MTL - Jun Jiuling-Chapter 699 Raise your hand

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What he wants is not shipped yet.

If this is the case, will it be overturned by the idlers of Yangcheng? That thing inside.....

Although he has enough people, just in case.

Nothing else is going on. This is a real accident.

He dare not take risks.

The rich man looks angry and angry, and his look becomes strange again. This is a bit too clever.

This woman’s woman’s troubles, shouldn’t it be for her own?

His look is dignified.

"Because we are not because of us." A follower whispered, "This family's celestial library has never been opened, it has been very mysterious, the legendary Fang's treasures are hidden inside, the old lady suddenly opened the library, maybe I am excited to the ladies of Fangjia."

"Yeah, Your Majesty gave the glory of Fangjia, and the young masters of Fang’s family are also healthy and healthy. They have all reached the age of becoming married. How can they keep their minds for so many years of industry?" Another whisper Said, "Not to mention that these two young ladies have been trained as businessmen since childhood, and they have been mixed in the money for so many years. How can such a big interest be said?"

Rich men look at them.

"You explained it very reasonably," he said. "But the more reasonable things seem to be more like acting."

When his voice just fell, he heard the sound of horseshoes coming from behind, and he turned his head and looked at it, and his eyes could not help but look at it.

Mrs. Fang is coming.

The shouts passed from the back to the noisy crowd, and the lines of sight looked backwards. I saw a carriage in a dozen homes.

It is the carriage used by Mrs. Fang.

"The old lady is here."

"Let the old lady say."

The people said with a slap in the face.

Fang Yun embroidered face is a bit uneasy.

"Don't be afraid, have something to say." The women in the past noticed that they were busy.

Mrs. Fang Da shook her head and looked at the two Fang Yuxiu sisters surrounded by the crowd.

"Good to say, the old lady can never be a good talker," she said. "You two are really too much trouble."

The old lady’s carriage stopped by the voice, but the old lady did not get off the bus, but a servant sitting in front of the car waved her hand at the house.

The guards untied down, and at the same time untied the wooden sticks on the horseback, and looked solemnly toward Fang Yunxiu and Fang Yuxiu.

The people are at a loss.

This is to be....

The thoughts flashed, and the two girls screamed and were held down by the two guards. They didn’t leave without saying a word.

The people suddenly lost their minds.

"If you have something to say."

"How can I treat children like this?"

"Well, it’s also a lady of my own family, how to catch a prisoner."

Everyone is rushing to stop.

But unlike the previous servants, more than a dozen escorts put the sticks in their hands at the people.

"Retreat!" they shouted.

Do you want to do it to them? The people are at a loss.


"You still want to hit us!"

"Play and fight."

No young woman simply rushed up.

The scene fell into chaos, shouting and screaming.

"Give me a fight!"

Just in this mess, an old but full of gas was heard.

Everyone looked at it and saw that when the old lady walked out of the carriage, the two servants accompanied me with a cane in her hand and looked cold.

"Hit!" she shouted again.

With this order, Fang's guards no longer hesitated, and they raised the wooden sticks in their hands to the surrounding people. They suddenly screamed and screamed, and some people fell back and you pushed me to push you into chaos.

Yuan’s squatting behind Mrs. Fang’s wife was scared to bear.

"What happened?" Mrs. Fang stepped over step by step, not afraid of the chaos here. She said, "Dare to rob my family to interfere with my family affairs. I even beat my mother. What are you?"

In a stormy stick, the onlookers dissipated and listened to her words.

"Then you can't beat people." The man who was beaten shouted.

"That is your nosy." Mrs. Fang immediately looked at the voice and said, "It’s our turn to say that you are a distant relative and a neighbor, you really take yourself seriously? You stop What do the children in our family want to do? Kidnapping is still awkward? It’s reasonable to hit you and send you to see the official!"


People are a family, this is indeed...

The scene fell into silence.

Mrs. Fang turned her head and looked at the Fang Yunxiu Fang Yuxiu sisters who were shackled by the guards.

"Family property." She said coldly, "Family's family property, as long as I am in one day, it belongs to me, I will give it to you, I will not give it to you, you can't get a penny! Follow me On family property, who do you think you are?"

She looked at the two sisters of Fangjia.

"You have worked hard for your family. This is not your credit. This is your father's, your mother's, they have raised you, or else you have something."

She pointed her finger at Mrs. Fang, and pointed to herself and lifted her chin.

"And your father can raise you because you have me, so this is mine. I can give it to you. You can't ask me."

Fang Yuxiu struggled to look at her.

"Grandma, this is not fair," she said.

"Fair." Mrs. Fang sneered. "You are younger than me. You are my granddaughter. This is unfair in itself."

Say a hand.

"Take away." She looked at the crowd, "I see who dares to stop."

The people around us either hide their faces or step back, no one dares to speak again.

Fang Yuxiu’s sisters were shackled by the guards, and the servants were busy picking up the carriage.

Mrs. Fang took a few steps and stood in front of Deshengchang.

"Without their seals, there is no money, no accounts, it’s a joke." She said, "I am Deshengchang, relying on people, not dead, I have to look at it, I said the account opening, who Do not listen."

The high treasurer is busy going forward to give a gift.

“Don’t dare,” he said in a row, turning his hand and waving his hand. “Open the door and open the door, open for business.”

The guys in the management were busy, and the door of Deshengchang was unloaded. The guys stood in their posts.

The old lady looked around coldly.

"Children, I don't know how tall and thick, it's ridiculous," she said, turning her cane into a carriage.

Mrs. Fang Da and Yuan are busy bowing their heads.

The onlookers watched the old lady on the carriage of the servant's guards and suddenly went to the carriage like a gust of wind.

The wind cleared and the chaos, the broken carriage was cleaned up, and the door of the Deshengchang ticket that was closed for many days was opened. Everything was like nothing happened.

"Just say, how can you not even deal with a child?" The rich man smiled at the corner of the street. "This is too fake."

The followers are also relieved.

"That Mr. we will be tomorrow..." said one.

The wealthy man looked at the people who had been whispering on the street and shook his head.

"Slightly wait, be safe," he said, and he was indulging for a moment. "You can't wait too long, so you don't have to sleep long nights, just three or four days."

Accompanying is true.



Ah whispered, Fang Yuxiu fell on the bed, and immediately screamed.

"Are you okay?" Fang Yunxiu asked worriedly, and stepped forward.

Fang Yuxiu stretched out and took a picture of the bed.

"This bed is too hard," she said. "It’s me."

Fang Yunxiu was a little smirked. He looked around and they were tied back without returning to their house. Instead, they were thrown into the firewood house without any politeness.

Temporarily use the planks to get up, surrounded by firewood, small windows, and the house smells of mildew.

“What now?” she said.

Fang Yuxiu twisted his neck in bed.

"There is no way now," she said.

Fang Yun embroidery screamed, but before I came back, I saw Fang Yuxiu and got up from the bed.

"Grandmother, grandmother." She went to the door and shouted at the door. "I know it wrong, let me go out."

Fang Yun embroidery almost fainted.


Fang Yuxiu patted the door and continued to shout.

"Just let me go out, give me a pot of lychee cream."

"The kumquat group is also OK."

"A little more dish."


(A big event, have you discovered that I have updated a lot of words in these two days!)