MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 465 Inheritance

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When I heard the heart of the Holy Heart, Xiao Bai stunned. It turned its head and looked at the beginning of the heart. For a time, I didn’t know what to say.

From the words of the past, it knows that this woman in front of her is the master of her former job. It didn't doubt those words, because it also felt a familiar and intimate breath from the woman's body. Therefore, it does not have any doubts about this woman's suggestion.

After a deep glance at the beginning of the heart, Xiao Bai began to cultivate here.

For a time, in this piece of inheritance, it was quietly. Murong Yanyan is receiving the inheritance of the beginning of the heart. As for Xiao Bai, I am also seriously practicing.

The beginning of the heart stood aside, watching Murong pour out, with a gentle smile on his face. Although it was only the first time to meet, and even the time to get along is not long, but for this woman in front of her, she is very good. Otherwise, although it is the owner of the Qiankun bracelet, it is her next heir. However, if she does not want to, she will not want to search.

For the thought of the beginning of the heart, Murong’s face is completely unknown. At this time, she is trying to absorb all the inheritance. She felt that all the auras had become power and poured into her body from all directions. She is constantly diverting those forces and allowing her body to better accept these external forces.

While the body is receiving these forces, Murong also feels that his mind is also pouring in a lot of information at the same time. The information is very complicated, there are things about the previous gods, and there was a battle of gods and gods.

Moreover, she also saw all the energy of the beginning of the heart and the man she loved. It’s like all the memories of the beginning of the heart, she looked at it all the time.

It was not the same as when I first heard the heart of the Holy Heart. Now that I have seen these experiences of the Holy Heart, her heart has a little more pity for the heart of the Holy Spirit.

However, what surprised her the most was the information on the alchemy that came out of her mind. It turned out that Shengchu was an alchemy teacher, but alchemy technology was very high. Now she has all the inheritance of the beginning of the heart, and all the skills of alchemy are printed in her mind.

Murong leaned and felt that she really earned this time. I came to this place of inheritance and got so many things.

Just as Murong was full of heart and soul inherited the power and knowledge of the beginning of the heart, the imperial concubine had been waiting outside for several days.

In the past few days, Huangfu did not go anywhere, just stood there quietly waiting. He can feel that Murong at the moment is very happy, and it seems that he has gotten something good.

It is also for this reason that he was able to stand there so calmly.

As for the Shantou and Xiaohong in the distance, the two little beasts have been standing there waiting. However, in the past few days, Shantou often ran outside to forage.

At this time, Shantou ate while eating the grass from the outside, complaining, "Little red, you don't know, how difficult it is here! If it is in the owner's space, I don't have to eat these. Something."

Talking, the girl also licked a sip of grass. That performance is not convincing at all.

Xiaohong glanced at the girl and his face was speechless. "Hey, when you say these words, don't you feel guilty?"

In the past few days, this **** has been looking for food for almost half of the time. In addition to fairy grass, there are some World of Warcraft, which have been eaten by it. However, now it is still complaining about the things that are not good. Since it is not good, why do you still eat so much?

No wonder people are the most greedy. After seeing the girl, it is completely convinced.

"How can it be guilty?" Shantou looked at Xiaohong, licking his eyes a few times, his face was all serious. "All I said was true, and no one was false."

Looking at the serious appearance of Shantou, Xiaohong reluctantly sighed. "Okay, you still continue to eat!"

Anyway, it feels that it is a gimmick. Of course, this is just eating it. Shantou is particularly persistent in eating it. It is surrender.

"Oh, I don't know when the master can come out." Shantou sighed and looked sad. "If I continue to do this, I don't think I have to know how much I want to lose weight."

It really feels that if the master doesn't come out again, it will be skinny.

Xiaohong looked at the round body of Shantou, and with some falling belly, it felt very speechless. It turned its head directly and didn't look at it again because it felt that if it continued, it couldn't help but start roaring at the hoe.

Seeing that Xiaohong didn't pay attention to himself, Shantou didn't say anything more, just continued to lick its grass. However, in its heart, I still miss the space of my master.

For what happened on this side, Huangfu was like nothing, still standing there quietly, like a statue.

On the other side, Ni Yunya, after several days of hard work, she felt that the barrier seemed to be loose. Her heart was pleased, and then continued to tell, "Don't stop, everyone continues to attack with mystery."

Yes, in the past few days, she and the sacred guards that have been brought have been attacking the barrier with mystery. Now, she finally felt that the barrier was about to be broken. As long as the barrier is broken, she can get the inheritance of the sages of the past.

With this in mind, the exhaustion that has accumulated today seems to be swept away. She now only feels that she seems to be full of strength again.

The rest of the people are exhausted, and they even feel that the mystery in their bodies has begun to dry up. But even then, under Ni Yunya’s instructions, they did not dare to take any lightheartedness, but continued to attack with their own mystery.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was a slight voice, "Hey--"

This voice is very light, and if you listen carefully, it is almost inaudible. However, it is such a slight voice, for Ni Yunya, it is like the sound of nature.


She immediately stopped everyone, then stared straight at the cave. Feeling the faint scent of the cave, her whole person was almost excited to tremble.

After hearing the instructions of Ni Yunya, others have taken back their mystery and immediately took out the healing medicine. Then, they each found a place and began to adjust their interest.

Ni Yunya had no intention to pay attention to other people at this time, and all her thoughts were placed in the cave. She took a deep breath and then lifted her footsteps. In the direction of the hole, she walked step by step, and the ecstasy on her face was obvious.

She stepped into the cave step by step, but when she stepped into the cave, she was almost dumbfounded. Because there is only a very ordinary cave in front of her, there is no such thing as any difference. Although standing here, she can still feel a hint of faintness, but how can she not see where this inheritance is.

Although the heart felt a little unbelievable, Ni Yunya began to search around in the cave, but still found nothing.

So she called all the people in, and then let everyone start searching in the cave to see what was strange in the cave.

After hearing Ni Yunya’s order, everyone soon walked in from the outside, and then began to search around, even without a corner. But no matter how you search, it's just an ordinary cave. There is no strange place at all.

After a careful search, there was no discovery, and Ni Yunya’s face became more and more ugly. She closed her eyes and began to try to feel the faint scent.

However, slowly, she found that the breath seemed to be slowly weakening. I don't know how long it took, she will never feel the breath again.

Suddenly opened his eyes, Ni Yunya's face was full of shock. Because she just felt that the breath has disappeared.

How can the atmosphere of the inheritance disappear?

At this time, Ni Yunya’s mind has almost become a mess. For a time, she couldn't even sort out all the thoughts. At this time, she suddenly remembered one thing.

At the beginning, the faint scent that she felt seemed to be subtly different from what she felt now. At that time, she still felt that she might have made a mistake. However, now she suddenly woke up. Didn't she get it wrong at the beginning, but she was fooled and found the wrong place.

If the atmosphere of this cave is a trap, who is this trap set? Is there someone else who has come to this place?

At the thought of this, Ni Yunya’s heart suddenly stunned. Later, without any hesitation, she immediately let go of her own knowledge and began to search in this forest to see if there is any other breath.

After a long time, Ni Yunya took back her own knowledge, and her face became pale. After all, you must use the gods to search for a forest. Although the forest is not too big, it is still a little difficult to search.

However, although her face was pale, her expression was much better. Because she found that in this forest, there is no other person except them.

"The saint, what should we do now?" One of the Guards stepped forward and asked, "We are going to continue searching here, or-"

Unlike the rainbow art, those who follow along are aware of the purpose of their coming here. Now, how to look here is not like the existence of any inheritance. Therefore, even if you stay here, it is just a waste of time.

"Let's go." Ni Yunya took the lead and walked outside.

Others immediately followed Ni Yunya out.

Seeing such a situation, Rainbow Art quickly chased it. Her face looked pale and even seemed to be a little crumbling. In these few days, in addition to those holy guards, she has been helping. Now her mystery has almost dried up. What she needs to do most is to have a good rest and restore it. However, now I am going to hurry again. She feels that she is almost unable to survive. Moreover, the most dissatisfied thing in her heart is that until now, she still does not know why she came to this place for what reason.

However, even if she does, she has no other way. If she does not want to be thrown away, then she can only catch up. However, in her heart, for Ni Yunya, it is more and more dissatisfied.

After leaving the cave, Ni Yunya tried again to see if he could feel the breath of the place of inheritance. However, nothing was achieved. Even the faint scent that she felt at the beginning of her life seemed to disappear.

However, even so, she is absolutely impossible to give up. So she took the sacred guards and continued searching through the forest.

At this time, Murong, who is still in the secret environment, is also in a key place. She still sat cross-legged, but she felt that her entire body seemed to be blasting. Too much power was poured into her body, and she felt that she could barely bear it.

She can feel that all her meridians have been broken, and her Yuan Ying, because of such tremendous pressure, will almost burst out.

If there are outsiders who see Murong’s face, it’s definitely scary. Because Murong at this time is fascinated, almost all of them have been dyed red by blood.

Her skin cracked open, blood rushed out, and even bones could be seen. However, after the skin and flesh and blood fell off, but for a moment, it will grow new again. Then she fell off again, and it was so repeated, there was no stopping at all.

Murong’s clothes on her face have all been shredded by the tremendous power. She sat quietly sitting cross-legged like a blood doll.

This kind of pain, ordinary people can't stand it. However, at this time, Murong’s face was completely unaware of the pain of peeling and peeling meat, because the pain in her body was more profound.

Because under that tremendous power, her meridians have all been broken. However, after all were crushed and hungry, they were re-combined again. Then break it again and recover again. The pain of such a process almost collapses.

However, even now, at this moment, the body and mind have suffered a lot, and Murong is still biting his teeth. Even the slaps are not screaming, and the whole person is only suffering from these pains quietly.

Even if the person watching it was uncomfortable for the pain she suffered, she did not give a hint of embarrassment.

The beginning of the heart is not far away, looking at the appearance of Murong's face, her eyes can not help but rise a hint of appreciation. In the beginning, she chose Murong to become the heir, and most of the reason was that she thought it was a bracelet. Of course, there is no lack of her appreciation for Murong.

However, now she is not simply admiring Murong. She can almost be said to be admirable at the moment. Under such pain, she felt that she might not be able to endure it. But until now, Murong’s face has not been slammed.

Such a tough woman, I really have to feel obedient!

In the past, if the woman stood on her own position, maybe she would have a different choice! If at the beginning, she has a hint of tenacity, but perhaps many things will not be like this!

Thinking of this, the face of the beginning of the heart can not help but show a trace of smile.

At this time, the face of the emperor standing outside became very bad. Because he felt that his face is suffering a lot at the moment. He wants to find his own face right away, and wants to put Yan in his arms right away. but--

Huangfu only held his fist, and it seems that only in this way can he suppress his inner impulse and temper. Because, while feeling the pain of Yan Er, he also felt a strong desire from the heart of Yan Er. He will know that at this moment, his face is experiencing a very important moment.

At this time, he could not do anything, and he could only stand quietly waiting. He really wants to go to Yan's side now, even if there is no way to ease the pain of Yan, you can look at her. Although this will make him more heartbroken. However, he still prefers to choose this.

For the heartache of Huangfu, Murong’s face is not known at this time. Because at this moment she has only one feeling, that is pain. She really wanted to sleep like this, because she felt that as long as she slept, she could not feel any pain.

However, there is a voice in her heart that tells her that if she slept at this time, she will give up. If there is no way to bear the pain of such a point, then what qualifications does she have to become stronger?

Thinking of this, Murong gnawed his teeth and continued to suffer the pain that came from inside and outside.

I don't know how long it has been. For Murong's face, perhaps it has been thousands of years. She felt that the pain in her body began to fade away. A warm breath wrapped her whole person. In the warm atmosphere, she felt very peace of mind. She knows that at this moment, she no longer has to experience those inhuman tortures.

She completely relaxed her body shape, letting the warmth of the atmosphere change throughout her body. She felt that her meridians became thicker than before, and her Yuan Ying became stronger than before.

Looking at Murong, who was surrounded by a circle of light at this time, the face of Shengchuxin could not help but reveal a satisfactory smile. Because she knows that Murong’s face at this time has completely accepted the inheritance.

After feeling the movement of Murong's face, Xiaobai also woke up from cultivation. It bounced and quickly came to the corner of Murong. Seeing Murong, who was surrounded by the aperture, he did nothing, just waiting quietly there.

I don't know how long it took, the light of the aperture gradually weakened and then disappeared. And Murong, who was originally wrapped in the aperture, appeared in front of one person and one beast.

Seeing Murong's face, Xiaobai's eyes must be straight. "Master, you are so beautiful now!"

Before the disappearance of the aperture, Murong had already passed the clothes. Although in this mystery, there is only the existence of the Holy Heart and Xiao Bai, but she is still not used to being in front of outsiders.

At this time, she was wearing a light blue dress, a white gauze jacket, and the long hair of the waist fluttering because of the wind. Several hairs were naughty flying in front, and there was no decoration on the head. Just a light blue ribbon, gently tying a strand of hair. The skin is white as snow, like the fairy, the hands are like soft, the skin is like gelatin, the collar is like a dragonfly, the teeth are like a rhinoceros, the dagger moth, the clever smile, the beautiful eyes, the eyebrows like the green feathers, the teeth like With shells, the waist is awkward, and a smile makes you feel unpredictable.

Although there is no change in the face, but at this time, Murong's face looks even more dazzling, and the scent of dust that is emitted from the body is even more shocking.

"Xiaobai, I didn't expect that you will say these sweet words now!" Murong said that she did not know her own changes, so she only used Xiaobai to be happy. "But these words are still very good." I like to listen."

"Master, I am not saying that you are happy, I am telling the truth." Xiaobai quickly opened his mouth to strengthen his tone. "Although it seems that there has been no change, but the feeling is completely different. I am not. Know what to say. Anyway, that's it!"

"Well, I believe what you said. You are the best." Although the mouth said so, but Murong's tone of tone did not believe much, she really felt that Xiaobai was happy with her.

Seeing that Murong is not convinced of himself, Xiaobai is also anxious. But I don't know what I should say.

Murong pour out and did not notice the tangled emotions of Xiao Bai. She stepped up and came to the front of the heart of the Holy Spirit with a hint of gratitude and sorry. In any case, her current strength is given to her by the beginning of the heart. Moreover, she can feel it. After she was passed down, the beginning of the heart seemed to disappear soon.

At this time, the beginning of the heart has become somewhat transparent. Probably because Murong’s face has been passed down! She now looks like she will disappear at any time.