MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 16 prove it to you

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In the car, several medical staff applied glutinous rice to the wounds of the wounded, but they did not report any hope at all.

Based on their experience, if these few people are so popular, I'm afraid they really won't be able to stick to the hospital.

However, a miracle soon happened.

When the wound came into contact with the glutinous rice, it made a sizzling sound.

The staff were taken aback and hurried to check.

Only then did I find that the wounded's skin was not burnt. Instead, the glutinous rice quickly became pitch-black, but it was obvious that the blackness around the wound became much lighter!

"It's useful, it's really useful!"

For a time, the medical staff were all surprised.

"Quick, bring new sticky rice!"

"I'm also useful here, get a new one!"

A group of people got busy.

After using up a small bag of glutinous rice, the blackness of everyone's wounds was much lighter, and their heartbeat and breathing gradually became steady and powerful.

Unfortunately, there are so many sticky rice, not enough.

But delaying the onset of corpse poison and letting these people stick to the hospital should be no problem at all.

"It's amazing. I've been a doctor for more than ten years, and it's the first time I've seen that glutinous rice can really remove poison. That Ye Cheng is really a god!"

"Haven't you read his novels? Now I'm sure, this guy must be a tomb robber."

"You're right, if it wasn't for tomb robbers, how could you know so much."

If Ye Cheng knew that these medical staff had beaten him, it is estimated that he would be even more depressed.

However, Ye Cheng is in a good mood now.

As soon as those people were relieved, the technique of biochemical restraint was immediately available.

There are a lot of things in the brain immediately, and they are integrated in an instant.

Looking at it for a while, I can't help but be dumbfounded.

No wonder it is said that the Taoist priest is the strongest among the four sects in addition to the Five Elements Feng Shui.

Just this technique of biochemical restraint is simply the creation of the heavens and the earth, and its mysteries are endless.

On the bank of the river, everyone sent the medical team away, all surrounding the big corpse turtle that was caught.

The giant corpse turtle was about the size of a calf, its giant mastiff pincers were stronger than a vise, and its sturdy shell shone like black and gold.

If it weren't for the gun, I'm afraid that ordinary weapons can't hurt it.

This big guy has several bullet holes on his body at the moment, and green juice flows out of it, with a foul smell, which is very disgusting.

"This is the corpse turtle, this, this is too big, if you get caught, I'm afraid it will be cut off by the middle!"

"If this is stewed in a pot, it must be delicious."

"Fuck you, you're so disgusting upstairs."

"Ye Cheng is really amazing. There really is a creature like a corpse turtle. It's awesome, yyds, it's really awesome."

"Hahaha, Ye Cheng was hammered again. He wasn't a tomb robber. How could he know about a corpse turtle?"

"I'm worried about those soldiers, I don't know what they are like!"

Wang Yan was also stunned for a while.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I certainly wouldn't have believed it.

He looked at Professor Chen with a wry smile, "Teacher, you, have you seen this kind of thing?"

Professor Chen shook his head, "I've never seen it before. If Xiaoye said it was a corpse turtle, I would have never heard of it. I'm ashamed and ashamed!"

Ye Cheng also stared at the big corpse turtle and was speechless.

In the previous life, I had only seen it in novels, and now I have seen it with my own eyes, and I am amazed again and again.

Chen Bing stared at him meaningfully, "This kind of creature, you also learned about it in the book?"

Ye Cheng nodded, no need to lie, he really learned this from the book!

"Of course, I went to the countryside before and saw a notebook. It was written about the family's ancestor's tomb robbing experience. I looked at it carefully. There was a record about the corpse turtle."

"Really?" Chen Bing looked suspicious.

Ye Cheng shrugged, "Of course it's true. Now, don't you still suspect that I'm a tomb robber?"

Chen Bing rolled her eyes, she couldn't be skeptical, if there was some evidence, she had already determined that it couldn't be more certain.

"Cough cough!"

Ye Cheng coughed twice, not wanting to entangle this topic with Chen Bing anymore.

The more this thing is explained, the more unclear it is, and it is very troublesome.

He hurriedly said to the camera: "You better be careful, if I guess correctly, the sound of the bells in the water hole should be from these corpse turtles, and, when you look at his tail, it seems to be different from other corpse turtles , it is very likely that it has been artificially transformed, it is better to deal with it quickly!"

"It has been artificially transformed? How is it possible?" Wang Yan was the first to disbelieve again. He smiled. "According to you, this corpse has lived for thousands of years?"

Professor Chen pushed his eyes, "Well, according to my understanding, the lifespan of dragon louse is very short, even if these mutated dragon louse have a long life span, it is impossible to live that long, not to mention, at the level of the ancients, want to transform one Insect, this... seems to be a fantasy!"

Ye Cheng said: "Hey, don't underestimate the ancients, there are many things of the ancients that even people can't do now, such as the wooden cows and horses that can move by themselves, and the birds made by Luban without power, but they can fly in the sky for a few days. If you don’t fall down, you say, can people today get it out?”


Everyone was speechless for a while.

No way, Ye Cheng's sophistication ability is too strong.

If it is said that those are legends, and they are spread by future generations, it seems that they are unreasonable and vexatious.

"I still can't believe it!"

Professor Chen and the others shook their heads.

Next to him, only Li Duoduo stared curiously at the corpse turtle's butt, as if he really believed what Ye Cheng said.

"That, Li Duoduo, right?" Ye Cheng said!

Li Duoduo was stunned for a moment, and then nodded again and again with a face full of surprise.

It is a great honor for an idol to remember her name.

"Yes, yes, Teacher Ye, I am Li Duoduo!"

Li Duoduo was a little overwhelmed with excitement. UU reading pinched her nails, grabbed her pants, and gathered her hair, as if she didn't know where to put her hands.

"Hahaha, the identification is over, Duoduo is Ye Cheng's brainless fan, you can't go wrong."

"This flustered look is too cute."

"The archaeological team has such a lovely and beautiful girl, and I am going to study archaeology too."

Li Duoduo's cute appearance has once again gained a large number of fans.

"Thank you for your glutinous rice, it should be able to save those people's lives!" Ye Cheng said.

Li Duoduo was a little embarrassed to be praised like this, "That, no, it's nothing, it's just a coincidence!"

Ye Cheng looked at this shy little girl and felt a little interesting.

Such a simple and simple girl, there are not many now.

Especially when she is so beautiful.

It's really a shame to study archaeology.

Such a beautiful woman will receive special attention in any line of work.

"Well, do you believe what I said just now?"

Li Duoduo didn't even think about it, just nodded, "Trust!"

Wang Yan frowned beside him.

Why is this student getting more and more outrageous, this kind of unfounded thing is no more than a brain.

"Okay, go and prove it to them!"

"Ah, what, how to prove it?" Li Duoduo was a little confused.

Others were also curious.

Ye Cheng smiled faintly, "It's very simple, just find a shovel and cut the place where the corpse turtle's stomach and upper body connect!"


After hearing this, Li Duoduo looked at the huge corpse turtle, her face turned pale for a while, she didn't know what to do!