MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 17

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Under the dazzling bright light, it is the simple and elegant decoration design in the command lounge. Although it is in European style, it is more of a Chinese style in the details. The two are not confused, but they are not confused. There is an inexplicable harmony.

Someone once commented on this -

The nobleness of the Bertram family has long been deeply rooted in his bones, but the heritage of the Chinese family has never disappeared, thus shaping the world-class conductor's unique first-class command style.

At this moment, the man stood in the middle of the room.

As if I felt a violent impact, it shocked his brain and suddenly he couldn’t come back. He hasn't had the opportunity to see it once in Europe for many years. I didn't expect... It was so easy to achieve it in China? !

Du Sheng looked at the shocked look of the side, and some feelings in his heart, "Small seven is still relatively calm", but his face is a smile: "Why, seeing Pok Oi’s chief conductor is a little surprised?" Du Sheng deliberately lowered the voice of the voice: "This is the opportunity that Tan Lao gave you special creation. Although he has been deeper on the piano, he also learned the violin for more than ten years. The music is interoperable. Are you still not?"

After being astonished by the earthquake, he calmed down. Listening to Du Sheng's words, he gently decapitated, then he stepped forward and walked over.

In fact, he had noticed his movements when Du Sheng opened the door. He talked with Tan Lao and looked at Du Sheng with Yu Guang, and looked at what he was doing. When the door opened a little bigger, he frowned slightly, and the next second he saw a young and straight young man appeared in front of the door.

It's him.

Suddenly flashed such a voice in my heart, I haven’t thought much more, I heard the sound of Tan Zhenghui’s voice: “Hey, this is a younger I am very concerned about, the deputy of the second violin group of our b city symphony orchestra. Chief. Maybe you have seen him before, he yelled, used to play with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra in the Golden | Hall."

Seeing that Tan Laodu personally introduced himself, he politely showed a smile and said: "Hello, Mr. Hello, I am jealous." At this time, I naturally know that I did not read the wrong person. So, he said: "It is a great honour for you to come and listen to our concert."

The words of the youth are not leaking, and they have done a lot of courtesy and have not hidden their own joy.

He groaned for a moment, and reached out and held his hand: "Hello."

It was only a short period of disengagement that quickly loosened. Even if it was calm, I couldn’t help but feel a little excited, but he also knew that this was a chance for Tan Lao to make him know. He wouldn’t rush to open his mouth. .

But he didn't speak, but he whispered, "Have you played with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra? Is it a special guest? What song is it playing?"

All of a sudden, I was asked three questions, and I looked down at each other consciously. His gaze fell into a pair of deep black scorpions and let him squat for a moment. Then, smirked and replied: "It is eight | nine years ago, and it is the cooperation with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, mainly playing Tartini's music."

When answering this question, he seemed calm and calm, but only he knew that if he was not sitting at the position of deputy chief, he would not know how to answer it.

However, he also remembered that Bai Ai was performing in the UK, and he should not go to the concert.

Sure enough, I heard the words, I gently know that I know, and then I have no chance to talk.

The talent of classical music has never had a positive correlation with age. Although Tan Zhenghui is more than twice as old as he is, he also understands that this cold and courteous man is indeed higher in music.

So in this conversation, I also found out that the main control of the rhythm is still embarrassing. But the latter did not make Tan Lao feel a trace of embarrassment, not a person who likes to laugh, but he maintains an absolute gentlemanly manner, seriously answering every question of Tan Lao, and sometimes can supplement.

I can't help but think of it: No wonder someone once said that talking with you is a pleasure. Because this man does have a feeling that makes you feel like a spring breeze, so that you feel that you are valued.

Of course, after I got used to it, I told Daniel about my first impression of jealousy. How did Daniel answer?

Daniel: "Nonsense! It’s just a joke of Adam! Is it a bastard, he squeezes, he exploits, he is the law of the world | Sith!!!"

But unfortunately, Mr. Qi's law|Sisi object list never has the name of Xiaoqi, and the fact that Daniel is shouting his throat will never change.

Having said that, he and Tan Zhenghui did not talk for a long time. He and the blonde agent waiting for him were ready to leave. Tan Zhenghui, Du Sheng and the three of them personally sent them from another channel to the exit. Standing in the glamorous night scene of the city of B, they felt some unreal.

On the streets of the bustling streets, although the neon lights shimmered with inexhaustible light, the rich night light became the best obstruction at this time. Daniel went to pick up the car first. He and Tan Lao said a few more words. When he talked with Du Sheng again, he finally returned to his eyes.

In front of this person, don't say anything, that is, the original Lu Ziwen can only be regarded as a younger generation.

So he didn't let the other person speak first. He smiled politely and said, "Mr. Hey, I used to see the concert you directed in Europe. At that time, Beethoven's "Walstein Concerto" left for me. I was very impressed. At that time, you were a piano conductor, and it was very shocking to be able to make the piano and the conductor seamless."

In the darker night, he groaned slightly and looked at the young man in front of him. Because of the presence of Tan Zhenghui and Du Sheng, he could not directly skip them and talk to the young man, but he always remembered that this person really made him notice a surprise in the concert.

Well, the performance of the entire orchestra is very good, but it can be called a surprise, only this person.

He opened his lips: "Thank you for your love, your violin is very good."

The sound of the cockroach was cold and low, and the tone was very gentle. Just when he thought that the other party had ended his conversation with himself, he heard the other person suddenly ask: "What was the tone of the car whistling?"

"e tune do..." replied consciously, but in the next moment of his voice, he suddenly stopped.

He looked up at the other side of the brush, and he looked up and found that he and the beautiful face of Zhang Junmei were only separated by less than ten centimeters! He quickly stepped back, but just stepped on an empty space, and the body immediately fell back to the balance.

He reached out and grabbed the waist of the youth, and pulled him back with force.

Suddenly the distance was so close that the whole person was completely stunned, and he looked at the man who was close at hand. He was a little surprised. He didn't expect the reaction of the other party to be so big. He almost fell into the endless stream of traffic.

So he hurriedly pulled the other side back, but in the next second, it was just right with the beautiful pupils of the youth.

It was like returning to the first confrontation at the concert, just for a moment, the two felt a century-long long-term, and even felt the weak and hot breathing of the other side.

The next moment, he immediately released his hand that was wrapped around his waist.

"Small seven! What happened to you? Just an accident!"

"Small seven, how are you, are you scared?"

Tan Zhenghui and Du Sheng hurried forward and asked anxiously. On the other hand, Daniel pressed the horn of the car and indicated that he could leave. Just before leaving, this cold and elegant man was hesitant to hesitate for a moment, and finally walked to the side of the beggar, squatting down and whispering a word in his ear.

It was not until the black atmosphere of the car disappeared into the traffic, and it was only after the return.

What did you just say? ......

I can't believe it, but his good hearing doesn't allow him to hear the words.

He says--

"I really want to hear your solo. 』


In the quiet and peaceful carriage, Daniel drove leisurely and said: "The level of the B City Symphony Orchestra is still very good. The level of Du Sheng has reached a very high level. Unfortunately, it is a little older. Otherwise the orchestra may consider signing him."

Daniel said to himself, but the man sitting behind the driver's seat turned slightly to look out the window, not much to say.

"Oh, yes, the young man who came in today is Tan Zhenghui? I asked him to introduce it to you personally. It seems that he attaches importance to the young man." As he said, Daniel touched his chin and said: "Well. It looks a bit familiar and looks good."

Along the way, good sound insulation conditions completely isolated the noise of the city outside the car, although only Daniel said alone, but he did not feel bored. When the car turned a corner and drove down the elevated, Daniel was laughing and planning to open some music, and suddenly he heard a low magnetic male voice.

"Oh... the level is very good, his talent is very high, you have to check it. I should have done something in Vienna before."

Daniel snorted and asked reflexively: "Well? What?"

The city's grotesque lights shine through the dark window stickers into the car, laying a shadow on the man's beautiful face like a sculpted face.

For a long time, I sighed and said: "Let's go find him and the album recorded by the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, I want to hear..."

"His solo."