MTL - Immortal Sword Master-Chapter 874 Gather 2

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"The Master called us over this time, for fear of fighting and fighting that might occur after the catastrophe. ┡ Novel ㄟ Ω" Zhou Songyun had a terrible understanding originally. If it was not too late for spiritual practice, it would have been soaring into the sky and could take other Disciple throws out not knowing how far.

In addition, as an emperor, he has enjoyed all the glorious and wealthy beauties, making it harder to seduce foreign objects and strengthen his will.

Lin Xin also valued it, and many insiders did not hide him.

"Fighting and fighting? Brother Zhou said, but the nine-color **** and the king of Tianyin dragon?" Zhao Wumian wondered. "But nowadays, the calamity is so great that it is too late to protect yourself ..."

"Let's wait until Master arrives."

Zhou Songyun shook his head. He was aware that this gathering call would most likely have a profound impact on everyone.

Soon, the first disciples of the core gradually arrived.

It is also noon, and the simulated sun slowly rises to the highest point.


A **** breeze passed by.

In the empty space in the middle of the platform, an icy woman with a long white and heavy platinum armor was slowly appearing on the platform.

"It's 6 Li Sisters !!!"

"Master is out!"

"I haven't seen Master Sister for many years. It really has reached an unpredictable level. I am afraid that Tianzun is not his opponent?"

"It's very possible that the Master Sister Tianzhuang Wizards, the Yuan Xue Killing Sword is boundlessly killing, and has accumulated countless unjust souls."

Many teachers, brothers, sisters and sisters all cast their eyes on 6 with admiration and awe.

6 Li Wei looked around slightly, nodded slightly, and said hello to everyone.

Now she is no longer a little girl relying on the fairy veins of her own tomb. After all, it's just a spiritual pulse that can reach the fifth level.

Now, she has already exceeded her physical limit and reached the state of life in the fairy.

As the first phantom general, the Yuan Xue Ling Ling Sword on her back has also grown into a terrifying troll with a demon flame.

It is rumored that she once met a Tianzun, and the other side swept away with an annihilator, but still let her retreat with only minor injuries.

"Master is here." Suddenly 6 Li spoke softly.

Her voice was as bitter and cold as ice and snow, but most strangely, there was no malicious intention in her voice, but it sounded like endless blood and evil. With a kind of wave breath that can seduce life to destruction.

Many disciples lined up the array immediately, standing neatly as they were then, waiting for the Master to arrive.


A blood-red light curtain suddenly fell, and a handsome man wrapped in blood-glossy red light came out of the light curtain.

The man was clearly wearing a clean white robe, but still gave a sense of inexplicable blood and horrible killing.

"See Master!"

Many disciples immediately unanimously, bowed to the ground together, under the leadership of 6 Li, bowed to Lin Xin on one knee and saluted.

"No courtesy."

Lin Xin said lightly.

"Your original retreat was the retreat of refining, the refining of the refining device, the refining of refining the alchemy. This time, the reason why the teacher did nothing else, interrupted you, called you to wait.

It is for the many wars that may arise next. "

"Battle ..."

As soon as 6 Li heard this, his eyes became bright.

"Dare to ask Master whether this time will allow me to wait for the war and really get involved in this war? Instead of spending time in the underworld all day."

"I can just practice the desire-burning technique I created!" A male disciple grinned.

"Don't you ever think back?"

An innocent woman next to him stretched out his hand, rotated 360 degrees around his waist, hissed, and tore off a piece of meat directly.

The male disciple screamed and never dared to talk again.

"I heard that Nine-Colored Gods gathered in the army. Is it the Nine-colored Gods?

"Nine colors have the Tianyin Dragon King on the side, and dare to consume our strength first with us?"

"I really have to do it. I have joined forces with many forces in Umbra, together with top seekers such as Universal World, regardless of victory or defeat, Jiu Se will have great vitality. He should not be so unwise.

However, if there is other external support, then it may not be necessary. "

"I heard that an evil **** king invaded my Umare Underworld not long ago, and now I don't know what happened."

The remaining disciples speculated and analyzed.

No one is a fool, it's just that they ignored a lot of outside information because of hidden cultivation.

Now they are connected, and I immediately feel the problem.

Lin Xin waited for everyone to discuss the speculation freely.

Time passed slowly, and after about a quarter of an hour, everyone was quiet and could not reach a unified conclusion. Instead, they could only look at Master with that look.

Wait for him to reveal the answer.

"Master, in fact, apart from Master Sister, the rest of us disciples, if we really want to get involved in this war, it is an unwise choice.

After the calamity, only the Supreme Lord is the main protagonist. Once we enter the calamity, even the free time will be limited. Not to mention fighting in battle,

Presumably, Master should have planned it. "

Wei Qing is calm and steady, and his practice is countless births and deaths. He is extremely strong. Of course, many disciples naturally agree with him.

"It is planned that there is indeed a plan for the teacher."

Lin Xin looked at all the disciples and said slowly.

These disciples, on average, have only increased them by a thousand points.

The rest are the powerful flesh and cultivation that they used to make use of the three mysteries.

Actually has reached the point where it is now.

There are eight people in the sixth stage and the fourth state, and the reason for the third state is sixteen, and the source of the second state is thirty-nine.

There are also ten people in the first land.

Add up, there are seventy-three people who step into the earth fairy!

At first, more than two hundred disciples who were promoted to immortals in one breath, now there are still some people who have entered the immortal level, and there are still so many.

Among them, of course, his attribute points increase the effect, and the small world time flow is different.

But more, they are the result of hard work and hard work.

Lin Xin himself is no longer attached to Xiuwei.

Since entering Tianzun, his actual physical body has far surpassed the seeker and does not know how much.

Although Xiuwei is only a newcomer to Heaven, that is not the main system for measuring his strength at all.

Qing Yuan decided to become more of an auxiliary, just to urge the Taishang September God Wind Sword.

Now, he has also started to strengthen the disciples in the same way.

He did not intend to interfere with their exhibition, but now the threat is coming. In the scuffle, he may not be able to take care of the safety of Umare Underworld, at that time many disciples need to help.

"I convened you this time because the melee is coming, so that you can protect yourself and protect the underworld of Umbra at the same time.

Created a secret method for the division, which can greatly improve your actual combat in a short time. "

As soon as he spoke, all the voices were silent.

"Large .... How big can it be?" 6 Li is very interested in this. The stronger her combat power, the more quickly she can boost the power of the Yuan Xue Ling Ling Sword, combined with her own perception and comprehension Ascension is almost like flying.

Lin Xin glanced at her.

"How big .... like ... like this!"


He reached out his hand violently, grabbed it from afar, and instantly took 6 Li away from the air, suspended in mid-air.

With a hissing noise, Lin Xin shouted into the sky with fourteen pairs of white wings.

The splendid and crystallized wings slowly stretched out, flying out countless white silk threads, and flying towards all the disciples below.

噗噗 噗噗 .....

A white light pierced the disciple's eyebrows fiercely.

No one resisted, including all 6 disciples, all the disciples were quiet, and even intoxicated to admire the huge wings of 14 pairs behind Lin Xin.

The wings are like tassel, slowly floating in the air, such as water plants. Each pair is more than ten meters long.

Suddenly, with Lin Xin as the core, hundreds of white silk threads were extended and linked to all the disciples on the platform in front of them.

Lin Xin's eyes closed slightly, his body slowly emptied, his feet off the ground, and he floated in the air.

He was getting bigger all over, and his clothing was cracking open, exposing his pale chest.

A black line appeared in the middle of his chest.


The black line on the chest suddenly cracked, as if someone was holding the edge with both hands, tearing hard to the sides.

The black line slowly cracked and turned into a circular black hole.

Lin Xin's back also slowly cracked four oval black mouths, and a trace of white smoke slowly drifted out of the black mouths.

The white lines shot by Fei began to brighten, getting brighter, and even dazzling.

The other six arms slowly extended from behind Lin Xin, resting quietly on both sides of his body.

The **** aura and white purification light entangled with each other, and the surrounding sky suddenly became a pale red.

Lin Xin's eyes slowly opened, the left eye was a silver blue galaxy, but the right eye was a brilliant and pure infinite white light.

Bang! !!

A flash of **** lightning flashed in the sky.

All the white silk threads suddenly started to shimmer and started to become brighter and more translucent.

"Feel ... absolute power ..."

Lin Xin's eight arms waved gently, like a spider, pulling hundreds of white wires in an instant.

The gale screamed around, and numerous boulders slowly rose and shattered. The mysterious space shook and twisted, as if it could not bear it, and gradually cracked black cracks.

A stream of intangible attributes flowed along Bai Si toward all disciples.

The light of white purification, the holy light of the red spirit, and two equally powerful haloes, gradually competed for the area on Lin Xin.

The Yuanling Holy Light resides on the left, and the Purifying Light resides on the right, occupying Lin Xinyi's left and right sides respectively.

Strangely divided his huge body into two colors.

From the center of the eyebrow to the lower abdomen, a clear dividing line is formed. Left red right white.

The attribute points are transmitted frantically ~ ~ According to the ability of each disciple, the transmission degree and volume are divided.

At the same time, Lin Xin is still carefully examining their physical and soul strength limits, and once there is a problem, they stop immediately.

The transmitted degree is entered at a minimum of one hundred points per second.

Time passes slowly.

A thousand points ...

Two thousand points ...

Three thousand ...

four thousand....

Finally, the first disciple who could not bear the attributes appeared.

A white silk thread broke.

A man flew out, and his body was undergoing incredible changes. It was a strange change in the blood veins and genes buried in the deepest part of the body. (To be continued.)