MTL - Is the Wife Married?-Chapter 46

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Wen Ning's expression was calm, and there was no wavering in her eyes. Gu Chixi looked at her and hesitated, grabbed her hand, and held it in her palm.

She wanted to say something not to worry about, or something to comfort her, but she didn't have a position, and saying it might be regarded as self-indulgent. After thinking about it, she could only replace the words that came to her mouth into one sentence: "I'll be back as soon as possible."

Wen Ning thought she was going to rush, she shook her head quickly, and said sensible: "No, you are busy with you, I can play alone."


Gu Chixi lowered her eyes and curled the corners of her mouth almost imperceptibly, like a self-deprecating smile. She slowly rubbed Wen Ning's palm with her thumb, giving rise to a warm feeling. It took a long time before she nodded and said hello.

She turned and left along the same path.

The warmth in her palm disappeared, and Wen Ning lowered her hand and stared at the man's retreating back, her throat suddenly blocked.

They can't watch the sunrise together.

"Ningzai—" He Yu called her from the team.

Wen Ning returned to her senses, narrowed her eyes, walked over with small steps, and squeezed in front of He Yu sideways.

"She's gone?" He Yu asked knowingly.


Wen Ning lowered her face and her tone was dull.

Seeing her unhappy, He Yu felt very uncomfortable. She hugged her shoulder and patted her, and said, "It's okay, I'm here."

"What about your staff?"

"They drifted away and played separately today."

When it was their turn in the team, Wen Ning took out her ID card and was about to scan the code with her mobile phone. He Yu grabbed the ID card and stood in front of her, "I'm coming."


After buying tickets, the two lined up to get on the cable car.

There was fog on the mountain, and from a distance, it was a vast expanse of whiteness, and the Mingjue Temple on the opposite hill was looming in the fog.

Wen Ning stared blankly at the temple.

Ten years ago, she and Gu Chixi each had a stick of incense at Mingjue Temple. She made a wish to be with her sister forever in her life. She felt that it was not enough, and made an additional wish: her sister also likes her.

One wish is a stick of incense, she made two wishes, but only one stick of incense. Later, she often thought that she must be too greedy, and the gods were punishing her.

But she doesn't believe in God.

She didn't know what wish Gu Chixi made at that time. When she asked, Gu Chixi only smiled and said that the wish would not come true, so she never told her.

At that age with pink bubbles, she wondered more than once, whether her sister might want to be with her forever? Although she thought about it many times, she never dared to pick it up, she just hoped that she would grow up quickly and get rid of her identity as a younger sister.

Later, when I grew up and said it, people were scared away by her.


Was she scared away? Wen Ning thought so.

"Ningzai, here we are."

He Yu's voice pulled back her thoughts. The cable car had arrived at the station. The staff came to open the door. Wen Ning regained her senses. She subconsciously held the hand handed in front of her and walked out of the cable car.

Mingjue Temple is in front of you.

The red walls, the sloping roof and the cornices are solemn and solemn, and the smell of sesame oil floats in the air. There are not many tourists, and a few who come to incense have made an appointment in advance and can go in directly. Most people only visit the periphery.

Wen Ning suddenly lost interest.

"Ningzai, do you have an appointment?" He Yu squeezed her hand.

"...No." She lied, "Do you have any? Want to go in and burn incense?"

He Yu looked at the hands they were holding, a struggle flashed in her eyes, and she shook her head, "No, just look outside."

Wen Ning followed her gaze, and finally felt awkward. She moved her hand and tried to break free, but He Yu increased her strength and tightened her grip. "There seems to be a wishing pool nearby. Let's go toss a coin to play."

Pull her away.

The two circled around the temple.

He Yu had an appointment today. I heard that Jue Temple is very smart to burn incense and make a wish. I wanted to try it, but Wen Ning couldn't get in without an appointment. She didn't want to leave her out for even a minute.

There are two ways to go back. You can climb the mountain or take the cable car. Wen Ning was not in high spirits at the moment, so she chose the cable car.

The hand held by He Yu was so tight that she was sweating, and her palm was wet and slippery, which was uncomfortable, but He Yu didn't let it go, for fear that she would be lost alone, so she couldn't force it out.

Finally, after getting off the cable car, the wind was a little cold outside, and the mist in the mountains was chilly. Seeing that she was wearing thin clothes, He Yu let go and took off his jacket and put it on her.

"Xiaoyu? I'm not cold—" Wen Ning wanted to dodge.

He Yu held her down and frowned, "I don't want you to think, I want me to think."


Wen Ning didn't refuse any more, thinking that she could finally stop holding hands, but He Yu grabbed her other hand and put it firmly in her palm, "We will go to the campsite at night to set up a tent, and watch the sunrise tomorrow, I just happened to bring it with me. Two sleeping bags, one for each of us."

She looked at Wen Ning with burning eyes, her deep eyebrows showed joy.

"No," Wen Ning couldn't bear to refuse, but she was so heavy in her heart that she had no interest. "I live in the hotel on the top of the mountain, and the terrace outside the room can also be viewed." After that, she added: "If you spend money, you can't. waste."

He Yu was stunned, her expression changed slightly, "Standard room or double room?"

"Standard room."


Wen Ning looked at He Yu's weird expression, and the subtle feeling came out again, but she couldn't explain it clearly. She thought of the vacant bed in the room and said, "How about, Xiaoyu, do you want to live with me on the top of the mountain? There's an empty bed anyway..."

The last sentence, her voice involuntarily lowered.

He Yu's eyes lit up: "Okay."

She booked a hotel at the foot of the mountain for her employees, which was close to the surrounding attractions, and had her own room. After the two discussed it, they decided to take another cable car down the mountain, and Wen Ning accompanies He Yu to carry the luggage.

When approaching the foot of the mountain, He Yu suddenly received a call from Qiu Yiran.

"Xiaoyu, I went to Mingjue Mountain Scenic Spot, where are you?" Xiaotian's voice was so greasy that He Yu was dumbfounded.

"Why did you run here?"

"If you don't take me out to play, I'm not allowed to come by myself? But I didn't book a hotel, alas, no place to stay."


Really ancestors.

He Yu rubbed his brows with a headache, in a dilemma.

She was going to accompany Wen Ning for the past few days. It was such a rare opportunity, but she didn't expect to kill an ancestor Qiu halfway, breaking her plan, and the world of the two was ruined.

Hanging up the phone, the cable car just arrived at the station, He Yu took Wen Ning out and looked at her embarrassedly: "Ningzai, I have a friend who came over, she didn't book a hotel, I'm going to pick her up now, you—"

The name was deliberately withheld.

For the time being, she didn't want Wen Ning to know that she had contact with Qiu Yiran.

After all, the purpose is not pure.

"It's okay, then I'll go up again. I'm a little tired. I'll go back to the hotel to soak in the hot spring." Wen Ning said understandingly, smiled, and felt an inexplicable sigh of relief.

It's fine to be alone.

He Yu was unwilling, raised her head and tucked her broken hair behind her ears, "Call me if you have anything."


The two separated at the cable car station.

Wen Ning looked at He Yu's back, who turned back three steps, and suddenly thought of Gu Chixi. When she looked back at her, there seemed to be something in her eyes, but her footsteps didn't stop - it was completely re-enacted seven years ago, and there seemed to be a hidden secret. And leave, but go firmly.

She made a phone call, walked to the tarmac not far away, and got into the helicopter.

In the evening, the sky was getting dark.

The fog on the mountain has not yet dissipated, and the surrounding sea of ​​clouds is lingering, and the cool and shady, lush vegetation becomes more and more cold in the twilight.

Wen Ning sat alone by the window, casually eating dinner from the hotel. The room was empty, and the luggage brought by Gu Chixi had been taken away, as if she had never been there in the future.

WeChat suddenly popped up a message.

Gu Chixi: [Have you eaten yet? ]

Wen Ning was stunned, put down her chopsticks and typed: [Eating]

She took a photo of the food and sent it over.

Wen Ning: [what about you]

Gu Chixi: [Hmm. ]

What does "um" mean? ate? eating? Or just say you know?

Wen Ning couldn't figure it out, her fingertips hung on the keyboard, hesitantly typed out "How are you over there", after thinking about it, deleted it and changed it to "How are things being handled", but she still hasn't sent it out.

Is this nosy?

If you want to tell her, you have already said it, you don't need to wait for her to ask. Besides, even if she knew, she couldn't do anything, and she might not be able to help.

After thinking about it, Wen Ning dismissed the idea and deleted the text.

At eight o'clock, the private hot spring pool in the room began to release water, Wen Ning sprinkled some dried petals into the water, and sat in wearing underwear.

The night in the mountains is cold, the hot springs are weak and warm, and the misty steam rises. After a while, Wen Ning's cheeks are smoked crimson, and her lustrous skin is white and powdery, like blooming peach blossoms.

She closed her eyes, leaned her back against the stone wall, took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Time staggers like ten years ago...

"Ling Ning, come and soak in the hot spring."

"don't want."


Twenty-year-old Gu Chixi was only wearing underwear, with a concave and convex figure, skin as white as snow, long black hair scattered behind his waist, and a pair of cold eyes with warmth.

Seventeen-year-old Wen Ning huddled against the wall, staring at her without blinking, her face flushed slightly, but her hands were clenching her clothes tightly, refusing to take off what she said.

At a shy and sensitive age, he is not very open to the people he likes, but he is greedy for the beautiful scenery and can't help but take a few more glances.

"Just don't."

"Are you sure you can't come?"

"Well, all right."

Under the "temptation" of Gu Chixi, Wen Ning went into the water wearing a bath towel, covering herself tightly. But after soaking, she felt comfortable, and gradually she forgot her shyness and awkwardness. She couldn't help leaning on her sister's body and softly into her arms...

Ten years later, things are different.

Wen Ning slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were empty, but Gu Chixi's face kept flashing in her mind. When she turned back twice, the things in her eyes kept her footsteps.

She couldn't understand.

If Gu Chixi was really scared away by her confession back then, how could she come back now? Shouldn't he hide far away, just like he hasn't heard from him for seven years? He came back suddenly, showing such a deep love, I don't know how unforgettable they thought they once loved.

But those tenderness and thoughtfulness are not pretended.

Otherwise, Gu Chixi's acting skills would be too good.

Then what's the picture? After wandering abroad for seven years, she found that her "sister" was still obedient, coaxing and deceiving? Or, there is indeed something unspeakable. Over the years, she has thought a lot and made many excuses for Gu Chixi, but what she dared not think about was that maybe it wasn't her unrequited love, but a crush on each other.

Suddenly remembering what Gu Chixi said on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, "unbearable" and "shameful", she vaguely felt that this might have something to do with the reason she left seven years ago...

Wen Ning was confused.

Even if she knew the reason, she couldn't go back to the past, and she was afraid of being hurt a second time.

As the night gets darker, the sky is a deep dark blue, and the mountains in the distance are rolling and blending with the night.

The campsite on the opposite hill was lit up with lights, cool white, orange, dotted with stars, like twinkling fireflies. There is a hustle and bustle in the quiet and quiet, but it is peaceful but not lonely.

At ten o'clock, Wen Ning lay down.

She slept on the bed by the window, looking sideways at the other empty bed, with no fingers in the room. After a long time, she picked up her phone, opened WeChat, and sent a message to Gu Chixi.

[Good night]

At five o'clock in the morning the next day, Wen Ning got up from the bed, rubbing her sleepy eyes, took a simple shower, and climbed to the terrace with her DSLR, waiting for the sun to come out.

The morning in the mountains was very cold, and the damp cold air penetrated into the pores. Wen Ning was still shivering a little while wearing a thick long-sleeved coat. The tourists at the campsite got up earlier than her, and there was a lot of noise on the hill opposite.

She glanced at her phone.

Gu Chixi: [Good night. ]

Reply three hours ago.

So late to sleep?

Wen Ning's heart tightened, and she frowned unconsciously. Her fingers moved quickly on the keyboard, typing and deleting words, over and over again.

never mind.

She put away her phone and concentrated on waiting for the sunrise.

The sky in the east gradually revealed fish belly white, and large thin clouds piled up together. The dense gray and crab shell green were intertwined and merged, like surging waves. Extending the line of sight, it slowly smudges into a clear blue, and then looks farther, the undulating border of the mountains shows a touch of carmine.

Wen Ning set up the camera and took the next picture.

The sky is getting brighter.

The thin clouds gradually faded from the gray-cyan color, and the wisps of carmine were surrounded by a pale golden halo, gradually dyed with rich gradient colors, like a vivid oil painting.

A round of red sun rose slowly from the back of the mountain, blooming golden red glow in the sky, dispelling the fog and chill.

Wen Ning stood for nearly an hour and took more than 200 photos, from the dewy sky to the full sun rising. She carefully screened out ten, and picked out the most satisfying one and sent it to Gu Chixi.

[Sunrise is beautiful]

[Good morning]

There was no reply there.

It's like they saw it together.

Wen Ning put away the camera, went into the room, fell asleep, and woke up at noon.

Gu Chixi did not reply to her message.

She was lying on the bed and swiping her mobile phone, checking the updated official accounts in order, and swiping her finger up, a civil aviation-related official account came into view, and the word "strong jian" suddenly appeared in her line of sight.

[The executives of Uniasia Airlines are strong and new, and the beasts are not as good! ! 】


Wen Ning was stunned for a moment, and went in curiously.

ten minutes later…

She quickly got up from the bed, changed her clothes, packed her luggage, and opened the software to search for the nearest flight back to Los Angeles.

In the conference room, the air was a few degrees thinner.

Gu Chixi was sitting at the end of the long table with a gloomy expression, and the storm was about to come in his dark eyes. All the people sitting below held their breaths, their faces were solemn, and they dared not let the air out. The room was so quiet that even the sound of moving feet was harsh. .

Still on vacation, but working overtime temporarily.

"President Gu, although public opinion is temporarily under control, but the police..." It was the director of the Marketing Public Relations Department who spoke.

Gu Chixi spit out two words coldly: "Cooperation."

The room was silent again.

The night before the National Day, Zou Ming, the company's vice president of operations, was out to dinner, and asked a flight attendant to accompany him by name. When the junior leader of the cabin department saw the need for the big leader, he immediately picked a new trainee who was still on the flight in the first half of the year.

Accompanying the leader to dinner is an unknown unspoken rule, but it also pays attention to your own wishes. After the meal is finished, those who are willing to accept stay, and those who do not want to accept can leave.

The girl was willing at first.

She followed Zou Ming to the hotel, and when she reached the door of the room, she regretted it and wanted to leave. However, the middle-aged man who had already had a worm's head didn't want to let her go, so the overlord forced his bow.

When she woke up, the girl immediately left a certificate and called the police.

The day before yesterday, Zou Ming was arrested.

Afterwards, the post accusing the executive of Qiang Jian was posted on various social platforms…

Gu Chixi rushed back yesterday, held three meetings in a row, went to the police station, went to see the victim in person today, and then held a meeting—she originally wanted to hand this matter over to Luo Qian, but the other party was following up. The project at the Jiangcheng Base is divided. She has no skills, so she can only come in person.

Zou Ming insisted that the girl was willing, and the girl insisted that it was Zou Mingqiang. The police obtained the surveillance video outside the hotel room, which showed that the girl was struggling and was dragged into the room by Zou Ming.

Add the residual body. Fluid, almost irrefutable evidence.

Fortunately, public opinion was temporarily under control, and the exposed posts that were sent out were cleaned up in time. The hot search on Weibo has been pressing, and the spread is not as wide as the last beating incident.

She still had a headache.

Walking out of the conference room, Gu Chixi's footsteps were a little vain.

She hadn't slept all night. She only drank a glass of milk this morning, and she didn't even have time to eat her lunch. It was evening and she had been spinning for nearly 30 hours, and her body was a little overwhelmed.

Take the elevator, go upstairs, and message Tan Jia while walking.

"President Gu—" Secretary Gao sitting at the workstation raised his head, "Captain Wen is waiting for you in the office."

As Gu Chixi walked all the way, she only felt top-heavy, stunned when she heard the words, Wen Ning's face flashed in her mind, she couldn't help but quicken her pace, pushed open the door, and went in.

The office was brightly lit, and a figure stood in front of the window.


Gu Chixi opened his mouth, but before he could call out that intimate name, he was suddenly dizzy, his body slammed forward, and then his eyes darkened...


Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-08-0903:11:04~2020-08-1002:29:15~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: a lump of meat?, alas, 1 Lord Luo;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50% off calling Kiki, Momo, looking at the door, 42 bottles; Mixing model workers, Gu 20 bottles; Sixteen Mengyang 19 bottles; Mingzi 18 bottles; Wei Mingxi 15 bottles; Gen 311 bottles; Guang Encounter. Tomato **** candy, Liu Kangkang, Peng who likes to play the harmonica, 10 bottles of the time suddenly late; what ⊙?⊙? , 6 bottles of Ye Xingxing; Mo, I have a big face, 5 bottles of A-little villain; real! , 462560231 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!