MTL - Journey To Longevity-Chapter 948 Meeting of the Wind and Cloud

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Hearing this, Zhang Shiping nodded, and then asked: "At the border between us and the Hai Clan, except for Nanming Island, the low-level monks on the other islands should have almost withdrawn, right?"

"A few days ago, Qingyu, Gongyangqian, Yu Wenfei, and that old guy Chu Lizhen led two schools of 130 golden elixir, and they have settled in Nanming Island. The island and the nearby low-level monks are almost all Withdrawing to Xiaofeng Island, there are only some foundation-building casual cultivators who want to fish in troubled waters, and they don't know what to do there." Tianfeng said.

"Chu Lizhen, this old guy is willing to make a move. It seems that he is paving the way for Chu Yu. Could it be that Yu Rui has already practiced to the late stage? Then I wonder how far Bai Yuheng and Ming Lin have practiced now?" Du Yu raised his eyebrows and said thoughtfully.

After more than 300 years of recuperation, the monks of the five sects began to gradually recover their former strength.

"He conceived a baby earlier than you, and it's normal for him to practice in the later stage. As for Bai Yuheng and Ming Lin, they are old-fashioned Nascent Souls. After taking over as the head, they can mobilize more spiritual creatures from various sects. It is not impossible to improve the realm to the later stage. But it is also good, after all, the spiritual fire is in our Nanzhou. If it is captured by those guys in Ximo and Beijiang, it will lose face and lose face. But Chu Yu After resigning from the post of Yuanxiao Town Guard, he has almost disappeared for more than two hundred years. I don't know how far he has cultivated? Among the few Taoist friends in Bixiao Palace, even if Yu Rui intends to step down as the head in the future, the most legitimate one should be Is it Fellow Daoist Yu, not Chu Yu?" Zhang Shiping said in a deep voice.

"This is not certain. Although Venerable Xifeng left Bixiao Palace and established himself as the Chu family of Xifeng Pavilion, as outsiders, we are not very clear about the reason. Besides, Chu Yu was the Yuan Dynasty leader decades ago. He is in the mid-infant stage. In the past, Venerable Xifeng valued this person very much before he ascended to the spirit world. Presumably, he should have left a lot of support for him. He even sent Fellow Daoist Songming to guard him when he was building his foundation. There must be something extraordinary about such treatment!" Tianfeng said slowly, there was a hint of envy in the depths of his eyes.

Although he can also be regarded as the direct disciple of the Venerable, it's just that Qinghe Huashen ascended to the spirit world not long after, leaving behind not many good things.

Venerable Xifeng is completely different. She has cultivated to become a **** for more than three thousand years.

For the cultivators who transformed themselves into spirits, they only wanted to find passages against the spirits and get out of the shackles of the small world, so apart from the necessary spiritual objects to maintain their cultivation, other opportunities were of no use.

For more than 3,000 years, Xifeng has also searched for an unknown number of spiritual objects while searching for the passage to the reverse spirit. Even though she took away most of them when she ascended, the remaining ones are enough for Nascent Soul cultivators to benefit endlessly.

During the more than 50 years of Du Yu and Zhang Shiping's practice, many major events in the sect were arranged by Tianfeng alone, so he knew more things.

Of course, these are just trivial things.

Now the thing that attracts the most attention from all parties is the fire of the false spirit. After this thing is born, it will definitely attract the attention of Nascent Soul cultivators from all sides of the Nanzhou human race.

However, this place of birth is after all in the inland of Nanzhou. Among the monster kings of the Sea Clan or the Monster Clan in Cangguyang, I am afraid that except for Ye Qi, Ao Xuan, and Suan Zhu, the three late-stage monks, the other monsters Most of you don't dare to come rashly.

Otherwise, once the heads of the five sects entangle these three, it is not impossible for the remaining hundreds of real monarchs in Nanzhou to encircle and suppress the remaining dozens of demon monarchs.

If those demon lords did not participate in the battle for the spirit fire, they would most likely attack the many islands occupied by human monks on the Canggu Ocean.

Out of this consideration, before the battle for the spiritual fire ended, the five sects had issued a decree a few years ago with the idea of ​​saving people and losing ground, and temporarily recalled the low-ranking men such as Qi Refining and Foundation Establishment who had wandered in the Canggu Ocean. rank monk.

At the same time, the monks on several large islands including Nanming Island were emptied, and all the large formations that had been set up on the island were mobilized, guarded by Yuanying and Jindan monks, and they would never go out of the city to fight, so as to ensure that they would not fall.

And if the situation changes, Qingyu and other four true monarchs will also bring back most of the Golden Core cultivators, and will not fight to the death with other races.

As for those casual cultivators who did not obey orders, Xuan Yuanzong and the other five sects ignored them.

After all, they have fulfilled the friendship of the same clan, and the life and death of those casual cultivators who do not obey discipline will depend on their own fate.

As Tianfeng and his group said that, they had already left the secret realm of Chaos Wind. They did not fly in the direction of Resentment Fire Valley, but came to Bixiao Palace, and directly passed the magic circle with Yu Rui and the others.

In the blink of an eye, seven true monarchs had appeared in a bamboo building on a rocky mountain more than 4,000 miles away.

Over the years, Yu Rui took out a set of short-distance teleportation circles left by the seniors of the sect, and Qiu Cong laid them down.

Although the seniors of the Zongmen have already engraved the void pattern of the teleportation array on the Kongming Stone Heart, it can be said that they have reached the final step of preparation, but this array involves the way of space after all, and only monks in the realm of the cave are eligible Enlightened things.

Qiu Cong, with his attainments as a grand master of the formation technique, also spent a lot of effort to forcefully arrange it according to the gourd painting.

This is the limitation of No matter how superb one's formation skills are, but the realm has not yet reached, even if there is only a slight difference, it is a world of difference.

The bamboo building is divided into upper and lower floors. On the second floor, Tai Shuguang, who was meditating cross-legged with his eyes closed, felt the aura fluctuations of the formation, and appeared outside the formation one step earlier to wait.

"You are here." Tai Shuguang said.

"Come here in advance, so that the false spiritual fire will not give birth to spiritual wisdom and feel the danger of being born early. What has happened to the savage fire toad in the valley in recent years?" Du Yu asked.

"It's a lot more peaceful, but this situation is even more abnormal. I dare not go into the valley to find out." Grand Uncle Guang said in a deep voice.

He was only in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, and the fire toad was originally a savage beast with a later stage of cultivation, and coupled with the inspiration emanating from the false spiritual fire that had absorbed hundreds of years, his cultivation was even more incomparable.

"Where are the other fellow Taoists?" Yu Rui asked.

"In the past few days, several extremely obscure auras appeared one after another from more than a hundred miles away, and they disappeared in a flash, so I don't know which fellow Taoists came to test them out. In order to avoid the plan of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, I did not pursue it. Right now you It's coming, that's good, and I can breathe a sigh of relief." Taishu Guang said unhurriedly.

Suddenly, Du Yu, Yu Rui, and Zhang Shiping frowned slightly, almost looking in the same direction in unison.

"You stay here, the three of us will go meet those guys for a while," Du Yu said.

As soon as they finished speaking, the three of them soared into the sky, turned into different colors of light, and galloped away towards the distance.

PS: It was written earlier that Duan Yu took in an apprentice, called Wen Jiu Zhenren, I remembered it wrong. The BUG of Chapter 945 has been revised, thank you for the reminder of "The Sky That Has Lost the Sun for a Long Time"!