MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 1959 In the plan?

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Noon the next day.

The top of a tall and majestic building on SJM.

"Well, I saw it online. You did a good job!"

In a luxuriously decorated office, Aussie leaning on a fluffy large office chair, looking at the screen in front of him, said with satisfaction.

"The new appointment letter from the headquarters will be announced on the intranet in the afternoon, which is what you deserve."

After speaking, he snapped and hung up the communicator in his hand.


Immediately afterwards, Ao took a deep sip of the sturdy cigar in her hand, and then spit out a small ring of smoke, looking at the fading smoke.

He was thinking about a call at more than ten o'clock before, and the reason why the Demon King of the Clan descended on Chita Star had been found out!

The reason why he suddenly came to Chita Star was because he received information from the clan, there appeared a person he was looking for!

Not only that, that person also knew their doorkeeper!

The Lord Ningmen returned that day and slaughtered fifty-eight Lords of the Universe, and the mysterious man was next to him!

Of the fifty-eight lords of the universe, there were three fighters, and three of them were the first to be slaughtered!

This is no **** coincidence. Ningmen Master, the mysterious person, the machine family, and the three must have a great relationship.

To this end, he also specially checked it, and more surely, the Lord Ningmen would suddenly appear that day, and angrily shot and killed 58 universe masters, just to save the mysterious man!

As soon as this was cleared, Auntie immediately called the headquarters of the Black Temple and wanted to ask the doorkeeper to see if he needed to provide some necessary help to the mysterious person.

However, the words back from the Black Temple said that the master of Ningmen had no news as long as a month ago!

No one can contact!

He wasn't worried that the doorkeeper would have an accident. With the current strength of the doorkeeper, it was already very good to prevent others from showing up.

He was worried about the mysterious man hunted down by the demon king!

Because the news he received was that after the Chita Star was slaughtered, the Demon King did not return to the machine immediately!

Not only that, but he did not descend on the battlefield of the machine clan, but began to trace the whereabouts of the mysterious man himself!

Obviously, things on the battlefield are far less important than those tracked down!

This made him more uneasy!

"Being able to let the Lord of the universe take the initiative to track down, this must be a major event!"

Au ’s brows frowned, and her right hand with the cigar bounced hard and looked very irritable.

The demon king of the old strong, if you really want to follow someone in person, it will not be too difficult!

Then this mysterious man is in danger!

Just as he frowned.


The door of the half-covered office was gently pushed away by a pair of slim hands, and a figure came in slowly.


A pair of delicate black high-heeled shoes, stepping lightly on the ground, made a crisp sound in the office.

The comer has short blue hair and a tailor-made professional suit, which perfectly outlines her bumpy figure.

As a senior member of the Mingbei, she has absolute rights, but at the moment, she looks a little dignified above her pretty face, apparently encountering difficult problems.

"Mr. O Dian, the real identity of the mysterious man has not been found out. Not only that, since the accident of Chita Star, the informers in the Ming Department have not found the whereabouts of that mysterious man.

Shi Lili, one of the high-level officials, carefully reported the results of the investigation, and even her crisp voice was low.

The director ordered nothing to be done, which she didn't want to see. Then, Liu Mei jumped up.

"However, one thing has already been confirmed."

"It was just a hundred years ago when the Ningmen master was killed by Tashan King in the universe, the mysterious man once appeared."

"At the time, he was using some strange secret method to try to resurrect Ningmen, but he was interrupted halfway."

Having said that, Li Li, standing with her legs straight, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, which was the limit she could investigate.

As for the other things before that, there are no more, and that's not something she can check.

Unless it is some old man who has lived for billions of years, maybe he can know something.

On hearing that, Ao's half-wrinkled frown was also slightly loose, and then he nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, you can find these are pretty good, and for this result, I also expected."

"Also, there is no need to look any further about the past of the mysterious man, that is not important anymore."

While talking, Auntie took another sip of the cigar in her hand, and then killed the remaining cigar halfway, and then said.

"As long as we can prove that the mysterious man tracked by the demon king has a great relationship with Ningmen, this is enough!"

After speaking, Aunt stood up from the office chair, and then he moved the office chair behind him.

Da da da!

He walked slowly towards the large floor-to-ceiling window, and looked down at the whole scene of the SJM star, and continued without talking.

"Director Shi, you must continue to speed up. You can use all available resources. You must find the mysterious man in front of the demon king."

However, as soon as the words came out, the Australian magpie gradually raised its head and knew that this was almost impossible.

The demon king is the old master of the universe, and the hunting methods are much more powerful. Wanting to catch up with him is tantamount to foolish dreaming.

But what can he do?

The Ningmen master could not be contacted. Hei San was still in the battlefield of the Clan. All he could do was that.

Wen Yan, when standing behind him, Lili nodded heavily.

"Master O, I will do my best!"

Looking at the back of Aunt, she faintly felt the helplessness of the other party, and wanted to help the mysterious man as much as possible, but she was weak and weak.

The old strong demon king is really not able to shake them, unless the master Ningmen shot it himself!

The thought of Ningmen master complicated her mind again.

I remember the first time I met the doorkeeper in the hallway, and everything she had now, was also given by the doorkeeper.

Just when Shi Lili was feeling emotional, Ao's voice came again.

"Hey, this is not something you can do well, just let the rich take charge."

"As for the business at his disposal, you should keep your eyes on it for the time being. If you don't know anything, just ask a few other senior executives."

Shi Lili suddenly hesitated, she knew that this was not the reason why the head of the Australian palace did not trust her, but the reason that made her shake was that the rich man shot.

Fu Lao is also one of the top officials of the Ming Dynasty. It can be said that he is the No. 2 commander of the Ming Department and a figure on the Ming side.

And they have only two masters of the universe in the dark part of the black palace. The rich man is the three masters of the universe, which is another master of the universe except the chief of the palace.

"It seems that the chief of the palace intends to escape, if the rich and old leave, it will definitely have an impact on the voice of the Ming Ministry!"

Shi Lili, who was frowning tightly, murmured to herself, meanwhile, she was looking forward in the middle of her heart, and Ningmen could appear in time.

Otherwise, the mad fury of the Demon King is not something the rich and old can resist. Once an accident occurs, the Ming Department will suffer heavy losses!

At this moment, in the large office, the dull atmosphere became more depressed as the two kept silent.


After seven days.

This is the seventh day of the Ming Dynasty high-level Australian Fuhui, starting to find mysterious people.

On the first day, not only did they make no progress, but even the Demon King of the Clan did not find any clues.

And that mysterious person just disappeared completely.

Until the third day, the two sides still could not find any clues, and the mad demon king returned directly to the army of soldiers from the battlefield.

And divided them into several teams, scattered across the planets of the universe, like a scattered net, vigorously looking for the whereabouts of the mysterious man.

The sudden movement of the soldiers of the clan also directly affected the pattern on the battlefield.

On the battlefield, the Black Temple Army, which continued to fight with the machine army, began to gradually gain the upper hand.

On the fourth day.

Black Temple, machine race, the situation is chaotic.

Not only on the battlefield, but also within the various planets in the universe, there is also a lot of friction.

The disciples of Ming Fu under the command of Ao Fuhui and the soldiers of the Clan transferred back by the Demon King constantly struggled with each other.

On the sixth day.

Ao Fuhui ordered that the disciples of the Ming dynasty try to avoid confrontation with the soldiers of the clan as much as possible, and all focus on finding mysterious people.

At the same time, he also personally selected a number of elite disciples, who are specifically responsible for tracking the elite squadrons of the clan.

First, see if you can get some useful clues from them. Second, if the timing is right, kill the elite teams of the machine family!

The seventh day.

The night was quiet, and a faint moonlight scattered from the stars, and a dense forest seemed extraordinarily quiet.

In the dense jungle, dark shadows suddenly flashed, and their eyes looked through the cracks of the branches, looking at a big tree not far from here.

There were more than a dozen aircraft soldiers, who were briefly resting.

In the jungle, a famous warrior in the dark part of the black palace, breathing smoothly without any slight wave, his body is like a corpse.

Although the goal was in front of them, they did not rush to shoot, but hid there silently.

The strange and peaceful atmosphere lingers in this area for a long time.

The leader of the aircraft soldiers is a star-ranked eight-level general, and the two small leaders next to him show the combat effectiveness, which is obviously also a star-ranked warrior level.

Coupled with some of the not weak aircraft soldiers, this lineup is much stronger than other aircraft squadrons.

Even if the disciples of the Ming Dynasty are doing their best now, they are still not sure of winning, so they must look for a good time.

Otherwise, once they rush into action and cause the melee to be too long, they will definitely attract the surrounding soldiers, and it is likely that they will lose.

After all, although they are elite soldiers in the Ming Dynasty, they are not the real killing army. They are far from being able to fight front-to-back with the machine soldiers who have experienced the battlefield.

Disciples of the Ming Dynasty squinted their eyes, locked the Jizu and others tightly, and the latter finally got up again after resting for nearly ten minutes.

However, when the disciples of the Ming Dynasty thought that they would rush on the previous route and enter the deep forest.

The Ji family and his party suddenly made a big bend and hurried directly in the other direction.

And just after the Ji family and others set off, this somewhat remote area fell into extreme silence again.

Even the flying birds felt a sense of killing in the forest, and flew away shiveringly.


Seeing this sudden change, the disciples of the Ming Ministry suddenly froze, and then their faces turned slightly.

"Did it be found?"

This idea was only hesitant in his heart, but was quickly ruled out by them automatically.

If it was discovered, the bloodthirsty personality of the melee soldiers would definitely directly confront them, and would not use any roundabout methods.

"What the **** do these guys want?"

Looking at the increasingly blurred figure, there was a doubt in his mind.

Immediately following the instructions of the leader, they lightly touched the ground with their toes, and their bodies moved like a bat in the night.

Then, with the cover of the dense forest, he again closely followed the troops of the machine soldiers.

In this way, two groups of people in the dense forest have always maintained a safe distance and moved in the same direction.

The two sides moved farther and farther until they left this planet and swept away in the direction of the other planet.

Just before stepping into the entrance of the planet, the arm of Ming Ming's leader waved suddenly.

"Stop first."

"There was an overbearing breath in front of me, that was not a great threat to me."

The faint sound of mosquitoes and flies was introduced to the ears of every disciple of the Ming dynasty.

The disciples of Mingbei who were about to move forward suddenly stagnate under the words of the leader, and their faces changed greatly.

The disciples of Mingbu were shocked and asked in a low voice.

"Captain, are we doing the trick?"

"It's not like the arrogance of that breath is above me. If they were to deal with us specifically, they wouldn't be so laborious."

Hearing the words, the other disciples in the Ming Dynasty breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned and wondered.

"What's going on in front of me? The crew members suddenly changed course. There must be something abnormal."

The light flickered in the long eyes of the Ming army, and his gaze swept toward the front.

"What the **** are these guys in the machine family going to know?"

"You all go back first. Before I can figure out the situation, I will go by myself first, and the rest will be decided after I return."


The other Mingbu disciples hesitated and nodded slightly.

"The captain is careful."

After whispering, they also turned around and began to back slowly until they disappeared.

The captain of the Ming army twisted his body, constantly looking for obstructions, hiding himself well, and moving forward very slowly.