MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 197 kill three scumbags

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  Chapter 197 Killing the Three Bitches


   "Not happy, you are too mean!"

   "I heard that the girl you found yesterday is the best!"

   "It's wrong to always eat alone!"

  On the central square of Suotuo City, three figures wandered arrogantly.

  Two of the figures kept scolding the unhappy one in the middle.

  These three people are the three wretched men, Bu Le, E Kao and Tian Ya.

  The strength of the three of them is not low, Bu Le is the soul king, E Kao and Tian Ya are the soul emperors, and the three are often together. In this Suotuo City, they can basically walk sideways.

  This is also the reason why, for so many years, the three scumbags have been safe and sound after committing crimes in Sotuo City.

   "Hehe, I got it, next time I must bring my two brothers!"

   Not happy to hear the scolding of the two brothers, he laughed and didn't care too much.

   Occasionally eating alone is a very cool thing.

   "You guys are in a good mood..."

   But at this moment, a voice sounded in front of them.

   The unhappy three looked up only to realize that a handsome man appeared in front of them at some point and stopped them.

   "Little devil, who are you? Are you stopping us from courting death?"

   Not happy to see Mo Bai's handsome appearance, immediately upset.

   "Someone wants to settle accounts with you!"

  Mo Bai looked at the three of Bule and smiled.

   "Fifth Soul Skill: Explosive Killing Eight-Dan Fall!"

  Afterwards, Mo Bai didn't talk nonsense, and directly displayed his fifth soul skill, summoning Xiao Wu.

   brush ~

  Xiao Wu's soul body quickly condensed beside Mo Bai.

"It's you…"

  Seeing Xiao Wu's figure, unhappy eyes suddenly turned red.

  Xiao Wu's appearance hasn't changed for so many years, so Bu Le recognized her at a glance.

   It was this nasty girl who broke many bones in his body and made him lie on the bed for several months.

   Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

   "Brothers, kill this man, this woman is the girl who hurt me at the beginning, didn't you complain that I ate alone last night? Let's enjoy this together tonight!"

  Afterwards, Bule spoke to the two brothers E Kao and Tian Ya next to him.

   "Okay, this little girl is also top-notch!"

   "Something is wrong!"

   "How did this girl appear?"

  Hearing the unhappy words, E Kao agreed with a smile, but Tian Ya became a little dignified.

  Because he didn't see how Xiao Wu appeared just now, it seemed to appear beside Mo Bai out of nowhere, it was too weird, so he had to be careful.

  Xiao Wu became even more angry when she heard what she said.

   Sure enough, the previous lesson is not long-term memory for the other party. The other party is still so evil, and after seeing her, he still wants to defile her again.


  The angry Xiao Wu flashed his figure, and directly used the explosive killing eight-dan throw to attack Bu Le.

"So fast!"

  Bu Le saw Xiao Wu's figure appearing in front of him in an instant, he was shocked and yelled in his heart that it was not good.


  Just before he could summon his martial soul, his figure was hit by Xiao Wu.

   bang bang bang—

   Immediately afterwards, a total of eight consecutive moves were released by Xiao Wu. The figure of Bu Le was like a ball, and was continuously kicked by Xiao Wu in the air, and the last blow fell to the ground fiercely.


  The unhappy figure smashed down hard, and instantly smashed a huge human-shaped pit out of the ground.


  Bu Le stared at each other, blood spurted out of his mouth like a fountain, then he tilted his head and died completely.



  The other two of the three scumbags, E Kao and Tian Ya, were killed when they saw that they were unhappy, and they immediately cried out in shock.

   "So strong!"

   "Too strong, let's run!"

  However, apart from anger, the two were more afraid. They quickly summoned their own martial souls and tried to escape.

   This Xiao Wu is too scary.

  Although Kule's level was lower than theirs, they knew that even if they were hit by Xiao Wu just now, they couldn't dodge it, and the consequences would be the same.

   Besides, in addition to Xiao Wu, there is also Mo Bai with an even more extraordinary temperament, how dare they stay to avenge Bu Le!


   Facing the escaped Goose Kao and Bule, Mo Bai casually threw out two blue and silver sword leaves.

  Under the great difference in strength, Mo Bai didn't bother to use Wanye Feihualiu, and directly threw two blue and silver sword leaves with hidden weapons.



  E Kao and Tianya, who were fleeing quickly, suddenly trembled, and both of them were hit in the back of the heart by the blue silver sword leaves poisoned by Mobai.



   Immediately afterwards, the figures of E Kao and Tian Ya fell to the ground, bleeding from seven holes in a short while, and they were directly poisoned to death.

  The two soul emperors had no power to resist in front of Mo Bai.


   "Three scumbags..."

   "Three of them were killed..."

   "So strong, who is that?"

   "Great, the three scumbags were finally killed!"


  Because it was in the central square, the scene of Mo Bai killing the three scumbags naturally caught the eyes of many people around.

  When they found out that the three of Bule were killed by Mo Bai, they immediately exclaimed, both surprised and relieved.

   These people have hated the three lowly guests for a long time.

   Now seeing the killing of the three scumbags, I am happy to hear it, very happy.

  The scourge of Suo Tuo City finally died.

   "Bule, Ekao, and Tianya have repeatedly violated the safety of the people, and their crimes are unforgivable!"

   "I am the law enforcement officer of Wuhundian, and I have killed him now!"

   "In the future, any soul masters who do evil can report to the Hall of Spirits!"

   "The law enforcement team of Wuhundian will definitely not tolerate evil spirit masters!"

   After killing Goose Kao and Tianya, Mo Bai looked at the surrounding crowd and said a few words slowly, revealing his identity.

   is the law enforcement officer of Wuhun Temple.

   After finishing speaking, Mo Bai left directly.

   "It turned out to be the law enforcement officer of Wuhun Temple!"

   "Sure enough, Wuhundian is reliable!"

   "Yes, only Wuhundian can truly protect our civilians!"

   "It used to be Wuhun Palace, now it is Wuhun Empire, and we are also members of Wuhun Empire now!"

   "Mmm, this feeling is really good!"

   "When my son grows up, I will let him join the Spirit Empire to protect everyone!"

"Me too…"

  Mo Bai left, and the rest of the audience began to discuss.

  At this moment, they really felt the difference between being a commoner of the Spirit Empire and the original.

  The original Bardock kingdom would not care about the oppression of commoners like them by soul masters.

  Now, the Wuhun Empire will take care of it.

  Although the time is a bit late, the Bardock Kingdom has been merged into the Wuhun Empire for a few months, but it has come after all.

  They like this Spirit Empire that can stand up for their civilians.

  With the fact that Mo Bai killed the three of Bule, the civilians in Suotuo City recognized the Wuhun Empire even more.


  (end of this chapter)