year-old animal-type soul beast with a thousand-year-old age appears, which does not exist in this forest at all.

   This is a forest of soul beasts for low-level soul masters to hunt!


  After exhausting the soul power of the 400-year-old Sword Bamboo Soul Beast, Mo Bai finally cut off the Sword Bamboo Soul Beast.


  After that, a yellow circle of light flew out from the fallen Jianzhu corpse.

   Mo Bai, who already knew how to absorb it, sat cross-legged in meditation in front of Jianzhu's corpse without Teacher Ma's instructions, pulling the soul ring with his thoughts.

  As soon as the soul ring entered the body, Mo Bai felt as if a balloon was stuffed into his body, and then exploded, as if the whole body was inflated by it, which was very uncomfortable.

   "Stay sober and bear!"

   Seeing this, Teacher Ma reminded Mo Bai.

   No need to remind, Mo Bai also knows, has always maintained a clear and calm consciousness, and silently felt the changes that occurred after the soul ring entered his body.


  First of all, the bottleneck of the first layer of Mobai's Frightening Feather Art has been successfully broken through.

  And Mo Bai found that his internal power was also changing, turning into another kind of energy, presumably it was soul power!

  After the Frightening Feather Jue broke through the first layer, Mo Bai operated the second layer of Frightening Feather Jue, and quickly absorbed all the energy brought by the soul ring.

  During this period, Mo Bai also discovered that there was an extra soul ring on his martial soul, and the overall body of the martial soul Blue Silver Grass also changed.

  From the blue silver grass with only two leaves, it grows into a blue silver grass less than half a meter long. The leaves of the blue silver grass are no longer the original shape, but are closer to the shape of the sword bamboo leaves.

   It's just not exactly the shape of sword bamboo leaves, it is a combination of blue silver grass and sword bamboo, like a fat little sword.

  After absorbing it, Mo Bai summoned the Wuhun Blue Silver Grass, tried to pick off a leaf, and weighed it with his hands. It felt okay, and it could be used as a hidden weapon.

   "How was it? Did it work?"

   "What is your soul skill?"

  Ms. Ma was very happy to see Mo Bai succeed, and then asked Mo Bai with some expectation.

  The soul skills obtained by hunting the soul rings are not static. According to the difference of each person's martial soul, the soul skills obtained will have some changes.

  Ms. Ma is looking forward to the change of Mo Bai's first ring skills in a good direction.

   "Well, I did it!"

   "My first soul skill is this!"

   "The first soul skill Blue Silver Sword Rain!"

  Mo Bai nodded with a smile, and then directly displayed his first soul skill towards the open space in the distance.


  The blue silver grass in Mo Bai's hands grew against the wind and doubled in size in an instant. Then the body of the blue silver grass shook slightly, and dozens of leaves shot out from the blue silver grass and fell towards the ground in front of Mo Bai.

   This attack method is exactly the same as the attack sent out by the Sword Bamboo Guardian Domain before.

  Mo Bai carefully felt the consumption of soul power in his body, and found that one-fifth of his soul power was consumed all at once.

   Moreover, judging by its destructive power, it was really not very good. The dozens of sword leaves fired quickly dissipated on the ground, and they didn't last long.

However, Mo Bai was not disappointed. It is expected that the soul ability is weak, and the sword leaves fired are weak. It does not mean that the leaves picked from the blue silver grass body are also weak. Mo Bai discovered the strength of the sword leaves fired. , much weaker than the one picked from the blue silver grass itself.

  And what Mobai took a fancy to was the leaves that were plucked from the body of the blue silver grass.

   "Hey~ It really is like this!"

   Teacher Ma sighed inwardly when he saw this.

  Dozens of attacks look gorgeous, but their power is too weak.

   The damage caused by Mo Bai's first soul skill, a soul master of the same level as Mo Bai, can easily resist it as long as he protects his body with soul power.

  The disadvantage is not only weak in lethality, but also consumes a lot of soul power.

   This is also the reason why sword bamboo is so easy to hunt, basically no soul master will hunt it.

   "That's right, your martial soul is Blue Silver Grass, to be a soul master is already quite powerful!"

  But after thinking about it, Teacher Ma still couldn't bear to hit Mo Bai, so he praised Mo Bai instead.

   There is no need for him to say it, he believes that after a while, Mo Bai himself will understand the shortcomings of his first soul ability.

  Now the little guy has just become a soul master, let him be happy!

"By the way, go back to the branch hall of the Wuhun Temple in Notting City to certify your soul master level. If you become a soul master, you will be able to get a subsidy of one gold soul coin every month. In this way, the job that the school arranges for you You can resign!"

   "Also, you have to remember that these subsidies are all issued by the empire, and Wuhundian is only sending them on behalf of you!"

  At the same time, Mr. Ma didn't forget to remind Mo Bai to go to the branch hall of Wuhun Temple to confirm the level of soul master.

   "Yes, I see! Thank you teacher!"

   Mo Bai nodded.

  At the same time, I also feel a little strange, the subsidy for the soul master is obviously provided by the empire, why should the Wuhun Palace send it on its behalf?

   Isn’t this an idiot?

  How can such a matter of winning over people's hearts be handed over to other forces for distribution!

  But Mo Bai just complained in his heart, these are none of his business.

   Seeing how Mr. Ma specifically pointed it out, it is obvious that he does not have a good impression of the world's largest sect, Wuhundian!

   "Well, then let's go, go back!"

   Teacher Ma replied.

  Since the purpose of absorbing the first soul ring has been completed, it is natural to leave as soon as possible. Although there are not many dangerous soul beasts in this captive soul beast forest, there is still a certain risk of encountering them.


  After returning to Notting City, Teacher Ma went back to school first. There is no danger in Notting City, and no one is required to go to the Wuhun Hall for certification.

  Mo Bai went to the branch hall of Wuhun Hall alone.

  Mo Bai was a little curious and wanted to see if Wuhundian would explain that the subsidy came from the empire when he received the subsidy later.


   Thanks to the leader of [Mu Yuan Yuan], and thanks to [160618235029349] for the reward!



  (end of this chapter)