MTL - Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue-Chapter 12 The best way to use a tool is to use it

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"Go, go... You two get to the side!"

Conan and Xiaolan, who had yet to pay back the money, were driven aside by Mouri Kogoro.

As for Ye Genichi, in the memory of Detective Maori, this guy is still Yoko Okino's boyfriend.

Yoko Okino was already in a chaotic mood. At this time, she had to ignore Ye Genyi's existence, and told her that she was being followed, and that she received candid photos and silent phone calls.

Maori Kogoro clenched his fists and stared at Ye Genyi fiercely:

"Do you know these things?"

Ye Geng shook his head: "No, it's the first time I heard about it."

Mouri Kogoro was even more angry: "Hey, as a boyfriend, you are too irresponsible!"

Ye Gengyi replied calmly: "As a detective, your ears are too hard."

"What did you say!"

Mouri Kogoro stepped on the coffee table with one foot, a man of this character could catch up to Miss Yoko, is it just because he is handsome?


A confused detective who doesn't know his wife's beauty is crazy.

Ye Gengichi was fine, but Yoko Okino, who was listening to the conversation between the two, blushed.

She quickly explained:

"No, Mr. Maori, this... This gentleman is not my boyfriend. We just met downstairs."

Regarding the matter of Ye Genyi accepting the hush money just now, as an idol, she is really embarrassed to repeat it, otherwise, it would be like admitting that Mr. Maori was deaf.

"Huh?" Mouri Kogoro was stunned.

"Dad, pay attention to your image!" Xiao Lan reminded from behind.

"Cough cough... I know, I will do my best to investigate for you, then please write the address and phone number here..."

Mouri Kogoro coughed twice, and took out the contract and signature board with a serious look.

What are you doing, so this guy isn't Miss Yoko's boyfriend.

After receiving the contract and signature, Mouri Kogoro's heart blossomed with joy.

At the same time, a prompt appeared on Ye Genyi's retina:

[Trigger investigation of the idol star commissioned event card; task requirements: go to the apartment where Yoko Okino lives to investigate. Mission reward: Random, the current progress is 0%. 】

Strangely, the quest rewards are actually random.

Ye Gengyi was surprised.

Can you still play like this?

Over there, Kogoro Mouri was ready to go out.

After Xiaolan and Conan expressed their intentions, they were also approved.

Ye Gengyi followed calmly.

in the car.

"Hey hey hey, why did you follow along?"

The manager drove the car, Yoko Okino sat in the co-pilot, Ye Genichi, Kogoro Mouri, and Conan sat on Ran's lap in the back.

So fragrant... so soft...

At this point, Conan no longer hates a guy who talks to himself.

"Mr. Maori, I think it's better to let him go. If he is dissatisfied because he can't follow him and talks about today's affairs..."

Facing the whispers that were so close at hand, Ye Genyi had nothing to do except pretend to look at the scenery outside the window.

However, did no one really notice the three little guys in the trunk?

Ye Geng glanced at a famous detective who was thinking about it.

This state does not affect this guy's death halo. If conditions permit, he really wants to study the reasoning of Ke Xue.

Ten minutes later, on the 25th floor of the high-end apartment, Yoko Okino's room, as expected, a murder incident occurred.

A man was stabbed to death with a knife from behind.

It didn't take long for the dedicated Mumu police unit to come.

Ye Gengyi had an impression about this case. Although he forgot his name, he still remembered that the man who died committed suicide, and he was also Yoko Okino's ex-boyfriend.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at the event card.

As a result, the progress bar above is still 0%, and there is no movement.

Do you have to solve the case in front of them?

Ye Genyi frowned.

Once or twice is fine, if it goes on for a long time, even if it is for the reward of the event card, it will not be worth the gain.

"Sir, have we met somewhere?"

After a brief inquiry with the people in the room, the Mumu police department noticed Ye Genyi who had been staying by the door.

"Well, about the Columbus restaurant incident, when I went to the police station to record a statement, I had a relationship with you."

"Oh...I remembered. It turned out to be brother Genichi! I heard from that kid Takagi that the case was successfully solved thanks to you."

After learning that it was a friend who had helped the police, the Mumu police department breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh? Brother Gengyi, have you solved a case before?"

Conan has always been paying attention to Ye Gengyi. He had just been beaten away by Kogoro Mouri, and when he heard this from the Mumu police department, he ran over to inquire in detail again.

Is it really that he made a mistake? This guy in black is actually a good guy?

Ye Geng lowered his head and looked at Conan, who was deliberately pretending to be innocent, and his eyes lit up.

He didn't want to make a name for himself in solving the case, but Conan could do it!

Anyway, this guy never knew what modesty was.

Just tell this kid what you know!

Good job, just do it.

"Conan..." Ye Geng half squatted down.

what's the situation?

Conan's whole body is shaking...

Has this guy changed? Obviously I was looking forward to talking to him, but now I feel a creepy feeling.

Shaking his head fiercely, he suppressed the strange feeling.

Conan said, "Brother Gengyi, what's the matter?"

Ye Geng asked the question directly: "You also noticed that something was wrong in the room."

Speaking of this, Conan also had a serious expression on his face.

"Well, the temperature of the air conditioner, the water on the ground, and that strange chair..."

Wait...why did I tell him this.

not right...

Conan stared vigilantly. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Ye Geng ignored him and continued: "The way the knife pierced was also very strange, and there was a dent on the wooden floor over there that was pressed by the handle of the knife."


A flash of light flashed in Conan's mind.

"I thought of it, right." Ye Gengyi's calm voice continued, "That guy should have committed suicide."


Ye Geng stood up and said, "You need to find the reason yourself. I'm just giving you an idea."

"No, I didn't ask this..." Conan lowered his head.


"Why would you tell me this little kid..."

Conan raised his head, this time he only had one pair of glasses reflecting the white light.

Ye Gengyi looked at Mouri Kogoro over there and said:

"Because I just had a quarrel with that uncle, and I don't want to talk to him now."

(⊙▽⊙) What?

"It's... that simple?" Conan was stunned, "But... But, you can tell the police directly..."

"I'll be famous that way. I'm a professor, and I don't want to be regarded as an unprofessional job. In short, I'll leave the rest to you. You can do it, Edogawa Conan."

"Of course." Conan nodded with a serious look on his face when he was asked solemnly.

"Let's go." Ye Geng waved his hand and slipped away from the scene while the police were not paying attention.

He also needs to quickly find a pool of standing water to damage his phone, what if he is always near Conan.

Looking at the event card that had jumped to 99% progress, Ye Genyi was very satisfied, and his thinking was correct.

This time, Kogoro Mouri is Conan's tool man, and Conan is his tool man.
