MTL - Iron Powder and Spellcasters-Chapter 44 thug

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   Chapter 44 Fighter

   "I didn't expect you to move very fast, so I'm relieved." On the way home, Antonio said to Winters with great relief.

   "Forget it, I slapped me as soon as you left." Winters said gloomily. He subconsciously touched the beaten cheek. Although the physical pain had already disappeared, the mental trauma had not.

   "Being slapped? Are you in a hurry?"

   "Miss Navarre and I are not what you think, people can understand the old language."

   "Huh? A woman also understands old language?"

   "Anna is not an ordinary woman, I think she is more educated than me."

  Antonio's tone was full of melancholy hatred of iron becoming steel: "Why are you so naive? You were fascinated by me after seeing someone once?"

   "Why don't you believe it? I really have no intention of pursuing Miss Navarre." Antonio has already had a prejudice, and Winters is now speechless: "And I think Miss Navarre... very sincere."

"Of course sincerity! If I don't make you feel sincere, how can I manipulate you?" Antonio asked back, but he changed the subject and said with a smile: "But a man, he has to be deceived by a woman, and he can only mature after being deceived. ."

   Winters has nothing to say now. He simply closed his mouth tightly, looked straight ahead without looking sideways, and touched the horse's side with the heel of his boot. Qiangyun got the order and ran happily.

   "Don't be annoyed, what can't we talk about?" Antonio shouted at Winters' back: "Don't ride so fast at night, be careful not to break the horse's hoof."

Winters didn't want to talk to him at first, but when he heard that he might break his hoof, he slowed down and Antonio chased after him: "Hey, why are you so shy? We all took these things for granted when we were young. Nice talk."

   "Don't say it, I don't have the kind of thoughts you think about Miss Navarre."

   "Okay, okay, don't talk." Antonio said kindly, but his tone sounded like he was trying to appease the shy young man.

   Winters didn't bother to explain, and the two rode silently for a while, and Antonio suddenly said with emotion: "Alas, it seems that what I was most worried about back then came true."

  He deliberately lengthened his tone, waiting to be slapped, but Winters didn't answer him at all.

  Antonio smacked his lips boringly, and said to himself, "Do you know what the Military Academy was built with reference to?"

   Winters heard the question and thought, "Isn't it college?" But he didn't want to talk to Antonio now, so he kept his mouth shut.

"If you think it's a university, then you're wrong." Antonio asked and answered himself: "University is a place for young people to study, drink alcohol, and fight in groups. Have you experienced it? The Military Academy copied the model of a monastery, you guys In the military school, they are actually ascetic monks with military status. There is little communication with the outside world, and the military school is the whole world."

Antonio continued: "When the military school was first established, it was nothing. When your father and I went to the military school, we were sixteen and seventeen, and we were almost adults. Infancy school. Now in your generation, you are sent to the military school at the age of nine and go up. After ten years of monastic life, there is almost no social experience. I don't know if this model is good or not, but I am sure now , once you meet Judith, you are all Holofernes."

  Judith used his beauty to approach the coveted enemy general Horovni, and while the latter was drunk, he beheaded him, which eventually led to the defeat of the Assyrians. Although Winters was not a believer, he knew this famous story contained in the scriptures.

   But Winters didn't want to hear these words at all, he swung his horsewhip and galloped home.


   Early the next morning, Winters said hello to Bud and Andre before going to the gendarmerie.

  Bud looked around Qiang Luck three times and praised it. After seeing Qiang Yun, Andre couldn't even open his eyes, and he had to ride a ride no matter what.

   Waiting for Winters and two buddies to show off their new toys, when they reached the door of the Gendarmerie. He saw Moluc, the clerk, walking up and down the corridor in a hurry like an ant on a hot pan.

   "Morning, Mr. Moluc? Don't you have the key?" Winters greeted jokingly.

"You are here, sir Montagne." Moluc was relieved to see Winters coming: "The people in the garrison command are going crazy, and they sent people to make a big noise yesterday afternoon. But the two officers They're not here, so I can't explain it to them. Someone came again early this morning, so are you sitting inside?"

   In order to get rid of these four stinking corpses, the efficiency of the customs prison is astonishingly fast. As soon as Field and Winters left, the warden brought a few thin wooden boards and nailed them into four simple coffins, and packed the corpses inside and sent them to the Hailan Security Command.

Half of what Lieutenant Colonel Field said was true, but the other half was not false either. He said that there was no morgue at Army Headquarters, which was half true.

   But he asked the customs to send the body to the "morgue of the Hailan garrison command". The nature of this sentence is very ambiguous, because the garrison command also does not have a morgue.

   Seeing the carriage pulling the corpse from Customs parked at the door, the officers of the garrison headquarters looked at each other, wondering what was going on.

   When they heard that the garrison headquarters did not have a morgue, the customs officers placed the coffin directly next to the gate of the garrison headquarters, saying that it was "sent from Lieutenant Colonel Field", and then walked away.

   The people at the garrison headquarters were disgusted, literally "disgusting." When the coffin was opened, many officers vomited out on the spot, and the coffin was quickly nailed to death.

  Although there was a layer of coffin, the stench was only reduced from the level of vomiting on the spot to the level of discomfort.

   These four corpses are now a problem for the garrison command, there is nowhere to put them in the garrison command, and they don't have the courage to throw the four coffins at the gate of the army headquarters.

   The head of the gendarmerie department heard that the four gas coffins were sent by Lieutenant Colonel Field, and immediately became furious.

  He ordered all the staff and came to the army headquarters aggressively, and he must ask Field to "theorize".

   But Field was not there at the time, and Winters had read the report and went home, leaving Moluc alone in the gendarmerie.

   There is a lot of injustice and a debt, and a group of officers with big arms and round waists can't do anything about this skinny scribe. They can't beat this little clerk who is desperately laughing in front of him, right?

  The people of the police department who punched the cotton returned in dismay, and continued to send a lieutenant colonel over the next day. They had to ask Field to give an explanation, and Field to quickly get the four corpses away.

   Yesterday's Winters still felt guilty for causing trouble to the garrison, but today's Winters has learned that the essence of this case is a political struggle, and that it was pushed to the gendarmerie just to disgust Lieutenant Colonel Field.

   So Winters has no psychological pressure now, and for the first time in his life has experienced the benefits of a low rank.

He imitated the attitude of the skinny guard in the customs prison. After salute, no matter what the lieutenant colonel of the police department said, he always used "I don't know", "I don't know", "I'm just a trainee officer, I can't do it." Lord" to answer.

The lieutenant colonel opposite    was furious, but he couldn't do anything about him, after all, a small trainee officer didn't care.

  While Winters drank the sugar water poured by Moluc and calmly took out the customs autopsy report to review, Lieutenant Colonel Field entered the room.

   The two lieutenant colonels quarreled as soon as they met, neither of them listened to the other, but shouted to themselves.

   This quarrel mode is about voice and momentum. So in the end, of course, Lieutenant Colonel Field, the caster, had the advantage, and he easily suppressed the opponent with amplifying.

Lieutenant Colonel    Field roared sentence after sentence, spraying saliva on the other side's face:

   "Those four corpses are important evidence!"

   "You can't even push the dirty work to me and let you keep a piece of evidence?"

   "There is no morgue at the headquarters, what happened to you temporarily?"

   "If you are not satisfied, take the case back!"

   He banged the table while roaring, and the entire Army Headquarters could hear it clearly.

   The power of magic is beyond human power? The lieutenant colonel of the police department couldn't match Feld's voice. Seeing that he could only suffer a loss here, he left angrily.

Lieutenant Colonel    Field beat the drowning dog: "Don't bury it! The custody of the evidence is not good. If the case is not closed, it is your responsibility!"

  The anger is a little out, but the case has to be investigated.

  Field transferred four ten-man teams, and Winters led the gendarmerie straight to the pier.

   Seeing the Lucian horse that Winters was riding, Field's expression was quite surprised: "Isn't this 'good luck'?"

   Winters stroked the horse's long neck: "It's called 'Fortune' now."

  Field nodded, not seeing any thoughts.

After    arrived at the dock, Winters found that Lieutenant Colonel Field's investigation idea was actually no different from that of the Customs Guard Division. They are all looking for witnesses, interrogating and investigating all the way.

   Since ancient times, law enforcement officers have been investigating cases in this way. First, they will find witnesses. If there are no witnesses, they will investigate little by little. After finding the suspect, they will use the torture tool, and finally the case will be closed.

   Winters thought that since Officer Lopp had gotten no results with this set, of course Lieutenant Colonel Field would not have gotten any more useful information.

   But he didn't say anything, just worked silently.

  The gendarmerie in the gendarmerie department of the army headquarters is essentially a guard, and they have their own job - standing guard.

Lieutenant Colonel    Field waved his hand and sent people to the dock to investigate the case, which actually encroached on the rest time of these soldiers.

  So the soldiers were demoralized and had a negative attitude, and they lazily asked the residents and traders near the pier one by one.

   Looking at their tired appearance, even if there are any valuable clues, they will be missed.

Lieutenant Colonel    Field saw the state of the soldiers and understood that it would be meaningless to investigate like this. So the military police were all disbanded before noon.

   "It can't go on like this, we have to think of something new," Field said to Winters, who was sitting across from him, while eating lunch at the Army Officers Club.

   Winters swallowed the bread in his mouth and said boldly: "If you want to close the case, isn't it very easy?"

   "Huh, they pushed the dirty work to me, thinking I would be at their mercy. But Lao Tzu didn't agree with them, so I must check it out."

  Field was neither surprised nor dismayed. He glanced at Winters and asked, "It's you, since you know I'm a fire pit, why are you jumping here."

"I was very educated by what you said at the presentation," Winters said honestly. "I've never seen anyone who can control the output of amplicon as smoothly as you. I want to learn your magic skills. , so I came to the gendarmerie."

   "It's interesting to say what you want directly." Field poured a little beer for Winters: "But Warrant Officer Montagne, you have to think clearly first, whether you want to learn magic skills or kill the enemy."

   Winters understood what the lieutenant colonel was talking about. The difficulty of the spell was not related to the lethality of the spell.

   Accurately control the output of the amplifying technique, which is definitely far more difficult to achieve than the storm sound technique that can burst the eardrum.

  The former is walking a tightrope, the latter is hitting walnuts with a sledgehammer. The latter only requires explosive power, while the former requires great skill.

   "Can't you learn everything?"

   "Hahaha, think about you spellcasters who are good at burning fire spells, why are you far inferior to spellcasters specializing in acceleration spells?"

   "Acceleration spells themselves are better at combat."

   "Wrong! It's because you have learned too much. The training idea of ​​the Magic Warfare Bureau is very wrong. If you want to train spellcasters who are good at killing, you only need to teach one spell." Field slapped the table:

"There are now seven spells in the fire department, and only three in the acceleration department, flying arrows, wind riding, and deflection. Among them, only the flying arrows are lethal, and the spellcasters who specialize in the acceleration department practice this one. Spell kills the enemy."

   "But I think the vaporization technique is obviously more difficult, but its power is far inferior to the flying arrow technique."

   "You can also practice flying arrows."

   "I'm not very good at speeding up spells, no matter how much practice, progress is slow."

  Field laughed and leaned back heavily on the back of the chair: "This is where I made you think clearly, what exactly do you want to learn, is it your more gifted spell? Or is it more suitable for killing?"

   Winters chewed on this sentence, and the lieutenant colonel's meaning was very simple: if the purpose is actual combat, then practice the spells that are most suitable for combat, even if there is no talent in that area.

"Think about it for yourself," Field said, pouring himself a light beer. "I can teach you my spell skills. If your starting point is actual combat, you'd better learn from my lieutenant. But he's been recovering at home recently. , it will take a while to come back.”

   After saying that, the lieutenant colonel put the knife and fork on the plate and drank the remaining light beer.

   There was a lot of food left on the plate, but the lieutenant colonel seemed to have no appetite.

   He said to Winters, "After this meal, we will go to a few dockers and coachmen and ask for any clues."

Hearing the word coachman, Winters recalled the Palatine coachman at home. He immediately reported the information of the coachman's secret association to Lieutenant Colonel Field, and expressed his speculation: "I think the coachman speaks The Brotherhood in here may have helped the Assassins deal with the carriage, at least they have the ability to listen to the coachman."

   "It's interesting." Field stroked the stubble of his chin, lost in thought.

   After a while, he said, "You have a good idea, maybe those guys in the gutter will know some clues."

   He grabbed his hat and got up, urging Winters to say, "Don't eat. Let's go, let's go to Hidden Street, but we'll have to find someone before we go."

   "Who?" Winters hurriedly finished the last few sips of soup.

   "Find a thug. You are a fire caster, and I am a voice caster. What's the use in actual combat? In a place like Qianmin Street, come to four or five people before and after, and we will all have to explain it."

  Field unceremoniously demeaned himself: "So we have to find a thug, and I will lead you to the most powerful [thug] in the Army Headquarters! If you want to learn to kill, you have to learn from him."

  The two hurriedly left the officers' club and rode toward the DC area under the leadership of Field.

  Field finally stopped in front of 122 Shell Street, DC, a row of beautiful brick and stone houses. A kind old woman in a gray smock and a green floral headscarf opened the door for Lieutenant Colonel Field. The old woman was not surprised to see Lieutenant Colonel. Field was obviously a frequent visitor here.

Lieutenant Colonel    Field stooped and saluted, without being chatty, and asked bluntly, "Is he at home?"

   "It should be sleeping." The old lady pointed upstairs.

  Field nodded and walked through the door. Winters followed, and bowed as he passed the old lady.

   Entering the house, the first thing that catches the eye is a short and narrow corridor, and the boots creaked on the wooden floor, indicating that the supporting structure below needs to be repaired.

   Follow the stairs straight up to the second floor, there is a small window at the end of the stairs, and on the right is a whole spacious living room.

   There are no decorations on the dark red wall coverings, and there are no shrines or Madonna statues that are common in ordinary people's homes.

   A chaise longue was placed in front of the fireplace, swaying gently by the wind.

  On the desk and coffee table, except for a few wine glasses, there are empty wine bottles everywhere.

Lieutenant Colonel    Field seemed to have taken it all in. He went straight to a door on the back side of the living room and knocked hard a few times.

no respond.

   He tapped harder.

   Still no response.

   He pushed the door again.

   can't push.

Lieutenant Colonel    took a few steps back and kicked the door open with a ruthless kick.

   There was no light in the room, and a strong smell of hangover emanated from the interior of the room.

  Field walked in, skillfully opened the curtains and pushed open the wooden windows.

  The sunlight entered the room along with the fresh air, and Winters could see the inside of the room clearly.

   This is a small bedroom with a single bed in the corner.

  A wardrobe is placed against the wall on the side of the single bed, and a desk is placed opposite the bed. Several clothes hang on the back of the chair in front of the desk.

   There was still a person lying on the bed who was sleeping soundly. Field kicked the door and made such a loud noise that the person didn't wake up.

  Field opened the window and the light came in.

   But the man on the bed just pulled the quilt up and covered his head.

   "It's already noon, still sleeping?!" Field said to the person on the bed.

   But there was no response from the person on the bed.

  Field picked up the wine bottle on the bedside table and looked at the light. There was only half of the liquid inside.

   "You started drinking in broad daylight?" The lieutenant colonel was a little angry.

   The person on the bed still didn't respond.

  Field pulled the quilt away, and the remaining liquid in the wine bottle poured onto the head of the man on the bed.

   The owner of this room suddenly woke up from his sleep and reached out to grab the sword on the ground.

   It was only when he saw that Field was standing beside the bed, he breathed a sigh of relief and threw the saber back to the ground.

   The owner of the room raised his arm and smelled himself, frowned and asked, "You didn't spill urine on me, did you?"

   "It's your own thing anyway." Field shrugged.

   The owner of the room pointed to his ears and said loudly, "I can't hear anything now."

   Winters saw the man's face clearly, and a name blurted out:

   "Major Moritz?"

   Up until the 19th century, universities were the place of high homicide rate. Young people with strong hormones like to fight. Michael Hunt's book is to teach college students how to defend themselves. It has everything in it. Not only fights between students and students, students often clash with the surrounding civilians. The public power has always been biased towards the university side - the early universities even had independent judicial power. In 1355, the students of Oxford killed 63 people in a big fight, and finally they were besieged by the citizen archers in St. Mary's Church.

   The following is the thank you time, thanks to the book friend Social Justice Pharaoh for the recommendation ticket, thanks to the book friend 20181013204343295 for the recommendation ticket, and thanks to Zhuying Yunyue for the recommendation ticket. Bow to you all.



   (end of this chapter)