MTL - Journey To Longevity-Chapter 950 Borrow a knife

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"When the Nine Birds Sect was in existence, the Kun and Peng clans were the most powerful clans in the Sect. Generation after generation of you monks have been obsessed with the Nine Birds Mystery Realm for more than ten thousand years. What is the reason? Chance, secret treasure, legacy, Or Kunpeng?"

When Du Yu said the last two words, his eyes suddenly sharpened, staring at Peng Yang, trying to see something from its face.

Since ancient times, almost all monks of Xuanyuanzong have joined the Nine Birds Sect and paid their respects to Kunpeng's corpse.

It's just that a true spirit is a true spirit after all, even if it's just a corpse, it's not something you can get close to after the tribulation period, let alone get any benefits from it.

However, other Mahayana monks are unwilling to be contaminated with the cause and effect for various reasons.

Therefore, since Kunpeng's fall, his corpse has been kept in the secret realm.

Seeing Du Yu like this, Peng Yang smiled lightly and said:

"In the past, the Nine Birds Sect spanned the three realms of Linghuan, Linglong, and Lingxuan, and powerfully dominated the lower realms, but it was destroyed so quickly and suddenly that even the ancestors of our clan could not escape, and died on the spot. This is true for Mahayana, let alone others. Believers, therefore there must still be treasures in the nine main peaks of the secret realm. This kind of opportunity is rare in the world. The ancestors of our family once left a few words, which stated that there is a world-breaking talisman in the secret library of the nine peaks. , to be able to protect the monks of the Nascent Soul stage and above to travel through other realms. At this point, it is already a great opportunity, let alone other things. Now the nine orders have finally gathered together. If we miss this opportunity, we will do it Huang Quan is afraid that he will die with peace in his eyes!"

"Boundary Breaking Talisman?" Miao Fa whispered beside him, and eagerness appeared in his eyes.

"That's right, it's the Boundary Breaking Talisman. Originally, the Reverse Spirit Channel was rare. How many Venerable God Transformers have searched for thousands of years and still found nothing, and finally left their regrets. As Nascent Soul cultivators, you and I should be able to do it too." I feel that after experiencing what happened to the Demon Lord in the small world, the inspiration is a little weaker than it was a thousand years ago, this world is about to enter the real era of doomsday, time is not waiting for me, everyone!" Peng Yang sighed.

"Fellow Daoist's words are reasonable. It's just that the whereabouts of the two orders are still unknown. Even if the mountains of gold and silver are close at hand, they are still within reach. We have to wait for a while. Right now, we don't have the heart to do anything else. Please forgive me." Du Yu nodded and said.

However, this is just a delaying tactic.

If within the past few decades, the Nine Bird Orders are gathered to open the main peak of the secret realm, the situation will not be good for him who has just entered the later stage.

Among the many great monks, Xuan Yu and Luo Shan are the oldest. If there is no breakthrough, they will not be far from Sihua, at most seven or eighty years, at least twenty or thirty years.

Followed by Jueming, Pengyang, Kunkui, Jinlin, Aoxuan, and Suanzhu, there are still three to five hundred years before the deadline.

For the rest of Ye Qi, Du Yu, and Yu Rui, their lifespans are relatively sufficient.

"Fellow Taoist, why don't you ask the meanings of these people in White Horse Temple first, or go to Wanlingu, that fat man is only in the middle stage of cultivation, and he must have a lot of fears in his heart. I'm afraid he is the most difficult one to explain." Zhang Shiping Say softly.

In the past, because of that Wanlingu fat man's casual remark at the Baiguo Banquet, he had no choice but to hand over the Golden Crow Token to the sect, lest other great monks covet it secretly.

Although hundreds of years have passed since this enmity, he has never forgotten it. But right now, if he could borrow a knife to kill someone, that would be the best result.

"Leave the matter of Wanlingu to my temple, and ask fellow Taoists to save face." Miaofa said slowly.

"Of course I want to give the face of the White Horse Temple. Everyone, the old man has something to leave for the time being. I'm sorry." Peng Yang cupped his hands and said.

As soon as the words fell, it immediately rose up out of the light, and the roc itself appeared high above the sky, with its wings flapping, it galloped away against the wind.

But with a few breaths of effort, it turned into a small black spot.

Seeing this, Miaofa's expression was not very good, with a look of uncertainty.

"Why, I've heard that Baima Temple and Wanlingu have always had a good relationship, so you won't die without saving them." Du Yu said with a smile.

"Sure enough, he is a descendant of Qin Feng. He looks like a human being, but his stomach is full of bad water." Yin Luosha said with a smirk.

After Zhang Shiping heard this, his expression didn't change at all, he just said calmly:

"A prodigal dog only dares to bark a few times when others are not around. I hope fellow Daoists will be as lucky as ever next time. Don't lose your family and life someday."

"It's really eloquent."

Before Yin Luocha could finish his words, he flicked his sleeves, and three small blue swords shot out from the sleeves.

However, Zhang Shiping hadn't made a move yet, he only heard Yu Rui snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, and a multicolored glow flew out, and he stopped him tens of feet away.

"Why, do you want to wait for the last match with me right now?" Yu Rui said unhurriedly.

"Back off." Miaofa snorted lightly.

Then he said with a smile on his face: "Fellow Taoist Hopu was joking, I just came here to take a look in advance, and I have no intention of embarrassing you."

Although Yin Luosha is much weaker than monks of the same level because of the way of cultivation, he is still a late monk.

However, under the scolding of Miaofa, a mid-term monk, he really stopped his hands, and there was no sign of displeasure on his face.

Seeing this, Jin Lin sneered inwardly.

This is the so-called Dharma protector in the temple, who cannot control his mind and body. Unless one day this person really breaks through to the realm of transforming gods and finds himself, he is actually a slave of the White Horse Temple.

In the past, Yin Luosha killed many people in the Western Desert in order to practice the Nether Ghost Body, and many of them were disciples from various forces.

Although this method was but in the end the matter was revealed for some reason, which attracted the encirclement and suppression from all sides. With no way out, Yin Luosha had no choice but to devote himself to the White Horse Temple as a Dharma protector.

At that time, more than ten Nascent Soul cultivators from the Western Desert came to visit, wanting to have the White Horse Temple hand over this person.

However, Venerable Ku Tuo stepped forward and said lightly: "Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. Since Yin Luosha has already realized his mistake, it is better to stay in the temple and chant sutras and recite the Buddha's scriptures to save the dead as atonement."

Seeing this, what can those Nascent Soul cultivators say, the matter will be left alone in the end.

A few months later, Xiao Chengwu, who was far away in the icy ocean of northern Xinjiang, heard the news, and sent someone to present a rusty broken knife in front of the mountain gate of Baima Temple, and left a message:

"I have heard that there was a goshawk attacking a rabbit. The Buddha couldn't bear to save the rabbit when he saw it. He didn't want the goshawk to starve to death, so he cut the meat and fed it. Daoist friend kills himself to unravel, this is also a great mercy!"

Although the matter was settled in the end, those Nascent Soul cultivators felt a little relieved in their hearts. After all, they are not cultivators who transform themselves into gods, and they dare not and are not qualified to be so unscrupulous!

Hearing what Miaofa said, Yu Rui stretched out his palm and made a fist. After a few "kacha" sounds, the three flying swords that were still shining with aura were like broken copper and iron, without any spirituality.

Then he said calmly:

"That's the best, then we won't entertain. After all, Nanzhou is not the West Desert. I hope you don't stay too long, otherwise it will be bad if there is a misunderstanding."

The magic weapon was destroyed, but Yin Luosha didn't feel the slightest difference. Obviously, this was not the opponent's natal magic weapon.

"Everyone, I'll take my leave." Miaofa clasped his hands together and said without changing his expression.

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