MTL - In This Hogwarts Without a Savior-Chapter 435 433. Plan

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  Chapter 435 433. Plan

  Voldemort looked indifferently at the fallen corpse in front of him, and slowly retracted his wand.

  The surrounding purebloods stood tremblingly on both sides, peeping at the corpse in the middle that had lost all breath and the temperature had begun to turn cold. Some people showed uncontrollable panic on their faces.

   "I don't care what kind of agreement I had with you before, and what kind of interests were divided."

  Voldemort's voice was not loud, but it was heard by everyone present.

"From now on, the only thing I want is obedience! Unreserved obedience! I have brought you to a high position, then you must be ready to dedicate everything to me at any time, no matter what it is, Whether your wealth or your life, this will all be part of the transaction. Is there anyone who doesn’t understand now?”

  In the huge hall, there was silence, and no one made a sound, as if everyone had become dumb.

  Voldemort seems to be very satisfied with the reaction of his subordinates. He does not require everyone to be absolutely loyal to him, because sometimes when a person is strong enough, he can force the loyalty of everyone.

   Just as the meeting was about to end, a Death Eater suddenly hurried over from outside and whispered something beside Voldemort.

  Only a small number of people have the courage to look at Voldemort's current face at this time, and these people can obviously find that Voldemort's face has become a little strange after hearing the news.

   Yes, weird.

  Afterwards, he didn't say anything to the Death Eater immediately, but turned his head to look at the new director of the Auror Command who replaced Lucius—Igor Karkaroff.

  That's right, after abandoning Beauxbaton from France and fleeing back, not only did he not receive any punishment, he was also entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Voldemort to take over the position after Lucius and take charge of the basic law and order of the whole of Britain.

   "What about the thing I asked you to investigate?"

  Karkaroff lowered his head, not daring to look directly into Voldemort's eyes.

"I investigated the name of Prince according to your instructions, and found that there was indeed a wizard with a particularly high position in the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic before, and you gave him permission to enter and exit any room in the Department of Mysteries. Then We found out that he used to have a special room in the Department of Mysteries for making potions. Based on some leftover materials and things in this room, we found a shop in Knockturn Alley. We just sent people there today. Next, I wanted to wait until the results from Knockturn Alley came out before reporting to you."

  Voldemort sneered.

   "Report? What else to report? The so-called Prince is Snape."

  His words made everyone present puzzled, and they didn't even know what Snape would do even if he used Prince's alias.

  But Voldemort didn't seem to want to explain to them, he just talked about another thing.

"Just this morning, Snape died in Cokeworth's home, Selwin and Travers, one died of the death curse and the other died under the sharp weapon of the transfiguration technique, and right in Snape In the house where they used to live, there were signs that the Floo network was connected and used privately that day. They followed the Floo network in it and found a potion shop in Knockturn Alley. The owner of the store was also tampered with in his memory this morning. In that hidden memory, a wizard named Prince who had been in contact with him before suddenly appeared and withdrew a sum of money stored in him. The fireplace in his home left, and after that a pair of mother and son who claimed to be Knott broke into his shop and extracted all his memories of this Prince."

  After listening to Voldemort's statement, an old Death Eater whose real surname was Nott raised his head in panic.

   "Master! This is definitely not someone from my family!"

   "Do you think I'm too stupid, or you are too smart?" Voldemort looked at him coldly, "Won't I know that this is just a false identity?"

   "No, it's not, master, I"

   "Since you think you are so smart, can you tell me why I have to say so much about it?"

Nott hesitated, his forehead was full of cold sweat. Since the Triwizard Tournament, their master's temper has become more and more volatile, and he began to kill more casually, so it's not because he couldn't guess Come out, but his brain is running crazily. The question is, will he die if he says it, or will he die if he doesn't say it?

"Snape escaped from Dumbledore!" Voldemort looked at him coldly, it seemed that today's killing was enough, and he was not going to find someone to kill him again, "Dumbledore's people are chasing him, And has found his home and met Selwin and Travers!"

   Even before Voldemort spoke, many people had already guessed this possibility, but when Voldemort said it himself, many people were still shocked!

  Is it really possible for a prisoner like Snape to escape?

   Could it be Dumbledore's conspiracy?

   Or is it that Snape has been restrained or even surrendered?

  After all, everyone knows that this indifferent guy is actually a licking dog. If Lily can really let go of her previous hatred and stay with him, Snape's surrender is absolutely possible.

  As for why Snape didn't immediately contact the Death Eaters and return to Voldemort if it really was Snape who fled back to England, no one asked.

  Because everyone knows how he was captured by Dumbledore in the first place.

   After a long silence in the atmosphere on the field, Voldemort said suddenly.

   "Find! Everyone go find me! I don't care what method you use, I must bring Snape back alive! Remember, bring him back alive!"

   Death Eaters knelt around him at his feet, claiming to be.

   Then Voldemort turned his gaze to Nott, who was also kneeling.

   "The person who entered the UK to hunt him down was probably that dirty woman. I remember that she still has an older sister's family staying in the UK. You take a few people to arrest her older sister's family."

   Nott raised his head tremblingly.

   "Lord, master, what if, if we meet Lily Potter again now?"

   Voldemort fell silent.

  Because no one except Nott looked up at his face at this time, so no one except Nott noticed that there was a real thoughtful expression on his face at this time.

   After a few seconds, he spoke again calmly.

   "What did you do in the past, what should you do now? Capture her alive!"

  As soon as he said these words, bitterness appeared on the faces of many Death Eaters around.

  Over the years, because of the special treatment given to her by the Death Eaters, Lily has acted unscrupulously in every encirclement and suppression campaign against the Order of the Phoenix, causing great casualties to the Death Eaters.

   And now, just when they thought that Snape was gone, and they could finally be freed from such grievances, they still had nothing to do with that woman.

   Soon, Voldemort left here, and the Death Eaters could finally breathe a sigh of relief from their master's recent increasing oppression, and stood up from the ground.

   Some people looked at the corpse lying on the ground with pity. Just before this meeting started, they were all colleagues.

Most of the people also used Apparition to leave immediately. They didn't dare to delay the order Voldemort gave them, but some people just dawdled. Gather in the direction where little Barty is.

   These people are basically not listed in the list of pure blood surnames of the twenty-eight sacred families, but being able to stand here means that they are new pure bloods who benefited from the blood reform more than ten years ago.

   "Crouch, what do you think about that matter?"

Someone asked Barty Jr., and the new-school purebloods around him also looked up at this guy who was still favored after the Triwizard Tournament. With Snape abandoned and Lucius fired , A wizard who can still maintain his own status.

   Little Barty's face was very calm.

   "Consider? Why should I think about this?"

  The purebloods around were stunned. At first they thought that little Barty would basically refuse this matter, because many people saw the change of expression on his face in front of Hogwarts Castle.

  And now that Voldemort has changed so much, some small actions and preparations they made in private later allowed them to "anticipate" some of Barty's thoughts.

  But now, the result is exactly the opposite of what they thought.

"Why? Do you really think the current owner is still the previous owner?" Someone lowered his voice and said, "What can we gain by working for this lunatic? I don't know when the death curse will suddenly appear? We need to find Our true master! Only he can lead us, and only he can revitalize the pure blood!"

  However, little Barty still remained unmoved, he just looked at the person who spoke indifferently.

"I won't tell the master what you said today, but you should know exactly what you are talking about. If you want to find the real master, then do it yourself, don't drag me, I Your loyalty will not be given to someone who doesn't know what it means."

   After saying these words, he disappeared into the crowd, leaving only these new purebloods looking at each other in blank dismay.

   "Are you a student?" Penny was really surprised by Jon's words, "Isn't Hogwarts only admitting students who are 11 years old?"

  Jon couldn't help flicking his blond hair when he heard this question.

   "How can you assume my age based on appearance? Let me introduce myself. My name is Jon Green, a fourth-year student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am 15 years old this year, 16 imaginary years old."

  Not only Petunia, but also Vernon who was sitting in the back comforting Dudley couldn't help but widen his small eyes when he said these words.

  Penny saw Jon from top to bottom.

   "Excuse me, is there something special about you? Or since you were a child."

   "It's a kind of magic that temporarily turned me into this, and I can change back to my original appearance in a month or two at most."

  Jon didn't want to stay too much on this topic, he changed the subject and said.

   "After I send you to France, you may have to wait for a while to see Professor Porter. The professor will not be able to go back until he has finished his recent work."

  Penny was silent for a while before suddenly speaking.

   "She's looking for Snape, isn't she?"

  There is nothing to hide, since Petunia has promised to follow him, Jon will definitely not let them fall into the hands of Death Eaters again.

   "Yes, the professor returned to England because of this, otherwise we should liquidate those scum in France now." Jon said, taking a sip of tea.

According to this time, a reckoning meeting in France should be about to begin. The new Ministry of Magic formed by Iniesta advocates equality for all, but the trauma suffered by the witches during Voldemort's rule of France must be paid for. The price, under the proposal of Jon in an internal meeting at Wu Pingxian, the extent to which these people will atone for this will only be determined by a public trial.

Even those students who were brought to the former Hogwarts castle in Lyon also had a small public trial inside the school. Of course, most of them are not guilty of death, but they will still be punished for all the crimes they committed before. They were all picked up and punished in varying degrees.

  As the sponsor, Jon is actually very interested in this public trial, but unfortunately he can't participate now.

The conversation with Petunia didn't last long, and the Dursleys started to pack up their belongings. As for Vernon's job, Jon assured him that someone would help him with the mess, even if he came back from France to re-enter the job. There will be no problems either.

   As for their life after they arrive in France, of course Wuping Line will guarantee it.

   Just like that, Jon waited at the Dursleys' house until the sun went down. Just when he looked at the bright yellow sky outside, the little bit of sun left was about to go down completely, and felt that today's waiting was a waste of effort.

  An owl flew across the sky suddenly, and then landed in front of the window of Dursley's house, with a letter in its paw.

Jon was refreshed immediately, he opened the window, took the parchment from the owl's claw, just glanced at it, and he finished reading this letter with neither addressee nor sender letter.

  Then, his eyes narrowed, and he turned to look at the Dursleys.

   "Is everything packed?"

  Penny nodded nervously.

   "Hurry up, let's go now!"

   And the moment Jon finished speaking, a different kind of spell suddenly enveloped the courtyard where the Dursleys lived!

   Muggle Repelling Curse!

   Then, the door to the living room shattered!

  Three figures in black robes and iron masks appeared outside the door!

   There is another chapter of 2,000 later, before one o’clock


  (end of this chapter)