MTL - I’m Really a Great Director-Chapter 85 Lonely Six Lang's Pride

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After a few seconds of black screen, the first frame of the film appears.

In the picture, there is a snow-white ceiling and a half-new incandescent lamp.

After the scene was still for about ten seconds, an old woman's face appeared from the left.

The old woman was in tears, and the tears fell down and dripped toward the camera.

This shot is very interesting. It actually represents the perspective of a "vegetative person" lying on a hospital bed, so this tear dripped directly on the lens.

Then the screen turned orange.

A line of small words appeared in the lower left: Emotional sadness...

A voiceover appeared, and someone beside him comforted: "Auntie, don't worry, Mr. Guo will wake up soon."

During this nearly 30 seconds, the viewing angle has been fixed.

In other words, the vegetative person looked at everything in front of him motionless.

In the last second of the trailer, the screen suddenly turned orange, and four small words appeared at the bottom left:

Emotional anger.

After these four small characters were hidden, the screen returned to a black screen, and then the title "I am a vegetable" appeared again, and it was over.

"Hehe, what does this mean? It's a mystery!"

After watching this trailer, the second monk Liao Yu was at a loss.

In particular, the last picture turned into color twice, what does this mean?

Look at the comments below the trailers, and the top ones are Shan Yao's own words.

[Everyone, the new film starts, find a good day and auspicious day, it can be released, please support! 】

Many fans left messages.

[The new brain hole strikes! 】

[It's very flavorful, it seems to be another brain-burning film]

[There is a lot of anticipation, Rokuro, come on! 】

[Very good idea, although I feel a little embarrassed]

[Witness the re-rise of Rokuro! 】


Liao Yu looked at these messages and sneered.

These people must not understand, but they pretend to enjoy it.

Frowning, Liao Yu reviewed the trailer of Lonely Liulang again, but still couldn't find a clue.

But his intuition told him that it was just Lone Rokuro's ambition.

Yes, Lonely Rokuro seems to be ready to do things in the plot category.

In fact, the trailer of Lonely Rokuro was released within ten hours, and it immediately attracted a lot of attention. It is true that some people saw the doorway from the trailer and analyzed a lot of guesses.

And people who don't understand, also guess the content and plot of the film, so the comment area is quite lively.

Regardless of the effect, the gimmick of Lonely Rokuro is not bad. This 30-second trailer has successfully aroused great curiosity, and they have been discussing what the story is going to be.


Behind the computer screen, Lonely Rokuro looked at everyone's comments and guesses and smiled.

He deeply knows that in the drama category, everyone is already very disgusted with vulgar routines, and he is looking forward to a film with a clear mind and a complete anti-routine.

So, he will bring to everyone a storytelling technique never seen before!

The current Lonely Rokuro is like one more dimension than others. Humans who are looking at the two-dimensional plane world are at a loss to understand everything in the three-dimensional world.

He enjoys this high-dimensional vision.

At this moment, the phone rang, and he received a video chat from Ouyang Xingyu.

"Congratulations, congratulations, the trailer is out, when will it be painted?" In the video, Ouyang Xingyu has a charming smile as always.

Lonely Liulang and Ouyang Xingyu have a secret personal relationship. In Lonely Liulang's view, Ouyang Xingyu can be regarded as his confidante.

"Wait for Liao Yu, otherwise the killing will be unpleasant." Lonely Rokuro said with a smile.

"You are so confident that you can defeat Liao Yu? They have Liu Minzhi in battle!"

"My film, how should I put it, is powerful enough to kill everything in seconds. Not to mention the plot category, even if it is placed in other categories, the same is true."

Lonely Rokuro's expression was serious, not funny at all.

"Then... I congratulate you in advance." Ouyang Xingyu smiled awkwardly.

"By the way, have you watched the trailer? To be honest, do you understand what I'm going to say?"

"I don't understand at all." Ouyang Xingyu shook his head.

"That's it! The energy contained in this film must be slowly reflected in the serialization. You know, this is a completely novel narrative method."

"Can the audience tolerate this slow heat?"

"This is not a slow heat, this is a change in viewing habits!" Lonely Rokuro corrected.

Ouyang Xingyu could only applaud: "Then let's wait and see! I wish you success and success in reaching the top of the sales list."

"Monthly sales list?"

Lonely Rokuro smiled.

The monthly sales list is nothing, he wants to use one movie to make the whole plot category have a big earthquake!

"You know, the storyline has been weak for a long time, it needs a storm to destroy everything, and then rebuild everything..."

Lonely Rokuro closed his eyes and said slowly.

Ouyang Xingyu knows the personality of Lonely Rokuro very well. This man is indeed talented, but always has a high self-esteem and is surprisingly narcissistic.

If Liao Yu is often moved by his own works, then Lonely Rokuro is moved by his own wishful thinking.

Of course, Ouyang Xingyu with a high emotional intelligence will not throw cold water on him.

"It seems that Li Fanxi is about to release a new work, and it's likely to be released at the same time as Liao Yu." Ouyang Xingyu asked in a low voice, "Do you know anything about Li Fanxi's strength?"

Lonely Liulang shook his head: "Li Fanxi? Nonono, I don't care about this kind of rookie at all. Because I know that as long as I kill Liao Yu, it will be a success, and others are just flowers and plants to me."

Seeing Lonely Liulang being so confident in this, Ouyang Xingyu couldn't help but secretly worry about Li Fanxi.

Liao Yu has the big flow of Liu Minzhi, Lonely Liulang has a new narrative technique, what does Li Fanxi have?

In the face of the two masters fighting together, will he be exhausted?


CQ, the villa of the mountain demon.

The mountain demon is having breakfast.

SALLY, sitting next to him, reports some new information to him while looking at his phone.

Shan Yao has a very firm point of view. He believes that "attention" is the most precious thing in the world, and he will never waste it.

As a last resort, he does not surf the Internet, entertain, or communicate with strangers.

And put all your attention on what you are best at and love the most - cranial shadow production.

Of course, he also needs to accept new news from the outside world, so during the half hour of breakfast, SALLY will select the information and tell him.

SALLY first talk about the works that perform well in the horror category.

"The comprehensive ranking of "The Chainsaw" has risen from the eighth place to the second place." SALLY said in a flat tone.

The spoon in Shan Yao's hand paused slightly.

He didn't expect Li Fanxi to chase so fast.