MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 174 The shock of Qiandaoliu

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  Chapter 174 Qian Daoliu's Shock

  The test of the Angel family?

  Is it the inheritance of Angel God?

   Mo Bai thought to himself, he was also happy for Qian Renxue.

  With Qian Renxue's talent, he should be able to obtain the inheritance of the Angel God. Qian Renxue's talent is the strongest he knows.

  Innate full soul power level 20 ah!

  If such talent cannot be inherited by the angel god, it can only be said that the angel god's requirements are too high, or he is not willing to pass on the position of god.

  Actually, Mo Bai has always had doubts about the inheritance of the gods and the examination of the gods.

   Is that true?

  Those gods, why are they willing to pass on their positions?

  What are they after passing on the **** position?

   To become a **** at level 100, isn't it through self-cultivation?

  Why must it be obtained through the inheritance of God?

Etc., etc…

  Mo Bai has always had these doubts, but what he has learned so far is not enough to explain it to him.

  Too many doubts, Mo Bai can't know the truth for the time being.

   "Great offering, since Qian Renxue is in retreat, I will come again next time!"

   Afterwards, Mo Bai looked at Qian Daoliu and said.


  Qian Daoliu heard that he stopped Mo Bai, and then said: "Since you are here, and you are Xiaoxue's favorite, let me see your strength before leaving!"

  Qian Daoliu rarely saw a monster like Mo Bai, so he naturally wanted to test Mo Bai's strength himself.


   Good guy, yesterday was tested by Qian Renxue's mother, today it's Qian Renxue's grandpa's turn!

   Are you going to fight on wheels?

   "Yes, great offering."

   Mo Bai immediately nodded in agreement.

  Qian Daoliu is willing to test him, and he is also willing to see for himself how strong the legendary Peak Douluo is.

   "Okay, come with me!"

  Seeing that Mo Bai agreed without any fear, Qian Daoliu nodded in satisfaction, then turned around and led the way.

  Here is not the place to do it.

   It will alarm Qian Renxue in the main hall.

  Now Qian Renxue is praying devoutly for 108 days, and no interruptions are allowed.

  After the prayer is over, Qian Renxue can be tested by the Angel God.

  Mo Bai followed Qian Daoliu and went straight out of Wuhun City.

  Qian Daoliu's speed is extremely fast, and it seems that he also intends to test Mo Bai in terms of speed, but Mo Bai is closely following Qian Daoliu.

   This surprised Qian Daoliu in front, not to mention other things, this speed is not weaker than a titled Douluo level powerhouse.

   "Fifth Soul Skill Sacred Sword!"

After arriving at a suitable place, Qian Daoliu stopped, and casually condensed a holy sword condensed with sacred flames from the void, which was grabbed by Qian Daoliu domineeringly, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at Mo Bai. . The soul skills are exactly the same as Qian Renxue's.

  Qian Daoliu actually displayed his soul skills without summoning the Spirit Hall.

  Seeing such a scene, Mo Bai couldn't help being secretly surprised.

   But it was just a little surprise, didn't Mo Bai himself also master the ability to hide the soul ring? Qian Daoliu has been a peak Douluo for so many years, and it is normal to study other ones under the condition that his strength cannot be improved by an inch.

   "Blue silver has a soul, endless life!"

Seeing the scene of Qiandaoliu showing off his skills, Mo Bai couldn't help but came forward, stomped his feet lightly, and countless dark blue and silver emperors climbed up from Mo Bai's body, and the blue and silver swords and leaves on them were one after another. They fell off, and then hovered around Mobai's body one by one.

  Thousands of blue and silver sword leaves were in place in an instant, and the aura on Mo Bai's side also opened up in an instant.

   And Mo Bai made such a movement, none of the soul rings on his body appeared.

   "Haha, good, not bad!"

   Seeing such a scene, Qian Daoliu's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he laughed and praised.

   "Come on, let me see if these soul skills of yours are just for nothing!"

  Then, Qian Daoliu raised the sacred sword in his hand again, pointing the tip of the sword at Mobai.

   "Big worshiper be careful!"

   "Wan Ye Fei Hua Liu · Wan Jian returns to the sect!"

  Mo Bai was no longer polite, and as he waved his hand, the countless blue and silver sword leaves behind him flew towards Qian Daoliu.


  Each blue silver sword leaf exploded at a faster speed driven by the jet of flames, and they all attacked Qian Daoliu in the blink of an eye.

"So fast!"

  Qian Daoliu narrowed his pupils slightly, and hastily swung the sacred sword in his hand, constantly blocking Mo Bai's attacks.

  Ding Ding Ding—

  After hitting those blue and silver sword leaves, Qian Daoliu discovered that Mo Bai's attacks were not only amazing in number, but also the strength of each blue and silver sword leaf was astonishing.

  Just after making a move, Qian Daoliu had to be shocked to find that Mo Bai's strength should not be weaker than Ju Douluo.

  Because Mo Bai's attack style is very similar to Ju Douluo's, Qian Daoliu compared Ju Douluo with Mo Bai.

   "The sword is like a dragon, and the double dragon is strangled!"

  Seeing that Qian Daoliu had blocked his attack with only the holy sword in his hand, Mo Bai stopped being polite, and he unleashed the countless blue and silver sword leaves that swirled around him continuously.

  This time, countless blue and silver sword leaves gathered into two giant dragons, and they clawed at Qian Daoliu with Zhang Yawu.

  Ding Ding Ding—

  After Qian Daoliu went up to meet him, he soon discovered that he could not block Mo Bai's attack with only the sacred sword in his hand.

   "Seventh Soul Skill Angel Avatar!"


  Finally, Qian Daoliu had no choice but to summon the martial soul, and directly used his angelic body.

   "The third soul skill, Holy Shield!"

  Then, Qian Daoliu used a defensive soul skill, and opened a golden shield from his body, blocking all of Mo Bai's attacks.

   "Thousands of Leaves Flying Flower Flow·Sword Rain Continuously!"

   Seeing that Qian Daoliu was still fighting in a defensive manner, Mo Bai secretly smiled, and the blue silver sword leaf in the air bombarded Qian Daoliu continuously.

  Mo Bai wants to see when Qian Daoliu will fight back.

   Blind defense may not necessarily prevent his attack.

  Ding Ding Ding~~~

  Qian Daoliu with the holy shield open is like a boulder in a rainstorm, being mercilessly bombarded by the rainstorm.

   "This kid, is the soul power so strong?"

   "Such an attack can last for such a long time!"

   "Even if it is a titled Douluo, it may not necessarily have such a strong soul power!"

  Under Mobai's storm-like attack, Qian Daoliu was extremely shocked.

  He found that even if he used the spirit avatar, if he just kept defending, he might really be unable to defend.

   Discovering this, Qian Daoliu was very shocked. The strength shown by Mo Bai in front of him is really not weaker than Title Douluo.

  The other party is just a soul emperor, right?

   No wonder Qian Renxue fell in love with this kid, this kid is really outstanding.

   No, it should be said to be a monster.

  Haven't even cast the Martial Soul Avatar yet, it's so powerful, it's a monster.


   Seeing that the sacred shield on his body was about to be shattered, Qian Daoliu finally stopped passive defense. He shouted angrily, and launched a counterattack with the sacred sword in his hand.

   Also, I don't know what soul skill or soul bone skill Qian Daoliu used, but Qian Daoliu's figure came to Mo Bai in an instant, and attacked Mo Bai with the sacred sword in his hand.

  Qian Daoliu has countless combat experiences, so he naturally knows that close combat is the best way to deal with an enemy like Mo Bai.

  Do not give the opponent an overwhelming attack full of numerical advantages.


   It's just that Mo Bai won't let Qian Daoliu get close easily. As soon as Qian Daoliu's figure appeared, Mo Bai teleported to distance himself.

   "The first soul skill Angel Assault!"

   "Sixth soul skill Angel Roar!"

   Even if Mo Bai opened the distance, after Qian Daoliu started to attack actively, the opponent's soul skills were connected and used, and he immediately grasped the rhythm of the battle, forcing Mo Bai to passively dodge and defend.

  Under Qiandaoliu's active attack, Mobai's Wanye Feihualiu is difficult to perform.

   Forced to keep dodging and defending, he fell into a passive state all of a sudden.

  Mo Bai also had to admit in his heart that he was worthy of being a peak Douluo. If he became serious, the fighting rhythm would be completely controlled by the opponent.

  Finally, after a fierce battle between the two sides, when Mo Bai was about to lose, Qian Daoliu took the initiative to stop.

   "Yes, your strength is beyond my expectation!"

   "But it's not enough, if you want to keep up with Xiaoxue, then keep working hard!"

  Qian Daoliu, who stopped his hands, praised Mo Bai, and then did not forget to hit Mo Bai, to let Mo Bai know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

   "Yes, thank you for your teaching!"

  Mo Bai also put away his martial soul, and thanked Qian Daoliu.

  He knew that what Qian Daoliu said was for his own good.

  And in the battle just now, although Qian Daoliu didn't speak out to give pointers, he told Mo Bai a lot of things that Mo Bai needs to pay attention to through the way of fighting.

  Although Mo Bai felt that it was useless, because Qian Daoliu was too strong to suppress him.

  Switch to someone else, can you let him try to suppress him like Qian Daoliu?

  Anyway, Mobai accepts Qian Daoliu's kindness.

   "Well, let's go back!"

   "After Xiaoxue accepts the assessment of the Angel Clan, you will come to her again!"

   "There is still more than a month, you don't need to look for her!"

  Qian Daoliu nodded, and then took the lead to leave.

   "Hiss, this old man is a bit ruthless!"

   "It seems that even if she agrees with Qian Renxue's choice of me, she is still a little dissatisfied with me for abducting his granddaughter!"

  Looking at the direction Qian Daoliu left, Mo Bai rubbed his shoulders and stretched his whole body.

   "Today's lesson, I will get it back from Qian Renxue another day!"

  Mo Bai chuckled, and then left the place.


  Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

   Today, Niu Gao brought two thousand Zhuge Liannu, the latest concealed weapon made by the Tang Sect, and completed the order from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

   "Sect Master Ning, all the Zhuge Liannu ordered by your sect are already here!"

  Niu Gao smiled at Ning Fengzhi.

   "Okay, not bad!"

   "With this batch of hidden weapons, all the disciples of our sect can equip them. After returning, thank you sect masters for me!"

   "If there is a need in the future, our sect will still order from the Tang sect!"

   Ning Fengzhi was also extremely happy to receive this batch of hidden weapons.

   Before Tang San established the Tang Sect, he had deals with Mo Bai on hidden weapons, but the number was always small.

  Since Tang San established the Tang Sect, the number of hidden weapons has only kept up.

  As for Tang San's hidden weapons, the one he ordered the most was the Zhuge Liannu. In his opinion, this hidden weapon was most suitable for the disciples of their sect, allowing all disciples of the sect to have the power to protect themselves.

  With Zhuge Liannu in hand, if the enemy mistakenly thinks that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is just a support and has no means of attack, they will be caught off guard, even if it is Contra, they may be counter-killed.

  Under normal circumstances, with the assistance of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, it may not be enough to deal with the Soul Sage, but it should be no problem to deal with the Soul Emperor.

  With these hidden weapons, the fighting power of their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School more than doubled in an instant.

   "Sect Master Ning is polite, I will bring the words to our sect master!"

   Niu Gao laughed.

   After delivering the hidden weapons, Niu Gao left with the people from the Tang Sect.

   Now, the sect of the Tang Sect has been established, and the Tang Sect is also very busy now.

  Under Yu Xiaogang's suggestion, Tang Sect has already used the hidden weapon Tang San handed over to them, reached deals with many sects, and established relationships.

   "With these hidden weapons, the strength of our sect is undoubtedly stronger. These hidden weapons are really good things!"

   "I don't know how that boy Tang San came up with it, but he was able to forge so many unimaginable weapons!"

   Bone Douluo who was beside Ning Fengzhi laughed at Ning Fengzhi after seeing Niu Gao and others leave.

   "Well, now our sect's strength has greatly increased!"

   Sword Douluo also laughed.

  He also has a deep understanding of the power of hidden weapons. Ning Rongrong, who was almost using hidden weapons, almost capsized the gutter.

  So he is also very aware of the power of hidden weapons.

   "Not only us, but also other sects. Tang Sect is now making every effort to create hidden weapons and sell them to various sects!"

   "While drawing closer the relationship between the various sects, they are also strengthening the strength of the various sects, and at the same time relying on the wealth obtained from the transaction to strengthen themselves!"

   "I have to say, Master is really amazing!"

   "With these actions of the master, it will not be so easy for Wuhundian to suppress the sects of the world in the future!"

  Ning Fengzhi laughed when he heard the words.

  He is also very clear about the current situation of Tangmen.

   At the same time, he also knew that Yu Xiaogang was helping Tang San deal with Wuhundian.

  Bring the relationship between the major sects closer, trade hidden weapons to strengthen them, and the weakened one is naturally the Wuhun Hall without hidden weapons.

   And all of this has not alarmed the Hall of Spirits yet.

  Because Yu Xiaogang ordered all sects not to use hidden weapons unless necessary, so as not to let the Hall of Spirits know the power of hidden weapons too early.

   Except for those sects who took refuge in the Spirit Hall, the major sects quite agree with the matter of strengthening themselves and weakening the Spirit Hall.

  In these years, everyone has actually had enough of the strength and strength of Wuhundian.

   "Yes, it will be fun when all sect forces have popularized this kind of hidden weapon, but Wuhundian does not!"

   "I see if Wuhundian can continue to be so arrogant!"

   Bone Douluo laughed in agreement when he heard this.


   Thanks to 【Great Yisi】【mhdultdu】【20210225234820977】【Social Phobia】【Life Is Like a Dream】【Khrushchev】All book friends for their rewards!



  (end of this chapter)