MTL - Jun Ye Can’t Help But Tease His Wife-Chapter 493 This is the most disobedient baby

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Shen Shengyi was very distressed. Thinking about his famous name in his lifetime, he would one day be forced to leave his hometown.

He lowered the window and stretched out his left hand, holding a very lonely burning cigarette between his fingertips. He took a sip of loneliness and spit out a cigarette ring quietly.

"Second younger, are we going to the resort now?" The woman in the co-driver's seat was heavily makeup-like, like a bottle of overturned perfume, exuding a strong perfume breath between her hands and feet.

"Two young, I heard that Nancheng Resort has only recently opened and has the largest hot spring pool in the city." On the back seat, three women leaned forward simultaneously, each wearing a high-open and low-necked skirt, doing every move, doing everything Show the true nature of a woman.

"Today you have the final say." Shen Shengyi turned on the music, and the car stereo made a rattling sound.

"Two young, you are so nice."

"Second Young, I like a man with a style like you."

Shen Sheng flicked his cigarette butt, stomped on the accelerator, and the car flew away.

The "Ding Ding" mobile phone reminded Shen Shengyi of its tirelessness.

When Shen Shengyi saw the number, he stepped on the brake subconsciously.

The car came to a sudden stop, and everyone rushed forward.

"Second little, what's wrong?" The women covered their foreheads and looked at the man in the driver's seat in shock.

Shen Shengyi held his cell phone tightly. He covered his mouth and signaled everyone to keep quiet. After taking a deep breath, he pressed to answer, "What's the matter?"

"I thought you didn't dare answer my call." Shen Shengfeng's voice was as usual without any undulations. It was cold as if there were ice in his mouth, and he would spit out air when he spoke.

"Hahaha, why am I afraid to answer your call?" Shen Shengyi opened the door.

Shen Sheng said, "Is everything ready?"

"Rest assured, I put it in the office, I still have official business, I won't talk about it first." "Hahaha, I won't play with you anymore."

Shen Shengfeng's fingertips lightly tapped on the desk, staring at the so-called box with interest.

The box is still packaged in a very elegant style, with beautiful fireworks embellishing it. At first glance, the owner must have great ulterior motives.

Shen Shengfeng unpacked the fireworks and opened the box.

"Grumbling, grumbling." A clown bounced out of the box, with a piece of paper on top of the clown:

Surprised? Not surprised? Does the thorn irritate? Are you angry? Do you really want to hit me? Can't wait to swallow me alive? Hahaha, come on, come on, catch me, I'll follow you.

With a hard fingertip, Shen Shengfeng turned the paper into ashes in his palm.

The sun is shining and the hot spring water mist spreads out inside the resort.

The woman wore a delicate swimsuit lingering around Shen Shengyi, the water was wavy, and the whole pool was peaceful.

"Ah, ah, it's hot, it's hot." The hot spring water suddenly rose by dozens of degrees, and everyone rushed away.

Shen Sheng easily got up from the pool, thinking of climbing ashore like everyone else, but just after taking a step, he was blocked by one person.

Shen Shengfeng raised his hand to block him with a smile, and the hot spring pool water flowed around his waist, with hot bubbles bubbling around.

Shen Shengyi felt that he was about to be cooked. He intentionally distanced himself from this guy. "Don't come here, you are not allowed to come."

Shen Shengfeng approached him step by step, "Second Brother is really Yaxing."

"How did you find me?" Shen Sheng easily looked around in panic, and all of them ran out, leaving him here tormented by all these fickle women.

Shen Shengfeng said, "Do you need a complicated process to find you?"

"I, I tell you, don't think that I'm afraid of you, I, but your brother, I am your brother, it is too anxious to say that goodness is rooted in the roots, how can you face the Shen family Your ancestors and liezions bullied your second brother so much. "

"Who made the military order?" Shen Sheng approached step by step.

"This, this, people grew up eating grains and cereals, and occasionally pretending to be forced is not harmful."

"So what? As if nothing happened?"

"It can also be treated as if it happened a little bit. For example, I promised to make clothes for you, but this time we postponed it, such as before adulthood?" Shen Sheng Yi suggested with a smile on his face.

Shen Shengfeng walked to the pool, sitting on the steps, his eyes suddenly fell in the center of the pool as if he was still thinking about going forward or back.

Shen Shengyi felt the strong mental pressure of the other party and forced him to step forward. "The third brother and we are all civilized people. How can civilized people solve it in a civilized way?"

"First-level burns, second-level burns, or burns of more than 90% of the body, you pick one." Under the touch of Shen Shengfeng, the water surface began to boil again.

Shen Shengyi took three steps back, still feeling the heat wave that couldn't be ignored, and he swallowed. "Three brother, let's have something to say and say."

"The time was told by the second brother. The military order was also set by the second brother. According to the rules, once the order is violated, the second brother should know better than me what punishment should be imposed. Immediate death penalty is a pity. "

"Hahaha, the third brother doesn't need to play this big with your second brother."

"Isn't the second brother thinking about playing with my younger brother? I remember the box you gave me. It seemed to say that I would find you and just casually." Shen Sheng's eyes fell on the other side like a torch.

Shen Shengyi involuntarily hit a shiver. The temperature in the water was hot and he peeled off quickly, but he still felt the chill of Sensen and his heart was cold.

"Is the second brother thinking?" Shen Shengfeng said.

Shen Shengyi straightened her back, with momentum like Hongdao. "The third brother will give me three more days, even if it's never sleep, I will make clothes for you. If I can't do it again this time, you will burn me." "

After speaking, he lay flat in the water, and Ren followed the flow.

Shen Shengfeng stepped in front of him, "Since the second brother is so guilty, I, as a younger brother, will have to give you another chance for the sake of our family members."

Shen Shengyi opened his eyes and looked vainly at the leaving back. A carp stood up. He shook his head proudly and shook the centimeter bun, with his mouth slightly open, arms wide open, and a happy face. With the rising sun rising east.

The sun shone on the ground, glittering everywhere.

A car drove into the camp.

Officers along the way looked at the sign in front of the car and knew that it was a superior.

Xiao Jing opened the window and looked solemnly at the uninvited leader car under the building, frowning slightly.

Xiao Chen stepped out of the car, wearing a long navy blue coat, and hurriedly went upstairs.

"Well." But for a moment, the office door was knocked.

"Please come in." Xiao Jing sat back on the chair, staring at the person outside the door momentarily.

Xiao Chen raised her hand to signal that everyone didn't need to follow up. She entered the house alone.

Xiao Jing stood up and saluted, "Mrs. is something wrong?"

Xiao Chen was sitting on a chair with her fingers crossed, looking nervous and serious. She said, "I want to ask you something."

Xiao Jing poured a glass of warm water and pushed the glass in front of her. "Mrs. Please say."

"We are a family, you don't have to see me like this, just call my aunt."

"Here is the camp, the place to talk about official affairs. Since it is the place to talk about official affairs, we need to deal with it meticulously and seriously, including the so-called family members."

"I know you have more or less complaints against me." Xiao Chen lowered her head. "I think you have heard something too. My husband has encountered trouble recently. I don't know if the old men think my husband The existence of the obstruction hindered their interests, so they began to move. "Xiao Chen looked at Xiao Jing, and there was an inexplicable panic.

Xiao Jing has heard about the z game, but they are the military. Generally speaking, they will not intervene in the situation of the z game. Of course, if some unavoidable major turmoil occurs, the superior leaders will personally appoint their special team as temporary security protection. .

Xiao Chen said, "I hope you can protect my husband. He is currently preparing for Congress. As long as that big meeting is passed, many things will be handled most properly."

"I need a military order for this."

"If this matter goes through the procedure of the military department, it is very likely that those guys will know the wind, and then they will even more unscrupulously hurt my husband and even your special team members."

"Mrs. Please rest assured that the confidentiality agreement of our special team is not a display."

"I just want to solve these contradictions in the simplest and most direct way. Although I am not a competent daughter, my husband is definitely a competent leader. He has been suppressing the group of people in recent years, trying to hold them in their hands. Deprivation of their rights one by one, leaving the z bureau clear and clean. "

"I'm not in a position to intervene in these things, and please forgive my wife." Xiao Jing sat back in her chair. "If you really need my help, you can contact Chief Xiao Yu. After his appointment, I will obey orders immediately."

Xiao Chen closed her eyes and said, "I know, I will go to discuss with Xiao Yu."

"Madam, please walk slowly." Xiao Jing stood up and watched the woman leave.

Xiao Chen went downstairs, and the windows lowered slowly.

The man looked at the lonely woman and smiled, "You don't need to worry too much, let me handle it."

Xiao Chen sat in the car, "I originally thought it was in the face of our family, she would help me more or less."

"She is only a subordinate. The rules of the military cannot be broken casually. Let's go first."

The driver turned his head.

Xiao Jing looked at the car leaving under the building and rested his chin.

The car gradually left only a dot and disappeared at the end of the road.

"Oh." A flicker of fire passed by, and the thick fog rolled up into the sky.

Xiao Jing heard the sound and ran to the window subconsciously. She took out the telescope and looked at the sound.

The "beep" alarm sounded.

Xiao Jing ran down the office building and got into the car. "Drive."

The fire spread, a good car was surrounded by a raging fire, the frame was torn apart, and it is estimated that people were also burned to ashes.

Xiao Chen crawled out of the grass with a bruised forehead and blood. She climbed to the car and tried to use her flesh and blood to scrape away the door of the burnt iron.

"Madam, please be careful." Xiao Jing stood in front of her.

The fire extinguisher sprayed a lot of foam and soon extinguished the burning car.

Xiao Chen covered her mouth. "I heard something in the car. As soon as I got out of the car, the car exploded. Xiao Jing, what about my husband? My husband?"

Xiao Jing was silent, the fire had gone, but there was only one frame left in the car, and the people inside were beyond recognition.

"Ah, ah." Xiao Chen held his head and took a step forward. "No, no, he was just comforting me. It won't happen, it won't happen."

Xiao Jing said, "Check carefully, what caused the fire."

"I said it was an explosion," shouted Xiao Chen. "It was a bomb. It was the old men who refused to let go of my husband. They were all of them. They must have done it."

Xiao Jing looked at the woman who was in a state of madness, and appeased, "This matter cannot be easily concluded, please contact the secretary's office."

Xiao Chen fell to the ground, staring blankly at the man with only a shell on the back of the car. She bit her lip and despaired.

Xiao Jing squatted down and passed the handkerchief over.

Xiao Chen glanced at her, and slapped him away, "What is the difference between you and them?"

"Even if I promise you, it is impossible to be wise to the unknown Prophet."

Xiao Chen sneered, "Everyone in the Xiao family is a cold and cold-blooded man. This is brought out of his bones."

"That's just what you thought."

"If not, why don't you help me? I am your aunt." Xiao Chen shouted.

Xiao Jing replied, "I said, I'm a soldier. I must obey orders. I can't make my own claims. Everything in the military department requires that paperwork. If you come with the order book today, I will look back. Follow you. "

"Does **** really matter?"

"I regret that this happened, and I am sad that it can happen."

"Let ’s come before me and say these pragmatic things, you are just like those people, waiting for my husband to fall down, all waiting to see my joke, ok, ok, ok, although I am a woman, but I will also Let you know that I am not a woman at the mercy of others. "Xiao Chen stood up and stumbled towards the scrap car.

Xiao Jing frowned, looking at the stubborn back. There was a strong voice in her heart, as if laughing.

Xiao Chen squatted in front of the car, looking up at the man who had lost his skills in the car, but pursed his lips, whispered in a volume inaudible to others, "No one will doubt your cause of death now, this plan Is it perfect? ​​"

Xiao Jing closed her eyes, the woman's voice was very low, almost low enough to be afraid of the volume that she could not even hear, but she slammed into Xiao Jing's ears, her brows frowned and tightened. .

Xiao Chen took off his accessories and placed it in front of the scorpion. "I'll let you see how I sit in that position and plan for you what you want to do."

Xiao Jing opened her eyes and stared at the solitary figure in front of her. The slight tremor seemed to be controlling her emotions.

The corpse, which had returned to dust and soil, suddenly moved.

Xiao Chen was frightened, his face turned white.

The body opened his eyes, because the fire was burning, and his eyes were a little greenish.

"Fucked, lie?" Ling Jie blinked unbelievably.

"What's the matter? Don't know what is called thermal expansion and contraction? The body was stretched and expanded under the high temperature burning, and now the temperature has dropped, the body naturally retracts into place." Wei Ziqi said seriously Justified.

Ling Jie nodded. "That's the truth."

Xiao Chen's heart jumped abruptly, she stared in horror at the corpse staring at her, panicking in her heart, why did she think it was not a corpse? This man seems to have consciousness, and his eyes are angry?

Xiao Jing stepped forward, "Mrs., it may be that the gentleman is dead and has come to see you."

Xiao Chen squeezed a smile from the corner of her mouth, "Yes, right?"

"Are you scared?"

Xiao Chen shook his head. "I'm just a woman. Faced with this kind of thing, I should be afraid."

"He is your husband."

"Yes, yeah." Xiao Chen reached out and tried to touch the body with his eyes open and staring at him.

Xiao Jing said, "However, I have heard a legend that a person who has suffered immensely from death will suddenly open his eyes after death. The person he looks at is most likely the murderer."

Xiao Chen swallowed, "I don't understand what you're talking about, all I know is that my husband was killed by someone, and I won't let that person go."

A car entered from the opposite lane.

Shen Shengfeng looked at the woman standing in the wind and opened the door. "What's going on?"

"An extremely bad thing happened, and I think we need to notify the military to investigate." Xiao Jing replied.

"No, I will investigate this matter myself." Xiao Chen glanced coldly at Xiao Jing who spoke, and continued, "Since you were not willing to intervene before, I don't need you to intervene afterwards."

"The reason why you didn't step in before was because you didn't have the order book. The reason you step in now is because the place happened before the camp. For our special team, this is a very bad situation and must be presented to the military.

"I said no, I don't need it." Xiao Chen shouted. "Don't cry in front of me. The rat is false compassion and hypocrisy."

"This is a necessary procedure, please forgive me." Xiao Jing got into the car.

Shen Shengfeng drove away and said, "Why do you get involved in this matter so persistently?"

"You tell me, under what circumstances does a woman do anything like kill a husband?"

Shen Shengfeng hesitated for a moment. "When one person kills someone, it is nothing more than a conflict of interests."

"But they were very loving before."

"Time is the best mirror. It will clean up a person's camouflaged goodness and false exposure, and the water will be clear of fish. In a place like the authorities, the innocent pool will be messed up."

Xiao Jing looked at the woman with her head raised high in the cold wind through the rearview mirror, and sneered, "I put the true meaning into this, I think the film festival owes her one of the best film actors."

"I'd love to know what she said to you."

"The captain should be more concerned about what I hear her say."

Shen Shengfeng laughed. "Can Xiaojing tell me what she said?"

"The process of murdering your husband-in-law is quite complicated. I'm afraid I can't understand it in a few words."

"Then it's short and concise, I think my understanding is pretty good." Shen Shengfeng shook her hand.

"Captain really want to listen?"

"Only by knowing my condition can I better treat it right?"

Xiao Jing nodded. "In my guess, this matter cannot be separated from the Secretary of State."

"The leader died suddenly by accident. As the secretary of state, he should defer everything for this period."

"And by chance, I heard that State Secretary Feng Yilin had a series of scandals in the near future, and a conference will be held next month. All the authorities will attend, fearing that he will be called out of Feng Yilin."

"If the leader dies at this time, any meeting will be postponed indefinitely, and Feng Yilin, who is on the cusp of the storm, can temporarily replace that position and remove the people who are not good for him."

Xiao Jing raised her cheeks with one hand. "Xiao Chen and Feng Yilin haven't interacted with each other. Why did she help him?"

"Do you think there will be no contact between them?"

Xiao Jing thought for a while, and realized, "Shall I set her words?"

"This woman is so smart that you won't be fooled by her, so don't go."

"Then let it go like this?" Xiao Jing sighed. "Although we are not in that department, it is about the interests of the people and state property. We can't just sit idly by."

"So are you planning to carry a gun to bomb Feng Yilin, or did you jump to Xiao Chen with a gun?"

Xiao Jing grumbled, "What the captain said was just a reckless man with well-developed limbs and a simple mind?"

"This matter must be considered from a long-term perspective. Try not to make a fool of it and let me handle it."

Xiao Jing smiled, "Captain, I finally understand why I feel more and more wrong after I marry you."

"Huh?" Shen Shengfeng stopped.

Xiao Jing said, "You're so clever to set off me even more stupid."

Shen Shengfeng petted and rubbed her head. "Fortunately, the child's IQ follows me."

Xiao Jing sulked and became angry with a puffer fish.

Shen Shengfeng poke her fingers, and successfully let her out of breath. "However, it is rare to be confused, and better to be stupid."

Xiao Jing raised her head proudly. "Captain, you are so different in your way of bragging, just in your temper, I'm afraid you have been beaten a lot in school."

"Who thinks dare to hit me?"

Xiao Jing thought about it. It was estimated that no one had a bad life with his impermeable dress. Is it good to live well?

A quiet room, a narrow corridor, and a ghostly walk over.

Morrow looked around cautiously, convinced that there were no idle people waiting, and he opened the door slightly.

Curiosity kept him awake all night, and he had to come over to see if the scene he saw last night was real or an illusion.

The three children in the bed have woke up quietly.

Shen Muxiao rubbed his eyes and looked at a piece of paper on the table. He picked it up.

It said: Take your brother and sister to the cafeteria for dinner.

Shen Xiaoxiao muttered, "Brother, I'm hungry."

Shen Muxiao put her little shoes under the bed, "Mom asked me to take you to dinner."

Shen Xiaoxiao put on her shoes and stared at the paper, "Why Xiao Xiao didn't know?"

Shen Muxiao patted her little face, "Xiao Xiao's brain is used to hold rice, but my brother's brain is used to hold wisdom, understand?"

Shen Xiaoxiao nodded, "So my brother is taking me to dinner?"

Shen Muxiao hugged Shen Sanfen from the bed and looked at his wet urine.

Shen Sanfen felt uncomfortable and twisted his small body.

Shen Muxiao hissed and tossed her urine in the trash.

Shen Sanfen patted his little butt. "Hug, brother hug."

Shen Muxiao took his brother's hand and put on his little shoes. "Let's go and eat."

Morrow hid behind the door frame, probed the probe, and looked at the three small bodies leaving, and he sneaked behind him.

With his years of investigative ability, he has full confidence that the three children must not find his movements.

Shen Sanfen stopped and looked back.

"What happened to Xiaobao?" Shen Muxiao turned around with him.

Shen Sanfen raised his finger and pointed at a large flowerbed about five meters behind them. The flowerbed was about one meter high, and a dwarf pine was planted on it. When the pine needles moved in the wind, a few would fall.

Shen Muxiao said, "Want to spend?"

Shen Sanfen twisted his little waist and ran away.

Morrow closed his eyes, and he never thought he would be found by a little guy who was still wearing urine.

Would you like to run? This was his first reaction.

But think of him as a seven-foot man who was frightened by a little fart child and spread it out, it seemed a bit shameful.

Shen Sanfen bent over, picked up a red butterfly clip on the ground, and ran back again.

Shen Xiaoxiao touched her head, and her clip really dropped.

Shen Sanfen shook his hand, and the butterfly wings trembled slightly.

Morrow stared at the three brothers and sisters who had left, his legs softened, and he held his breath, and he gasped for a while before recovering.

Shen Xiaoxiao took her brother's hand and climbed to the flower bed, picked a small yellow flower bud and put it on his ear.

Shen Sanfen's big eyes turned his head back and forth with Huaying.

"Here." Shen Xiaoxiao pointed to his ear.

The little boy raised his head, his eyes moved to the right, and there was a light yellowish thing.

Shen Xiaoxiao took the little yellow flower for him.

Shen Sanfen held two hands gently. The flowers were still in the shape of bones and flowers, and they were not yet in full bloom. He took the flowers and observed two big eyes.

Shen Xiaoxiao grinned, "Does your brother like it?"

Shen Sanfen pouted and blew.

The small yellow flower bloomed in the bud, with a little nectar sprinkled on the petals. The sun shone brightly.

Shen Xiaoxiao rejoiced, "Opened, opened."

The little boy took the little yellow flower on his ear like his sister, and put it on several times without success.

Shen Xiaoxiao took it and hung him up, "Pretty brother."

Shen Sanfen clapped her hands in excitement and pulled another flower.

Shen Xiaoxiao saw the bud flower waiting to be fully bloomed in her brother's hands, and pointed to her head, "Sister must be beautiful too."

The little boy inserted his sister's hair into her hair, but it did not insert well several times.

Shen Muxiao could not help but took it over, "Brother to help you."

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at the flower above her head full of half-face, and grinned to reveal her eight teeth smiling. "Xiao Xiao is so beautiful."

The little guy pulled up another flower.

Shen Muxiao shook her head. "Brother doesn't wear flowers."

The little guy put it on his forehead, and just walked cautiously with the flowers, for fear that they would fall out.

Morrow poked out his head and rubbed his eyes. He stepped forward incredulously. Most of the flowers in the flowerbed were not blooming, and they were in the state of budding. He tried to pick one, and he also blow Blow.

Flowers seem to laugh at themselves: two fools!

He dropped the flowers, and the answer seemed to be on the horizon.

When Xiao Jing got out of the car, she saw three children running around the playground.

Shen Sanfen took the flower on his forehead, looked at his mother who was getting closer, and stretched out his hands happily.

Xiao Jing squatted down, looked at his **** without diapers, and smiled, "Why did my younger brother tear the urine away?"

Shen Sanfen leaned on her shoulder. "Mom, hug, mom hug."

Xiao Jing looked at the direction the three children were going. "Haven't eaten yet?"

Shen Sanfen patted his belly. "Hungry, my brother is hungry, my brother is hungry."

Xiao Jing walked towards the cafeteria with his three children's hands. "What does my brother want?"

"Captain, I have something to discuss with you." Jiang Shanping hurriedly came up the steps.

Xiao Jing squatted down and said to Shen Muxiao, "Brother takes brothers and sisters to eat."

In the cafeteria, Wang Hai frowned.

The three children lie in front of the window at the same time, with big eyes staring at the big chicken legs inside.

Shen Xiaoxiao flickered with her big eyes, "Uncle, Xiao Xiao wants to eat chicken legs."

Wang Hai was instructed not to give the children such high salt and oil that they would not digest, and he had to euphemistically say, "Uncle stewed chicken rice for you, it is very fragrant and fragrant."

Shen Sanfen supported the glass window with both hands, and his eyes were staring at the big chicken legs that were still shiny.

Wang Hai thought he might have been dazzled for a moment, but he even saw the chicken legs moving?

He rubbed his eyes in a hurry, the chicken thigh or the original chicken thigh, is he really dazzled?

Wang Hai wondered when he walked into the back kitchen, ready to bring out the prepared chicken rice.

When he came out again, the three children had left the window and sat in their places.

Wang Hai was very satisfied and walked over with the meals.

"Dangdang", the plate in his hand seemed to fall on the table without the effect of gravity. He glared his eyes, subconsciously looked back at his window, sealed intact, how did the chicken legs in their hands get from?

The three children's faces were filled with oil stains on their hands, and each one smiled staring at the startled uncle.

Wang Hai took a step and leaned on the table to stabilize himself. Is he a hell?

At first, Morrow thought he was a hell. If you follow the high-energy plot set earlier, it must be that these three children have used special features to let the chicken legs fly out of the window. Hahaha, like the movie special effects, fly by themselves Come out.

However, the reality is that Shen Xiaoxiao dragged Shen Sanfen's feet and shoved it in from the window. Then Shen Sanfen dangled and grabbed three chicken legs, dangled and grabbed three chicken legs, and dangled Three chicken drumsticks.

Morrow covered his head and said, okay, X Superman? How can they show their strength in front of themselves so that they do not follow the plot development?

Was he just blind? See how interested the three children are in cooperating with the thigh? Still stealing chicken drumsticks in such a ridiculous way.

Shen Xiaoxiao finished her chicken legs and licked her fingers. "Uncle, chicken legs are delicious."

Wang Hai swallowed, "How did you get it?"

Shen Xiaoxiao bowed her head in guilty conscience, "Uncle, I'll give it back to you, can you not tell your mother?"

Wang Hai saw the three bones lost by three children at the same time, and said seriously, "You tell me how you got the chicken legs, and I won't tell Captain Xiao."

Shen Xiaoxiao nodded, "Hook."

As a result, Wang Hai stared at the three children with great ambition and re-applied, stealing the chicken leg out of the window.

Stolen upside down?

Shen Sanfen took one in one hand and held one in his mouth, so he stole the chicken leg with a difficult movement.

"Brother, the ribs are also delicious." Shen Xiaoxiao pointed to the window next to her.

Shen Sanfen crawled over and hung the ribs upside down again.

"Brother, buns, buns are delicious." Shen Muxiao pointed to the other side.

Shen Sanfen crawled over again, and he seemed ready to climb in at any time.

"Well, Uncle take it for you." Wang Hai took a deep breath, reached into the window, and took out three meat buns. "Don't do this in the future, it's too dangerous."

The three little children nodded.

Shen Xiaoxiao looked at her brother, "Don't do this in the future, it's too dangerous."

Shen Sanfen turned his head to look at the brother and sister in front of him, took the buns in his mouth, and then patted his hands against the window.

The light flickered without pressure.

Wang Hai looked at the ceiling subconsciously.

Xiao San raised his hand, turned his two fingers, and the still food in the window moved in unison.

Just in the blink of an eye, the food stopped moving again.

The little boy cocked his mouth, as if unhappy.

Shen Xiaoxiao ran back to her seat, carrying meat buns. "Brother, buns are delicious."

Shen Sanfen climbed into the chair, holding the bun with both hands. He stared at the food on the plate without blinking, and raised his hand again.

The contents of the plate moved in resonance, and only moved forward by one or two centimeters and recovered.

Shen Xiaoxiao watched the plate in front of her brother move, and she quietly pulled back again, "This is my sister's."

The little guy finished eating the buns, choked his hand, stretched his head and looked at the plate.

Shen Xiaoxiao hurriedly held things in her arms and pursed her lips. "My brother's here, these are my sister's."

Shen Sanfen raised his hand and hooked his fingers.

Shen Xiaoxiao felt that the things in her arms were shaking, and she was holding her chicken drumsticks firmly. "My brother is not allowed to **** with my sister."

Shen Sanfen stared at the things in her arms brightly, the lights on the ceiling couldn't stop blinking, and the clock on the wall was turning madly.

Shen Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth and said that she would not let go.

"Alas." The two forces touched each other, and Shen Sanfen was ejected and fell to the ground.

Shen Xiaoxiao's body lifted back and fell directly to the ground. The floor was cracked, and the traces crisscrossed like broken toughened glass like spider webs.

Shen Sanfen rolled a circle on the ground, he lay on the ground, staring at the food in the window like a torch.


Before Wang Hai responded, he could hear the glass windows behind him being broken, chicken legs, ribs, buns, and grass flying all over the sky.

Shen Xiaoxiao got up from the ground and blinked.

Shen Sanfen grinned to reveal a smile of eight teeth up and down, and clapped his hands together, and all the food fell off.

Wang Hai stood still, his feet crackled and dropped a bunch of things, he carefully looked at the children's direction.

The three children sat on the stool in an orderly manner, holding each chicken leg and fragrant.

Did he just have an illusion?

No, he may be blind!

Xiao Jing walked into the cafeteria doubtfully, looking at the mess in the ground, wondering, "What's wrong?"

Wang Hai moved his leg. "Captain Xiao, I just saw nothing. I really didn't see anything."

Xiao Jing looked at the glass window and looked at the food in one place. She sat beside the three children, her voice was solemn, "Who did it?"

The three children buried their heads and continued to eat.

Xiao Jing's eyes fell on the smallest figure in the middle instantly, she shook her head, her consciousness flew away, as if something had once again occupied all her senses.

Shen Sanfen also unabashedly looked at the eyes of his mother.

Xiao Jing laughed, "What do you look at me like this? I tell you, don't think you are my brother, I have to make you three points, Lao Tzu is five points, two points more than you."

No one spoke.

Xiao Jing continued to talk to himself, "Is it proud to see you bare butt? I tell you, after I was born, I want you to rub my **** every day, do you want to hit me? Come hit me its me."

"Yeah." Shen Sanfen's chicken thighs were smashed into ashes when he slapped them.

Xiao Jing covered her head and recovered. "What just happened?"