MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 1002 fear

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Latest URL: After Ye Cheng crossed the river, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Just looked from the opposite side, this is just a small stream, nothing special, no blue light, no problems.

But who would have thought that he only crossed a small river, and when he looked at it from this side, the small river turned into a big river, and the river was rushing swiftly and endlessly.

"Damn it, you can still play like this, no wonder Bai Ze and my little brother didn't even cross the river when they got here!" Ye Cheng thought to himself, this ghost place is really evil enough.

He wanted to pick up those black stones, but standing here, there was no trace of those stones. Bai Ze and his brother ran farther and farther, and there was no time to wait here anymore.

Moreover, those stones are gone, and they can be found again, but if Bai Ze and the others disappear again, it will not be so easy to find them again.>

Immediately, Ye Cheng gave up on those stones and chased in the direction where Bai Ze and others disappeared.

Ye Cheng was extremely fast, his figure turned into afterimages, and quickly chased after him.

However, during this process, he didn't see what was chasing after Bai Ze and the others.

"It is estimated that they have some kind of hallucination!" Ye Cheng thought to himself!

Since they didn't see it, it was probably their hallucination.

After all, this place is very evil, and it is normal to have hallucinations, just like this big river.

From the opposite side, the river is clear and the stream is gurgling, but from the inside, the river is rushing and flowing like ink.

It's like two extremes, and the contrast is very stark.

It is said that hearing is believing and seeing is believing, but it does not necessarily apply here. Sometimes what the eyes see is not necessarily true!

Ye Cheng guessed that Bai Ze and the others must have hallucinations, mistakenly thinking that they saw something!

After chasing him for not long, I saw the figures of Bai Ze and his younger brother.

They were still running forward desperately, at this time Ye Cheng shouted from behind again!

"Bai Ze, little brother, I'm Ye Cheng, don't run away!" Ye Cheng shouted, pulling his neck, the voice was loud, not to mention that it spread ten miles away, at least within their distance, they should be able to hear clearly .

However, it was fine if he didn't yell, and this yelling was even more over.

I saw Bai Ze glanced back, the panic in his eyes seemed to be stronger, and he used his four hooves again. If he pressed two more wings, he might be about to fly by now.

Zhang Qiling also seemed to sense the danger, and even started to speed up again!

"My Cao, what's the situation, can't you hear my voice?" Ye Cheng was very depressed.

Now he has no idea what strange things happened to Bai Ze and his little brother.

If it wasn't for the fact that this place was really weird, he would have wondered if those two guys were playing tricks on him on purpose. However, even if Bai Ze could do this kind of thing, my little brother would definitely not do it.

Ye Cheng felt that there must be something wrong with it!

Ye Cheng didn't yell anymore, he knew that yelling in this situation would only make Bai Ze and his brother more anxious, and it would be counterproductive.

"What's going on with these two guys? Could it be that they are completely controlled by those black threads? They shouldn't be!" Ye Cheng thought in his heart.

It stands to reason that neither Bai Ze nor the younger brother has less experience than him, and even far more experience than him.

After all, Bai Ze has lived for an unknown number of years and claims to know everything, while the younger brother has only lived for more than a hundred years even though he was outside.

But for more than a hundred years, he can be said to have lived a very wonderful life.

In comparison, he has the least experience, and his two lifetimes add up to only fifty years. Compared with Bai Ze and his little brother, he is nothing worth mentioning.

Now, Bai Ze and the others have no reason to be fooled by things he can figure out!

"Is there really something behind it?" Ye Cheng thought of this possibility.

Immediately, he hurriedly turned his head to look.

There was still a thick white mist behind him, and he couldn't see anything at all.

However, Ye Cheng certainly doesn't just look at the appearance.

After all, there are many things here,

It cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Immediately, he took out the Sky Swallowing Toad, wanting to take a look back.

But this time, there was a discovery.

Under the illumination of the blue light, one could vaguely see a dark shadow in the white mist behind him, but the shadow disappeared in a flash, and even the blue light could not illuminate it!

"I'm going, why is this happening?" For a moment, Ye Cheng only felt his scalp go numb.

He didn't see clearly what that black thing was just now, and now the blue light seems to be invalid.

Ye Cheng had a very bad premonition in his heart.

His premonition is very accurate. If the premonition is not good, bad things are likely to happen.

Now he feels his scalp tingling.

Although he didn't see anything, there must be some great danger lurking around.

Now he somewhat understands why he yelled just now, the little brother and Bai Ze would be so scared.

It seemed that they not only heard his voice, but also felt something approaching behind them, so they were afraid!

At this moment, Ye Cheng felt very bad, as if his body had been electrocuted, a layer of goosebumps appeared, and a cool breeze hit his back!

In desperation, Ye Cheng took out the remaining two stones and threw them behind him!

"Fuck you!"

Ye Cheng cursed, whoever he is, give him two stones first. Anyway, in this kind of place, this kind of black stone has mysterious power. Since it can suppress those black lines, it can definitely deal with other things!


After the two stones were thrown, there were two muffled noises, apparently hitting something.

This made Ye Cheng even more convinced that there must be something chasing behind him.

However, as the two stones smashed past, the feeling like an electric shock disappeared. Obviously, the danger behind him was temporarily eliminated. Those two stones were really useful, and could restrain some things here.

Of course, this is only temporary. Ye Cheng does not believe that only two stones can fix the things behind him. This is obviously unscientific.

The most urgent thing is to catch up with the little brother, Bai Ze and the others, and the most important thing is to find out what's going on!

Thinking of this, Ye Cheng hurriedly quickened his pace, and chased after his brother and Bai Ze!

And look at Bai Ze and the little brother in Baize's four hooves are almost flying away, and he can almost only see afterimages, much faster than a car!

The little brother put one hand on Bai Ze's body, and at the same time, his legs were walking like flying. With this speed, if he went to participate in a marathon or a 100-meter run, he would have already won the first place!

However, even so, the distance between Ye Cheng and them is constantly getting closer!

In any case, Ye Cheng is stronger than his younger brother.

Later, Ye Cheng got the bloodline sublimated by Zhulong himself, and his strength was improved again, and his strength and speed were improved again.

Although Bai Ze has also been baptized by that mysterious flower, although that flower is powerful, most of its energy is used for Bai Ze's resurrection, and the energy that Bai Ze really absorbs is actually not a lot. It has also been improved, but not much!

Therefore, it is only a matter of time to catch up with Bai Ze and the little brother. Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.