MTL - In This Hogwarts Without a Savior-Chapter 336 Episode 334: The Wounded Unicorn and Hermione's Request

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  Jon stretched out his hand, stained some silver liquid on the tip of his nose and smelled it.

  Although the taste is not heavy, it clearly has a **** smell.

  Even if he had never seen such a thing before, he still had a vague guess in his mind that there was silver blood in the Forbidden Forest, and there was basically no other possibility except for unicorns.

   But even if a unicorn is injured, why did the Bowtruckle bring itself here?

   If it cared about the injured unicorn, shouldn't it be more vigilant against itself as an outsider?

  Jon turned his head and glanced at the little guy who brought him here. It was blinking and looking straight at him like this.

  Jon suddenly thought of a possibility. He held up the wooden sign and asked the Bowtruckle tentatively.

   "Does this injured unicorn know the owner of this brand?"

   The little guy jumped up suddenly, as if cheering that Jon understood what it meant.

  Seeing its performance, Jon also cheered up. He looked at the silver spots left on the grass, and began to follow the trail left by the blood, continuing to search deep into the Forbidden Forest.

  The Bowtruckle didn't have the restraint it had at the beginning. It jumped directly onto Jon's shoulder and followed him forward.

  Jon continued to walk for about half an hour, and finally came to an empty grassland, and in the center of the grassland gathered a group of horse-shaped creatures with snow-white hair and unicorns on their heads.

  Unicorns, a symbol of purity and sacredness in legends, are said to be generally only accessible to virgins.

  Hagrid told Jon very early on that there is a huge herd of unicorns living in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts, which can even be said to be the largest group in Britain.

Every few years, Ollivander will pay a sum of money to come to the Forbidden Forest, use a harmless method to scrape some unicorn horn powder to use as the core of the wand, and some of these unicorns are also The relationship with Hagrid is very good, and he has received a lot of care from Hagrid.

  The group of unicorns that appeared in front of Jon did not look so optimistic.

   Almost every one of them had claw wounds or burns on their bodies, and the originally beautiful snow-white fur was covered with scorching marks, and they were all surrounded together, with their heads bowed, as if they were mourning for something.

  Jon did not hide his whereabouts, he pushed aside the bushes in front of him, and walked directly into the open space.

   This kind of movement was instantly noticed by all the unicorns gathered here. They raised their heads together, paddled their hooves on the grass uneasily, and looked at Jon with vigilance.

  Jon didn't pick up his wand to defend, but raised the wooden sign, and said softly, as softly as possible.

   "Do you know this one? Don't be afraid, I'm Rubeus Hagrid's friend."

The vigilance in the eyes of most unicorns did not disappear, and they aimed at Jon with their unicorns. However, the one with the tallest body and the purest hair surpassed all the others of its kind and walked away. In front of Jon.

  It poked its head out, sniffed the wooden sign in Jon's hand carefully, and then its tense body relaxed a lot. Obviously, it knew Hagrid.

   "Are you in any trouble? I can try to help you."

  Jon continued after gaining the initial trust of these unicorns.

  The unicorn that recognized Hagrid's wooden sign looked like the leader of the herd. It stared at Jon for a while with its beautiful eyes, and then honked twice at its companions.

  After hearing its orders, several unicorns in the unicorn herd were obviously reluctant, but they all turned in the direction of Jon in the end and made way for a passage.

  Following this gap, Jon finally saw what was surrounded by them.

   That was also a unicorn, but it was less than half the size of the surrounding adult unicorns, and it was a cub that hadn't grown up yet.

   What is shocking is that there is a large area of ​​horrible burns on its back, and all the fur on its back has disappeared, revealing a piece of scorched black flesh and blood instead!

The little unicorn was lying on its side on the grass. It could still breathe, but it could be heard just from the sound of breathing. Such a serious injury made it unable to hold on for long, and the burnt part would still faintly light up from time to time. There was an orange flame, and the injury was still getting worse.

   Silver blood mixed with black particles flowed on the grass, until it spread to Jon's feet.

  Jon squatted down and looked into the eyes of this little unicorn. Its eyes were so pure and full of desire to survive.

   "It's those dragons, right? You have a conflict with them?"

   Such burns made it easy for Jon to judge the situation these unicorns were encountering right now, and after hearing his words, the surrounding unicorns snorted restlessly and swiped their hooves.

   From their performance, he verified the correctness of his guess, and then Jon refocused on the little unicorn's injury.

The burn on its back was obviously caused by the breath of the dragon. The fierce flame is not just as simple as high temperature, it will also spread inward along the flesh and blood. This is a bit like Fiendfire, but without Fiendfire, everything can burn So domineering.

   But it’s only at this level, and it can kill this little unicorn.

  Under normal circumstances, unicorns themselves have extremely high magic resistance. As long as they are not directly hit, ordinary dragon breath will not cause much damage to them. These adult unicorns around are proof.

   And this little unicorn must not only be directly swept by the dragon's breath, but also because its own physique has not matured yet, and its magic resistance is not as strong as other adult unicorns.

This is why its current injury is so serious. Otherwise, if it is a general burn, even if it has been severe to this extent, it can survive it relying on the unicorn's own tenacious vitality. After all, the blood of the unicorn In the legend, it has the effect of bringing the dead back to life.

  Looking at the dying unicorn in front of him, Jon was helpless at first.

He does know how to configure potions for treating burns, but those potions are only effective for ordinary burns, and the dragon's breath of the fire dragon naturally has the magic power of the dragon itself, and this magic power cannot be cleared by ordinary means up.

  When Jon was thinking of this, he was suddenly taken aback.

   Maybe he has no way to clear the magic power, but he can absorb magic power!

  Jon quickly took out the ring worn around his neck, and then tentatively aimed it at the unicorn's burn.

Although he had successfully absorbed a lot of unowned magic before, those were left by wizards. It was the first time he tried the magic left by magical animals like this. Jon himself did not know whether he could succeed or not. You know, now he can only do his best and obey the destiny.

   And just a few seconds after the ring hovered over the unicorn's wound, Jon could clearly feel that a strange magic power was being absorbed.

  This kind of magic power is different from all the magic power he has absorbed before. He can obviously feel that the quality of the magic power itself is very high, but there is no way to bring much room for improvement to the magic power itself absorbed by the ring.

  However, Jon didn't expect much enhancement by absorbing the magic power of dragons. As the magic power of the burn was gradually extracted, the condition of the unicorn improved a lot.

  The surrounding adult unicorns also felt the change in the little unicorn's injury, and they couldn't help getting closer to Jon, with bright eyes in their eyes.

The fire dragon's magic power has been completely extracted, but the burns on the unicorn's body are still there, and because the erosion of the magic power has not been delayed for a long time, the burns have penetrated into its internal organs, and if it is not treated immediately, it will be delayed , can also be life-threatening.

  Jon stood up from the ground, he stretched out his hand and gestured at the leading unicorn while describing.

   "Have you ever seen a grass plant with round leaves in the Forbidden Forest, and there are obvious white lines on the leaves. Their juice has a significant healing effect on various types of wounds."

The leading unicorn understood what Jon said. It first turned around and was about to run in one direction, but soon turned around hesitantly and knelt down slowly facing Jon. He stretched his forelegs and bent his upper body at the same time.

  Jon blinked, he asked in disbelief.

   "Are you letting me ride you?"

  The unicorn raised its head and blinked its bright eyes, as if in response.

  Jon really didn't think that unicorns would be willing to let a man like himself come into close contact. According to the wizard's research on this creature for many years, they are generally only willing to get close to pure virgins, especially little girls.

  In this situation, he can only attribute it to the fact that he saved the little unicorn, making it restrain his instincts.

Of course, Jon didn't have any pressure on being able to ride the unicorn. He stepped directly on the back of the unicorn, and then the unicorn didn't stop for a moment. .

   During the start of the Triwizard Tournament, no other students were allowed to watch.

  Even the students in the carriage stayed in the carriage all day and Dumbledore came to teach them.

  Even if they came to Hogwarts Castle, their studies would definitely not be delayed, and Dumbledore, who was always staying in the car now, was of course perfect for teaching them.

   Just when these students were in class in the afternoon, the students around discovered that Hermione, who was still there in the afternoon, had disappeared.

   Lavender questioned this, but Dumbledore replied calmly.

   "Miss Granger asked me to leave because of some special things. Don't worry, she will be back tomorrow."

  He didn't say where Hermione went, but Lavender didn't ask any more. After all, as long as Dumbledore knew where she was, it would prove that Hermione was safe enough.

  At the same time, Hermione was checking the things she got in the bedroom of the carriage for the last time.

  Invisibility cloak, Marauder's Map, and a golden-red bird!

  Fox stood gracefully on Hermione's bed, combing his feathers, while the ghost of Ms. Gray looked at Hermione in surprise.

   "Have you made up your mind to help me, Hermione? You even went to Dumbledore to apply for this phoenix?"

  Hearing that he was mentioned, Fox raised his head, glanced at Ms. Gray with disdain, and then focused his attention on his feathers again.

   After hearing Ms. Gray's words, Hermione said without raising her head.

   "We're not close enough to call each other names, Ms. Gray, and I'm obviously not preparing these things for you."

  She was so outspoken that the original joy on Ms. Gray's face suddenly turned pale.

   "But you're going into that castle, aren't you? Dumbledore sent you there?"

   Hermione said calmly.

   "It's me who thinks I can handle this task."

   "Then why can't you help me too, child? I promise that I will help you too. As long as there is anything that may put you in danger, I will not force you to continue. You can choose to give up."

  Hermione didn't answer her first, but carefully opened the Marauder's Map, and at the same time waved her wand to open the map with a spell.

  The next moment, the whole picture of Hogwarts appeared before her eyes.

For the first time, she looked in the direction of the Forbidden Forest, but this map can only involve the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Apart from seeing some Aurors and Matthew, the three referees wandering around there, Others can no longer have any gains.

   Didn't see the name she wanted to see, Hermione couldn't help being disappointed by this result, she shook her head and returned her gaze to Hogwarts Castle, while answering what Ms. Gray said just now.

   "I can grant your request."

Ms. Gray was stunned at first. Originally, she had almost given up on what Hermione promised her. She thought there was nothing she could do. At worst, she sneaked into Hogwarts Castle by herself and tried to talk about a castle. student inside, help her do this.

   It turned out that Hermione actually let go at such a last moment, and a joyful expression suddenly appeared on her face.

   "Thank you so much, thank you so much, Miss H. Granger!"

   But when Hermione looked away from the Marauder's Map, she continued to say what she hadn't finished just now.

   "I can help you, but as you said, when encountering risky things, I can choose to continue or give up. At the same time, I have to promise me one thing."

  Ms. Gray said urgently.

"you say."

   "During this process, you cannot follow me into Hogwarts Castle."