MTL - I’m the Hero, His Brother, Wear It Quickly-Chapter 271 Sanxian【05】

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Ji Yuanxiao was harassed by the suitors of Hongyan in Yuhe Palace, he didn't care much, he felt that this was the tempering before he brought the beauty back.

But not everyone is willing to embarrass him in a measured way. When he was out looking for elixir for Hongyan, he was blocked by a second generation of immortals. The second generation of immortals ordered people to kill him without saying a word. , tricks are fatal.

Ji Yuanxiao is not a soft persimmon. Although his aptitude is not good, the resources that Yuanjia spends on him are not in vain. , he succeeded in killing the second generation of Xian.

It was just that Ji Yuanxiao had just killed him regardless of the threat of the second immortal generation, and a blood-red streamer flew out from the corpse and disappeared into Ji Yuanxiao's body.

This kind of change made his face suddenly change: "Oh, this kid actually has a tracing technique on him!"

This blood-red streamer is nothing else, it is a kind of secret technique that can only be performed by experts in the fusion stage, called the tracking technique. This tracking technique is sealed in the human body. Once the person is killed, the tracking technique will automatically lock the murderer. Even if they flee to the ends of the earth, those who perform the tracking technique can also find the trace of the murderer.

Ji Yuanxiao killed this second immortal unprepared, and was hit with the tracing technique sealed in the second immortal body.

According to the threat of this immortal second generation during his lifetime, his father was an elder in the integration period of Yuhe Palace.

The identity of Ji Yuanxiao's murderer could not be hidden. Even if he was forced to kill him, it was a legitimate defense, but he had no evidence. His father, the second generation of Xian, wanted to avenge his son, and he would definitely not let it go.

Ji Yuanxiao's first reaction after being hit with the tracing technique was not whether he would die at the hands of the elders of Yuhe Palace in this fusion period, but whether he would cause trouble for his eldest brother again.

He looked at the corpse on the ground in a low mood, thinking that the backer behind the corpse was the elder of the Yuhe Palace in the integration period. Although his elder brother was not afraid, it would definitely affect the relationship between the elder brother and the Yuhe Palace, and maybe even provoke the Yuhe Palace. The master of loose immortals.

Ji Yuanxiao deeply regretted his behavior of coming to Yuhe Palace to pursue Hongyan. No matter how much he likes Hongyan, this relationship is not as good as the brotherhood between him and his eldest brother.

When he was ten years old, Ting Yangfeng practiced with his elder brother, and he went down the mountain when he was more than 100 years old. He was almost brought up by his elder brother. For him, he was also a father and a brother and a teacher. After the death of his parents, he was his only relative. , that is, his own life is less important in his heart than his eldest brother, let alone a love that has not yet blossomed.

The regret in his heart diluted his feelings for Hong Yan, and Ji Yuanxiao sent a message to contact the elder brother.

He's not the kind of person who is arrogant, he doesn't know how high the sky is, although he really wants to do things alone, take care of things by himself, and not implicate the big brother. But he also knew in his heart that he couldn't bear this matter, so he told his eldest brother as soon as possible that it was the best choice for him to prepare well.

When Yuan Jia received Ji Yuanxiao's subpoena, he was not surprised when he heard that he was framed for assassination, and then the man was killed by him. He got into trouble because of the tracing technique.

Well, the male protagonist, troublesome physical fitness, just get used to it.

Yuan Jia only said: "Stand still and don't move, I'll come to you."

Yuan Jia determined Ji Yuanxiao's position, and soon arrived with the fastest flying escape technique. He did not directly tear the space over, because tearing the space would produce strong spatial fluctuations, which would easily cause the power of the Yuhe Palace to attack. Notice.


Ji Yuanxiao stood there dumbfounded, guarding the corpses, especially the corpse of the second generation of immortals.

Suddenly, an inconspicuous streamer streaked across the sky and flew to Ji Yuanxiao's side. Ji Yuanxiao turned his head to look and shouted in surprise, "Big Brother!"

Yuan Jia nodded slightly, his eyes fell on the corpse on the ground, and with a wave of his hand, a hazy light shrouded this area. The blood splashed back into the body, the torn wounds closed and disappeared, and the long sword that was pierced was retracted... Everything was going backwards.

Ji Yuanxiao was stunned to see the scenes in front of him that time went backwards. He killed those who killed him, and the scenes of these people killing him were all displayed in reverse, including their conversations.

Yuan Jia kept turning back time until the second generation of Xian led people to ambush Ji Yuanxiao before he stopped. He used the universe in his sleeve to put away all the corpses on the ground, then turned to look at Ji Yuanxiao, and said lightly, "Let's go. ."

Ji Yuanxiao followed: "Big brother, where are you going?"

Yuan Jia said: "Go to the Yuhe Palace and ask the teacher to ask the crime."

Ji Yuanxiao was stunned for a moment, Xing Shi asked for guilt? His mood suddenly surged with excitement. Before, he was worried that killing the son of the elder of Yuhe Palace would bring trouble to the elder brother and himself. Unexpectedly, the elder brother took the initiative to come to the door and ask for the guilt.

From worrying about being blamed by others, to taking the initiative to go to the door to ask for blame, it feels so cool.

Yuan Jia stepped on the mountain gate of Yuhe Palace. The gatekeeper recognized Ji Yuanxiao, but he didn't know Yuan Jia, so he reached out and stopped him: "Who is coming?"

Yuanjia ignored the two gatekeeper disciples, raised his eyes to look at the vast and continuous Lingfeng within the huge gate of Yuhe Palace, and his voice echoed over the entire Yuhe Palace: "Gui Shizong Ji Yuanjia is here to meet the Palace Master of Yuhe Palace!"

All the disciples in the Yuhe Palace heard the sound and looked up, but did not see the main lord, and they discussed the content of the voice that echoed just now.

Many people are familiar with the name Ji Yuanjia, because Ji Yuanjia has only been famous for a short time, and his reputation is too great. If he has been famous for a long time, many of the new generation disciples may not know the original name of the senior, only the famous name.

But Ji Yuanjia is actually Yuan Zhenjun. The name is not as loud as his real name, because the name of his genius has already spread to the world of immortals. For example, Ji Yuanjia broke the record of the fastest breakthrough in the realm, and which master Ji Yuanjia defeated by leaps and bounds. , Ji Yuanjia escaped the assassination of which demon powerhouse...

As soon as the people in Yuhe Palace heard the name Ji Yuanjia, they knew that this was the famous Yuan Zhenjun.

The calm voice of the palace master of Yuhe Palace came out: "Yuan Zhenjun, please."

Yuan Jia flew Ji Yuanxiao directly above the main peak of Yuhe Palace and came to the Yuhe Hall of Yuhe Palace. He walked into the Yuhe Hall and looked at the many masters in the hall without fear, and looked directly at the most powerful Yuhe Palace. Palace Master: "Today, I came to Yuhe Palace to seek an explanation for my incompetent younger brother."

The lord of Yuhe Palace had noticed that Yuan Jia was not good when he visited with great fanfare. He thought it was Yuan Jia who came to play in the name of Gui Shizong, but he unexpectedly brought a cultivator of the Yuan Ying period with him. Come to Yuhe Hall to discuss?

The Palace Master of Yuhe Palace looked at Ji Yuanxiao, and saw Ji Yuanxiao's age and strength at a glance, but he didn't expect Ji Yuanjia to have a mediocre younger brother.

He asked, "What does Yuan Zhenjun want to say?"

With a wave of Yuan Jia's hand, he threw the corpses out and threw them on the Yuhe Hall.

The complexion of the Yuhe Palace Palace Master and several elders who were present changed slightly. After seeing the appearance of the body, one of the elders in the integration period exclaimed and rushed up: "My son!"

The Palace Master of Yuhe Palace took a closer look and recognized that the corpse turned out to be the biological son of the elder in his sect.

He looked at Yuan Jia sullenly, and asked in a cold tone: "Yuan Zhenjun, what do you mean? If you don't give me an explanation, then don't blame me for not giving Gui Shizong face."

Yuan Jia sneered: "What do you mean? I have to ask what does Yuhe Palace mean?"

With a flick of his finger, he flicked aside the elder who was holding onto his son's body and refused to let go, staring at Ji Yuanxiao with hatred.

A hazy light enveloped several corpses again, and then a scene of backward flow appeared above the corpses.

The palace master of Yuhe Palace was shocked: "Rewinding time?" Not only is the time reversing, but only the time on the corpse is reversed, which means that the displayed picture is exactly what these corpses experienced before they died.

Then everyone saw that these people were all dead at Ji Yuanxiao's hands. The integrated elder looked at Ji Yuanxiao with murderous eyes, his eyes were about to turn red, and others also glared at Yuan Jia and Ji Yuanxiao.

Yuan Jia said lightly: "No hurry, just keep watching."

Then the screen continued to be played upside down, and the elder's son led several Nascent Soul monks to besiege and ambush Ji Yuanxiao. Those elders who thought it was Ji Yuanxiao took the initiative to provoke and kill their own disciples were embarrassed one by one, only the bereaved son The elder in the integration period turned a blind eye to the fact that his son shot first, staring at Ji Yuanxiao, his face full of resentment that could not be concealed.

Yuan Jia did not stop the screen at the moment when the second generation of Xian led people to ambush Ji Yuanxiao, but let the screen continue to be played backwards, and then everyone saw how the second generation of Xian negotiated with the people around him to assassinate Ji Yuanxiao, and framed the blame for himself. Zhi Zhi did not hesitate to provoke the relationship between Yuhe Palace and Gui Shizong.

"My father is an elder, so what if I kill this Ji Yuanxiao? Could it be that Gui Shizong will fight with our Yuhe Palace for an ordinary disciple? Yuhe Palace will not let Gui Shizong deal with me even for face. I'll be fine for sure. That kid Ji Yuanxiao is dead."

This kind of words that don't care about how much trouble their actions will bring to the sect, are said from the mouth of the second generation of Xian in the backward picture, and the arrogant demeanor that doesn't care is disgusting.

If it was as he said, Ji Yuanxiao was just an ordinary disciple of Gui Shizong, and he was killed by the elder son of Yuhe Palace. Even if Guishizong wanted to investigate the murderer, Yuhe Palace would not be able to hand him over for the sake of his own face. The two major sects are bound to be at odds, and how huge are the interests affected?

The palace master of Yuhe Palace looked at the elder with a cold face and bad eyes. The elder who finally recovered from the pain of losing his son felt the gaze of the palace master of Yuhe Palace, bowed his head and apologized: "It's the old man who taught his son. There is no way, ask the palace master to punish."

The Palace Master of Yuhe Palace knew that this was not the time to blame his own people. He looked at Yuan Jia and asked in a soft tone: "Yuan Zhenjun, this is the fault of my Yuhe Palace, and I taught this kind of disciple. But this person has already If you were killed by your brother, why don't you just let it go?"

Ji Yuanxiao was overjoyed, he killed the son of the elder of Yuhe Palace, and the Palace Master of Yuhe Palace actually took the initiative to say that he should stop it?

Yuan Jia refused to agree: "My brother's ability to fight back is because he is better than others, but it doesn't mean that the assassination of my brother has been revealed. What if someone follows the law in the future?"