MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 945 land of thunderstorms

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Latest website: The ground cracked and a huge cave appeared, and the steps led to the unknown darkness. The endless darkness gave people an inexplicable feeling of panic.

Ye Cheng and Zhang Qiling hid in the crowd and looked at each other.

Although the two did not speak, they nodded to each other and decided to follow up to have a look.

Ye Cheng has always felt that this village is definitely not simple.

There is a large formation trapping everyone here, and is it possible that the passage below this is just to break this formation?

Although the method is a bit clumsy but very practical.

No matter how powerful the formation on the ground is, it cannot affect the underground.

Slowly, most of the crowd had entered the passage, and Ye Cheng and Zhang Qiling also followed the flow of people into it, and no one noticed that they were mixed in.

It was pitch-dark inside, and there wasn't even a single lamp, but those people didn't seem to care at all, neither falling nor hitting the wall.

Fortunately, both Ye Cheng and Zhang Qiling have the ability to see in the dark, but they will not be exposed.

The passage is more than three meters wide, and the side is very leaky, and it is not reinforced with stone slabs or the like, just like an extremely simple tomb passage.

The passage slowly descended at first, and after descending for about ten meters, it became a straight road, and then went straight forward, with occasional turns.

"Where does it lead?"

It took a few hours to walk, but there was still no sign of it coming to an end. Obviously, this passage is very long, and according to the distance traveled, it has already left the range of the village.

The surrounding villagers were still sleepwalking, and there was no sign of waking up. Even if they walked for so long, they would not feel the slightest tiredness.

Ye Cheng glanced at Zhang Qiling and found that although Zhang Qiling's expression was flat, he seemed to be curious about where this long passage led.

And just like that, another day went by.

This made the two of them uneasy.

It stands to reason that these people should have woken up long ago even if they were sleepwalking, but after a day has passed, these people are still in this state, so they have to be suspicious.

Ye Cheng had previously suspected that it might be related to the night of the full moon.

But now is not a full moon night, and these people have not recovered yet. Obviously, someone has manipulated these people, used some method to them, manipulated their behavior, and prevented them from waking up.

If you keep going like this, it is possible for these people to die.

If they keep walking at this intensity, they can walk for a day at most, and they will be exhausted.

Ye Cheng wondered if he should wake up these people, but once he wakes them up, the situation may be even worse.

This passage is long and dark, and if these people suddenly wake up, it will definitely cause a riot, and the situation will definitely be out of control.

and many more…

Ye Cheng suddenly thought of a bold possibility.

His expression became a little more exciting. Recalling the direction of the passage and the direction of turning left and right when he came down, he thought of a place,

"What's wrong?" Zhang Qiling asked Ye Cheng's strange expression suddenly!

Ye Cheng's face was complicated, "Remember those two maps, I have already deciphered them, this time I appeared in the village because I found the specific location of Kunlun Ruins, and I just happened to meet this village on the way, and according to me According to the speculation, the direction we are going is the direction leading to the Kunlun Ruins!”

Hearing this, Zhang Qiling was still expressionless, but fell into contemplation.

"It seems that the people in this village have probably already found the specific location of the Kunlun Ruins, and their passage may have been dug to get rid of the great formation above. In this way, the time it takes to reach the Kunlun Ruins will be. It will be a huge improvement!”

"It's just that I can't figure out one thing. Even if the people in this village have found the real Kunlun Ruins, why should they control these people to go there in this state?"

Ye Cheng expressed his doubts.

He still can't figure out these things.

Previously, according to his speculation, he still had two or three days to reach the Kunlun Ruins.

But now, at the speed of these villagers, they can definitely reach the location marked on the map for up to two days while walking in a straight line underground.

Of course, the premise is that this is really the road to Kunlun Ruins.

Zhang Qiling shook his head, indicating that he didn't understand either.

After all, they didn't know much about Kunlun Ruins, and only knew a little about it in myths and legends.

Up to now, we can only wait and see what happens, and let it happen.

The two of them didn't say anything and continued to follow the crowd.

After walking for another half day, there was a faint light coming from the front.

"It's over!"

Ye Cheng immediately became nervous, and he was curious whether the outside was where the map indicated.

The people at the front left the passage one after another, and Ye Cheng and the others were also close to the passage.

After a while, the two finally left the passage and saw the outside world.

This is a land in the upper abdomen, which is very flat, but there is no flowers, plants and trees. It is piled up with rocks and looks bare.

Moreover, as soon as Ye Cheng came out, he could clearly smell the strong smell of gunpowder in the air, as well as the smell of ozone being decomposed just after the thunder.

Ye Cheng frowned slightly, looking at the surrounding terrain, trying to compare it with the location marked on the map.

But I didn't know much about it when it came out, and I couldn't determine the specific location here.

He saw that the villagers who had come out a long time ago suddenly dispersed, and they were all separated from each other by a certain distance, and then continued to walk forward.

"What's the situation?" Ye Cheng was a little curious.

But now just keep going.

He and Zhang Qiling also dispersed and continued to follow the villagers.

The further you go, the more intense the smell, even to the point of being pungent.

Just when Ye Cheng was still curious, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed across the sky in front of him.


The lightning just hit the The person at the front didn't respond at all. He was instantly struck by the lightning, and his body was directly burned to coke and fell to the ground.

"It really tastes like thunder!"

Ye Cheng frowned, and finally found the source of the smell.

He looked at the sky, it was obviously very clear, but the lightning came so suddenly that there was no sign at all, making it hard to prevent.

Just as I was thinking, a few more lightning flashes passed.

The sound of bang bang exploded in the valley, and several people were directly hit by lightning, and they became coke directly.

This scene made Ye Cheng take a deep breath. It all depends on luck. Once he is struck by lightning with bad luck, even he can't say that he will definitely survive!

(End of this chapter)