MTL - Kar98K Upon Touchdown!-v2 Chapter 1321 I have to find a way to do him a shot!

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Li Muqiu's "safe" is certainly not a lie.

Unfortunately, the remaining pig emperor Evermore took Loki too insidiously. When Li Muqiu arrived in front of the parking lot, the two people hiding upstairs saw the other side being crowded and did not shoot immediately.

Looking back at Liu Zilang's sports car, but also a sports car with smoke at the rear, the two upstairs immediately moved their minds.


Even if the opponent is a full formation.

But if they can kill one first, their natural advantage on the defensive side upstairs, even if it is two or three, they will not be without a fight.

And if you do n’t do anything, it ’s impossible for the other four to gather here to clean up. Then they will be surrounded by the four when they are found.

So objectively,

There was no problem with the choice.

If they were given another chance, they would still pull the trigger without hesitation when Liu Zilang's red Ferrari sports car rushed behind.

of course,

The premise is that they do not know who the other party is.


The bullet screamed in my ears, and the fiery red body was beating with trembling sparks!

"Jump! Jump!

The incident was rushed, and other people in the team could not threaten the people on the second floor. Li Muqiu could only yell in his voice with a voice.

At this speed, Liu Zilang will certainly fall when he jumps.

Most of them may be shot dead by the two people upstairs, but if this is not the case, then the only thing that is proper is the car crash and death.

"No! The car is going to blow up!"

"Well! Why didn't Vic jump?"

The commentary stage, the faster and faster the three commentaries, the faster and faster breathing!

When it comes to a moment!

The sports car suddenly rushed to the **** below the room area and disappeared into the opponent's gunfire for a short time.

The next moment, as if the dragon was going out to sea, the sports car suddenly flew along the slope, and Jinghong reappeared in the vision of the two.

"He's there!"

"court death!"

The two laughed together!

Despite the speed of their voices in this red car sports car, since the other party dared to face, it was only a matter of time before it was blown up.

"Huh? What's the matter with Vic?" On the commentary stage, Msjoy's face looked puzzled.

Rongye stared at the game picture and murmured, "He ... seems to be flying to the roof of another house?"

"I seem to understand a bit." Bai Shaobin suddenly thoughtfully looked at the game screen, "Vic, this wave should be wanting to get off the roof and get off the car!"

"His--! This guy is still bold!" Rongye and Msjoy stared at each other suddenly.

Facts have proved that Bai Shaobin's judgment is still accurate. The car in the air rushed to the roof of the house next door after an arc.

At the moment of the fall, a small flame had already been set on the hood of the car.

However, Liu Zilang did not panic. In his plan, after falling off, the car was blown up and used to be a bunker.

And the plan went smoothly.

Relying on his snake-skin car skills and the amazing speed of a sports car, Liu Zilang successfully rushed to the roof of the opposite house before the car was blown up!

The next moment, Liu Zilang got out of the car confidently, with a honey smile on his face, "It's time to perform real technology!"

"Why are you wet?"

Misaka Ginmi blinked in doubt.

"To show off!"

Li Muqiu had a bad airway.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the gun Lin bullet rain only listened to the "slap!"

The sports car tires that fell on the roof loosened and suddenly slipped down!

Liu Zilang just got out of the car and cut out his gun. His footsteps have not stood still. He felt a strong force behind him without warning.

Almost as soon as the car flew him, there was a loud bang behind the car, and the sports car was finally damaged by the bullet. The two men directly bombed the random gun!

The surging fire waves made Liu Zilang look like it was born from fire!

"Wow! It's wet!"

Misaka Koto suddenly cried.

Liu Zilang: ...

Why don't I want to fly!

In fact, all this is tedious, but it happened in a flash.

Too late to regret, Liu Zilang in the air was in a panic, and quickly clamped the girl in his hand between his waist, facing a window on the second floor opposite!

嘭 嘭 嘭 ——!

The MK14's fully automatic gunshot is quick and special, as if the drum hits the eardrum.

Between the flashing fire and fire, two breathtaking blood mists burst out in the air and in the window. Immediately at the top right of the screen, two screens were rolled over!

"Se7en2-Vic knocked out-Evermore with sister control!"

"Se7en2-Vic fell from a height!"

Seeing this thunderous picture,

At this moment, many audiences under the scene and between the live broadcast were suddenly aggressive!

"This ... is that all right?"

Rong Ye turned his head stiffly, looking at Bai Shaobin who had just made a prediction.

"Vic is this ... a mistake? Or is it already in his plan?"

Bai Shaobin was also a little stunned.

At first, he felt that Liu Zilang must have made a mistake, and he still wanted to laugh in his heart.

But Liu Zilang, the "flying grass" in the air, and successfully killed the remaining pig emperor, but he was a bit unsure.

Of course, for Li Muqiu in the game, these are all important.

The moment Liu Zilang took away Evermore,

Inside and outside,

At this instant, both teams knew who their opponents were.

The two of them have changed their faces ~ ~ Can't stop worrying and regret.

Li Muqiu was overjoyed, "I rely on it, this is not the Korean team that jumped into the mansion for us to start! Really, where does life not meet!"

In the end, he hummed and sneered in his mouth.

Se7en2 started off and fell into the mansion, although it said there was no downsizing, but it was not very good. It was chased like a bereaved dog along the way.

Now that they knew what the other party was, they naturally understood that after Liu Zilang knocked down one person, there was only one person left in the building.

A person...

"Red duck!"

Misaka Kotomi held her M4 stuffy head up and looked like a wild boar Page.

Li Muqiu followed closely behind,

Shen Zeyan didn't follow up and didn't save people immediately, but stood still with a gun still.

This is to prevent jumping across the window.

If there is no one below, the other party will definitely say nothing to Liu Zilang kneeling down after jumping the window.

Can make up one is one.

Soon, fierce gunfire was heard from the building, and the two sides of the building and the defending house exchanged fire.

The commentary on the stage quickly commented.

"Look at this wave! What did Menhera Sauce and Qiu Shen say about the waves?"

"The remaining Loki is trying to pull people, but he has heard footsteps."

"Loki is very sensible. He gave up pulling people and started to fight back. The fire was too fierce. Menhera sauce got stuck outside the door and couldn't enter!"

"But wait! Qiu Shen rushed up!"


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