MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 1935 The robot family is out!

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

The army of the mechanized clan is out again!

The army of the Four Routes, wherever they went, was in ruins, and all the warriors survived, but were all slaughtered!

The surrender is also destroyed!

The prosperity of the limelight even faintly covered the expedition of the Black Temple Army.

Because, their means, their bloodthirsty and cruelty, are far more crazy than the Black Temple army!

Black Temple, kill only the killer!

Diehard, kill!

Negative stubborn, kill! Waiting for revenge, kill!

But sincere repenters, captives!

Abandoned people return home, let go!


This new piece of news has stirred the entire universe.

The warriors in the universe, sincerely fearful, cannot hide behind closed doors, lest they encounter these two fierce armies.

If it was the Black Temple, it would be better, but if the machine family, they will die!

There is panic, there is excitement!

The army of the Black Palace is invincible and deeply rooted.

Since it is a troubled world, there are heroes who want to be born, they are eager to try, they want to pull out their swords, and fight for their own achievements!

For a time, many daring warriors took to the streets and rushed to the army of the Black Temple.

Some of them are for fame and fortune.

And more, for blood vengeance!

For hundreds of millions of years, the disciples of the major families have arrogantly committed blood debts against their families. At this moment, they are going to collect debts with the army of the Black Temple!

One person successfully joined the Black Temple Army, and soon there will be a large number of imitators!


On the star path of the Black Temple Army, a stream of streamers flashed at a rapid speed, with powerful figures showing their stature.

One after another.

It ’s like dumplings,

In the blink of an eye, there were nearly a hundred people.

They didn't need to talk much, looked at each other, partnered with each other, and continued to sweep forward, one by one, their faces were full of determination.

At this moment, at the request of Tu Lun, the head of the palace of the Black Palace Ming Ao, let the major media issue a message at the same time.

"Black Temple, recruit!"

The simple four big characters once again ignited many warriors and the warrior's heart that had long since faded away.

These four words make them excited and make them enthusiastic!

In the universe, each planet.

One after another, the warriors took the sword in their hands and took the step they longed for!

Before, they had no clue and were oppressed!

Now, they want to follow their idols, seek his shelter, and say no to the powerful big families!

They firmly believe that this choice is correct!

This trend is intensifying!

Among them, there are abandoned martial arts soldiers, strong soldiers who have been collecting swords for many years, and young warriors who have a passion and need to build their careers ...

However, at this moment, they are only recruiting for the four big characters, the black palace!

Figure after figure, marching towards the Black Temple Army.

One after another, the blood in the body ignited again!

From a hundred people, soaring rapidly.

One thousand people!

Three thousand people!

Six thousand people!

Ten thousand people!


They are excited, they are excited.

In their hearts, they all have a common belief that Ning Tianlin, which rises in the universe, will be unstoppable!


In the stars.

A burly man with a knife-shaped face set foot in front of the Black Temple Army.

In front of him, he knelt down on one knee to worship a group of newly joined warriors.

"I'll wait to join the Black Temple and swear to death!"

The voice was loud and his face was decided.

Not only them.

Again, a group of mighty warriors, Qi Xun kneeling on one knee, enthusiastically reached.

"Please accept us and take us to the battle!"

This still doesn't stop there.

The star field was trembling.

One after another the warriors followed.

Turen before the army, his eyes burned, this unexpected scene deeply shocked him.


Tu Lun stooped down and gave them his most sincere thanks.

Thank you for their willingness to believe in the Black Temple and their commitment to the Black Temple. The Black Temple will not let them down!

"Black Temple, thank you!"

His voice came from the heart, his affection was sincere, and it rang in the ears of those warriors one after another, and could not disperse for a long time.


Lead the generals and thank them for bending down!


The warriors on one knee counted as many as possible, and then, one by one, their inner emotions, their knees, worth it!

The black palace is different from those strong clan forces! It's not looking at people coldly, but really treating people with affection!

Fully bent to thank Tu Lu for one minute, straightened her body, looking forward, and a loud voice sounded again.

"My name is Tulun, and I welcome you on behalf of the Black Temple!"

"After today, everyone is a brother, a brother who can change his name on the battlefield!"


The warriors kneeling on one knee looked at each other, and the eyes were filled with excitement.




Neat shouts shook through the stars!

Brother, they are brothers!

When it comes to their title, they like it!

Feeling this monstrous cry, Tu Lun's gaze suddenly turned, and the slightest sense of coldness appeared in his eyes.

"Remember, the owner of the Black Temple is Ning!"

"Everyone who disobeys Ningmen's order, cut!"

"Dare to kill the black heart!"

The coldest words hit everybody's heart.

This is a reminder!

Even more warning!

He Tulun, he did it!


The sudden drop in temperature made these kneeling warriors suddenly stunned, and the pervasive killing intention was just like the essence, making them feel real.

They knew that those simple words were taboos for all the people in the Black Temple, and they had to keep in mind.

The silence lasted only for an instant, and then the warriors stood up, determined in their hearts, and stared forward.

"Follow the Lord Ningmen!"

"Follow the Lord Ningmen!"

"Follow the Lord Ningmen!"

Their faces were heavy, their voices loud and respectful.

This cry not only represents their determination to follow the Black Temple, but also a sincere reverence for Ningmen Lord!

Although there is no regret!

"it is good!"

"Brothers, get up!"

There is a rare tenderness on Tu Lun's knife-like face, and these people will become part of their army in the Black Temple.

Then, he must try to ensure their life and death, and strive to let more people live to the end, seeing the rise of the Black Temple and the glory of Xuanhuangmen!


Tu Lun, standing upright, stared into the void, where they were going!

Immediately, with a big wave of his arm, the horn of charge was already sounding.

Army of the Black Temple, continue to advance!

With the sound of a loud military chant, all the warriors in the Black Palace army, the bloodthirsty factors in their bodies, again surged wildly, one by one with high fighting spirit.


Their military discipline was rigorous, they were advancing at full speed, and the light of the sky flashed across the vast sky.

Tu Lun, headed by, has more and more murderous power in his eyes.

During the journey, stroking the space ring on his hand, he knew that he must be fast, and he must be in front of the machine family!

The resources of various ethnic groups, the disused warriors, these are all accounted for by the gatekeepers, and they must be brought back a lot!

Whoever obstructs anyone, including the machine family!



Wooden clan headquarters!

Tu Lun looked away, and thousands of guards guarding the city stood neatly outside the gate, each holding a sharp blade.


He descended first, standing there quietly, glancing coldly at the Mu soldiers.

"A fight? A drop?"


Dare to be mad?

Do you think you are Ning Tianlin? You can destroy the yin and yang gate alone!

Even if there is no Mu clan without the Lord of the Universe, it can't be hardened by one person, it's just death!


Almost instantly, Mu soldiers rushed out and surrounded Tulun regiments!

One by one, looking at Tu Lun, as if looking at an idiot, this is clearly a death!

"Small bastard, either get out of here or die here!"

With the words of the Captain of the Shoucheng falling, mad laughter sounded loudly, and the contempt in their eyes was not concealed.

"Captain, you look down on him so much. We can drown him with so many of us. We can drown him without having to give a knife at all."

Seeing this scene, the corner of Tu Lun's mouth was raised upward, and laughed coldly.

"The opportunity has been given to you, but you do not cherish it."

Haha ...



The Mu soldiers were another joke of irony.

"Opportunity? We have thousands of people and have you again ..."

However, before the soldier's words were finished, he stiffened and stopped, and could no longer make a sound.


Only the blood stains on Tu Lun's palm proved that this was his masterpiece.

"court death!"

A famous Mu soldier is angry and angry!

However, just as he was about to cull, Tu Lun's voice sounded again.

"How? If you think there are too many people, you can kill me?"


After that, Tu Lun's momentum suddenly became cold, and the monstrous murderous intentions shot out instantly, looking at everyone's eyes as if looking at the dead.



Every figure came toward the gate of the Mu clan.



In the blink of an eye, there were more than a thousand people!

Their iron-like body, the radiating air of killing, and the thick radiating air of killing made them tremble.


Thousands of Mu soldiers changed their colors suddenly, and they were all cool.

What sheep enter the tiger's mouth?

This is simply prepared!

Black Temple!

They are from the Black Temple!

Until then, Captain Shoucheng really reacted, what kind of cruel people they encountered.

war? drop?

In addition to the black palace, there is that force, dare to have such a big tone!

It's just late!

The Black Temple's vanguard has arrived, and they see the blood return!


Tu Lun's sword will puncture the captain's body.

"Rest assured, my Lord has orders to live!"

Then, Tuolun, looking cold, suddenly pulled out the sword in his hand.


Rolling blood, gushing out along the captain's wound.

Abolished, a blow is abolished!

The guard soldiers were horrified, followed by anger.


"You ... you killed the captain!"

However, their swords have not yet been pulled out.

Tu Lun took the lead.

The corner of his mouth evoked a bloodthirsty arc, and his arm waved forward.



The vanguard of the Black Temple, each holding a sharp blade, seemed to kill the hungry tiger and attacked them as much as possible.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The shouts began to scream, and the war began.


Thousands of cold flashes flickered, like flashes of lightning, flashing past the deadly place of the Mu soldiers.

Puff puff!

Successive Mu soldiers collapsed to the ground, leaving only screaming screams, and they were killed with a single blow in the last breath.

This scene made the Mu soldiers behind him countless.

The army of the Black Palace is more fierce than they thought. Without any trace of mud and water, they will kill frequently as soon as they come up!

Skillful and hot!

at this time.

Hula, from the city gate, a large group of wooden soldiers surged in an instant, each of them holding the blade in their hands, the cold flashing.

There are as many as 10,000 people!


Suddenly, the Mu soldiers were so imposing!

In the direction of the people in the Black Temple, they madly killed the past. As many as they killed, they will win!

It's just that they have more people and more people in the Black Temple!


The Black Temple Army is officially here!

The intricate figures, like dumplings, fell from the stars.

They were raging, like bloodthirsty beasts, and rushed towards the battle circle.


The monstrous momentum made the Mu soldiers tremble, and their eyeballs were almost shocked ...

Ten thousand people!

50,000 people!

100,000 people!


The army of the Black Temple is like a tide of beasts, densely packed, more and more!


The Mu soldiers were in an uproar, and their faces were filled with fear.

While they were still in shock, the offensive of the Black Palace Army was back!



The army of the Black Temple flashed over, a famous Mu soldier was hit to the point and collapsed stiffly.

fast! quasi! ruthless!

The Mu soldiers who had collapsed to the ground were allowed to splatter with blood, and each of them collapsed, unable to fight again.

They are shocked and desperate!

The people in the Black Temple are like a killing machine, simple, rude, bloodthirsty, for life!


Looking at a famous black palace warrior, marching into the city gate, Mu soldiers looked pale as paper.

At this moment, the Black Temple is like a black torrent, unstoppable!

Wherever they passed, blood was splashing, and a famous Mu soldier was decommissioned.

Unstoppable like a tiger into a flock!

what! what! what! ...

The sound of panic resounded, but struggling was useless!


In the blink of an eye, Tu Lun's vanguard has already entered the city gate!

Behind them was a dense army of black palaces. The murderous spirit of the sky pervaded them, seeming to devour the entire Mu clan.


The gate was broken!

This scene made the Mu soldiers tremble.

The Black Palace's offensive, just like their killing moves, is too fast!

Especially more terrifying is the leader.


With his sword in his hand, his limbs were flying.

The dense Mu family army formation, he was led to kill a **** road!

In a blink of an eye, thousands of ruthless people led by Tu Lun entered the main urban area of ​​the Mu clan!

There, guarding the backbone of the Mu clan!

"Bold Black Hall, this is not your place to be wild!"

Before anyone arrived, a shout came out from the building next to him.



There are powerful figures again, from the building, in the streets and alleys, raging wildly.

Ten thousand people!

30,000 people!

The number continues to increase!