MTL - I’m In Douluo, I Ate the Blue Silver Emperor-Chapter 230 Expose, Shura field!

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  Chapter 230 Exposed, Shura Field!

  After entering the soul ring space, Mo Bai summoned the souls of Xiaowu's mothers from the two worlds from the depths of the space.

  Finally, Mo Bai simply and roughly used his divine power to slowly fuse the two souls together.

  The two souls have the same origin, and their memories are almost the same, but the worlds they live in are different.

  So the fusion of the two souls does not conflict with each other at all, just like two drops of water, they are easily fused together.


  A faint soul fluctuation suddenly vibrated from the fused soul of Xiaowu's mother.

  Mo Bai watched silently, and could feel that Xiaowu's mother's soul was constantly recovering, and her soul breath became stronger and more stable.

Beside   , Xiao Wu tightly grasped Mo Bai's hand, looking worriedly at her soul-fused mother.

  Even if she knew that Mo Bai would not lie to her, and she should be able to recover if she said she could recover, Xiao Wu was still worried, afraid what if she didn't succeed?

  Mo Bai silently held Xiao Wu's little hand, giving him silent comfort.

   Not long after, the soul fluctuations in Xiao Wu's mother completely subsided, and Xiao Wu's mother also slowly opened her eyes.


   Seeing Xiao Wu's mother wake up, Xiao Wu immediately pounced on her and hugged Xiao Wu's mother tightly.

  When Xiao Wu's mother saw Xiao Wu, she also hugged Xiao Wu tightly: "Xiao Wu!"

   Afterwards, it was naturally a scene of affection between mother and daughter.

  Mo Bai left quietly first, giving space to their mother and daughter.

   Come to think of it, they have a lot to tell!

  The fact is also the same. After Mo Bai left, Xiao Wu raised her head from her mother's arms after a while, and looked at Xiao Wu's mother crying with joy: "Mom, it's so great to see you again!"

   "Well, my mother is very happy to see Xiao Wu again!"

  Xiao Wu's mother also said emotionally.

   "Tell Mom what happened these years..."

  Subsequently, Xiao Wu's mother asked Xiao Wu, wanting to know what happened to her precious daughter all these years.

  Seeing that the other party is also in a soul state, Xiao Wu's mother is very sad and distressed.

   I don't know what happened to make Xiao Wu become like this!

   "Mmm..." Xiao Wu nodded, wiped away the tears of joy, and then slowly told Xiao Wu's mother what she had experienced in these years.

  When Xiao Wu's mother heard that Xiao Wu was forced to choose to sacrifice, she felt very sad.

   Finally hearing that Mo Bai had become a god, Xiao Wu's mother was also extremely shocked.

  My daughter randomly chooses a person to sacrifice, and as a result, that person becomes a god?

  The other party now not only promised to help her daughter be resurrected, but also promised to help her resurrect together.

   How lucky is Xiao Wu?

   "It seems that you have fallen in love with someone worthy of entrustment, so Mom can rest assured!"

   "But I remember she is still Bibi Dong's disciple, right?"

  Xiao Wu's mother said happily, but then she was worried, the relationship inside...

   Moreover, she knew that Mo Bai had that kind of relationship with Bibi Dong, and she used this to successfully escape from Bibi Dong.


  Xiao Wu nodded, and then softly told Xiao Wu's mother the current situation.

   Bibi Dong not only became Mo Bai's woman, but now also gave birth to a daughter for Mo Bai.

   "Mom, I'm sorry, I may not be able to avenge you, I promised that Mo Bai would not seek revenge from Bibidong!"

  Xiao Wu finally said with guilt.

   "It's okay, since this is your choice, of course mom supports you!"

   "And as long as mom sees you happy, isn't mom okay now? So don't be too sad!"

   "Our soul beasts are born to be hunted by soul masters, this is our destiny!"

   "We are very lucky to have such a result now!"

   "To see Xiao Wu again, my mother is already very content!"

  When Xiao Wu's mother heard Xiao Wu's words, she immediately smiled and comforted Xiao Wu.

  Xiao Wu’s mother really thinks so.

  Although it feels somewhat awkward that Xiao Wu and Bibi Dong became Mobai's woman together, who made Xiao Wu become Mobai's woman later?

   Moreover, Xiao Wu chose Bibi Dong after she knew that she was a mobai woman.

   This shows that Xiao Wu loves Mo Bai, as long as her daughter can be happy, she is fine.

  And as she said, after Mo Bai helped them revive, didn't they do the same?

   They are still alive in the end, so there is no need to worry too much!


  Mo Bai didn't pay attention to Xiao Wu's mother and daughter.

  Although he could know it if he wanted to.

  But Mo Bai obviously won't do that, just right!

  After his soul returned to his body, Mo Bai first found a town to learn about the changes in the world in the past six months.

  It was just what he learned, but it made Mo Bai inexplicably astonished.

  He only stayed in the parallel world for half a year, but when he came back, it was already two years later in this world.

   "Fuck, if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have gone to that world, wasting a year and a half!"

   "In two years, Tang San won't have obtained the Seagod's inheritance, right?"

   "It shouldn't be so. Even if it's been two years here, it's still a year or two behind the world over there!"

   "Tang San over there hasn't finished the divine test yet, and Tang San here must have not finished the divine test either!"

   "So, let's go back to the imperial capital first!"

   "For two years, I don't know what happened to Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue!"

  After being surprised for a while, Mo Bai left the town and headed directly towards Wuhun City.

  The current imperial capital is the former Wuhun City.

  Mo Bai wanted to go back quickly, but he didn't know that what was waiting for him there was a field of Shura.


  Soul Empire, the imperial capital.

  In a small garden in the backyard of the imperial capital, Qian Renxue was playing with a cute and delicate little girl.

   "Sister, sister!"

   "Don't let it get away, grab it..."

   "This way, my sister is here..."

   "Okay, my sister is the best, give it to my sister, give it to me quickly..."

  The little girl followed behind Qian Renxue's buttocks, constantly instructing Qian Renxue to catch butterflies in the garden, and finally let Qian Renxue catch them successfully.

   "Here, here you are, be careful not to squeeze too hard, or you will die!"

   After Qian Renxue caught the butterfly, she knelt down and gently handed the butterfly to her sister, Xixi!

   "Yeah, thank you sister, sister is the best!"

   After taking the butterfly carefully, Xixi did not forget to thank her sister sweetly.

   "Well, Xixi is the best!"

  When Qian Renxue heard Xixi's praise, her face was also full of doting smiles.

  Although she was very angry when she learned of Xixi's existence.

  Being angry with Bibi Dong is also angry with Mo Bai.

  She has always been reluctant to call Bibi Dong her mother, and has always called her sister, but she never thought that Bibi Dong would actually be her sister.

  How could she not be angry?

  But she couldn't get angry with Xixi. After Xixi knew that her sister existed, she often looked for her.

  At first Qian Renxue didn't want to talk to Xi Xi, but every time Xi Xi yelled sweetly, Qian Renxue was forced to talk to Xi Xi in the end.

   Then, Qian Renxue found that she couldn't hate Xixi at all, and felt that kind of affection for the first time in Xixi's sweet call.

   That kind of soft, waxy family affection.

With her grandfather and Bibi Dong, she had never felt this kind of family affection, and her grandfather Qian Daoliu sacrificed to help her complete the divine test, Qian Renxue especially cherished the intimacy that Xixi brought her, so Xixi was quickly accepted.

  But she just accepted Xixi, but didn't forgive Bibi Dong.

  Mobai, let alone think about it.

   "That Hundan, I don't know where he went. When he comes back, we must find him to settle the score!"

   "It's only been two years, where can he go?"

   "Isn't it because you knew that things were exposed, so you hid?"

  While playing with Xixi, Qian Renxue couldn't help but think of Mo Bai full of resentment.

  In the palace, Bibi Dong looked at Qian Renxue who was playing with Xixi from a distance, with a smile in her eyes.

  The decision to let Xixi pester Qian Renxue was indeed correct.

   "It's just that it's not that easy to ask Xiaoxue to forgive my mother!"


   Then Bibi Dong sighed again.

  The reason why she and Qian Renxue knew each other was because Qian Renxue came to her after she became a god, and happened to see her and Xixi.

  Bibi Dong didn't know about the relationship between Qian Renxue and Mo Bai at the time, since she was discovered, of course she introduced Xixi's existence to Qian Renxue, so that Qian Renxue would know that she actually had a younger sister.

   Qian Renxue was as she expected, after being shocked, she angrily asked who Xixi's father was.

  Bibi Dong naturally also knew that Qian Renxue liked Mo Bai before, so she said it outright, just to completely break Qian Renxue's love for Mo Bai.

  How do I know...

  After she said it, Qian Renxue was shocked and angry, and told her directly with a sneer that she had already become Mobai's woman.

  After Bibi Dong heard about it, she asked when it happened.

   After a confrontation between the two, they both understood the truth of the matter.

   It was Qian Renxue who first became Mobai's woman.

  Bibi Dong also discovered that it was actually the man who robbed Qian Renxue.

   Well, she also grabbed it directly at the beginning, but she didn't expect that Qian Renxue and Mo Bai were actually together before she started to grab it.

  If she knew, she...

  Thinking of her former self, Bibi Dong felt that even if she knew about it, she would not let Mo Bai go and give up completing the eighth test of Rakshasa God.

   "Xiao Xue, I'm sorry, Mom didn't know you were with Mo Bai before!"

   "But now that things are like this, it can only be regarded as my mother's sorry for you!"

   "With Xixi, mother will not give up on Mobai, you can join us, so that we can be together forever!"

   Feeling ashamed of Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong later had a showdown with Qian Renxue.

   also spoke out about her decision.

   shows her attitude.

   It's just that Qian Renxue didn't want to accept it, and directly angrily scolded her for shamelessly stealing her daughter's man, and then left angrily.

   Until now, Qian Renxue has not looked for her again.

   "It's all the fault of that **** Mobai!"

  Besides struggling, Bibi Dong also thought of Mo Bai who caused all this, and hated it too much.

  She really didn't expect that Mo Bai would be so bold as to step on two boats between her and Qian Renxue.

   It is impossible to say that you are not angry.

  Since he is already with Qian Renxue, then when he was in the secret room, this **** should have spoken out.

   "That **** had a chance to say it back then!"

   "If he said it, it wouldn't be like this!"

   Bibi Dong thought angrily.

  Although even if Mo Bai said it at that time, she probably would not give up the plan.

  But if Mo Bai doesn't say anything, it's Mo Bai's fault.

  The results are the same, but the results are different.

   "But speaking of it, where did that **** go?"

   "Isn't it true that the matter was exposed and ran away?"

  Finally, Bibi Dong also wondered if Mo Bai ran away and hid.

   Otherwise, with Mo Bai's strength, it is impossible to disappear without a trace for such a long time.

   "Huh? Back?"

   Immediately afterwards, Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes lit up, and she looked up to the front left.

  In that direction, she sensed Mobai's breath.

  At this time, she, like Qian Renxue, has already completed the Rakshasa **** test to become a god, so she can easily perceive Mobai's breath.

   "Mo Bai's soul is light, has he finally returned?"

  At the same time, Qian Renxue in the small garden also raised her head to look in the direction where Mo Bai came back.

   "Xiaoxue, come here with Xixi in your arms!"

   "Let's wait for that **** together!"

  At this moment, Bibi Dong's voice rang in Qian Renxue's ear.


   Qian Renxue nodded slightly after hearing the words.

   "Xi Xi, Dad is back, okay? My sister will take you to see Dad now, okay?"

   Immediately, Qian Renxue bent down and said to Xixi with a smile.

   "Huh? Is Dad back?"

  Xixi's big eyes lit up when she heard Qian Renxue's words, and she said in surprise, "Where is it? Where is Dad?"

  Obviously, Xixi was very happy when he heard that Mo Bai had returned.

  Seeing Xixi's happy look, Qian Renxue couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive, and hugged Xixi: "Your father hasn't arrived yet, I'll take you to find your mother first, and then your father should be here soon!"


   "I want to wait for Dad!"

  Xixi immediately smiled and nodded upon hearing this.

   Qian Renxue immediately hugged Xixi, and with a few flashes, she came in front of Bibi Dong.

"Mommy mommy…"

   "My sister said that Dad is back, is it true?"

  After Xixi saw Bibi Dong, she asked Bibi Dong happily.

   "Well, that's right, your dad is coming back soon!"

   Bibidong answered Xixi with a smile, and then looked at Qian Renxue: "Wait... No matter what, we have to teach him a lesson first!"

   "I know, I won't let him go so easily!"

   Qian Renxue snorted coldly.


  (end of this chapter)