MTL - Immortal Emperor: Reborn in the Mixed City-Chapter 5756 goose city

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Chapter 5756 Goose City

After finishing speaking, Su Yan left without waiting for Xie Kun to open his mouth, and flew straight out of the city. At this moment, he had to go to Goose City to help Guiyu and the others refine the antidote for the Seven Insect Ghost Nether Pill, which was far away from their poisonous The days are not long.

Su Yan was not in a hurry to eliminate the imprint of divine power that Xie Kun had left on him, this would also make Xie Kun less vigilant towards him.

Not long after Su Yan left the other courtyard, Bi Chen also found the other courtyard based on the aura emanating from the blue corner.

At this moment, Xie Kun did not leave, and the two met directly.

"Thank you boss?" Bi Chen said in surprise.

"Bi Chen? What are you doing here?" Xie Kun also said in surprise.

Could the blue horn be on Xie Kun's body? At this moment, Bi Chen couldn't help but think that in Bi Chen's view, it is absolutely impossible for the secret arts of their Bi An clan to make mistakes.

"It's okay, I just don't know that Boss Xie hasn't met Chen Bin either?" Bi Chen asked tentatively.

Xie Kun is also a smart person. After seeing Bi Chen, he immediately guessed that he was coming for the Canglan Horn. Fortunately, he put it away directly.

"Chen Bin? I didn't see you. Didn't everyone leave after the treasure gathering? What did you ask him for?" Xie Kun said innocently.

How could he not know Bichen's purpose in his heart, but he just doesn't say it now.

After hearing this, Bi Chen also knew that he had no way to take Xie Kun, so he exchanged pleasantries with Xie Kun and found a reason to leave.

At this moment, Bichen is already eight levels sure that the Canglan Horn is in Xie Kun's hands. Whether it is Su Yan or whoever took the Canglan Horn from Chen Bin, but now it is basically in Xie Kun's hands. It is certain.

Bi Chen could only suffer from being dumb, after all, the trouble he was looking for Xie Kun in Fenglu City was no different from looking for death.

After Su Yan left the radiation range of Fenglu City, he mobilized his divine power to clearly imprint Xie Kun's divine power on him.

It took only an instant for Xie Kun to become aware of it.

"I didn't expect him to notice him so soon. It seems that I underestimated him." Xie Kun said self-consciously.

With Su Yan's strength, he did not expect to be able to discover the imprint of divine power left by him so quickly.

At this moment, Xie Kun is also gathering forces in Fenglu City.

"Old Qi, go to the chairman and invite a supreme being over here." Xie Kun said.

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Northern border, goose city.

"Brother, do you think that guy will come over?" Huo Sickle said while sitting on the ground.

"Whether he comes or not, is there any other way for us now? We can only wait." Gui Yu responded.

Han Feng also said at this moment: "Brother, it's not that we don't want to wait, it's that the time for the onset of the poisonous effect will arrive in a few days. If we can't get the antidote, we will have to talk about life and death!"

"At that time, if the divine power is insufficient to suppress, we really have no other way..." Gui Yu also said somewhat indescribably.

Gui Yu doesn't know why at this moment, he really believes in Su Yan in his heart, in his opinion, Su Yan will definitely come to Goose City.

At this moment, Su Yan is also rushing to Goose City with all his strength. After all, the distance between Fenglu City and Goose City is not close. Even for a cultivator of Su Yan's level, it takes half a day to get from Fenglu City to Goose City time.

"Brother! I really can't wait any longer! Why don't we go back to Fenglu City now!" Han Feng said.

The day after tomorrow is the time for the poison effect to occur. At this moment, Han Feng has already begun to have the fear of death.

He didn't want to experience that poisonous pain for a moment.

Gui Yu sat there without speaking, and he was also struggling. If Su Yan could not arrive in time, it was very unpredictable whether their bodies could withstand this poisonous attack.

At this moment, Gui Yu suddenly sensed Su Yan's aura of divine power.

At this moment, Su Yan also came to Goose City. In order to quickly find Gui Yu and the others, Su Yan simply released his divine power fluctuations.

When he approached Gui Yu and the others, he was also directly noticed by Gui Yu.

"It's coming! He's coming!" Gui Yu exclaimed.

"Who's coming? Su Yan?" Han Feng also asked excitedly.

Huo Lian also stood up quickly. Since Su Yan came, it meant that Su Yan at least didn't lie to them. In their view, Su Yan's claim that he could refine the antidote to the Seven Insect Ghost Pellet was definitely not just talking casually.

Gui Yu also immediately released her divine power fluctuations, and then followed Su Yan's direction to meet him.

Su Yan also sensed the ghost rain's aura, and then walked over quickly.

"My lord!" Gui Yu and the others hurriedly saluted after seeing Su Yan.

"What's the matter, did the three of you run out?" Su Yan asked.

"Originally there were a few people who escaped together, but as the date of the poisonous outbreak approached, most of them thought that you would not come. So now there are only three of us left." Gui Yu also explained.

It is understandable for others not to believe Su Yan. After all, what Su Yan said to them was just a verbal agreement, but it was indeed very different for the three of them.

For Gui Yu and the others, Su Yan made a vow to help them deal with the toxicity of the Seven Insect Ghost Pellet. This is also a large part of the reason why they chose to believe in Su Yan. Even though many people left directly, they With Su Yan's heart oath, he has a certain amount of confidence.

After hearing Gui Yu's words, Su Yan frowned first, then relieved, and then said: "In that case, then I will start to make the antidote right now, and see if you can contact them."

"Understood my lord!" Gui Yu and the others quickly responded.

Without any hesitation, Su Yan immediately called out the cauldron for refining pills in the room, and various materials were placed in front of him one by one.

"My lord, are these materials complete? Do I need to buy some more?" Gui Yu asked hastily.

"No, I got it all done before I came here, you just need to be in charge of the contact person, let Huo Lian and Han Feng figure out a way to look after the door." Su Yan said.

After a while, Su Yan also stopped what he was doing. At this moment, the cauldron and materials are almost ready.

Immediately, Su Yan quickly photographed a few divine formulas into the cauldron, and immediately the cauldron released bursts of instrument rhyme, and bursts of light radiated from the body of the cauldron, followed by a burst of medicinal fragrance of elixir spread the word.

Seeing this situation, the three of Gui Yu's eyes also brightened. Su Yan's posture seemed to be experienced at a glance, not like that kind of smelter who is a newcomer to Xiaobai.