MTL - Kill That Villain!-Chapter 11 Coincidence, pure coincidence!

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At the foot of the mountain.

Running down from the ninth peak, Chang Yaoye's brows were tightly furrowed, and from time to time she raised her head and glanced at the dark peaks.

The robe that Ling Feng threw over her shoulders was already draped over her shoulders, but she still felt cold all over her body, without a trace of warmth.

The aura that burst out from the peak just now was terrifying. If she didn't come down earlier, the aftermath alone could seriously injure her!

Compared with that momentum, it doesn't matter who placed the contents in the porridge.

There are no clues left or right. Since the opponent can make the next move, then he can make the second move. As long as he makes a move, he can always seize the opportunity to seize the opponent.

"It's been so long, and it's almost dawn, the poison on his body... should have been suppressed, right?" Chang Yaoye, who asked this question, was at a loss.

She went back and forth and turned a few times, but she couldn't hold back. Just before dawn came, Chang Yaoye swept up to the top of the mountain with a single movement.

Falling flowers are all over the ground, and the residual fragrance is full of tea.

The entire peak was silent, and there was no movement at all.

The lights in the bedroom have been extinguished. I think the old guy is too tired to fall asleep.

However, the gate of the palace has been damaged like that, and it is really not easy for that old guy to still be able to fall asleep!

Withdrawing her gaze, Chang Yaoye glanced at the flower tree that was knocked out of the way.

The traces left by the previous struggle are still there, but the person has left.

Thinking of the scene that happened before, Chang Yaoye couldn't help blushing and heartbeat. In her moist eyes, she couldn't help but feel a hint of embarrassment.

It's all to blame for that drugger!

If it wasn't for him, how could he be so frivolous?

Fortunately, there are only two of them in this ninth peak, there really needs to be a third person...

Just thinking about it, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a flash of fire in the row of houses on the mountain wall.

Chang Yaoye's eyes narrowed, and the heart that had just been put down was raised again.

"Isn't there really a third person present?"

I really want to be seen by others...

Chang Yaoye didn't dare to think about it any longer, so he lowered his body and ran to the bright room to erase it.

There are a lot of houses in this row below the mountain wall, large and small enough to have hundreds of rooms.

Except for the one where Chang Yaoye lived, almost all the rooms were empty.

Although the ray of light just appeared for a short time, Chang Yaoye could still determine that the room that emitted the light was near the room where she lived.

She converged her figure and came to the house. Several houses were silent, except for the one on the farthest side, there was a faint sound of breathing.

"It's actually hidden in my room, shouldn't this person be the one who prescribed the medicine before?" Chang Yaoye couldn't help but wonder.

I can't feel the breath of the other party, but judging from the breath, I can't tell which step the other party's cultivation has reached.

However, being able to poison the porridge silently without being discovered by the old guy, the cultivation base of the other party would not be too low.

At the very least, it is only the strong person above the golden core.

Her current cultivation base is in the fake pill realm. When she was entangled with the old guy before, she had already been exposed, so she didn't need to hide it anymore.

It's just that the opponent's cultivation base is not low, and she doesn't have any weapons in her hands, so it's inevitable that she will suffer a loss...

Afraid that the other party would notice, Chang Yaoye did not dare to use his divine sense.

Having lived on the ninth peak for fourteen years, no one is more familiar with this area than her, even with her eyes closed, she can find what she wants.

When the other party didn't notice, Chang Yaoye went around the side of the house, walked into the outer room through the small door of the kitchen, and then listened for a while in the outer room before leaning towards the bedroom door.

Maybe the other party has noticed, or maybe he has left.

When Chang Yaoye came to the door of the bedroom, the door leading to the outside had already opened to the gap, and the extremely subtle breathing sound had disappeared.

"Is it such a coincidence to go?" Looking at the open door, Chang Yaoye's eyes flashed with doubts.

If the other party leaves, that's fine. If not, then he has already discovered himself and chose to hide.

After all, she is not the only one on Jiufeng. Once he makes a move to attract the old guy, it will not be so easy for the other party to leave.

Thinking of Ling Feng who had made such a battle before, Chang Yaoye suddenly felt a little more confident in his heart.

When he searched the room again, he was not as careful as before, he directly opened the bedroom door, took out the flint and lighted the oil lamp.

The faint light flickered twice and quickly ignited, and at this time, the scene in the whole room also came into Chang Yaoye's eyes.

Except for the water stains on the ground and the slightly messy bed, nothing else has changed, not even the vanity box on the cabinet has been moved.

"no one?"

This result really surprised Chang Yaoye.

There are only these things in the room. Except for the things in the vanity box that are of some value, there is nothing of value.

"Looks like he's really gone, hum, don't let me meet you again, otherwise, you'll definitely look good!"

After speaking, he threw his robe on the bed, twisted his waist and went outside to fetch water to wash his face.

on the beam.

After Chang Yaoye walked out of the bedroom, Ling Feng, who was hiding on the inside of the beam, secretly let out a sigh of relief.

I have no one's luck anymore, and even the house I just found has an owner. Is there any reason for this?

But then again, there are so many rooms here, why did she have to choose this one? Wouldn't it be better to find a more spacious one?

This shabby house is small and short, it doesn't even have a window, the only place to leave is the door.

It's a pity that Chang Yaoye was washing over there, and even if he wanted to leave, he couldn't get around her!

"Hey, I wouldn't have read the new chapter if I knew it earlier. If Divine Sense was always outside, UU Reading would have found out that the girl was back, so I wouldn't have to face this embarrassing situation."

After muttering angrily, Ling Feng stuck out half of his head from under the roof beam and aimed at the outer room.

But just as he stuck his head out, he was facing a pair of dark pupils!

Ling Feng: "..."

Sweat dripped from his forehead, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

The originally not very spacious room was made even more cramped by the addition of two large living people.

"You, why are you here?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking this? Why did the Master come to my room? Besides, he became a gentleman on the beam?"

Ling Feng: "..."

"Do you believe me when I said I was just here to sleep?"

Looking at Chang Yaoye's mocking appearance, Ling Feng sighed and shook his head, jumping off the beam as soon as he moved.

"Forget it, I know you won't believe it..." As he was talking, Ling Feng's eyes suddenly fell on Chang Yaoye: "Eh? When did you change your clothes?"

Chang Yaoye: "..."

A red glow instantly rose from the cheeks that were still cold like Shujiu Frost.

"go out!"

Ling Feng: "..."

"I am the peak master of Jiufeng, and you are the one who wants to go out!"

Chang Yaoye: "..."

"this is my room!"

Ling Feng: "The entire nine peaks are mine!"

Chang Yaoye: "......"

【Ding! Chang Yaoye favorability -1, Chang Yaoye favorability -2, Chang Yaoye favorability -3]

Ling Feng: "..."

"Just go out when you go out. There are so many rooms on the peak, which one is better than this one!"