MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 442 One thousand

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However, although it seems that Murong seems to be comfortable, but she only knows that she is getting more and more difficult at the moment.

Bai Xuexin's cultivation is much higher than her. As time goes by, she has already felt the pressure of bursts. The leap-forward battle was not an easy task, especially the white snow heart strength is much higher than she does not know how many steps.

It seems that I feel that the power of Murong’s face is not enough, and Bai Xue’s heart is even more embarrassing. Especially when she remembered the humiliation of Murong before her, she was even more happy.

"White, come out."

After Murong’s face was over a stroke with Bai Xue’s heart, he took a few steps back and then released Xiao Bai. She is very clear that Bai Xuexin did not stay in her hand for her. If she continues this way, she does not know if she can hold it. Therefore, she decided to call out the white.

Although she does not want to let others know the existence of Xiaobai. However, the current situation has not allowed her to think more.

With the admiration of Murong's face, a small white hair group suddenly appeared in front of everyone. The round body, the rounded limbs, looks like a white hair.

I have to say that such a white hair group is really cute. However, in the eyes of everyone, it seems a bit funny.

In such a battle, Murong pours out his contractual demon, which is what it should be. However, this contract Warcraft has no fighting ability at first glance. Is it really useful to call out Warcraft like this?

"Master." Xiaobai saw the wounds of Murong's face, and the appearance of a wolverine. The whole beast was suddenly fried. "What happened to you? Who hurts you?"

"I was wounded." Murong had not said anything yet. The snowy heart on the side had been ironically connected. Then she turned her head and looked at Murong. The irony on her face was deeper. "If you really want to find a helper, look for a reliable one! You are going to make such a demon come out, do you want me to see a joke?"

For Murong to face, she is even more despised. Originally, she thought that this woman in front of her eyes is the new love of the devil, so I should also get some good things from the demon! But now it seems that she has not got anything to save her life.

It seems that she is still overestimating the other side. The other party is just a plaything.

"Oh, is it useful? Do you know if you wait a minute?" Murong leaned down and ignored the irony of Bai Xuexin. She looked at Xiaobai and smiled and said, "Xiaobai, now people look down on you, What do you think?"

When I heard the ridicule of Murong’s face, Xiaobai’s whole beast was even more angry. It directly swung his paws and attacked the past toward Bai Xuexin. “You crazy son, I dare to look down on Xiaoye. I am today. Let me see what I am good about."

During the speech, Xiaobai did not hesitate and attacked the past directly toward Bai Xuexin. That fierce offensive did not leave a trace of room.

In the face of the white attack, Bai Xuexin simply did not mind. In her opinion, such a small white hair group, although she does not know what kind of World of Warcraft, but at first glance, I know that the attack power is not strong. Such a Warcraft, as a normal time to support pets can also, but as a war can be combated, it is very stubborn.

Bai Xuexin raised his hand and waved a mysterious force to hit the white.

However, what surprised her was that the mysterious force she had thrown had not attacked the face of Warcraft, and she had already been lifted by the Warcraft and she disappeared without a trace.

Seeing such a situation, Bai Xue was shocked, and then the attack of Warcraft had reached her. Her instincts felt a danger and immediately moved a little closer to her side.

At the moment she had just escaped, the shadow of a paw thrown by Warcraft directly attacked the stone bench. Then, with a loud bang, the stone stool directly became a fragment of the block. It can be imagined that if she did not escape, the consequences would be as much as the stone stool.

At this time, when Bai Xuexin was looking at Xiaobai, there was no previous contempt, but it was a hint of caution and taboo.

Just when the little white scorpion attacked, she felt a very powerful force, which was sent from the body of Warcraft. It can be seen that this seemingly harmless little white scorpion is afraid to be hidden.

"Hey, crazy woman, don't hide if you have the ability!" Xiaobai shouted in the direction of Bai Xuexin, "I will never let you go today."

"What the **** are you?" Bai Xuexin looked at Xiaobai, and his eyes were all cautious.

"You are the thing, your whole family is something." After hearing the words of Bai Xuexin, Xiaobai suddenly frowned. "I tell you, you are really annoying me now."

After that, Xiaobai did not give any chance to respond to Bai Xuexin, and directly attacked the past directly toward Bai Xuexin.

The speed of Xiaobai was very fast. When Bai Xuexin had not reacted, he once again waved a paw toward Bai Xuexin.

Although there is already preparedness, but the speed of Bai Xuexin is still not as good as white. The sleeves on her arms were directly cut through a few holes, and they continued to ooze out. This shows that her arm has been scratched.

Seeing the scars on my arms and feeling the tingling of the bursts, Bai Xuexin was mad at the whole person. The hatred of Murong’s face was even deeper. She turned toward Murong. Roaring in the opening, "Murong pours, you dare to hurt me, I will never let you go."

"Even if I don't hurt you, you won't let me go, don't you?" Murong leaned out and rubbed the blood marks on his lips. "It's you who started today, even if you have something, then It’s also your own self-satisfaction, and no one else.”

After hearing the words of Murong, Bai Xuexin was like a big stimulus. He raised his hand directly and went to Murong to go where he attacked the past. The only thought she has now is to kill Murong.

The attack of Bai Xuexin is very fierce, and he is even more crazy than before. Probably because of the stimulation of blood! At this moment, she is already red-eyed, and she must kill Murong.

When the attack had not reached the face of Murong's face, he had already waved his paws and then wiped it out. Then, it jumped directly and attacked the white snow heart.

Seeing Xiaobai attacked like this, Bai Xuexin was shocked, but immediately he was ready to fight, and Xiaobai began to fight.

Because Xiaobai and Bai Xuexin are now on, Murong has a chance to breathe. She immediately took the remedy from the space and took it down. That medicinal medicine was contained in the mouth, and it turned into a warm current, and went straight through the whole body, so that the meridians of her original hand began to recover.

I have to say that the strength of Bai Xuexin is really strong. Compared to her, I don’t know how much it is. In the fight with Bai Xuexin, she really suffered a lot of injuries.

However, in this fight, she also gained a lot.

However, now she is really almost exhausted. Otherwise, she will not shout out Xiaobai. However, she is really surprised by the performance of Bai Xuexin today. Especially the white snow heart actually went directly to her, it is even more strange.

On the other hand, the fight between Bai Xuexin and Xiaobai has become more and more intense.

The face of Bai Xuexin became ugly, because she found that her own strength would not match such a small Warcraft. At the beginning, when she was fighting with Murong, she was obviously the one who had the upper hand. But now when she fights with this Warcraft, she feels she is under pressure.

In the constant fight, the scars on Bai Xuexin are getting more and more. Even the clothes on her body were scratched by a lot of sharp claws.

It can be said that the current white snow heart, compared to the just-faced Murong, does not know how many times to waste. This also made her heart more annoyed. At the same time, I want to kill Murong’s heart, and I have it.

At this time, the person who is in a hurry is Ni Yunya. She has been hiding in the dark to peep, want to take the opportunity to get down the black hand, remove the Murong face.

Her heart was very happy when she saw that Bai Xuexin had been pressing Murong. When she saw the big and small scars on Murong's face, she was even more happy.

However, all of this was changed after Murong’s face was summoned to the Warcraft. She did not think of it at all, but it was a small World of Warcraft, which would be so powerful, even when it was on the snow, it still had the upper hand.

At the same time, she felt a vague concern in her heart. Because Murong is more powerful, for her, the easier it is.

However, even under such circumstances, Ni Yunya did not intend to leave. She has been observing in the dark to see if there is still a chance.

"砰——", the sound of Bai Xuexin was knocked down on the ground, and after struggling to get up, he couldn’t help but spit a blood.

Looking at the appearance of Bai Xuexin, Xiaobai is very happy. "Hey, I dare not look down on Xiaoye after seeing you."

Later, after scorning Bai Xuexin's eyes, Xiaobai jumped directly into the arms of Murong's face, and opened his face with excitement. "Master, I will avenge you."

"Yeah." Murong leaned out and touched his head, smiled and said, "I know that white is the most powerful."

After hearing the praise of Murong's face, Xiaobai looked very embarrassed. It stretched out his little claws and grabbed his head.

Murong looked up and looked at the white snow heart standing not far away, and said in a hurry. "Today's things, let's end it! I don't intend to continue to pursue anything. But if there is another time, I will It is definitely not going to be merciful."

Although this time, Bai Xuexin first started, and she also injured her. However, obviously, after the appearance of Xiaobai, Bai Xuexin did not take any advantage. She doesn't want to make things big, so she doesn't plan to pursue anything.

After hearing the words of Murong, Bai Xuexin not only did not have a little relaxation and happiness, but felt full of anger. She did not feel that Murong’s actions at this time were magnanimous, but instead thought it was a shame to her.

When I think of it, Bai Xuexin raises his head and sees the back of Murong’s face, and the eyes are full of strong hatred. Then he will shoot directly regardless of his disregard. "You are going to die!"

After that, Bai Xuexin used his full strength to attack the past behind Murong.

This kind of blow has even overdrawn the physical strength of Bai Xuexin. The mysterious force on her body has already been almost exhausted after such a fierce fight. However, the hatred of Murong's face has always supported her, so that even if she overdraw her physical strength, she must kill Murong.

Even after she knew that she was exhausted, she could not find any benefits. Even in the next few years, even decades, she may have to rest. However, even so, she is not willing to let go of Murong.

Such a fierce blow, with an unstoppable offensive, attacked the past behind Murong.

Ni Yunya, who has been hiding in the dark, can't let it go after seeing this opportunity. She also immediately condensed her own mysterious power, directly strengthening the power of Bai Xuexin's blow. She must let Murong pour out in this world today.

In strengthening the mysterious force, Ni Yunya also applied a technique to Murong’s face, and gave Murong the whole person. In this way, even if Murong is more powerful, it is absolutely impossible to hide.

As long as Murong is dead, her threat will disappear. Moreover, this time, everyone will know that it is snowy, she can completely get rid of it.

Murong pampered her feelings of danger behind her. When she turned and wanted to hide, she found that her whole body seemed to be banned, and she could not move at all.

"White snow heart!" A roar rang, and this is against the white snow heart.

It’s not someone else who makes this roar, it’s just white. When he heard the maid coming to the letter, he immediately rushed over.

When he came along the way, his heart was constantly complaining about Bai Xuexin. He really did not expect that Bai Xuexin would be so stupid, and it was really like this with the demon of the Devil.

Before he had not known the identity of the devil, he had already warned him of the snow, and he could not act rashly. I didn't expect that Snow White, after knowing the identity of the other party, dared to make such a thing.

It’s hard to be done. She doesn’t know. Is this the way to put the demon world on the opposite side of the devil world? At that time, if something happened after the demon, can the devil world let go of the demon world?

At the thought of this, Bai Haotian's footsteps could not help but be faster.

However, he did not expect that when he came to the garden, he would see such a scene. Bai Xuexin used all his strength and attacked the past after the devil. Such an attack obviously means the life of the other party.

He can almost predict what kind of fierce conflict will occur between the devil and the demon world.

He hurried before flying and wanted to stop. However, it is too late, and the fierce blow is about to hit Murong.

Seeing such a scene, everyone around can't help but exclaim. Everyone can almost see Murong's bleak end.

On the occasion of this millennium, a black figure appeared on the side of Murong’s face, and then one hand took the waist of Murong’s face, and the other hand directly shook a strong wind, and the one was overdrawn. The physical strength of Bai Xuexin’s physical strength is coming.

Feeling the familiar body temperature that came from around, the heart that Murong had poured out was raised, and finally it was settled.

After the imperial wind waved, the imperial concubine did not stop. Instead, he once again waved a mysterious force and attacked the past toward Bai Xuexin. There is no such thing as a kind of attack, and there is a posture that wants the life of a white snow heart.

Seeing such a situation, Bai Haotian was shocked, and immediately sealed, and the mysterious force that flew out to the emperor attacked the past. Obviously, he is trying to break the attack of Huangfu on Bai Xuexin.

Although he was very upset about what Bai Xuexin did today, there is even an impulse to punish Bai Xuexin. However, in any case, Bai Xuexin is his sister, and he is absolutely impossible to see and die.

Moreover, this time, the father-in-law personally told him to come out with a white snow heart. If you go back, there is no white snow heart, and he is not good to explain.

However, what is unexpected is that the mysterious power that Bai Haotian swept out was still disappearing when he was close to the mysterious power of Huangfu.

At this time, Bai Xuexin was already scared, and she even forgot to hide. However, even if she wants to hide, I am afraid that there is no such strength. She could only watch the mysterious force hit her directly.

She felt a pain in her chest and then spit another blood. This time, in the blood spit out, even with a trace of meat, it can be seen that her internal organs have been seriously injured.

For a time, Bai Xuexin fell to the ground, and the whole person looked like a rag doll. If the chest is still ups and downs, maybe everyone will think that this is just a dead body.

"Snow heart."

Seeing such a situation, Bai Haotian was very anxious. When he quickly stepped forward, he took out the medicine directly and poured a whole bottle into the mouth of Bai Xuexin.

Ni Yunya, who had been hiding in the dark, immediately left when she saw the appearance of Huangfu. Her heart is clear that Huangfu is not like other people, she will definitely notice her existence. If she really took her out, then she would not explain it. So what she should do most is to leave when everyone is not paying attention.

In this way, Ni Yunya quietly left without a break, just as she came quietly.

On the other hand, Huangfu was also checking the body of Murong's face to see if there was any injury.

When I saw the blood marks on Murong’s face, Huangfu’s face could not help but show a trace of distress. He reached out and put on the cheek of Murong’s face. “Yan, do you hurt?”

When he saw the wounds and wolverines of Murong's face, his heart could not help but raise a violent temper. He wants to kill the one who hurts Yan.

"I'm fine." Feeling that the imperial concubine was not calm, Murong leaned over the hand of Huangfu, and chuckled and said, "I have been hurt, I know, my Dan." The effect of the medicine is very good."

Seeing Murong's face with a slightly ruddy complexion, Huangfu's face is finally better. However, even this is not the case that Murong’s face has been hurt, so his heart is still very unpleasant.

"Before, haven't I already told you?" Huangfu's tone contained a trace of blame. "Wherever I go, I will have a rotor when I am not with you."

After hearing the words of Huangfu, Murong swallowed his tongue and spoke embarrassedly. "I just want a person to walk around. And, always in the temple, I never thought about what to do." ""

When it comes to this, she suddenly seems to think of something, "Right, the rotor? Where did he go?"

This happened, and the emperor appeared here, but the rotor did not appear. There is only one possibility, the rotor is punished by the Emperor, and there is no way to stay here.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of Murong, the face of Huangfu was even worse, even with a trace of anger. "His things, you don't care."

Of course, his anger is not directed at Murong.

Seeing the attitude of Huangfu, Murong still has something to understand. She took the hand of Huangfu and said, "Oh, this time, it really doesn’t matter about the rotor. I don’t let it. He followed him out and you spared him this time!"

Because of her waywardness, the rotor was fined, and her heart was actually really uncomfortable. Moreover, to be honest, this time, the rotor did not have any responsibility, but was implicated by her.

Moreover, the rotor is still the lover of Lily. If you are known by Li, you are afraid to jump out of your feet!

When I heard the pleading of Murong, the emperor did not have a slight softening. "The thing about the rotor, I only have a claim, and you don't have to say anything more."

The toughness in the tone is enough to show his attitude at the moment.

Seeing that Huangfu refused to let go, Murong did not say anything more. Because she is very aware of the temperament of Huangfu, if she continues to pray, maybe the rotor will be fined.