MTL - Kanagawa Taoist College Students-Chapter 33 a string of beads

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"Now it's me, mai's younger brother, it's amazing! I can't believe it. Can you really see those things from our faces? Then you can tell me, when can I find my girlfriend?" The bald black giant looked eagerly at Li Xuehao.

"You?" Li Xuehao was a little funny. He looked at his face carefully and said: "You will have good news next year." Psychology is also quite a feeling. This guy is sick and painless, and his family is smooth. Although life is ordinary and ordinary, but this kind of life is what most people can't afford, and I don't know what good things this guy did in his previous life.

"Really, can I find my girlfriend next year?" Giant looked surprised. After the magic of Li Xuehao, he did not doubt Li Xuehao's words at the moment.

"Yes, you will get married next year." Li Xuehao simply said a little deeper.

"Marriage?" The giant was a little worried. It seemed that he had never considered ending his single life before, but then he figured it out and became excited again. "Can you tell me who she is? Where?"

"If I know, then I am God." Li Xuehao licked his nose. He really wants to know who both men and women are. Then he is old.

"So, do you know what kind of race she is? White? Black or..."

"Enough, giant!" Seven interrupted his eager questioning. I just saw that everyone was asking about business, so he didn't interrupt everyone, and now I see some unreasonable guys asking some messy questions. Naturally, you are welcome.

"Hey, I just ask casually." Giant said a little embarrassed.

Seven put his gaze on Li Xuehao's body: "We continue the topic, you said that I was cursed. Can this curse be lifted? I really don't want to continue to do that **** dream!" Through Li Xuehao's performance, He is also full of confidence in Li Xuehao.

"Yes, mai's younger brother, can the seven curse be lifted?" Phoenix and others heard this and once again focused on Li Xuehao.

"Is this curse very serious?" Seven asked again.

"No, it's not too serious, but in the long run, your body will become very weak, and you may even need to stay in bed for years to cultivate." Li Xuehao explained.

"Which **** is killing me?" Seven looked angry, strong and healthy, but he didn't want to live a life that was not as good as death.

"In fact, it is not difficult to find him." Li Xuehao said at a proper time.


"Well, because of this curse, the operator can't be too far away from you, that is, he came to Japan with you, even near you." Li Xuehao said in detail.

Seven looked around, of course, not to suspect other people in the private room, just an instinctive reaction: "Can you find him now?"

"Yes, but I need one thing from you." Li Xuehao is also very curious about who the operator is, knowing that the kind of disgusting method is unique to zg, foreigners simply won't. Even if it is, it is also learned from the zg people. In either case, Li Xuehao is interested in understanding.

"What?" asked ask.

"A hair can be." Li Xuehao pointed to his head.

"Good." Seven immediately pulled a hair down without hesitation.

His hair roots are vertical, only one inch long, but it does not affect Li Xuehao's play. Holding the hair, reaching for a touch on it, darkening the aura into it, then letting go.

Suddenly, I saw that the short hair was floating, not falling, but rising, and standing up.

This scene of violating the physical phenomenon, the eyes of the people on the side of the scene were once again widened, and the expression of incredible shocked expression, even the maximization of the science of science, was also shocked.

"Follow it, you can find the operator." Li Xuehao pointed to the erect hair that stopped at the top of everyone's head.

"Let's go see it together?" Phoenix looked excited, and this magical thing she encountered for the first time was very exciting.

"Good." The people on the side have no objection.

Li Xuehao stopped their actions: "No, I don't think it's a good idea to follow you."


"Because I still don't know the strength of the operator, if you go with it, if you get hurt, or if you are given a law, I don't have time to rescue."

Listening to Li Xuehao’s saying that several people hesitated, yes, this incomprehensible spiritual thing, plus the “curse” face-to-face, they are afraid that there will be other strange curses. Surgery.

"I will go alone, you are here waiting for my news." Li Xuehao stood up, the hair on the top of his head also moved and floated toward the door.

"Dirty sauce ~ ~" melon raw linen worried about a sentence, although Li Xuehao has already shown his magic, but think of an equally magical opponent, she is not at ease.

"Do not worry, Ma Sister, even if I can't deal with that guy, I can run away." Li Xuehao said with relief, as for the nearby operator, he does not have to worry about coping. Although his strength has not recovered to its peak, it is simply too simple to deal with a guy who needs to be with the subject. Really smart opponents, you don't need to be with the subject, you can let your secret skills work.

"Then you be careful, greasy sauce."

"Yes, remember that safety is the first, but I can't beat it. Will we call the police?" Giant said aside.

"Never, in fact, the guy I can deal with is afraid that you will not be safe." Li Xuehao said quickly, the police must make things big, let alone the police believe it or not, believe it is more serious.

In fact, even if these people are gone, he is not without the means to protect them. However, there are some things that he does not want them to see. And he is afraid that everyone will act together, the goal is too obvious, it is easy to scare away the operator.

From the restaurant, Li Xuehao grabbed the hair in his hand. After all, although the hair is inconspicuous, it may still be discovered. In the hand, the hair will also guide the direction.

Moving in the direction of the hair guide, Li Xuehao quickly discovered the guy who might be the operator.

It was a white man wearing a cap. He was tall and he was almost able to catch up with seven. He stood in front of a stall selling small objects with rattles, mud dolls, wire-packed books and even objects that didn't show specific uses. It is a small thing full of zg charm.

Although he didn't look down, he seemed to think that everything was very novel and he looked at it with gusto.

"Hello." Li Xuehao quietly stepped forward and greeted him in English.

The white man was slightly surprised and turned his head. He saw a fifteen-year-old Asian boy who relaxed a little and said with a low voice: "Hello."

Li Xuehao also saw the other party's appearance at this time, and the heart could not help but move. The appearance of the white man was similar to that of seven, and it would be related to the two.

It’s also a good idea to think about it. If someone who is not close enough can’t get his belongings, it’s impossible to show the technique of disappointment. However, it is actually a blond white, not a black-eyed zg person he imagined. This makes Li Xuehao very curious.

“Where are you traveling to Japan?” Li Xuehao is very curious about foreigners.

"Yes." White men don't seem to like to communicate with people, and there is already some impatience in their tone.

Li Xuehao did not care. He noticed that there was no aura in the other side, but one thing was more interesting and he was wearing it on his right wrist.

It is a string of black bead chains that are not made of any material. They are as big as longan, about ten or so. On the beads, there are also some runes that others can't understand.

However, Li Xuehao understood it. It was the character of the technique of ignorance. The pearl chain also gave off some strange atmosphere. Only the monks could detect it.

"What is this, it seems very interesting?" Li Xuehao reached out and fiddled with the black bead chain on his wrist.

"Don't touch!" The white man was very angry and opened his hand.

It seems that he is really nervous about this thing, Li Xuehao decided not to bend the corner, and whispered: "This is the props of the curse, you come to Japan, just to prevent the curse from failing?"

"Who are you!" Upon hearing this, the white man was instantly tightened.

"Don't be too nervous, I am not malicious." Li Xuehao spread his hand, and the other person did not have the kind of anger that made him hate rejection, indicating that he was also the first victim.

“It’s not convenient to talk here. How about finding a place to talk about?” Li Xuehao pointed to a relatively secluded corner.

The white man looked at him for a while and finally nodded.

"Can you tell me, where did you get this thing?" Li Xuehao pointed to the bead chain in his hand, without any interruption.

"You tell me first, who are you! Why do you know this?" The white man did not answer, but asked.

Li Xuehao said: "It may be complicated. The object of your curse is the netizen of my sister. This time he came to the netizen to meet. I believe this is also known. I came with my sister and found him. There is a curse on the body."

The white man did not say anything, apparently by default Li Xuehao’s statement.

"You should know the person named seven, and his relationship is very close, is it a brother?" Li Xuehao continued to ask.

"Yes, I am his younger brother!" said the white man with a low voice.

"Can you tell me why I curse my brother?" Li Xuehao is even more curious. Brothers and other walls, in addition to being seen on TV, he encountered it for the first time in reality.

"Because he doesn't deserve to be my brother!" The white man said with hatred, with a strong grudge in his tone. "Don't say him again, I won't discuss anything about him!"

"Okay." Li Xuehao shrugged and pointed at the beaded chain. "You haven't told me, how did this thing come?"

"Why should I tell you!" The white man pulled his cuffs and covered the bead chain.

"Because I am familiar with this thing, you should not use it very much. Otherwise, you don't need to follow Japan." Li Xuehao smiled faintly. In fact, this bead chain is a medium, and there is no need for the operator. Personally following the subject, this shows that the white man in front of him may be incompletely used from somewhere.