MTL - Immortal Fate of Longevity: Starting From Taking Care of Daoist Brothers, Wife and Daughter-Chapter 316 : Disgusting real ones, a unique way of giving birth!

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

The female flower is the female flower, it doesn't matter.

At Xia Changge's level, he no longer cares about these small things.

Open up the pattern a little, as long as these things are not known.

According to some classics among these surviving immortal cultivators, Xia Changge also found out that the golden elixir he had absorbed came from the grass and tree fairy.

If you don't check, you don't know. If you check, you will be shocked.

'Albizia julibrissin'.

No matter how you look at it, Xia Changge doesn't think it's a good thing.

When this flower is born, it is sexless, male and female.

After a Jiazi year, when there is consciousness, you can make a choice, and you will become male and female in the end.

Obviously, the one Xia Changge refined was to choose to be accepted.

"Let's go and see what's going on..."

After Xia Changge absorbed this golden elixir, he transformed himself a bit, and got acquainted with how he felt after maintaining this appearance.

At the same time, let the little purple beast go into his stomach to get used to it.

Xia Changge can maintain the state that he is just an empty shell with nothing inside.

After finishing all these previous preparations, Xia Changge went to the human race's market again.

Albizia julibrissin is just a carrier for Xia Changge, and it won't take long.

This is a wild goblin, who has been dead for many years and has no status in the Holy Ancestor Continent.

It can only be reduced to a **** that absorbs the power of Xia Changge directly and completely after bringing Xia Changge ashore.

Xia Changge didn't know if his method of transformation had a limit on the number of times like the 'seventy-two transformations'. Naturally, it was impossible to keep the way of transformation casually.

If you can't use it, you have to give it up.

In this human market, Xia Changge didn't bring out Huaying Pill or anything else.

He didn't know whether the Infant Transformation Pill he brought would have any effect on the humans in this world.

Don't get acclimatized when the time comes, that would be Xia Changge's harm.

In addition, with the resources of these human races placed here, a single Infant Transformation Pill can make a huge noise.

Xia Changge didn't do that for the time being, and chose to be extremely careful.

The purpose of Xia Changge's coming to this small trading market is also very simple.

It is to buy a golden core of human monks to implement his own plan.

After two months of busy work in and out of the neighborhood, Xia Changge bought a golden elixir with 300 top-grade spirit stones.

"Friend Daoist, I wonder if you can keep the portrait of your grandfather? If so, I would like to take out ten more high-grade spirit stones as a thank you."

Now that the things are in hand, what Xia Changge has to do now is to see if he can get a portrait, and then conduct his own experiment.

"Friend Daoist, wait a moment, I'll go back and have a look."

The person who did business with Xia Changge was a monk at the early stage of Jindan Realm.

This golden elixir was left by his grandfather after he sat down naturally.

The strength Xia Changge showed was only in the middle stage of Jindan Realm, so the two called each other Daoyou.

This guy didn't know what Xia Changge's purpose was for doing this.

But buying a picture scroll with ten high-grade spirit stones is enough for him to go back to his family to search for it.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

Xia Changge naturally signaled him to go and come back quickly.

During the period when this guy went home to search for the portrait, Xia Changge was not idle, and began to slowly refine the power of this golden elixir.

This is also a aged golden pill.

And if there is no accident, this golden core was absorbed part of the power by the guy who traded with him.

An old Jianghu like Xia Changge can see the problem at a glance.

The strength of the golden core is not full, not the defect after the natural passage.

It may be that the pattern has really been opened.

Xia Changge absorbed the power of this golden core, and really didn't feel the slightest psychological discomfort.

After the golden elixir was almost absorbed, Xia Changge began to slowly mobilize his own power, and slowly mobilized his body to change according to what he realized when he analyzed this golden elixir.

After completing this process thoroughly, Xia Changge really turned into an old guy.

"Is this him?"

Looking at himself in the mirror, Xia Changge couldn't tell.

He felt... this might be the appearance of the golden core he refined before his death, right?

This method is really... Unpredictable.

After researching, Xia Changge changed back to his own appearance.

It's much easier to change back to your own body, it's just a thought.

Then Xia Changge easily turned into that old man according to the process just now.

After retesting twice, Xia Changge came to a thorough judgment, and completely abolished the way of changing this golden elixir.

The appearance of this old guy, Xia Changge won't need it after he arrives in the Holy Ancestor Continent, and he doesn't need to keep it to occupy his place.

After waiting for another three days, Xia Changge waited until the young man he had traded with

He gave Xia Changge a portrait that was hundreds of years old.

It seems that this guy's family has been stable for hundreds of years, and these things can be found.

Xia Changge just glanced at it briefly, then burned the portrait casually.

He bought this item for ten high-grade spirit stones, so he can dispose of it at will

Xia Changge already had the answer in his heart.

He doesn't say he can be 100% like that.

But there are definitely 98% of the similarities, and it is difficult for people who are not real close relatives to see the perception.

This is good news for Xia Changge, it can help Xia Changge a lot at critical moments!

After getting the verification, Xia Changge will leave for the Holy Ancestor Continent.

If you are on the way, it must be the little purple beast who brought Xia Changge.

There are still no cultivators at the God Transformation Realm in the outer sea.

As long as you follow the little purple beast carefully, there is no big problem entering the border of the mainland

Among the many islands near the mainland, there are basically large vegetation spirits sitting in town.

The guarantee is also the kind of Nascent Soul Realm.

Xia Changge noticed that there is a very tall and conspicuous giant tree on the slightly larger island!

This may be a frontline guardian of the Holy Ancestor Continent.

Xia Changge's purpose has never been in these small islands, they cannot give Xia Changge what he wants.

"Xiao Zi, you haven't told me yet, what kind of power does your internal body need to swallow to condense it?"

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

Before entering the island, Xia Changge asked the little purple beast what it needed.

When I asked before, the little purple beast didn't answer.

After thinking about it for a while, the little purple beast replied: "Daddy... the world in my body has already taken a prototype. What is lacking now is the power of heaven and earth that can give birth to life. With the power of heaven and earth, the world in my body will Even if it is initially formed."

This made Xia Changge puzzled: "The origin of this can I get it?"

How does he feel that this kind of power seems to have been heard of somewhere.

Xia Changge's words silenced the little purple beast.

Seeing that the little purple beast was so serious, Xia Changge questioned: "In front of your father, don't worry about other things, just talk about it."

After Xia Changge showed his attitude, the little purple beast answered truthfully.

The power of heaven and earth she needs, the easiest thing to get is the spiritual root of heaven and earth to advance to the transformation of gods, and only by stepping into serious cultivation can she get part of the gift of heaven and earth.

That part was not enough for her.

She wants at least three or five copies!

In short, this is to swallow a few spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

If she had real parents, she could easily meet this condition, and even set the best standard, directly sacrificing the spiritual source of a planet.

The adult Void Spirit is a human celestial being with that strength.

But now... there must be no such good conditions, and they can only live on a minimum guarantee.

The little purple beast has never complained about Xia Changge's lack of ability, never.

This request directly made Xia Changge frown.

After the spiritual root of heaven and earth is promoted to the spirit god, it is the strength of the transformation of the gods.

The current Xia Changge and the little purple beast combined are no match, right?

Xia Changge has the spiritual root of heaven and earth beside him, who has achieved the status of spiritual **** and started to practice.

But those are Xia Changge's relatives, can Xia Changge attack them? !

The only one who is not a relative is the Seven-leaf Sword Grass, and now I can't do anything to that guy in a short time.

Xia Changge himself could spend decades cultivating a heaven and earth spiritual root.

If it is the spiritual root of heaven and earth that has not become a spirit, Xia Changge is not a big problem, after all, it is just a plant.

For example, the twelve-section Bamboo Bamboo and Seven-leaf Sword Grass, these two embryonic forms of the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, the little purple beast wanted to eat, but Xia Changge swallowed it directly.

But if the spirit root becomes a spirit... Xia Changge can't do it.

That was one of his children.

The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, Xia Changge's heart will not allow him to reduce the children he raised with his own hands to food for others.

"Don't worry, Xiao Zi, this world is unique, maybe there is just what you need, your father and I will definitely help you grow with all our strength."

The spiritual root of heaven and earth cultivated by Xia Changge himself cannot be used by the little purple beast.

But the other heaven and earth spiritual roots that were born with nature and had nothing to do with Xia Changge.

Xia Changge felt that there was no psychological pressure to use it.

Looking at it now, after all, he still has to reach the God Transformation Realm first to be qualified to create a bright future for the little purple beast.


Little Zishou nodded in agreement, she believed that Xia Changge could do what he said.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

Xia Changge mixed into the Holy Ancestor Continent, and he turned into a silk jubilation flower in the crack of the void.

Landed in a place where he was sure no other intelligent beings existed and took root.

This Albizia Julibrissin flower, no matter how you say it, is a monster in the Golden Core Realm, and its size is still relatively large.

If you straighten your waist, it will be a giant more than 80 meters high.

The body is just right enough to hide the little purple beast.

It's just that the space is a little smaller. After all, the height of a stem is the main body, and the length and width are indeed relatively short.

First, the little purple beast can only temporarily let it go.

Xia Changge's idea is that if there is a chance in the future, it is the best to become a giant ancient tree.

There is enough space in the body, and it is not uncomfortable for the little purple beast to stay in it.

After arriving in the Holy Ancestor Continent, Xia Changge knew that he thought too much about the Holy Ancestor Continent.

The Holy Ancestor Continent has had no opponents for tens of thousands of years. Could the strongest people in it have been vigilant about something?

Those who don't exist, all of them are afraid that they don't have much attention, and their lives are leisurely and leisurely, very leisurely.

If the plants and trees in the Holy Ancestral Continent want to become fine, they have to live in peace and stability for at least a sixty years!

In the original Saint Ancestor Realm, it would be difficult for a sixty-year-old grass and tree goblin to transform into form. Basically, it would take three hundred years before they could barely give birth to spiritual wisdom and possess the strength of the foundation-building realm, but only the Qi-refinement realm of cultivation.

Only after having spiritual wisdom can they absorb the essence of spiritual energy between heaven and earth to further improve themselves.

This is also because of this harsh requirement, the original grass and tree fairies belonged to the race with general strength in the Ancestral Continent.

It wasn't until the Hundred Flowers Sect from the Upper Realm arrived that they didn't know what methods were used to give these grass and tree fairies the opportunity to be born with spiritual wisdom and start to practice in advance.

There may be great competition in the upper realm. It is very difficult for the Hundred Flowers Sect to cultivate disciples, just as it is difficult for the grass and trees fairies in the Holy Ancestor Continent to grow up.

If this kind of grass and tree fairy wants to take shape, it will take at least a few hundred years to grow in place.

It feels like the best choice to occupy a lower realm like the Holy Ancestor Realm to train subordinates.

In the upper realm, it is impossible for an existence in the body-fitting state, or even above the body-fitting state, to establish a sect and control a place as large as the lower realm.

People who can fit into the lower realm will directly crush and control this world unilaterally.

Xia Changge guessed that the overall strength of the Hundred Flowers Sect could be raised by several levels in just one Saint Race Realm!

These are just Xia Changge's guesses!

Thinking of this, Xia Changge also has a development plan for himself after he reaches the upper realm.

If he can create a channel for teleportation between Tianyuan Realm and nearby small worlds.

At that time... cut off all the ascension passages in the nearby small world.

For example, in the Holy Ancestral Realm, Xia Changge cut off the connection between the Holy Ancestral Realm and the Hundred Flowers Sect!

So the Holy Ancestral it possible for him to become it?

Then he borrowed an ascension channel that was not controlled by others, and established his own sect or family.

Wouldn't it be perfect to quietly use the population, resources, and land of the many small worlds below to develop yourself? !

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

However, this plan is still too difficult to carry out. If you want to complete it, you need Xia Changge to work hard, at least you have to improve your cultivation to the late stage of the transformation of the gods.

After Xia Changge entered the Holy Ancestral Continent, he chose to remain silent for the first time.

The strength he showed was still in the early stage of Jindan Realm, waiting for the best time for him to enter the arena.

Which golden elixir he refined can only transform Xia Changge, but it cannot let Xia Changge know the specific situation of the Holy Ancestor Continent.

Most of the captive humans in the Holy Ancestor Continent came to take care of these grass and tree elves who had not yet been demonized.

In addition, it is to mine some resources and transport some materials.

The grass and tree fairies are inconvenient to move, so they can only enslave the human race and some demon races.

The nutrients needed for the growth of those planted grass and tree fairies... come from the human race, the sea race, and some specific cultivated things...

Captivity... It's not just human beings who get caught are captive.

Xia Changge felt that those humans and monsters who thought they were living well outside were also raised in captivity to a certain extent.

This really miserable!

After opening his mind, Xia Changge was as steady as Mount Tai, thinking about how he could perfectly cut into this continent.

"Am I exuding some special power?"

After stationed in a valley, Xia Changge's mood was relaxed.

The wild flowers and weeds all over the sky are so beautiful that Xia Changge yearns for it.

These flowers and plants are all wild, and no one from the Hundred Flowers Sect cares about them.

The species of flowers, plants and trees specially taken care of by the Hundred Flowers Sect are different from those native to the Holy Ancestor Realm.

It may be those who are more able to open up the spiritual wisdom.

Here, Xia Changge felt a strong breath of life.

It will be fragrant to sleep here.

After Xia Changge stayed here for more than two months, he encountered an opportunity.

In the valley where he was, a demon came.

It is also a flower demon, relatively speaking, it is a more coquettish kind of flower demon!

The cultivation base of the later stage of Jindan Realm.

He should have been attracted by Xia Changge's floral fragrance, and planned to 'powder' Xia Changge.

Anyway, this flower demon is full of greed for Xia Changge.

It's a pity...Xia Changge looks like a delicate and beautiful Albizia Julibrissin flower on the surface, but in fact she is an out-and-out overlord and demon-eating flower.

In order to avoid accidents, Xia Changge literally swallowed this grass and tree fairy, which was approaching a height of more than 120 meters.

Bit by bit, nothing remained.

According to the taste and smell, Xia Changge made a judgment, this is a peach blossom.

No wonder this guy... is interested in himself.

"Xiao Zi, is this golden pill of flower essence useful to you?"

Xia Changge's digestive system is very strong, and he didn't feel any discomfort after swallowing the peach blossom essence.

This peach blossom essence is basically full of pure power, and it is very easy to digest.

It added a little more vitality to Xia Changge's body.

The grass and trees goblin tastes much more delicious than the demon king.

This result made Xia Changge suddenly change his view of the 'Hundred Flower Sect'.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

Is it possible that the Hundred Flowers Sect is not cultivating disciples and clan members in the Holy Ancestor Realm?

But cultivating food? !

If that's the case, then post it!

After Xia Changge swallowed this flower demon, he must hurry up and refine this golden elixir.

He wanted to use this fairy's identity to infiltrate this 'country of a hundred demons'.

In addition to refining the golden elixir, Xia Changge, the flower demon's memory, will also be gradually refined, so that Xia Changge can live in this eccentric environment.

The little purple beast smelled the scent of this golden elixir.

It was so fragrant, she really wanted to taste it.

But the little purple beast knew the effect of this golden elixir on his father.

It took several months to squat until such a poor guy arrived, and if he was eaten by himself, he would have to delay for several months.

The little purple beast replied: "It should be effective, but it can only make up for part of the power."

Xia Changge said that after he knew it, he stuffed this golden core into his strangely mixed body.

"After your father sneaks in, he will prepare these good things for you."

When Xia Changge analyzed this guy's memory, at least there would be no problem communicating in this world.

At that time, it will not be so difficult.

This process took Xia Changge six days.

Six days later, Xia Changge's body gradually changed.

Became the wretch he swallowed.

As for the remaining power of the original Albizia Julibrissin, it was completely swallowed up by Xia Changge, and the legacy of transforming into Albizia Julibrissin was deleted.

Xia Changge had a pretty good understanding of the situation in the Holy Ancestor Continent.

This guy, as Xia Changge expected, is a peach blossom demon.

It was formed from a peach blossom on the finger of the "Old Demon Yellow Peach", the owner of the Yellow Peach Domain ninety thousand miles away.

It can also be regarded as a 'fake son' of that old demon.

The Yellow Peach Demon has three sons.

The purest son is the goblin transformed from the condensed fruit of the Yellow Peach Demon. These are the true sons of the Yellow Peach Demon, and there are quite a few of them.

The second is the wood goblin that grows again from some of the leftover roots of the old yellow peach demon. It is the second son of the old yellow peach demon, and the number is relatively rare.

In the end, there are fairies transformed from peach blossoms, who are the fake sons and foster sons of Huangtao old demons, and they have the largest number, accumulating tens of thousands!

After Xia Changge learned about the reproduction of these old goblins, he was dumbfounded.

How many sons and daughters can be born?

He opened his eyes with a knife.

The Huangtao old demon has a long lifespan, and can be regarded as an old demon who has lived for more than seven thousand years.

This is a real towering ancient tree, and its cultivation base is a real old monster in the late Nascent Soul Realm.

The longevity of the grass spirits is more terrifying than that of most monsters.

It is almost impossible for this kind of old demon to leave his territory.

Although they said that the Nascent Soul could escape for a period of time, the impact would be too great.

And because of the influence of the main body, the farther their Nascent Soul escapes from the main body, the greater the pressure.

This can be regarded as the limitation of these grass and tree fairies, basically they can only stay in their own territory for the rest of their lives.

As for how these grass and tree fairies transform into gods... Xia Changge is not quite sure.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

The 7,000-year-old Yellow Peach Demon should not be qualified to transform into a **** for a short time.

He was just an ordinary yellow peach tree, placed here with his feet.

To be able to achieve today's cultivation level is already a great luck!

"Old Yellow Peach Demon..."

This old yellow peach demon has lived for seven thousand years.

The number of fakes that have been born in the hundreds of years like the one I swallowed is simply not too many, tens of thousands.

Basically all Jindan Realm!

This old monster can give birth to a batch of such adopted sons every hundred years.

However, such a spirit condensed from a peach blossom has a short lifespan, and can only exist for five or six hundred years before withering and becoming food for other spirits.

The Huangtao old demon ruled the surrounding area with a radius of 50,000 li.

Among them, his three sons are the responsible persons in various places.

The sons transformed from fruits are great lords, while those transformed from some small details and peach blossoms are small lords.

The guy Xia Changge engulfed was a small lord, and there were more than a thousand foundation-building-level grass and tree goblins in his jurisdiction, all of whom were intelligent.

In addition, there are more than 40,000 human beings who are responsible for serving the grass and tree demons who are still being born.

In addition to those within the system, there are naturally others outside.

Due to the sudden change in the situation in the Holy Ancestral Realm, any plant has a chance to transform.

It's just that the Hundred Flowers Sect seems to... look down on these grass and tree monsters.

Don't like their taste?

It could also be that the spirits are taking too much effort to manage.

So it’s all about setting up some big monsters for simple management.

Most of these spirits have no bad intentions.

Wild ones are fine as long as they don't trouble the various princes set up by the Hundred Flowers Sect.

What the Hundred Flowers School wanted were monsters in the form of their own seeds.

After learning about this information, Xia Changge must replace Mr. Youhua and go to his territory.

"Let's go!"

Basically, these vegetation spirits will not leave too far away from where they are, which is a good thing for Xia Changge.

Youhua Langjun also has Taoist couples, six flower demons of the Foundation Establishment Realm, two early Golden Core Realm ones, one grass and one flower.

These spirits will also turn into human beings, because in this way, some experience is very good.

It's a pity that Lord Youhua will never have any children in this life.

Because he was not born with that function.

In a certain sense, Mr. You Hualang is not a complete grass and tree fairy at all, but just a...part of other fairies.

How can parts have children?

Xia Changge's hair can grow new hair if it falls out.

But the hair that falls out cannot grow back.

Xia Changge returned to his territory.

He didn't live in any human palace.

Here, there are no houses and buildings, and human beings live in caves and on flat ground.

Because these woods are not things that humans are qualified to use.

Classified and trampled to death a decade of flowers and plants will be executed.

To be honest, Xia Changge was numb when he learned about these rules.

This is too miserable, right?

It's a pity that Xia Changge couldn't make any changes when he returned to Mr. Youhualang's Xiaoyou collar.

The request from the Yellow Peach Demon to Lord Youhua is very simple.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

Every sixteen years, twenty 'spirits' needed by the Hundred Flowers Sect were cultivated, plus a golden core-level human monster was sent to the old demon Huangtao.

Spirits are the kind that become conscious and become spirits.

This indicator is not too small for the original Lord Youhua.

Xia Changge ignored the original concubines of Lord Youhua.

This is also to avoid exposure.

For the experience... It's not that Xia Changge doesn't want to experience it.

It's just... the little purple beast is still in Xia Changge's stomach.

Xia Changge, who had regained his human form, couldn't fit the little purple beast in his stomach.

Everything has to be considered in the long term.

Xia Changge will probably have to touch the Nascent Soul level in the follow-up.

These are just foundation-building spirits...

Xia Changge couldn't even transform into a human form completely, Xia Changge always felt weird...

Xia Changge immediately went to see the 'spirits' that the Hundred Flowers Sect needed.

The 30,000 people under Mr. Youhualang are basically responsible for these.

No way, any one of these spirits is comparable to a small tree, not small in size.

In the territory of Mr. Youhualang, there are tens of thousands of spirit monsters that have been planted in batches.

Mr. Youhualang may have been a very cruel person originally, otherwise those human beings would not be full of fear when they saw Xia Changge.

Among these human beings, the most powerful ones are only at the Foundation Establishment level, and the number is only fifty or so.

The others are Qi Refining Realm monks.

Mortals do not exist.

If a baby is born who cannot practice, the result is that birth is death.

It's also very simple why there are no Golden Core Realm monks.

Because if these people have cultivated to the golden core state, it will be another kind of 'ingredient'.

He came to these mushroom-like things and took a good look.

Xia Changge didn't know much about the efficacy of the medicine, so he could only guess based on some of his own data.

"Weird... is it because these great medicines haven't grown to the age of Jindan?"

Xia Changge felt that these planted medicines were completely incomparable with those wild medicines.

The Yellow Peach Old Demon is an old monster born and bred in the Holy Ancestral Realm.

The acacia fairy that Xia Changge swallowed before is also a native fairy of the Holy Ancestor Realm.

These goblins gave Xia Changge a very delicious feeling.

But these planted things... I don't know if it's because they haven't reached the Jindan realm, which makes Xia Changge really feel nothing.

"Master, there are still five years before the time requested by the little ancestor, but we have only cultivated fifteen spiritual masters, and there are still... five short..."

Shi Ni, a late-stage monk in the Foundation Establishment who was in charge of training, answered tremblingly in front of Xia Changge, very worried that Xia Changge would swallow him in one gulp.

Xia Changge knew this.

The reason why Mr. Youhua went out was also to discuss with his younger sister Fairy Yuhua, who was born on the same branch as him, to see if he could buy a few 'spirits' that met the requirements from Fairy Yuhua.

Lingjing is the name of these specific spiritual plants after they are born with spiritual wisdom.

The soil on Yuhua Fairy's side is much more fertile, and the performance is basically overfulfilled.

"I know, go down and work hard."

Regarding this indicator... To be honest, Xia Changge really didn't care.

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【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

He felt that he could easily exceed his quota.

Xia Changge must have exceeded his quota.

Because after completing the task, the Yellow Peach Old Demon will give a reward.

This reward may not be very useful to Xia Changge.'s good to know.

To be honest, Xia Changge wanted to make a big fortune.

That is to see if the dove can occupy the magpie's nest and take away the old yellow peach demon.

This guy's territory is relatively large, and he has the resources of such a large area.

These resources were first sent to the hands of the old demon Huangtao, and then the old demon Huangtao had someone transport them to the Hundred Flowers Sect.

In this case... there is a chance.

The current Xia Changge is strong enough.

As long as there is no one around, and the Huangtao old demon has no defenses.

Killing the old Huangtao demon...isn't that difficult.

In a split second... everything is possible.

After these servants dispersed, Xia Changge just borrowed a little bit of the wind, and easily blew the longevity zhenqi he had spawned to where he wanted to go.

No matter how you say it, Xia Changge is someone who has studied the law of wind with Xia Fengling for many years, and this can still be done.

Xia Changge did this for three days in a row.

Three days later, Xia Changge had to go out for a trip.

In the past three days, several playthings of Mr. Youhua came to him.

The mere female fairies in the Foundation Establishment Realm are really not afraid that Xia Changge will wipe them out all at once.

Xia Changge's excuse was also very simple.

It's nothing more than that the tasks are not crossed, but there is no time to play with these people.

This time Xia Changge's trip was to hunt and kill some wild spirits.

They are not of the same race, and hunting them is not a big psychological burden.

Furthermore... Xia Changge also knew from Mr. Youhualang's memory that there were monsters nearby who had human life in their hands.

It's nothing to the Hundred Flowers Sect if the monsters in the wild are wiped out, and basically no one will pay attention to them.

The division of labor between Xia Changge and Little Purple Beast is very clear.

Xia Changge swallowed his body, just leaving the golden core to the little purple beast.

Little purple beasts don't eat There is no waste in these spirit monsters, they are all essence.

This is much more delicious than eating those demon kings.

"Life has been sublimated again..."

Xia Changge couldn't describe how he felt after refining these monsters.

It is indeed... delicious!

"Daddy, after I can probably eat ten of these things, I won't need them anymore."

The little purple beast answered in Xia Changge's stomach.

"Ten golden pills? No big problem, there are a lot of wild monsters nearby."

It has been tens of thousands of years since the Hundred Flowers Sect notified the Saint Ancestor Realm.

During these tens of thousands of years, the wild spirits were basically ignored by no one.

Perhaps the existence of these ghosts has a certain meaning.

There is nothing wrong with Xia Changge brushing a few.

Taking advantage of this free time, Xia Changge first solved the needs of the little purple beast.

With his Nascent Soul Realm strength, it shouldn't be too easy to hunt down the Golden Core Realm Demon King.

These spirits don't have a cultivation system, and they don't know any methods at all, that is, the use of physical instinctive attack methods, and their combat effectiveness is very low.

This chapter is not finished, click [next page] to continue reading -->>

【Longevity Fairy: Starting from taking care of Taoist brothers, wives and daughters】【】

After the little purple beast swallowed more than a dozen golden pills, it also transported itself briefly.

"Is the little tree going to grow up completely...or..."

The little purple beast has gained a lot, and Xia Changge has also gained a lot.

8,400 words owed 1,600 words today plus 6k owed 4,400 yesterday, and it must be completed tomorrow.

(end of this chapter)