MTL - In This Hogwarts Without a Savior-Chapter 426 424. Will you come to me?

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  Frank, who lives in Devon, thinks he has found love.

  That is Miss Marita Coulibaly who lives at the foot of the mountain in the town. She has only moved to this small town of Bliss in the last three years. Everyone else in the town thinks she is a strange woman.

  I just stay in my own house all day, either studying those strange and untouchable flowers and plants, or hiding on the second floor where no one is allowed to go up, not knowing what I am doing.

   But Frank felt that Miss Coulibaly was a very attractive woman.

It is a mysterious and intellectual beauty that normal people can't understand. He likes to see this lady wearing an old-fashioned robe that normal people would never wear. He also secretly saw her wearing it in private. A pointed hat that only naughty girls would wear.

When Frank bumped into her little secret, Miss Coulibaly was still nervous. She held a small wooden stick in her hand and kept asking Frank if he saw anything else. She acted like a Like a witch!

  Frank thought that he had secretly discovered the secret of Miss Coulibaly's immature mentality, which made him very happy. The fastest way to promote the relationship between a man and a woman is to have a common secret to keep.

  Of course he said that he didn’t see anything, and told Ms. Coulibaly in relief that he would rest assured that he would never tell about her role-playing at home alone.

  When he left that day, he could clearly feel that Miss Coulibaly was holding the small wooden stick with a tangled expression, as if he was really hesitating whether to cast a spell on Frank.

  Frank felt even more ridiculous after feeling this way.

  Miss Coulibaly is such an interesting lady.

It’s just that something has happened these two days. Miss Coulibaly seems to be sick, and she has been hiding at home, not even taking care of the flowers outside the door, but Frank has been paying attention to them all the time. From time to time, I stopped by to water them.

However, yesterday, when he stood hesitantly at the door and wanted to visit, he vaguely saw the charming lady from the window drawing a chilling snake protruding from the skull for some reason. Come out the pattern of the body.

Frank didn't know why when he saw the pattern, he just felt his body was cold, his brain was blank, and his body seemed to have inspired the consciousness of self-protection. Barry walked away in the yard.

   But after returning home, Frank’s uneasiness did not dissipate. He was restless at home all day today, and finally felt that he wanted to take the cookies his mother had just made to visit the lady.

  He brought the gift to the foot of the mountain at the edge of the town, where there was only a yard surrounded by fences, which looked so out of place with other houses in the town.

  Frank watched from outside the fence, but before he could make a sound, the small gate of the yard suddenly opened by itself, whether it was blown by the wind or something.

  He didn't hesitate for a few seconds before walking into Miss Coulibaly's yard with a basket of cookies.

  The lady with black-rimmed glasses and long brown-black shawl hair was sitting in the middle of the garden drinking tea.

  The morning sun on her made Frank's heart stop half a beat.

   "What's the matter, Mr. Frank."

  The beautiful and dignified lady was holding a teacup, but she didn't look up. Her gaze was always on a piece of parchment, which looked like a letter written to her by someone.

"Um, I'm here to apologize for what happened yesterday, Miss Coulibaly." Frank swallowed, "I didn't mean to peek at you, I wanted to explain it at the time, but my brain didn't know how Now, just control your body and go home.”

   "Don't worry, it's not your fault, it's because of some accidents with my Muggle banishing spell."

   "Muggle. Repelling spell?"

  Frank stammered and repeated the phrase he had never heard before.

   "What did you bring me?" Coulibaly asked casually, but it didn't seem like she was deliberately breaking the topic, but she was interested in what Frank was holding.

   "Pie, biscuit, my mother made it herself, and I always think that no one in Devon can do it better than her."

   Frank walked into the garden and put the basket on the table while talking.

   Coulibaly looked very interested, and Frank also glanced at the contents of the parchment at this time.

  ‘.The only master we really need is you, not that lunatic. Without you to preside over the overall situation, Britain can’t resist Dumbledore’s attack at all.’

   This sentence just flashed through Frank's mind, and before he even had time to fully understand the meaning, he politely looked away from the parchment.

   Strange, isn't it? Now who calls another person "Master"?

   And Coulibaly seems to be so focused on the basket of cookies that he doesn't care what Frank is looking at.

At this time, an owl suddenly flew over from the sky, and began to glide at a low altitude with a clear goal, passing towards the center of the garden. When it reached the sky above Coulibaly, a roll of newspaper-like things was thrown away Come down, and finally land on the wooden table with precision.

  Frank watched this scene dumbfounded, while Coulibaly unfolded the roll of newspaper as if he was used to it.

On the big front page, there was a moving black and white photo of two men standing together, one of them had a straight aquiline nose, long greasy hair hanging down to his shoulders like kelp, and empty eyes, His face was pale and gloomy.

  The other has short blond hair. His appearance looks much younger, but the expression on his face also seems to be very ugly, just staring at the camera indifferently and suspiciously.

And the background where these two people are standing seems to be many children wearing robes, and you can even vaguely see a little boy who looks to be only six or seven years old standing directly behind them, and a boy with a strange crescent moon old man in shaped glasses.

  The headline on the front page was also seen by Frank.

  【One week after the end of the Triwizard Tournament, the ending of failure was not as bad as we imagined】

   "This, why this newspaper."

   "That idiot dared to choose Barty Crouch under such circumstances but discarded Severus Snape. Does he even know what he's doing?"

   Coulibaly showed a stern smile that Frank had never seen before.

  The raised corner of the mouth reminded him of a poisonous snake, cold and deadly!

   "Miss Coulibaly, what does this mean." Frank swallowed subconsciously, "What happened to that owl just now? And this newspaper, why did the photo on it move?"

   "Thank you for the biscuits, Frank, and thank you for coming to find me today, and saving me the trouble of finding you."

  Frank's words were interrupted again, the hand painted with bright red nail polish did not know when to hold the small wooden stick that Miss Coulibaly never left her body, and the tip of the small wooden stick was aimed at him!

  The next moment, Frank only saw a green light light up, and then he was completely plunged into darkness.


  A young body fell to the ground, but "Miss Coulibaly" seemed to have done an insignificant thing. The smile on her face remained unchanged, and she refocused on the Daily Prophet.

   While savoring the morning tea given to her by the life she just killed.

She fixed her eyes on the empty eyes of the greasy kelp-headed man on the front page of the photo, as if two people were really looking at each other face to face in reality, "Miss Coulibaly" licked the scarlet lips.

   "It's been so long, when you know how stupid that idiot is, you should come to me, Severus?"

  France is completely restored.

  After the French Ministry of Magic, the last isolated island in Paris, is completely occupied by the Wuping Line, it means that the whole of France has fallen into the hands of Dumbledore.

Including the Beauxbaton School of Magic that has been sticking to it for a long time. After learning the result of the Triwizard Tournament, the headmaster of this school, Karkaroff, who has only been in office for more than a year, directly gave up on everyone else in the school and used the school to The Floo fan who had been connected to the UK fled back to the UK.

  And other professors who supported Voldemort's rule in France, as well as students who had been divided into blood classes during this year, were all accepted by Wu Pingxian.

   This means that the three magic schools in Europe are all under the control of the Wuping Line. At least in terms of education, Dumbledore and the others have won a complete victory.

And after completely occupying France, Dumbledore also became more and more busy. Not only did the students brought back from Hogwarts Castle have to be dealt with, but also those who had been brainwashed and changed their minds had to find ways to get them Transform back into a normal, dignified human being.

   As for the current rule and governance in the French magic world, Dumbledore has no intention of intervening, and has given Iniesta full authority to organize and establish the new French Ministry of Magic.

Innist didn't have the slightest idea of ​​making trouble. He frankly assured Dumbledore in front of all the senior officials of the newly formed Ministry of Magic that as long as the Death Eaters represented by Voldemort were not completely defeated for a day, then the current The French Ministry of Magic still belongs to the Wuping Line formed by Dumbledore.

   And as long as there is a French hemp alive, they will never forget the sacrifices and efforts made by a group of British wizards like the Order of the Phoenix for the equality of France today.

This is of course a welcome thing. Iniesta's clear statement not only suppressed the newly established French Ministry of Magic, but also some negative, lazy and discordant voices that appeared after the complete recovery of France, and even the original Order of the Phoenix. Some doubts and mistrust of the French also dissipated.

  Similarly as Beauxbaton has been completely liberated, Gabriel can finally return to her normal identity, and will no longer have to live as a ghost.

  When Jon took her to find her body that Madame Maxime had hidden in Beauxbatons, Gabriel seemed a little reluctant to turn back into a human being, and the ghost life made her a little addicted.

But in the end she allowed her soul to return to her body. The days of being a ghost are very happy, but Gabriel also knows that if her parents and sister can only be ghosts after seeing her, they will definitely Sad and sad to die.

A body without a soul is still alive and breathing, but Madame Maxime was fully prepared when dealing with Gabriel's body, knowing that when she escaped from Beauxbatons, no one could maintain Gabriel's body The energy consumed by natural growth, so her body was soaked in a special potion, which suppressed her growth.

This led to the fact that although Gabriel had been with Jon and the others for two years in the form of a ghost, her physical age had only grown for a few months, which made her, who should have been ten years old, now look Still only seven or eight years old.

   But even so, she still looks older than Jon, who still maintains a six-year-old appearance.

   "Jon, please, Jon, can you call me sister, please, you see, this is just in line with our current age!"

   Even after returning to Lyon, Gabriel still clings to Jon, and she seems to be eager to hear the pleasure brought by Jon calling her sister.

  However, Jon didn't let go from the beginning to the end, no matter how soft and stubborn Gabriel was, he refused to agree.

"Stop daydreaming." Jon, who had no threatening appearance, rolled his eyes, "Instead of annoying me here now, why not think about how to write to your parents, now the French The situation has stabilized and you can reunite with them."

  Jon's choice of changing the subject was very clever, and sure enough, Gabriel stopped pestering him.

   "Then you can't grow up suddenly, at most, at most you will grow up to be the same age as me, and we will go to magic school again in the same grade!"

What was going on in the little girl's mind, Jon probably would never be able to figure it out, he just nodded and agreed, but he was already muttering in his heart that he would probably be able to turn back to the previous 15 years old in two months look.

Just when Jon was preparing to go back to the dormitory in the temporary teaching site of Hogwarts in Lyon, he suddenly met Lupine who was hurrying out of the office and seemed to be going to the Floo powder fireplace use room .

   "Did something happen? Professor Lupine." Jon couldn't help asking after seeing his ugly face.

   Facing Jon, Lupine had nothing to hide.

   "Today was supposed to be the day when the group of Death Eater prisoners were executed, but when they brought the prisoners there, they found that Snape was missing!"

  Jon was also stunned.

   "Snape is missing?"