MTL - Invincible Level Up-v9 Chapter 667 Crazy

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The third chapter is sent!

Today, 9000 words + finished, thanks to the support of the two brothers ‘Da Qin Hero, Luo Yuxuan’, the brothers who subscribed to all, let’s light up the light of the Great God.

Don't subscribe to the brothers to subscribe to it, the old cow is grateful! ! !


Five people shot at the same time, directly killing the second-order bloodthirsty wolf. Invincible upgrade 667


There were no half-happy faces on the faces of the five people, but some panic.

Hong Chong’s face changed, and he stared at a road: "Wolf!"

"Big Brother, what should I do?"

"There are all bloodthirsty wolves around..."

"We are trapped."



Great trap.

The bloodthirsty wolf is very sensitive to the breath, and it can be felt for a few kilometers or even ten kilometers. Just a short distance of a dozen feet away, it will not be sensed? Everyone is too big to neglect this.




A huge wave of red light flashed on a raised rock, and the sound of "Sao" became even more squeaky. The speed of these bloodthirsty wolves was doubled. Now it is away from Qin Tian. They are only less than half a kilometer away.

Bloody smell is pungent.

The unique atmosphere of the wolf exudes.

The stronger the smell, the more the number of wolves.

"this way!"

Qin Tian quickly ran up and pointed to the depths of the forest: "The beasts are ruled by the ground. This area is the site of the bloodthirsty wolf. As long as they run out of their territory, they believe that they will not catch up. Now only the forest Advance in the depths." Invincible upgrade 667

The beast and the beast are the same.

They divide the area by level, and the bloodthirsty wolves are only low-ranking beasts in the Shenhuo Mountains. Although they are many in number, they are very taboo for some high-order beasts, because their territory will be outside the volcano.

Although they are low-order beasts.


Qin Tian, ​​they are even weaker than they are, the number is too strong, and the wolves are rushing up, and the first wave of body will tear.

Hong Chong God "color" a glimpse, said: "Come with Qin Tian. Fu Sheng, Xu Lianshan behind your temple, Luo Xiu, Pang Hai is responsible for the left and right sides, full speed forward!!!"




Everyone nodded and drank, and immediately followed the words of Hong Chong.

Qin Tian also rushed out at this moment, his eyes always pay attention to the surrounding environment, such a huge wolf group. How much experience is that? Now is the time when you need to upgrade your experience. If you can find a good location...

Some of my heart couldn’t hold back.

The huge wolves are all experiences.


The bloodthirsty giant wolf that just roared in the sky seemed to be still small. It was difficult to see Qin Tian not wanting to be excited.




The wolves are gathered together, the number is not thousands of heads, each head is "exposed" with extremely ferocious eyes, the speed of the feet is constantly improving, and the crazy pursuit in the forest, a little closer...

The bloodthirsty wolf is very fast.

It is almost the fastest beast in the second stage of Xuan Xing.

They are more strategists. Invincible upgrade 667

When Qin Tian chose to escape into the depths of the forest, a small part of the bloodthirsty wolves began to separate. I want to quickly bypass them.

"Big brother..."

"Get closer."

"Do you want to fight back?!"

Xu Lianshan's face was "red" red, and the breathing was a little short, and the wolves were constantly approaching. Anxious.

"This side!"

Suddenly, Qin Tian suddenly changed direction and rushed to the other side.

"There is a cliff over there, the past is a dead end..."

"Running this way is also a dead end."

"Follow the Qin brothers..."


When the plane was upright, Hong Chong did not hesitate.


It is indeed a cliff, but this cliff is a bit different. It has a very narrow place. It can only accommodate two wolves at the same time, and behind the narrow path is an open space.

"It should be a great location!" Qin Tian heart secretly. The speed can't be accelerated by a few points.

Less than half a minute.

Several people have arrived near the cliff.

Hong Chong immediately asked: "Qin brothers, what is your solution?"

Qin Tian excited: "Kill!"



"The wolves have nearly a thousand heads, how can they kill?"

"We all blame us for being too big. I have heard that this bloodthirsty wolf with a very fierce and extremely embarrassing group did not expect to actually hit us."


Hong Chong meditation for half a second. Dao: "It’s no longer meaningful to say so much now, Qin Brothers, what do you say, we listen to you."

The wolves are close.

More than a dozen feet away, see Qin Tian they stopped. The speed has also slowed down, and it has been bursting low.

Qin Tian did not speak.

Instead, I went to the narrow place, and there were cliffs on both sides. A gust of wind blew, and there was a slamming of a few rags on the body. Qin Tian looked at it and looked at it. "Mom, this is going to fall and it’s absolutely dead."

Standing in shape, arms out, and said: "Kill here!"


The killer system is turned on.

The killing power immediately broke out. Qin Tian released a **** fog, and the blood mist spread out. It was surrounded by a thick killing. This breath made Hongchong five people instantly shocked and could not help. Exclaimed: "A strong breath."

"Good murderous."

"Is he a mysterious star?"


"Qin brothers, you finally, our brothers are in front..."


The words have not been finished yet.

A bloodthirsty wolf slammed up, and two fangs flashed a cold light under the scorching sun. Qin Tian smiled coldly and said, "Look for death!!!"

The 0-level killer system can only kill the first-order people and strangers.

But it can be badly wounded.


The position here is too special. He just shoots the wolf down the cliff. I believe that even the third-order beast of the mysterious star will fall to death. As long as it is dead, the experience will definitely not run. This point Qin Tian has long thought about it.

The only thing that can make him jealous is that the wolf king is small.

as expected.

The bloodthirsty wolf that flew up was directly hit by the Qin Tian.


I only heard the whisper of the wolf in midair. The last "嘭" sounded heavily.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Qin Tian’ killing the ‘throwblood wolf’ and gaining 260 points of experience, and the power of the stars is 35 points...”


"35 points of star power?!"


"Then don't worry about anything."

The release of the killer system requires 30 points of star power, so that a wolf earns 5 points, so that if you come down, you don't have to worry about the exhaustion of the stars. Qin Tian is secretly excited and said: "Just turn this wolf group up, rise a few Level is definitely not a problem."


Upgrade as soon as possible.

Only by raising the level can you leave here. The ancient ancestor must be found as soon as possible. Go back to the ancient world of God, so as not to let Qinglian worry about them.


"The power of this punch is very overbearing."

"Qin Ge is really not normal."

"Ha ha..."


Qin Tian punched the bloodthirsty wolves off the cliff and gave Hong Chong a great boost in morale.


This is just the beginning.

A bloodthirsty wolf was shot down the cliff, and there were nearly a thousand!

At this moment, the three bloodthirsty wolves struck together, one fluttering in the air, and the two ends were ground impacts, forming a triangular cone between them, and a strong force swept out.

"Three heads together."

"Do you want Qin to help?"


Qin Tian double fists into the palm. As a snake head, I sighed in my heart: "Snake-shaped work!"

Skills broke out.

The two palms morphed into countless phantoms, forming a barrier in the air. Directly knocking out the three bloodthirsty wolves, the body stood unsteadily and fell to the cliff. It didn't take long for Qin Tian's mind to sound three sounds.


"Ha ha ha,,,"

"Qin Ge is amazing, I began to admire him a bit."

"It seems that the death of two third-order beasts is not accidental."


Five people were shocked, and Qin Tian’s strength made them stunned, and the admiration was born. This is a world of strong people. For the strong, they only admire in their hearts, and they all laugh.

Because Qin Tian is their brother.

Qin Tian also smiled back and said: "You are resting on the side and watching me perform."

They even let Hong Chong run up to help Qin Tian let them leave, just a bloodthirsty wolf killed by five of them only got dozens of experience. The bloodthirsty wolf killed by himself is full experience.

How can they let them intervene?

Moreover, it is too narrow here, and it is necessary to fall off the cliff with a little carelessness.

At once, the four bloodthirsty wolves fell off the cliff, and there was no sorrow in the wolves. They were not afraid in their eyes. Instead, it became more ferocious, and the wolf king in the distance was heavily stunned, and then the wolves began to launch an attack...

Do not go to the impact of death.

In the air, the ground quickly hits.

Qin Tian’s heart is tight, and he keeps saying hello. His heart is secretly glad that the killing system has no cooling time, otherwise it will definitely die very badly.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Qin Tian’ killing the ‘throwblood wolf’ and gaining 260 points of experience, and the power of the stars is 35 points...”



“Congratulations to the player’s “Qin Tian” promotion, the current level of the second star.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Qin Tian’ for the upgrade award ‘Xuan Xing Dan’...”


Xuan Xing Dan.

Star power +1000


"Upgrade rewards are still there!"

Although it is only a small Xuan Xing Dan, but this is only a level one level two, the higher the number of grades to the back, the stronger the reward is naturally, as long as there is an upgrade reward system, you do not have to worry about anything.

"Qin brother, have you broken through?"

"I don't think I can break through at this time. It's amazing. I saw people seeing breakthroughs in battle for the first time."


Comprehend the breakthrough?

Qin Tian’s heart is a smile, thinking of the system upgrade, is the system’s control of itself, the dark channel: “The system is probably limiting my comprehension ability. Is this the reason why the divine power destroys everything?”

"System upgrade, Dantian is already a display, completely useless."

"It’s useless to comprehend and be strong."

"Looks like..."

Thinking of this, another wave of bloodthirsty wolves rushed up, more ferocious.

Qin Tian immediately put away his thoughts and waited for it.

At this time, distraction is not a joke. Although it resists the bloodthirsty wolf, it is very likely that if you are not careful, you will fall.

"Hey, hey,,"

A few punches in a row.

Another few wolves fell off the cliff half an hour later.

"Wow, Qin Ge has broken through."

“Is it easier to break through in battle?”

"Let's try it too?"

"Too great."


Half an hour of non-stop, Qin Tian did not step back, but the body is also full of wounds, blood, DC, face stained with wolf blood, the display of the killing system has become more embarrassing, as if there is a blessing effect.


What surprised Qin Tian was that the bloodthirsty wolf king was gone...

*(To be continued..)