MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 485 Seven foreigners (three)

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"Oh, do you dance?" Huang took his eyes and looked a little lazy in his expression. The indifference of peace and day was very different. Probably because today is his big day, so his mood is much more relaxed.

"Yes." Bai Yufeng raised his head and smiled and said, "This dance will be sent by the little girl Bai Xueyu, in order to congratulate the Devils on this big joy, I hope the Emperor and the Devil will like it."

When this statement came out, everyone suddenly understood what medicine was sold in Bai Qifeng's gourd.

For a time, many people cursed the old fox of Bai Qifeng in his heart. Say what dance is so good, this is simply to offer your daughter!

At the same time, many people are also upset. I knew it was like this, and they also stood up early. However, maybe the Emperor can't look at the white snow jade!

Of course, there are still many people waiting to see. Because everyone wants to take a look, this magician will finally accept Bai Xueyu.

"Father of the Father." On the side of Bai Haotian, after hearing the words of Bai Yufeng, his face became a little bad.

He did not think that the father would suddenly do such a thing. Others may not know, but he can see clearly, although he and the emperor, the queen is just a few times in the realm of the gods. However, he can see that the devil is not just an ordinary favorite for the devil, it is the love that has penetrated into the bone marrow. In such feelings, it is impossible to accommodate a third person.

Now the father wants to insert Xue Xueyu into the emperor's harem, which is simply impossible. This is not a connection at all, but a vengeance.

The last time they formed an alliance with the Devils, but in the war between the gods and the devil, they chose to stay out of it. Now doing this kind of thing again, can only make the relationship between the devil and the demon world worse and worse.

Bai Yufeng didn't even look at Bai Haotian, and all his attention was sitting on the emperor's body. He is waiting for the answer from Huangfu.

Huangfu did not immediately answer Bai Yufeng’s words, but turned his head and looked at the Murong sitting on the side.

Murong squinted at the corner of his mouth and evoked a funny smile, then slightly decapitated.

"If that's the case, then take a look!" Huangfu waved his hand and spoke without hesitation.

He is not interested in what dances and the like. If it is not because he is interested in seeing Yan, he will never agree. If this can make Yaner happy, it is also a good thing.

After receiving the response from Huangfu, Bai Haofeng immediately cheered up the whole person. "Thank the emperor, let the little girl go on and prepare now."

After that, Bai Yufeng waved his hand and let Bai Xueyu go down to change clothes.

Bai Xueyu's face with two blushing blushes, nodded, and then retreated. At this time her heart is full of excitement. At the same time, she also knows that this is her only chance. If she can get the favor of the Emperor, then she will have endless glory in the future. Moreover, it can also benefit the entire demon world. So, no matter what, she must succeed.

Others are remorseful and green. They did not expect that the emperor would have agreed to it as simple as that. If you know that this is the case, at the beginning, they will stand up directly. Now they have won the first opportunity, and their hearts are regrettable!

Putting everyone's expressions to the eye, Murong's lips evoke a funny smile. She is not a fool, naturally she can see the minds of those people. If you want to enter this magic hall, yes, she will give them this opportunity. As long as they still have a life.

However, she is still very kind. Therefore, she will not be exhausted in this way. Since this Bai Xueyu stood up first, she used this snow jade to do a "model".

She would have to look at it. After seeing the end of Bai Xueyu, is there anyone else who has other ideas?

Soon, Bai Xueyu put on a dance dress and then came out.

After putting on a dance dress, Bai Xueyu’s whole person has undergone no small changes. If the original Bai Xueyu is with a smart beauty. Then the white snow jade is a little more charming.

She had a red silk skirt with a low neckline, like a hibiscus, a brow like a willow, and a more charming eye than a peach flower. The skin is like snow, and a white silk is made into a tall beauty. The beads of the head shone with glare in the light inside the temple, and the bright red lips rose slightly. The red dance dress and the silver wire formed a sharp contrast, which further brought out the beauty of the white snow jade. I haven't started dancing yet, and it has attracted a lot of people's attention.

In the face of the stunning eyes of the men, Bai Xueyu’s mouth evoked a smug smile.

From the eyes of those men, she knew how beautiful she was at the moment. Even if she can't match the stunning face of the devil, she also has her own smart beauty.

She believes that as long as the Emperor looks at her, she will certainly be more favored than the current Devil.

Before starting to dance, Bai Xueyu also made people put a lot of petals in the middle of the hall.

Soon, the beautiful melodies sounded, and Bai Xueyu began to understand. Her sleeves swayed and danced, and the waist was slow and twisted. As the music danced gracefully, it seemed like a butterfly flying and dancing. A leaf swaying in the air, like a bunch of flowers in the bush, twisting the waist with the rhythm of the wind, blooming its own brilliance.

The beautiful face always has a charming smile, full of grace, charming and moving, and even the skirts are swaying into a wind. The long silver wire was messy in the wind, and the beauty was suspicious.

While dancing, Bai Xueyu also runs his own mystery, letting the petals on the ground continue to fly around her with the mystery she releases. Against the backdrop of the petals, Bai Xueyu is more attractive and beautiful.

Murong leaned down and sat there, looking at the snowy jade dance, with a hint of smile.

I have to say that Bai Xueyu is indeed much better than the white snow heart. Although the appearance of this snow jade is not comparable to the white snow heart. But her beauty is a bit more agile. Moreover, it can be seen from the hand of Shirayu Yulu that the repair of this snow jade is not low.

It can even be said that among the peers, the repair of Bai Xueyu can be regarded as one of the best. Although it seems that it is not difficult to manipulate those petals with mystery. However, it is not easy for Bai Xueyu to dance with the most beautiful gestures while still taking care of those petals. This requires a very precise control of Xuan Li.

Unfortunately, this snow jade is not pure!

On the other hand, Huangfu, from the beginning to the end, did not look at the white snow jade that was dancing. All his attention is on the face of Murong.

If Bai Xueyu knows the heart of Huangfu, it will definitely vomit blood! She was doing a lot of performances there, but the one she most wanted to be appreciated didn't even look at her.

At the end of the song, it seems to turn to shoot the action of the swallow, the most is that smile back, all the way around the eyebrows. At the same time, she took back all the mystery of her body, and the petals that were still flying were falling, making her smile more charming.

At the end of the song, Bai Xueyu did not have a trace of gasping, but the original beautiful face had two more blushes, which made her whole person look a little more pitiful beauty.

"Xueyu is here to congratulate the Emperor, the Queen after the wedding, and always happy." Bai Xueyu gently squatted on the ground, then slowly lifted his cheeks, with an endless affection in the eyes, looking at the emperor.

At the beginning, she did not notice the expression of the emperor. Because all her attention is on how to dance this dance, because this is her only chance.

When she looked up and saw the expressionless face of Huangfu, the original hot heart was like pouring cold water. I don't know why, her heart suddenly became very boring, as if something was not under her control.

Bai Yufeng couldn't see the current situation at all. He stood up again and said, "The emperor, don't know how this dance of the little girl jumped?"

At the beginning, Bai Xueyu’s performance, he was all in his eyes. Many men were fascinated by this dance of Bai Xueyu. He can be sure that other women are definitely not comparable to his daughter.

Huangfu looked at Bai Yufeng with a faint look. He didn't care to open his mouth. "Not bad."

In fact, from the beginning to the end, he did not take a look. However, the good now is the Lord of the demon world, and his face will make the other party not too ugly.

After Bai Xueyu, who was still there, heard this sentence, there was some restless heart, and it suddenly stabilized. She knew that her performance was such that the Emperor did not notice her.

The other women in the main hall, at this time, can't wait to go to tear the snowy jade there.

However, it is a monk who likes to show off the limelight. What is great. Or the princess of the demon world! Now it seems that there is no difference with ordinary dancers!

However, although I was cursing my heart, I could not conceal the embarrassment of Bai Xueyu.

After Bai Yufeng heard the words of Huangfu, it was like what he received. He was all excited and continued to speak. "It is the blessing of the snow heart to get into the eyes of the emperor. In fact, today, except this In addition to a dance, we also have to give a big gift to the two."

During the speech, Bai Yufeng had already stood up. After he took a hand to the emperor, he opened his mouth. "This big gift is my daughter, Bai Xueyu. She is smart and snowy, staying behind the devil. Definitely can help a lot of the queen."