MTL - Journey To Longevity-Chapter 982 Royal

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The iron tower here in Hell Valley has eighteen floors.

On the seventh floor, the entire space was very dark, only a white paper lantern hanging outside each cell was still shining faintly. The sun is not seen here all year round, and the air that hardly circulates is mixed with the stench of dried blood, as well as the resentment, death and blood evil that have almost turned into reality, all kinds of mixtures are mixed together, and there is a wave of blood in the air. Very odd taste.

Yan Zixiu led Zheng Hengyun and Zhang Tianwu through the blood-light barrier at the entrance, and walked through the rows of cell corridors without turning their eyes.

Counting the past, there are about seventy or eighty prison cells in this place, half empty and half full.

The prisoner who was originally curled up in the corner of the first few cells seemed to recognize the identity of the visitor, and rushed towards him, but he hadn't even touched the iron railing, and he was beaten by several A blood vine that appeared suddenly pierced through the flesh and was swept up into the air. The energy from the whole body was continuously lost along the vine, and the blood radiance was eerie.

All of a sudden, the iron bricks on the ground looked brighter than before.

There were also some people who had already resigned to their fate, watched the three pass by numbly, and then slowly closed their eyes. These people looked like they were only one breath away from death.

There were also some prisoners with vicious eyes, grinning ferociously when they saw the three of them approaching, some of them had already collapsed, some rolled around on the ground, and some looked dull and stupid.

In addition, some prisoners in some cells have been dead for a long time, their bodies are either half-rotted or turned into skeletons. The two gray and white leg bones are still in the iron rings of the shackles, but their spirits have already turned into ferocious ghosts. , roaring continuously.

It's just that these howling ghosts and wolves were isolated by the formation, and none of them came out of the cell, and this also made the place even more deep and cold, as if isolated from the world, only the sound of a few people's footsteps step by step was left.

The three of them arrived at the door of the last cell without any haste. There were three men with disheveled hair hanging from the wall by shackles, bloodstained all over their bodies, and fell into a coma.

"Friend Daoist Yan, can you open the cell door?" Zhang Tianwu asked.

"These three are serious offenders. It is considered an exception for me to allow the two of you to visit. They must not die before they go to the execution platform!" Yan Zixiu refused without thinking.

"Fellow Daoist Yan, does it have to be like this? People from the Yuanying clan of Zongmen made mistakes. If they were not shot dead on the spot, they would have been taken back by each clan and dealt with by themselves. If you insist on taking the three of them to the execution platform today, you will be destroyed. If you have set a precedent, you are not afraid that life in the sect will be difficult in the future? But since you have not spread this matter to the outside world, you probably want to ask your ancestor to heal your grandson. But if you are so aggressive, you must not be afraid Is the ancestor furious? Everything has to be discussed!" Zheng Hengyun said slowly.

"Hey, fellow Daoist Zheng, what do you think I can do? The Yunshen Pill is so precious. The Hall Master happens to be in retreat at the moment. Where can I ask for it? Dong Yuan's injury is imminent, and there must be no further delay." Otherwise, in another ten days and a half months, even if it is cured, people are afraid that they will be useless. If you come here today, I think Heng Zhenjun should have known about it in the next life. I don’t know what the ancestor said? There must be a result, otherwise what's the point of my old life?" Yan Zixiu sighed. The Dongyuan he spoke of was the wounded and unconscious person.

"Fellow daoist, calm down, the ancestor will come later, and he said he will give you an explanation." Zheng Hengyun said with a somewhat ugly face.

After all, this kind of trivial matter disturbed the Qingxiu of his ancestor. He and Zhang Tianwu, as the family's Jindan monks, were really negligent of their duties! When this matter got out, the family would lose face, and the two of them would also be branded as incompetent by others.

"Okay, the old man is waiting here today for the arrival of the real king. After the old man's grandson is saved, he will be killed and cut to death later on. Just listen to the respect." Yan Zixiu nodded and said.

"Fellow Daoist, what are you talking about? This matter is all caused by these three incompetent guys. As the deputy hall master, you also enforce the law impartially. How did you get to the point of killing and cutting?" Zheng Hengyun said a polite remark .

It's just that Yan Zixiu laughed after hearing this, and didn't say anything more.

Having lived to his age, how can he not understand that some things in this world are not about who is right and who is wrong, nor is it black and white, but who thinks it is right or not is the most important thing.

Whether it is secular laws or clan rules, how can these dead things be bigger than half a sentence of the Nascent Soul True Monarchs?

Seeing that Yan Zixiu didn't intend to continue the chat, Zheng Hengyun didn't say anything more.

The three present just waited quietly.

After about two cups of tea, a monk in green robe walked through the blood-restricting light curtain.

Seeing the person coming, the three of them walked quickly, bowed and cupped their hands and said, "Greetings, Patriarch."

"Get up. Hengyun, Tianwu, you two go out first and wait outside the tower." Zhang Shiping said calmly.

"Yes." The two replied in unison, and retreated without hesitation.

"For disturbing Zhenjun Qingxiu, I hope to appease my anger." Yan Zixiu knelt down on one knee and pleaded guilty when he saw the two left.

Zhang Shiping bent down to help him up, and said with a smile:

"What is Zixiu talking about? If it weren't for such scandals in the clan, your grandson wouldn't be injured. I still remember when you and I used to sit and discuss the Tao. Five or six hundred years have passed in a flash, so there is no need It’s so far-fetched. Go back and make some preparations today, and send Dongyuan to the Chongling Mountain Hall tomorrow morning. Don’t worry, I will give you a satisfactory explanation for this matter.”

"Thank you Zhenjun for your generosity." Yan Zixiu said hastily.

"Okay, you go out first. Tianfeng is currently practicing in seclusion. From now on, the sect's rewards and punishments will be determined by Wen Jiu. As for the punishment and prison, I will let Tianwu do it for you. You are an old man here. He just came here. If you don't understand, I hope you can give me some pointers." Zhang Shiping said unhurriedly. He also knows that if he doesn't say this the other party must not feel at ease.

"This junior must do his best to assist the left." Yan Zixiu said respectfully.

Zhang Shiping waved his hand, Yan Zixiu retreated tactfully.

At the same time, he also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, as long as the other party asks, his family and the lives of his children and grandchildren will be safe. If he hadn't been in a hurry, and because he had dealt with Shiheng several times before and knew a little about his personality, he would not have taken such a risky move.

After all, if he really offended and died a Nascent Soul True Monarch, even if he was from the same clan, he might disappear someday for no reason.

At this time, Zhang Shiping walked slowly to the cell where the three were imprisoned, and with a flick of his sleeves, the restraint in front of him was dispelled.

With a few clicks, the shackles on the wrists of the three fell off, and they fell powerlessly to the ground.

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