MTL - Immortal Sword Master-Chapter 893 Road 1

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"Since you have a wide range of insights, then you might as well tell me, what is the origin of this place, Minghe?"

Lin Xin took the opportunity to ask this question.

He is still very confused about the strong horizontal corpses below the Styx.

When was that horrible war?

That corpse with a layer of earth immortal really had to go all out. I was afraid that this whole area of ​​the earth government was destroyed in minutes.

"Difu Scenic River" Zhao Yun groaned.

"If the Lord asks other people, he may not be able to figure it out, but since he is asking younger people"

He stopped and looked at Lin Xin.

"This matter also starts from our universe and another universe that has collided before."


Lin Xin was surprised.

"Another universe? You mean the dragon-based one?"

"No, it isn't." Zhao Yun shook his head. "The predecessors wouldn't think that our universe has been in contact with one universe for so many years?"

"This is naturally impossible." Lin Xin thinks about it too. Since the phenomenon of the collision of the universe borders, it must not be possible only once.

"A long time ago, I saw it from a volume of ruins. The land government happened to be at the edge of the collision in a collision with other universes.

The collision of the two universes has brought about a large and large mutual force pollution.

The land government changed from the original chaos to what it is now. An edge of the opposite universe has also undergone major changes.

The Styx River seems to have emerged from that time. "

"Is there any war or anything like that?" Lin Xin asked.

"Of course there are, and many."

Zhao Yun said lightly.

"Yinfu also became one of the many battlefields in the space war. When there is a battlefield, there will be bones.

And it is said that all the bones were thrown into the depths of the Minghe River that gathered at that time. "

"That's it"

Lin Xin doesn't know if this statement is true or not, but he can finally give a reasonable explanation to those corpses in Minghe.

"Then you come to me now, why?"

Lin Xinke didn't believe in meeting his predecessors. He had no friendship with Wuyan Yuqing Supreme Master, and the other party couldn't run away to meet him.

Zhao Yun smiled bitterly.

"Without concealing the Lord, the younger generation is here this time, hoping that the seniors will allow me to wait to leave with you."

"Oh? You must be sure I will promise?"

Lin Xin didn't say much, just asked back.

Youjie places are not in vain. It is naturally impossible to take this ride without paying a price.

Zhao Yun also knew this.

"We need nine places, one for this place!"

Zhao Yun took something out of his arms.

It was a dark golden talisman. It's just different from the kind of demon runes that Lin Xin has seen before. With one piece, the whole body is filled with a slight fluorescence.

"The magic symbol" Lin Xinshen swept away, and felt that this dark golden monster symbol was different from the dark gold he had received before. It can be used as a key to enter and exit the palace.

"Yes. But only temporary residency." He should have given Wuyan Yuqing Supreme Supreme a face.

"Don't dare to ask for more." Zhao Yun stepped back with a respectful smile.

Nan Shunqing waited outside and saw Zhao Yun's withdrawal. He also heard Lin Xin's orders from his ears.

"Let him bring his own people, wait outside the Zongmen first, and you will arrange for them to rest."

Nan Shunqing repeated the meaning.

"You're welcome." Zhao Yun also had a good grasp of Nan Shunqing, and was also respectful. After all, the other party is also a big deal, the strongest in the Songlin Sword School.

"Qing'er, you have to deal with it, the two who came over from your body." Lin Xin's voice appeared directly in Nanshun's ears.

"The disciples obey."

Nan Shunqing bowed slightly and looked at the Inmanto coming behind him. He stood up and hurried up into the sky, flew directly out of the Silver Palace, and flew in the direction of the sense of inexplicability.

"Qinger catches."

He was about to leave Zongmen completely, and then Fang heard a breaking sound.

Lin Xin's voice suddenly fell into his ear.

He turned around and grabbed.


A piece of black jade jade appeared in his palm.

A forest character is engraved in the middle of Yu Pei.

"Thank you, Master."

Nan Shunqing didn't know what Lin Xin meant, but most of these jade pendants were mainly for the purpose of protecting the body. Should be the use of amulets.

He worshipped in the direction of the Silver Palace, and flew directly into the distance.

In the memory of his own being, the universe in which he was originally was based on practicing an energy called psionic energy.

Psionic energy is extremely powerful and ubiquitous. While promoting the evolution of all practitioners, it has also produced all kinds of incredible powers.

As Nan Shunqing sorted out her thoughts, she flew towards the sense of breath quickly.

On the way, a team of Zongmen disciples were being inspected, and they all randomly found an excuse to assign them to other areas. Convenient to contact the two people who came.

Flying non-stop all the way, in an instant, he flew into a dense bamboo sea.

The emerald green bamboo sea below fluttered in the wind, making a burst of noise.

The blue sea and blue sky are linked together, giving a pure beauty that cannot be spoken.

Nan Shunqing had no time to admire the scenery, and his eyes scanned the surroundings carefully.

Soon a sign left between the bamboo forests appeared in his vision.

He landed quickly, stepped on the soft bamboo leaf bedding, and watched a slightly bright lilac aperture floating in the bamboo sea.

The aperture is only the size of a punch, and it expands and shrinks from time to time, as if something is breathing.

Nan Shunqing stood in front of the aperture, hesitated, reached out his hand, and gently pressed on the aperture.


He began to have some rusty knots.

At first he was not fast, at most it was one second.

But the further back, the more proficient, his speed accelerated, and quickly increased to ten per second.


Suddenly, he stopped his fingerprints.

A purple flame ignited from his hand and spread.

The flames spread, revealing a long black box inside.

Amazingly a black urn!

Nan Shunqing pushed the urn into the aperture.

The box disappeared in an instant and was completely submerged.

The iris also closes together, as if nothing happened.


Suddenly a cold woman's voice came from behind Nan Shunqing.

He turned sharply and looked.

Two purple flames ignited from the bamboo forest, forming two purple human figures.

The flames dissipated, and two men, one man and one woman, came out of it.

At first glance, the two men knew that they were not Yinfu people.

They wore purple robes like official uniforms, and had purple tattoos on their faces that looked like flowers.

And the most important thing is that the strength of their bodies fluctuates and cultivates into a breath, so that Nan Shunqing feels a little breathless from the moment they see them.

With his power at the extreme level, standing in front of the two of them, even breathing would be oppressed!

This is also the case when the opponent does not deliberately expand their strength.

One can imagine the strength of the two.

"Nan Zhaorong?" Nan Shunqing quickly sorted out her memory and hesitated to read the other's name.

He did not use the language of the local people, but a completely different complex language.

"You should call me the second sister." The woman's long hair ponytail dangled from the left side, with silver loops of silk tied around her braid, and her robe sleeves fluttered in the wind, giving a faint and luxurious beauty.

"This is Murong City. With me, I made a special trip in the name of the owner and came to seek your return." Nan Zhaorong calmly said. "Are you ready?"

Nan Shunqing kept silent.

"If it's okay, let's go." Nan Zhaorong waved his sleeves, and suddenly a purple light waved out, falling on the three of them.

The purple light room, like a layer of light, completely wrapped the three people, then quickly reduced to three light spots, disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Nan Shunqing felt as if he had fallen into a purple vortex, surrounded by purple flowing runes and patterns.

He seemed to see thousands of purple robe priests in an instant. He bowed respectfully and bowed in the air, sending out unclear prayers and mantras.

The voice was neat and loud, shaking in his ear like thunder.


Suddenly Jiao Yin rang in his ear.

Nanshun turned back sharply.

Looking closer at him, he was with Nan Zhaorong, a serious man named Murong Cheng, who stood on an oval purple jade plate.

The jade pan was moving quickly, and there was completely purple light around it.

They seemed to be flying fast in a purple, fluorescent channel.

"Where are we going?"

Nanshun's eyes narrowed.

"Of course it is back to the original universe." Nan Zhaorong answered calmly. "Can it be that you still want to stay here for a lifetime?"

"Master Three, the owner is critically ill. Now the adulterer is in charge, and the family forces must strive for stability.

If we can't return to the family at the fastest speed and the shortest time, we are afraid that there will be danger of being sidelined. "

Murong Cheng said sincerely.

"Now, the young master is stubborn and the second lady is inadequate. Only you, the young master, is the first heir."

"Is this really such a bad situation?" Nan Shunqing inherited his previous memories and understood the general situation.

The universe he came from, because it is based on psionic practice, is called the psionic universe.

The entire universe is divided into three empires.

Their Nan family is a large family belonging to one of the empires.

And he is the three masters who are the most qualified to inherit this family, but he has been exiled to the outer universe for some trouble.

But now the family is in trouble and the owner is in critical condition. Due to special reasons, he was retrieved as a great potential stock to inherit the family and participate in the fight for position. And is the most powerful contender.

At this time Nan Shunqing gradually merged with the memory of the ontology.

The past and past events continue to slide in front of him ~ ~ from childhood to age, the beautiful and unforgettable memories of living in the family, all recalled in an instant.

He closed his eyes, remained silent for a moment, and opened his eyes again.

The purple light flashed under my eyes.

At this moment, he is no longer Nan Shunqing of the Songlin Sword School of Yinfu, but the third heir to the third son of the Nan family.

In addition, before he came to the Prefecture, he continued to be reborn and rebuilt, and his accumulated tens of thousands of years of memory also instantly diluted his 20,000 years of hardship experience in the Prefecture.

"Recalling it?" Nan Zhaorong has been watching this brother.

He used the Temple of the Broken Wheel to repeatedly reincarnate for tens of thousands of years, practicing spiritual energy, reaching a very high level.

Although it is not as good as a real master, among the children in the family, it can be regarded as excellent. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read. )