MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 31 031

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Ning Buyi is easy to talk about innocuous little things, as long as Fengyi and Lingshu can provide ten phoenixes and ten dragons to work in Desolation Star as written in the contract. After building a good relationship with the orcs, there may be "butterfly" clans willing to migrate to the barren star in the future, so that they don't have to fight the idea of ​​the little bees of the Zerg race.

The conversation didn't take long, but Ning Buyi judged Feng Yi's relationship with Xia Tu from Feng Yi's attitude, and everything has not yet developed according to the plot. It is impossible to disclose the existence of the base to Xia Tu through Feng Yi.

After solving this matter, Ning Buyi went to see the eight new residents of Desolate Star. They came from different planets, they were hijacked to Desolate Star by star thieves, all their personal chips were destroyed, and they were regarded as black households in Daxia. There are no mecha warriors among them, and their physical fitness is far inferior to that of Lingshu. They only wake up when the dark pollution in their bodies drops to 40%.

There was a rattling noise outside the hall.

Ning Mo, Lingshu and his team are using the materials looted from Huangxing Prison to build a simple house. In the interstellar world, it is not like Ning Buyi's original world where bricks, cement, and tiles are laid. The new materials are special and extremely malleable. Looking at the palm-sized material, it can become ten cubic meters in size after being soaked in a special potion. There are all kinds of portable houses on the star network, but this has nothing to do with Ning Buyi, she is not responsible for being taken advantage of, it is better that Ning Mo and the others are willing to build a base.

After being distracted for a while, Ning Buyi's eyes fell back on the eight people sitting together dully. They were hijacked by the Star Thief and endured a lot of torture. Although the wounds on their bodies have been treated, the wounds deep in their hearts are still there. Ning Buyi didn't understand "psychological therapy", so he could only clear his throat and lower his voice.

"This is Desolation Star No. 1, and I am Ning Buyi, the owner of the planet. You are free now." Of course, it is freedom on Desolation Star, Ning Buyi added silently in his heart. Seeing that the eight people were all in a daze, she said again, "Although it is a barren star now, as long as everyone works hard to build a new home, they will definitely become literary stars in the future." Ning Buyi drew a big cake, but they still didn't respond .

Hua Zhuoyu couldn't stand it anymore, she took out the badge with the "Star Court logo" from her pocket, and said in a low voice: "You were hijacked by the star thief, and you can't go back to your homeland for the time being, the star court arranged for you to go to the barren star." .”

A woman with a delicate face turned her stiff neck, a pair of empty eyes became more lively, her lips moved, and her voice trembled.


Hua Zhuoyu handed the badge to the woman and said seriously, "Yes."

The woman didn't speak, she gently stroked the badge and burst into tears.

Although the government has been cracking down on star robbers, the starry sky is vast, and star robbers are haunted by ghosts. Very few people who fall into the hands of star robbers can be rescued and return to their hometowns. She thought that what awaited her was a career as a slave. When she knew that the two star thieves couldn't go back, she thought to herself, let the dark pollution invade like this, and die on the barren star. However, Xing Ting made a move! They don't wander, they don't die.

Ning Buyi glanced at Hua Zhuoyu, but didn't speak. "Big pie" is not as good as "Xingting". She called up the character panel to check the woman's status—the other party didn't have any sense of belonging to the barren star, and her loyalty was naturally zero.

The woman's name is Chang Su, her profession is a doctor, and she is good at body modification, gender change and even sex/desire enhancement... After a series of introductions, Ning Buyi took a glance and looked away. Many places in the interstellar civilization are strange, beyond her cognition. But the doctor is good. Although she has a simple medical cabin here, it is not a panacea. After having a doctor, the medical room can also be equipped.

Ning Buyi was thinking about the development of the base in his mind, and when he looked up, he found eight people crowded together in front of him, sobbing and whimpering. She didn't pay attention to what Hua Zhuoyu said, and she didn't expect that she had a good ability to make people cry. The somewhat surprised eyes fell on Hua Zhuoyu, Ning Buyi's eyes flickered with divine light.

Hua Zhuoyu covered her lips and coughed softly, her eyes were as soft as a breeze, and she whispered softly: "Okay, let's live a good life in Desolate Star from now on."

The eight people nodded hurriedly, as well-behaved as a group of little sheep.

Ning Buyi took the time to look at the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book, and found that their loyalty had increased a bit. This guy really can confuse people, Ning Buyi thought to himself.

Several days had passed by the time the matter in the Desolate Star Prison was completely dealt with. Ning Buyi looked at the rice seeds soaked in the cultivating agent, and found that they had sprouted and were suitable for "planting". In the past few days, Beidou and its robot brothers have not been idle. They just finished their homework and organized the breeding field. In her cognition, it takes at least one month to breed, but here, the entire maturation process has been shortened to one month, and the breeding can be completed in just a few days. There are no plants in the interstellar, so naturally there will be no special machines for transplanting rice seedlings, but when the rice seedlings are transplanted, the residents have recovered and are just in time to go to work.

Although the planet owner is Ning Yi, but from Feng Yi to Chang Su, they all think that the base belongs to Xing Ting or Jian Zhengsi, after all, they are big figures they can't afford to offend, and dare not ask or say more. When Ning Buyi found out that they misunderstood, he felt a little funny, but he didn't explain it. That's how I decided, and I saved myself the effort of explaining.

When it came to the day of transplanting rice seedlings, Ning Buyi also went to the ground. Speaking of which, she has never done farm work, and the whole "planting" process is also based on the introduction in the illustrated book. Keeping in mind the words "sparse and dense", planting seedlings with bowed body. This job is a test of eyesight and physical strength, she stepped back step by step, for fear of accidentally falling and sitting in the field.

Beidou and its robot "planting rice seedlings" are precise and fast, and they have taken over half of the fields. Even so, after hours of busy work, Ning Buyi feels that his waist is about to be broken, and his forehead is dripping with sweat. When she finished working in the evening, she took a shower and slumped on the sofa with a sleepy look.

"Only wisdom and money can free your hands, you can't have nothing at all." Ning Buyi struggled to get up and check his small treasury. The money is far from enough to equip the guards, let alone other things. Waiting for the labor force from the beast star can relieve one or two. This system is good, binding her to the barren star, and asking her to build the barren star, but how to build it? Ning Buyi had a frowning face, and his whole body exuded a strong sense of despondency.

There was a knock on the door.

Ning Buyi sat up, pulled the pillow and put it on his back, lazily said "Come in". You don't need to look to know who it is. Her living room and bedroom are considered forbidden areas in the base, and no one will come here except Hua Zhuoyu.

"Are you unhappy?" Hua Zhuoyu frowned, keenly aware of Ning Buyi's emotional changes.

Ning Buyi slumped back on the sofa again, raised her eyelids and said, "Tired." Her voice was softer than usual, sounding like she was being coquettish.

Hua Zhuoyu was startled, thinking of today's work, she knew it clearly. She approached Ning Buyi, sat down beside her lap, and said softly: "Actually, you don't have to follow."

Ning Buyi muttered: "Aren't I going to be a role model?" It's the first time to work with the residents of Desolate Star, and it is always necessary to establish a good image. She wanted to sit on the rocking chair with her legs crossed and eat melons, but wasn't she afraid that the residents' loyalty points would drop?

"Here?" Hua Zhuoyu raised his hand and landed on Ning Buyi's waist, caressing gently.

Hua Zhuoyu's fingertips were slightly cool, and his movements were light and slow, as if an electric current passed through it, which aroused goose bumps all over his body.

"What are you doing!" Ning Buyi was taken aback by Hua Zhuoyu's actions, and sat up immediately, pursing her lips and glaring at Hua Zhuoyu.

Hua Zhuoyu looked innocent: "Isn't your waist sore?"

"That can't be touched!" Ning Buyi didn't mention the word "backache", but the "sequelae" of being "touched" are still there. At this moment, her complexion is slightly red, and her eyes are soft, not much at all. deterrence.

Hua Zhuoyu let out an "oh", and withdrew his hand, with regret still hidden in his eyes. Seeing that Ning Buyi drooped her head and said nothing, she blinked again and said, "Is it okay to press?" After a pause, to prove that she had no bad intentions, she added, "I brought essential oils."

Ning Buyi, who suffers from back pain, needs a "massage" most now, and the person who can do it is Hua Zhuoyu, which makes her a little embarrassed. Seeing Hua Zhuoyu took out a small bottle of synthetic essential oil, Ning Buyi glanced at her, and said lightly, "You are so delicate."

Hua Zhuoyu looked sincerely: "Then can I serve you?"

Ning Buyi met those focused and affectionate eyes, his heart trembled, and he blushed uncontrollably. Hua Zhuoyu's seductive demeanor was put on on purpose, but she couldn't escape the cage woven by beauty. Difficultly looking away, Ning Buyi made a request: "Can you stop smiling at me?"

Hua Zhuoyu frowned, pretending to be puzzled and said: "Then do you want to see me cry?"

Ning Buyi was taken aback, unable to keep up with Hua Zhuoyu's brain circuit. But following her words, imagining Hua Zhuoyu's expression of red eyes, blurred eyes, pear blossoms with rain, the nerves can't help but get excited, it seems quite emotional?

"That's all you want to see? Are you a pervert?"

Hua Zhuoyu suddenly approached and asked with great interest.

Ning Buyi was startled by her again, his face was red like blood, his heart was beating extremely fast, as if it was about to jump out of his heart. Fearing that Hua Zhuoyu would see the clue, Ning Buyi shrank back while clutching the pillow, and said angrily, "Didn't you want to give me a massage?"

There was a smile hidden in Hua Zhuoyu's eyes, she covered her lips and coughed softly: "Then please lie down, do you need my help to lift up the nightgown?"

Ning Yi, who was belatedly aware of it, was stunned by Hua Zhuoyu's words. She lowered her head to look at her dress, wouldn't she have to lift up the whole nightgown for a massage? Seeing that Hua Zhuoyu had already pinched the hem of the skirt, Ning Buyi hurriedly got up, blushing and pressed Hua Zhuoyu's slender fingers: "I don't want it anymore!"

"Why?" Hua Zhuoyu said slowly.

Ning Buyi looked annoyed: "If you don't want to, you just don't want to. How can there be so many reasons?" She pushed Hua Zhuoyu but did not push, then struggled to stand up, but Hua Zhuoyu still held the corner of her skirt in her hand, she One got up and was dragged back to the sofa. As soon as Ning Buyi raised his head, he bumped into Hua Zhuoyu's sight.

Hua Zhuoyu let go, and said sincerely: "I'm sorry."

Ning Buyi was disturbed by her disturbance: "...stay away from me."

The distant beast star, the land of the Fengjiu clan.

The tall imitation sycamore trees go straight into the sky, with dense branches and leaves, and strangely shaped houses hang from the branches, like countless beehives. Suddenly, a loud phoenix cry went straight into the sky, and then a group of phoenixes flew out of their nests, landed on the square under the plane tree, and took human form.

"There is news, Your Highness has news!" The person speaking was an old man with a gray beard and wearing a yellow coat. He was holding an optical brain in his hand, and wept with excitement, "His Highness Feng Yi also found Miss Xuan."

"Where is it? When will you be back?" Just after the words were finished, a beautiful, charming and well-mannered woman came over, snatched the light brain from the old man's hand, browsed through the news at a glance, frowned and said , "I won't be back for a while, and I have found a decent job for the idle youth in the clan? Will the spaceship come to pick me up in a few days?"

"Your Majesty!" Tears flickered in the old man's eyes, "Your Highness has taken on so many responsibilities at such a young age."

The charming woman is Feng Wang. Hearing this, she didn't feel ashamed to throw the heavy burden on her daughter, but said indifferently: "It's not young, I have already inherited the throne when I was her age."

The old man glanced at King Feng, and slandered: "Then when His Highness was eight years old, he quit his job."

"Since this is the case, let's find ten promising young people from the clan and send them there. By the way, let the dragon clan know that when they come back, we will stop fighting Daxia. We are a peace-loving race."


The news that Fengyi sent back caused an uproar in the Fengjiu clan. The Fengjiu who are still in the clan are either lazy to eat the old people, or have such a temper that no one dares to accept them, or are extremely socially phobic. . Fengjiu's parents were eager to kick their children out of the house. Now that they heard that there was a job assignment, they rushed to the square to sign up.

A row of houses on the east side of the square.

Different phoenixes have different habits. Some young people don't like to change back to their original shape and sleep in hanging houses, so they live alone in buildings on the ground. Feng Ermao is exactly this kind. At the moment, she is nestling in the sofa playing games—she prefers the retro handle control to the holographic experience. Sitting opposite her was a tall young man. Seeing the character controlled by Feng Ermao being killed by a bomb flying one kilometer away, he said slowly: "Everyone is talking about job assignments outside. Auntie seems to have your name It's up."

Feng Ermao tossed the earphones to the side. She stared at a pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes, glanced at the young man, and said lazily, "What does it have to do with me? Go to her."

"But I want to go." The young man looked forward to it, "As long as I can leave Beast Star, my elder brother and second brother's clutches, I will be able to join Mysterious No. 1 when I have enough savings." The young man It is none other than Xiong Xun who slipped out of the Xiong tribe. He is fed up with the life of being snapped up in front of the light brain every day—he is not an octopus who likes to be a scalper. While his elder brothers were going to beat someone up, he slipped out and joined his good sister non-stop.

Feng Ermao said: "You seem to owe me ten 'sirens'?"

Xiong Xun was speechless: "My good sister, siren is a controlled substance, where can I get you ten?" "Siren" is a drug that acts on the mental glands. Users feel drunk, dreaming and so on. It used to be the favorite "decompression product" of young people in Daxia. However, during the years when "Siren" became popular, many young people lost their fighting spirit and became the "Beat Generation". Therefore, the Daxia government issued a decree, listing "siren" as a "controlled product" and not allowing it to be exported.

Feng Ermao pulled out a video and projected it in front of her. She stretched out her hand and said, "Look at this."

Xiong Xun glanced at it, and saw a group of crazy men and women twisting their bodies under the colorful lights, with the fluorescent sticks in their hands marked with the obvious "Siren" mark. Xiong Xun hated this group of crazy people very much, but couldn't bear Feng Ermao's pursuit of the "retro trend", he swallowed all the complaints, and only asked: "Where is this?"

Feng Ermao shrugged: "Giant scythe star." The scythe star is a construction asteroid in the territory of the Great Xia Empire. It is adjacent to the territory of the Zerg, and it will become a place of melee from time to time. And this kind of chaotic place is most likely to attract some messy people.

"Don't think about it." Xiong Xun punctured Feng Ermao's "fantasy", "'Siren' is impossible, but I can help you get some 'Eraser X'."

Feng Ermao: "I don't need to forget."

Xiong Xun calmly said: "No, you need to forget about your 'retro trend'."

Feng Ermao's eyes were blank, and he didn't want to think. She maintained the state of wandering for nine days, and she didn't even notice that Xiong Xun went out of the house.

Outside the room, Xiong Xun caught a glimpse of Dafengjiu combing his beautiful tail in the sun, and he opened his mouth and said, "Auntie, Ermao, she wants to compete for the position."

Compared with Fengjiu's "you fight for me", the Dragon Clan is much more indifferent to the "package distribution" matter. Most of them are very rich, and it is enough to lie at home and earn interest, and there is no need to go out to earn extra money. But in the end, ten young dragons were selected, all of them with bruised noses and swollen faces, dejected, like big roosters who have been defeated in a fight.

In the barren star base.

Ning Buyi is instructing the people in the base to plant trees.

When the dark pollution reserves were sufficient, she bought a red thorn tree, a plant she had never seen before. The branches were covered with sharp thorns, and the leaves were red, like clusters of burning fire. The red thorn tree absorbs dark pollution better than the red thorn forest, and it will bear fruit. The appearance shown in the illustrated book is similar to a green apple, with a crisp taste.

The twenty red thorn trees used up all the energy accumulated in the illustrated book, Ning Buyi stepped on the newly covered soil, looked up at the red thorn saplings that were much taller than her, and breathed a sigh of relief. There are less than five months before the last trial, and the current concentration of dark pollution on the planet detected in the illustrated book is 54%. It is very unlikely that the barren star will be upgraded to a construction star in such a short period of time. She only hopes to maintain the middle level of the barren star, rather than jumping on the death line.

"What's wrong?" Hua Zhuoyu walked to Ning Buyi's side. After being treated by the protective cover, the sunlight fell from the gaps between the trees and shone on people's faces. The temperature was just right, not as hot as midsummer.

"It's okay." Ning Buyi shook her head, her gaze passed over Hua Zhuoyu's right shoulder, and landed on Fengyi and Lingshu who somehow entered the struggle not far away after completing the task, "They are fighting again .”

Hua Zhuoyu turned around and followed Ning Buyi's line of sight. She squinted her eyes and said softly, "Isn't it good that bills keep coming?"

Ning Buyi: "...there is a saying called broken pot broken fall." If you owe a lot, you will have no burden. "I doubt the virtue of my future new residents." The Hua Zhuoyu described in the book is fake, Feng Yi is fake... maybe only the stallion male protagonist who is full of trash is real.

Ning Buyi asked again: "Aren't they on good terms?"

Hua Zhuoyu thought for a moment: "Perhaps it is because of good relationship that they fight. Limbs are intertwined, and you can experience a different feeling in a negative distance. The race of beast stars always has some strange habits and hobbies."

"What?" Ning Buyi's thirst for knowledge flared up, she met Hua Zhuoyu's eyes, which revealed a desire for new knowledge.

Hua Zhuoyu: "For a feather clan like Fengjiu, partners will caress each other's wings and feathers. At this time, their bodies will feel pleasure. For the dragon clan, it corresponds to the scales. As for which part, I don't know. clear."

Ning Buyi was quite frightened by Hua Zhuoyu's words.

Because of the seriousness in Hua Zhuoyu's eyes, Ning Buyi also believed her words for a while.

If that was the case, how would she dare to touch Furry?

After a while, the slow, almost stagnant mind was rewound, and Ning Buyi retorted: "No, they are human now!"

Hua Zhuoyu argued: "I didn't say they are making out now."

Ning Buyi couldn't refute, but she just felt that Hua Zhuoyu was not serious! Ning Buyi pursed her lips, not wanting to talk to Hua Zhuoyu anymore, she walked forward with strides, and deliberately bumped Hua Zhuoyu's shoulder.

Hua Zhuoyu pressed his shoulders and smiled, raised his eyebrows and said, "With a new person, don't you remember the good of the old person? I really miss the previous two-person world."

Ning Buyi stopped and turned to stare at her: "Why didn't Heisuo lock your mouth?"

Hua Zhuoyu was serious: "The mouth lock must be locked with the mouth."

Ning Yi heard the words, and couldn't help but linger on Hua Zhuoyu's rosy and plump lips for a moment. After regaining her senses, she secretly spurned her disappointment and quickened her pace.

Hua Zhuoyu folded his arms and stared at Ning Buyi's back, shaking his head.

She looked down at the falling projection of the red thorn tree, and sniffed the smell of soil and grass. She could feel that this barren star was recovering, but there was not much time left. The living planets around Desolation Star-1 are all construction stars, which led to the extremely strict criteria of the Star Court for its judgment. Had it been in a remote barren constellation, its judgment would have been less urgent, but its presence affected other planets. The government and the Superintendent are eager to end the life of this barren star when the month of judgment begins. After the trial wiped out the planet's spirit, the remaining physical destruction was theoretically decided jointly by the government, the military, and the Department of Superintendents. It seems that there is room for it, but in fact, there is no other possibility for the barren star located in the construction star group, except for being completely destroyed.

Can the barren star find life? Or can the billions of stars in this universe have life?

Mythical Forbidden Area—

Thinking of these four words again, Hua Zhuoyu's eyes dimmed.

In the future, like every judge who dies naturally, she will go to that forbidden area when her life is about to come to an end.