MTL - Into the World of Medicine-Chapter 498 Fanwai 20 Hometown

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"I am happy to be able to go back." Long Li snorted and opened her mouth. "But, in the face of separation, there will still be some embarrassment!"

"So, are you feeling sentimental now?" Murong said with a smile and said, "This is not like you!"

"You will not understand my mood." Long Li sighed. "Your parents are by your side, but I am different. After this time, I will not know if there is any chance." I met."

Seeing that Long Li was different from the low mood of the past, Murong shook his head and shouted. "In fact, when you are flying, you should have thought about such a result."

"I know, it's just a little embarrassing." Long Li Yan squeezed a smile and said, "In fact, I just sent a complaint. I feel that I am very good now, I believe that my parents are also very happy. ”

"You can figure it out, then it's best." Murong nodded and smiled and said, "However, have you ever thought about letting your parents fly to the upper bounds? That's it, you can meet at any time in the future!"

"No need." Long Li smiled and shook her head. "They are different from me. They don't want to leave. So, in fact, this is also very good."

After hearing Long Li's words, Murong Yanyan did not continue this topic, but smiled and said, "How? The rotor gives you this surprise is big enough!"

"You are so embarrassed to say it!" When it came to this, Long Li took a look at Murong. "So big things, why are you glaring at me? Or is it a good sister?"

"You can slap me," Murong said, raising his hand to make a surrender. "This thing, I was kept in the drum from beginning to end! I just probably know that there is an idea in the heart of the rotor. But I don't know what it is. Later, I told me."

When I heard the things that the rotor did, to be honest, she was also shocked. She did not expect that the whispering rotor has always been so romantic. However, it can be seen that the rotor has paid much attention to Li Wei.

Probably remembered something happy, Long Li's face could not help but have a sweet smile. "These things done by the rotor are really a big surprise."

"That's awesome!" Murong looked at Longli, and smiled and said, "Now your wish is fulfilled. There is nothing to worry about!"

"Looking at you, what are you talking about?" Long Li said with some dissatisfaction. "Look at what you said, as if I really want to marry."

"Isn't it?" Murong said with a smile and said, "Don't forget, who forced me to test the rotor. At that time, you were not worried about the rotors not yelling at you?"

After hearing Murong’s face, Long Li’s cheeks suddenly became red, and she whispered. “Looking at it, if you talk like this again, I will be with you!”

"Well, our Miss Long is thin." Murong shrugged and shrugged and said with a smile. "I still don't want to say it again. Otherwise, I am really afraid that you will be angry and angry. !"

"Well, don't say me." Long Li said, "You and the Emperor went out these days, have fun?"

She did not know what to do for Murong and Yan. Therefore, she always felt that these two people should go out to play.

"It's very good." Murong squinted at the bottom of his eyes and flashed a glimmer of light. The corner of his mouth evoked a mysterious smile. "The harvest is still quite big. It's really worth it."

"That's good!" Although Long Lizhen didn't know what was going on, she knew that it was a good thing to look at Murong's face. "It seems that I should also find time and the rotor to go out and play."

"I am afraid that it will take another period of time." Murong smiled and shook his head. "I am going to have a trip with you. So, during this time, the rotor probably hasn't had much time to accompany you to play!" ”

"Ah? You have to leave again!" Long Li was a little surprised. "It’s just just coming back, and I have to leave again. It seems that you are really having a good time! Where are you going to go this time? ?"

“Where are you going?” Murong’s eyes flashed a trace of nostalgia. “Go to a place I always wanted to go. If it’s true, it should be my hometown!”

"What?" After hearing Murong's words, Long Li's eyes flashed a little bit strange. "You just want to go to the lower bounds?"

Naturally, she knows that with the ability of the Emperor, she can always take her face with Murong and ignore the rules of Heaven and go back to the lower bounds. However, when she was more confused, why did Murong choose to go back. As far as she knows, Murong is in the lower bound, and there should be no more friends.

Now that Murong’s most dear family is in the devil world, what is she going to do?

"It's not the lower bound." Murong tilted his head and shook his head, with a hint of imperceptible expectation in his tone. "It's a farther place than the lower bound. We have only recently found a way to go there."

"Look at what you said, what kind of place is it?" Long Li was smothered with interest. "It can make you look forward to it. It seems that this is really not a simple place!"

"Maybe!" Murong said with a smile, "Don't worry! I will give you a present when I arrive."

"There are gifts!" Long Li blinked and smiled. "It seems that your mood is really good! But since you don't want to say it, then I don't ask. Right, that When are you going?"

"Come on." Murong said with a sigh of relief. "We have to arrange the things of the devil world. We are going to set off."

A few days later, after all the things were arranged, Murong and Yan Huang once again left the Devil. However, this time, no one knows where they went.

In the 21st century, on this day, the sky is clear and cloudless. However, just during the day, on the far side of the sky, a flash of colorful light suddenly appeared.

Because of this sudden appearance, everyone began to talk. Some people say that this is a vision of heaven, some people say it is a natural phenomenon, and some people even speculate that perhaps aliens are coming.

For a time, there were different opinions, and major TV stations were also reporting. But no one can say why.

The culprit responsible for these changes was at the top of the vast sea. If someone sees such a situation, it will definitely scare the past. Because, at this time, not far from the sea, two people wearing a costume are standing in the sky.

Fortunately, however, this is the sea, and no one can see such a vision at all.

"Yan, is this the 21st century you said?" Huangfu looked around in a circle and then frowned. "The aura here is really not good."

Although it is above the sea, the imperial concubine can be seen far away. However, for this place, he does not have any special feelings. If you really say that there is any special feeling, it is probably because it used to be where Yan is!

However, the aura here is really too poor.

"That is of course." Although it is above the sea, but Murong's face can not help but rise a trace of nostalgia, "In this era, no one has cultivated immortals."

Yes, she is in the 21st century at the moment. She did not think that she actually returned to the 21st century one day.

After collecting ten kinds of fires, she discovered that after combining ten kinds of fires, she could break through time and space. Therefore, she took the opportunity to return to the twenty-first century.

Although it was in this place, she was forced to commit suicide by her family. However, after all, she grew up from a young age, she still has some nostalgia. Now back here again, she is really a feeling of being a human being.

However, to really say it, she is not her former. Now she is Murong's face, her former face is dead, and she is killed by her parents and family.

It seems that I feel the strange emotions of Murong’s face, and Huangfu’s hand reaches out and pulls her hand. “Yan, what are you thinking about?”

"Nothing." Murong smiled and shook his head. "Just, I didn't expect that I would have a chance to come back here. However, you are right. The aura of this place is very poor. The lives of people nowadays are all right. It has become very short."

"Yan, how long do you like to stay here, how long we stayed here." Huangfu said softly. "Where do you want to go, where do we go?"

"I don't have to wait too long," Murong said, shaking his head and shaking his head. "But now that it has arrived, it is natural to have fun before going back."

"Well, where are we going now?" Huangfu smiled and asked. "I think, should you not want to drift around here?"

"Let's land first!" Murong couldn't help but laugh.

It was at this time that the clear sky was suddenly clouded, and then the thunder of the thunder continued to ring. A thrilling thunderstorm rain came without warning.

Along with the thunderstorms, there was a strong wind, and there were huge waves at the sea, which seemed to have some feelings of the end of the world.

However, this does not make any sense to Huangfu and Murong. There was an enchantment around the two people and they continued to move forward at sea, completely unaffected by any influence.