MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 215 lord son in law

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The arrival of dawn did not dispel the severe cold.

The entire town of Mambach, and even the major supply points in the surrounding area, are full of arrest documents and search warrants. Many people were inexplicably arrested and killed on the street.

He didn't even understand who he had offended!

Li Yinguang was sitting in the control room of the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle, grilling a charcoal brazier, and the temperature outside was already below minus 40 degrees.

"Master, I heard that the Black Armor Army and the guards and town guards under the jurisdiction of the Lord's Mansion have arrested many people, not only in the town of Mambach, but also in the larger supply camps around. He was even executed on the spot!" said the butler Goda respectfully.

Li Yinguang frowned: "He was killed on the spot? Did you ask why?"

Butler Goda shook his head with a wry smile on his face: "No matter the reason, as long as you have doubts or dissatisfaction with the Black Armored Army, you may be killed, and the people in the town are panicked. pedestrian."

Li Yinguang sighed inwardly. The Black Armor Army lost hundreds of people in Mambach Town, apparently using the ordinary people in the town as a punching bag to vent their anger.

military law?

In a frontier place like Mambach Town, what if some people die, the empire is not an empire of the poor.

"Be more careful, there is no need to send someone to the town to inquire about the news!"

Butler Goda nodded: "Yes!"

At ten o'clock at noon, a group of black armored cavalry arrived at the port. They investigated and questioned the iron armored cities that were still standing in the port one by one. Anyone who was dissatisfied or answered wrongly was beaten or killed on the spot.

"Did the Castle ever participate in the siege of the two major insect kings, the 'Dragon Worm King of the Underworld' and the 'Hell Nether Worm King'?"

After finding the iron-clad city of the ancient castle, Li Yinguang personally brought the butlers Goda, Alma, Saipan, Buhe and others out to welcome them despite the severe cold.

After listening to the question from the leader of the Black Armored Army, Li Yinguang shook his head hastily and said, "The Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle only participated in the defense of Mambach Town, and did not participate in the attack on the two big insect kings, because the Iron Armored City was short of fuel and ammunition, and did not dare From the town, pursue the two worm kings."

As a matter of fact, the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle is one of the few iron armored cities that did not pursue after the "Dragon Worm King of the Underworld" and the "Ghost Worm of Hell" escaped.

"State the battle process last night!"

Li Yinguang did not dare to be negligent, and described in great detail the operation of the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle from beginning to end, when it left the port, how many shots were fired against the Zerg, and how many eagle arrows were fired.

The leader of the Black Armored Army had a cold expression on his face. After listening, he continued, "Give me an impression of the 'Black Armored Army' team I saw last night!"

Li Yinguang thought for a while, and said seriously: "Last night, most of the west city wall was knocked down by the "regional dragon worm". If it weren't for this Centurion, maybe the town of Mambach would have been destroyed by 80% by now."

He didn't brag about the strength of the Black Armor Army too much. The Black Armor Army itself was extremely strong last night. Otherwise, even if Mambach Town could resist it, it wouldn't be as easy as it is now.

"Are you a nobleman?"

"The Viscount of the noble branch of the Golden Peony!" Li Yinguang replied respectfully.

The leader of the Black Armored Army looked better, nodded and continued to ask: "Is there any relationship between you and the lord of Mambach Town?"

Li Yinguang lowered his head and rolled his eyes twice. He didn't know what happened to Lord Mambach, but this line is indeed a "hope" of the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle. I hope that the status of "lord's son-in-law" can play a role .

Weighing and thinking in his head, but his mouth was not slow to answer, he hurriedly said: "Yes, Lord Mambach is Xiaosheng's father-in-law, and I am the third husband of Princess Andife who has not yet married!"

"Father-in-law? Lord Manbach is your father-in-law?"


The leader of the Black Iron Army stared at Li Yinguang for a while, then turned around and led the team away.

Li Yinguang raised his head and frowned slightly, knowing that maybe the card of 'Lord's son-in-law' played some role.

It's just that the Black Iron Army lost troops in Mambach Town, so they can easily let Lord Mambach go?


Li Yinguang raised his head, interrupted the butler Goda, and said calmly: "What can I say when I go back to Iron Armored City!"

Turn around and walk back into Iron Armored City.

In the Iron Armored City of the 'Old Castle', Li Yinguang had confidence in his heart, but outside, it was better not to talk too much.

After entering the bilge, Li Yinguang asked Buhe, "Old Bu, is our 'super battery' set installed properly?"

Buhe was stunned, nodded and said: "If you go back to the city master, it has been installed properly and can be activated and put into use at any time. For the time being, only Miss Xiaoman will use it to practice at night."

After listening, Li Yinguang walked towards the upper floor of Iron Armor City thoughtfully!

"Master, what does the city owner mean?" Batu came behind Buhe, scratched his head and asked in surprise.

Buhe frowned, turned his head and scolded: "In the future, don't speculate on the city master, and focus on the research of mechanical modification, and then let me hear you asking such a question and interrupt your dog legs, remember?"

Batu lowered his head, his eyes flickered, and he was naturally unconvinced in his heart, but he only dared to say yes honestly, and he didn't have the courage to talk back to Buhe.

Manbach Town, Lord's Mansion.

Zhong Yuyan soaked in the large indoor hot spring pool specially built by Andy Fei, lying down comfortably, with Yougui, Youlan, Youfu and other women serving her attentively beside her, and Andy Fei sat opposite.

The two are old acquaintances, not new encounters.

Andy Fei looked at the other party and said: "Sister Yuyan, why did you send a Black Armored Army team to Mambach Town without saying hello in advance?"

Zhong Yuyan looked calm, closed her eyes, and shook her head slightly: "The Black Armored Army is not just for my sister, and the imperial court is divided into many factions. Some people feel that the empire has been too comfortable these years, and want to do something about it."

Andifei's eyes flickered and said: "You mean, the 'Emperor Prestige' went to the Holy Dragon Snow Mountain to hunt the dragons, and it itself is a **** in the court of the empire?"


Zhong Yuyan closed her eyes and let out a chuckle: "This game of chess is huge. It's not just the 'Emperor Prestige', even the Heijia Army is a piece on the chessboard."

After a slight pause, he continued: "This special team had an accident and did not reach the Holy Dragon Snow Mountain to contact the Dragon Clan. It is not a bad thing. Some people hold white and some people hold black pieces. Calculate, if this special team arrives on the territory of the Dragon Clan, it will not be a good thing for us, whether it is dead or alive, but it will be different if it dies in Mambach Town!"

Mambach Lord Taishi used to be the entourage of the ancestor of the Zhong family. He was also a brother and a friend, and his friendship was irreversible. There was no need for Zhong Yuyan to come in person for the matter he was investigating.

It was also based on this relationship that she could not just watch Lord Mambach being teased and remain indifferent. As for what she did after she arrived in Mambach town, one was to give the black armored army a prestige, and the other was to show others. Kill, kill, be punished, and you can't be soft.

But the people who were killed and punished were not the direct descendants of Lord Mambach, and even Lord Mambach would not be harmed, but could also reap a lot of benefits.

In the eyes of the Black Armor Army, those hundreds of iron-clad cities that were blown up by Zhong Yuyan's "Qingluan" are just a pile of junk, which cannot be taken away, and will eventually be given to Lord Mambach cheaply.

"That person surnamed Mo is not a good person, tell your father later, you have to be more on guard against him, and make sure you don't let him catch anything, otherwise, even I won't be able to save you!"

Zhong Yuyan sat up straight, opened her eyes, and said flatly while getting up from the hot spring pool.