MTL - It’s Not Easy Being a Master-Chapter 31 Alian

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There were only four figures in the dim candlelight.

No one answered the man's question, only silence. After a while, the boy put his rag tightly on his face and had to catch someone.

He was stopped by the man, however.

"Brother Chang?" The boy shouted hesitantly, "They lied to you, shall I kick them out?"

The man slowly shook his head. In the candlelight, a touch of sorrow and sadness appeared on his face, and he took a few steps back. If one leg passed through the stool directly, the air swelled for a moment, and then gathered again after the stool.

Everyone saw this scene, and the teenager's pupils shrank, and he lost his voice: "Brother Chang!"

He probably also felt something, and looked down for a while, exhaling a spit, and asked, "Am I dying?"

"Dead man, why did you come to death?" Shen Zhixian frowned at his sleeves, and sat down on the wooden bench at will. "If the ghost can't survive, it's going to be a ghost."

The man hadn't responded yet, but the boy looked nervously first. "What does this mean?"

"Literally." Shen Zhixian calmly said, "He is obsessed with heart, he can't die, it's been a long time, and he can't escape the end of the soul, you better find a new brother earlier."

The young man took a step back sharply, tripped over by the foot of the stool, and staggered. The man tried to help, but his hand passed through the young man's body-he could not hold it anymore.

The man's open fingers pinched, and he took it back. After a moment of silence, he sighed, and finally ignored the boy's voice and stopped talking about all the old things in his heart.

The story of a man is not thrilling. Left is just the most common life-departure in the world.

"My house is next to Alian's. We grew up together as children. The relationship is better ..."

It also coincides with two people living near the water. There is a lotus pond in front of the door. Every summer, there are blue lotus leaves full of ponds, lined with buds or blooming lotus flowers, beautiful and tight.

Children in their teens love to be upset at any age. Where can they pay attention to the beauty of this scene? For A Chang, playing with water and eating lotus seeds is the right thing.

The weather is hot, and his body is strong and healthy. He usually takes off his shirt and soaks in the water. A bubble is a whole day.

"Alian was not originally named Alian, because he loved to eat lotus seeds. I always laughed that he was a reincarnation of a lotus seed demon. When the lotus was ripe, he couldn't go into the water, so I often picked it for him ..."

Unlike A Chang, A Lian is a premature baby, she doesn't want to say anything, she will get sick if she blows a little cold wind. At first, Ah Chang was not sensible, and encouraged him to play in the water. As a result, Alian started a high fever that night, and almost did not survive.

A Chang almost killed him, and felt guilty. Since then, he obeyed Alian's words, took care of and coaxed, and picked the largest and sweetest lotus for him.

In the evening, soon after the sun was down, there was still some stuffiness. The thin boy was sitting on the shore, holding many large lotus tents in his arms, and whispering to his companion: "Brother Ah Chang, it's getting dark, come up quickly. Cool in the water . "

A Chang swims obediently to the shore, but does not go ashore, looking at the lotus in his arms, thoughtfully, "You eat all day long, do you not get tired of eating?"

Alian said: "It's not greasy, it's delicious. I can only eat this."

He is weak, and he should pay attention to his diet. He can't eat anything like Ah Chang. Even the lotus seeds must be controlled, because he is too cold.

A Chang was silent. After a while, he seemed to have made up his mind: "Eating lotus seeds here is too simple. When I grow up a bit, I will go out and learn more delicious things."

He propped up on the shore with both hands, bursting out of the water and vowed, "I must make the best for you."

Alian pursed her lips, smiled slightly, and responded well, took his hand familiarly, and went home together.

A Chang claimed to be a man, man, so good at talking, so after a few years, he packed up and went out.

He planned well, his brothers gradually grew up to be able to care for the family, and he went out at this time, one to make a living, and the other to achieve the promise to Alian that year, killing two birds with one stone.

On the day he left, A-Lian stood at the entrance of the village and looked at him, holding many lotus tents in her arms, which was picked by A-Chang before he left.

"If you're still eating after you eat, let the little brother in my family pick it for you." A Chang told him, "you can't run into the water to catch cold."

Allian nodded well. He is eighteen years old this year, but because of his weakness, he still looks like a sixteen-seven-year-old boy, much shorter than Ah. He whispered, "You come back earlier."

Ah Chang said "um" and didn't care too much: "Relax, as long as three years, as little as one or two years, I will be back! By then you will have a mouthful!"

The hearty laughter went away, and no one knew it. The difference was that the yin and yang separated like businessmen.

Speaking of the later, the ghost sighed wearily and murmured, "Who knows, then it was so unfortunate that it was in turmoil ..."

In his twilight night, the young man in his twenties stared blankly towards his home, but he couldn't go back, and he couldn't go back—behind him, a warm and **** body was counted by the fire Swallow.

Among them, there is also his.

It stands to reason that people become ghosts and should be born early, but A Chang missed the promise that year, and somehow the soul escaped and wandered around the world.

But in the end he became a ghost, and his memory was gone. He forgot the way home, and sometimes even forgot that he was a ghost, only thinking that he was an ordinary person. But he couldn't find his Alian. He made a lot of lotus seed cake and lotus seed cake.

Later, he came here, and met a young man whose parents were dead and had a difficult life in the restaurant.

Probably the teenager's clear eyes are similar to Alian's eyes in the vague memory. A Chang stayed for a few years. Every time I saw a new guest from afar, I had to ask Alian message.

Nothing, however.

The existence of the soul in the Yang world is also time-bound. Before this time expires, the soul can only be completely dissipated in this world, and there is no next life.

The soul of the man he saw was getting weaker and lighter, and the young man's eyes were red. He asked, "Is there no way to save Brother Chang?"

"Let him lay down his mind and die to save him." Shen Zhixian said, "As for how to let down ... what you do, it will dissipate when you get it."

His attention was on the young man, and he did not notice Yan Jin, who had been silent for a long time. After hearing what he said, he took a moment.

Obsessed with it, it can dissipate when you get it ...

Everyone's gaze was focused on the ghost, only Yan Jin quietly glanced to Shen Zhixuan, his eyes gradually darkened.

The teenager was blank for a while, gradually reacted, and opened his eyes slightly: "But ..."

But Brother Chang wants to see Alian. Where can they find Alian?

"Look for someone to pretend." Shen Zhixian glanced at the ghost that was about to dissipate, and began to get confused again, saying: "He is now a confused ghost, you say you are Alian, he will believe-only See if you want to be wronged. "

This decision is too cruel. The boy bit his lip stupidly, a tear twirled in his eyes, and it seemed to fall, a pair of fists squeezed tightly.

But in the end he still asked, "What should I do?"

Shen Zhixian didn't answer him, and looked at Duan Yan. He could n’t do it without spiritual power, and Yan Jin could n’t do the swordsmanship. Only the disciples of Qianyinge ...

Duan Ling hasn't spoken since he was just in the beginning. It seems to be touched by this story, and he is agitated with some emotion.

Shen Zhixian whispered softly: "Girl Duan, there is work."

Duan Hui came back to his mind, and he made a short "ah" sound, put his hand on the waist, gently pulled it, and took it off, resting on his lips.

When the requiem of the soul resounded quietly, the faded soul gave a violent meal, and then slowly consolidated.

The boy walked two steps towards him stiffly, following the general description of Alian in A Chang's description, and shouted tremblingly, "Brother A Chang."

The ghost stunned. He turned his head back and forth, looking in the direction of the boy, paused for a long time, and remembered for a long time, before calling indefinitely: "Alian?"

"it's me."

The name really is to maintain the last point of the ghost's clear obsession. The ghost burst into great joy in an instant. The teenager has never seen him so happy and excited, and even rushed to hug him in a short step: "I finally found you, Ah Lotus ... I am back! "

He stumbled and said, "Sorry, I have left for so long, but I have learned to make lotus cakes and lotus seeds. The taste should be good ..."

Everything went smoothly afterwards. Ah Chang ’s obsession was that he had never let Alian taste his lotus cake and lotus seed bun before his death. At the moment, “meeting”, he went to the kitchen eagerly and would eat. Come up at one end.

A faint fragrance lingers on the nose, which is a taste familiar to young people.

Ke Pingsu's delicious pastries were bitten between the teeth, but bitter. Under the expectation of the ghost, the boy swallowed the dry pastry, took another sip and put it into his mouth, barely smiled, and made a happy appearance: "Brother Ah Chang, it is delicious."

A word that was late for many years, fell into the ears of the ghost, and he finally laughed, stunned, a little bit of obsession that had been in the bottom of his heart dissipated, he spit out the last breath in the world, the whole soul began to change Be transparent.

This is a sign of impending departure.

The spoon in the teenager's hand couldn't hold it, Kuang Ai landed on the ground and shattered. He looked at the ghost that was gradually fading, and the tears in his eyes turned for a long time.

He and Brother Chang have lived on each other for so many years. He has long regarded him as the closest person, but Brother Chang ...

Until then, Brother Chang still remembered his Alian, for fear that he would not even remember his name.

A kind of abandoned and forgotten pain pervaded my mind. The teenager was crying, with a cry in his tone, and finally shouted, "Brother Chang! I'm not Alian, I'm ..."

He bit his name very clearly, sad and desperate, "Look at me ..."

The boy shouted this, and got up and stumbled towards the ghost.

Yan Jin was close to him, fearing that he would affect the death of the ghost, and he wanted to stop it, but his hand was raised, and another plain white and cold hand rested on the back of his hand, preventing his shot. .

"No need to stop. It's over." Shen Zhixian finished his sentence, and then tilted his head, a gleam in his eyes, as if sighing, "Treasure how good the present is, and let me live up to the innocent."

Alian is hard to say whether she is still alive or not. The ghost is thinking of her old man and entangles her past, but hurts the young man in front of her.

He said this unintentionally, and it was purely sentimental, but Yan Jin was shocked when he heard it.

Cherish the present ...

Disappoint innocent ...

Slightly sighing words smashed into the bottom of Yan Jin's heart like a hammer, making him start to roar in both ears.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the mines of Xiaokuo: Ruoji x2, Jiang Yuanyuan x1, passing by x1, Su A Song x1, Huangfu Huateng x1;

Thank you, Xiao Kuo's nutritional liquids: Wo Qimingheng Suide x20, Xunlan x10, Jumang x5, Shi Ying x2, Big Bear x1, Huangfu Huateng x1, 绾 绾 x1, Dow x1;

(づ  ̄3 ̄) づ ╭ 啾啾 ~