MTL - King of Classical Music-Chapter 217

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Because the affairs of Wei Ai are still very busy, before the members of Yi and Hua Ai are familiar with it, I have not cooperated with this orchestra for the time being. Instead, I will return to Wei Ai to carry out some daily practice rehearsals and prepare for it. The next day, I will formally join the orchestra.

After the end of an afternoon practice, I walked to the third rehearsal room with my own box. The door of the concert hall itself was half-hidden, and when the shackles were pushed open along the gap, they saw that the members of Hua Ai were soft on the seats, and they were weak and seemed to have experienced a big battle.

Strangely walked forward from the aisle in the middle of the seat, I saw that Yongzheng was standing on the side of the stage and spoke to Julian. After seeing the shackles, after they said two more sentences, Zhu Liyang shouted: "Today's rehearsal is over."

All Hua Ai members came to the spirit, and each of them straightened their backs.

Then he walked down the steps and walked to the side of the beggar in a few steps. He whispered: "Is the rehearsal of Vai love finished?"

At this time, Zhu Liyang smiled and said, "Tomorrow's rehearsal can continue to cheer." Daddy, the entire Chinese Philharmonic Orchestra was horribly mournful.

He looked at him with amazement and then smiled and replied: "Well, today's practice is over. Mr. Dorensa is still not coming back in the United States, but tomorrow Mr. Motor will come to the orchestra to direct rehearsal. It will be a little easier." Suddenly, Xiao Xiao bent his throat and curiously asked: "What did you do this afternoon, it seems... Hua Ai's members are very tired?"

Hearing words, the handsome and elegant man gently raised an eyebrow, and then said softly: "Nothing, just a little bit of a break, probably master their current level and the style, tone of the orchestra, tomorrow, waiting for you. The rehearsal should be smoother."

Although I still want to ask something more, but looking at the expression of "I am talking about the big truth", he can only helplessly spread his hand and smiled: "Is it... they are all Your tolerance has been touched?"

The thin lips are slightly hooked, and the face is not changed. "Well, you should be very touched."

Hua Ai people at the tip of the ear: "..................!!!!"

Do you dare to point your face! ! !

Although this is the case, but after laughing and greeting the members of the orchestra and then leaving with them, the members of the Huaxia Philharmonic Orchestra looked at their backs, and suddenly someone said softly: " Mr. Yu... Is it living with Xiaoqi? I think Xiaoqi seems to come to him naturally..."

"Probably they are familiar, so let's go together."

"No matter what, I don't want to see Mr. 闵's horrible look again. Who will open a small stove with me this evening? I just accidentally slammed a note, then the murderous look was brushed. Alright! Scared me..."

"You are fine! I have been pulling the Const march for ten times in a row. I also liked this song by Mr. Yu very much before today. I often practiced it, but now I swear, I don’t want to hear it in my life. This song is over!"


Hua Ai’s members mourned one after another. The orchestra’s agent, Zhu Liyang, saw this and smiled: “You are still not used to the rhythm of the international top orchestra. As far as I know, you are already used to you as much as you can, and then give it to you. Lowering the standard. It is said that when he was in Bai Ai, he once let a member cry and want to go home."

The Chinese people who are shaking all over the world: "..."

So, is it really enough to have enough gas?

Just when everyone was packing things and going back to the hotel to take a rest, Sheng Yanhui, sitting in the deputy chief position, couldn’t help but look up at the direction of the gate. At this moment, Yan and Yi had already left the rehearsal room, but Sheng Yanhui looked at it complicatedly, and had not looked away for a long time.

They... just go together?

Sheng Yanhui always feels that perhaps these two people really live together.

Just like what he saw in the city of s that night, in fact, the relationship between the two people... really is not a big one.


Under the dark night of Vienna, the singer carried the box and walked on the red brick road. Today, it is rare that the moonlight is dark, so the stars in the sky will bloom infinite light, densely adorned in the black night, like a diamond star, extraordinary.

"There are several songs of this performance that are yours. In fact, I have practiced it a few times in the past few days, so that I don't have to wait until I am on the court. It would be too shameful," he said with a smile.

After all, it was in Vienna, even though it was already dark, but I was careful to wear a cap that looked at the wide-brimmed hat and covered my face. The other is wearing a pair of sunglasses, barely obscuring a little face.

Walking in Vienna, the capital of music, is to be cautious, because people here may not know Beckham, but they may know the chief of Vai. Yes, compared to the 有着 with the title of the king of modern classical music, it is clear that the violinist of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra is more popular and loved by the citizens of the city.

Listening to the words of the youth, licking the thin lips and laughing, said: "Which of the exercises?"

I recalled it carefully: "D major, "f minor", and the sonata of "e minor", I also practiced a little."

Hearing the words, the man's tone is low, and he seems to have an unpleasant opening: "That... "A major violin sonata"?"

戚暮 戚暮 怔: "When did you have a "a major violin sonata"?"

I saw a faint eyebrow: "It also has an alias."

Curious: "What?"

The handsome and indifferent man smiled and smacked his thin lips. In the romantic stars of the sky, he saw him slowly lean down and whispered in the ear: "It is also called..." Dedicated to me The twilight."

When the time of the ear is hot, even if you don't see it, you can guess that you must be red at the moment. He quickly stepped back and avoided the man's movements. Then he said, "What do I do in "The Twilight under the Moonlight"? This performance has no such song, and this is also a piano violin ensemble sonata."

Looking at the shameful appearance of the young man, the face is still a look of a face, but it can not hide the joy of the eyes. He gently beheaded: "Okay, let's go home... slowly ensemble."


Although this is the case, when they arrived at home, they did not really play the "Twilight in the Moonlight".

After two people ate a bit of dinner at random, he took out the score and began to study every detail in detail. Even the strength and weakness of each note were studied in detail.

When I waited for the scores of the rehearsals to be rehearsed tomorrow, I also took out my own violin and played the tunes that I had to rehearse tomorrow.

The young, slender and slender fingers are quickly moving on the strings. Every jump and button is like the visual enjoyment of God's gift. The skillful and superb skills are even awkward and can't pick out a little problem.

In this Vienna concert of Hua Ai, the songs they performed were all original by the Chinese. Because of the invitation to carry out the command, there are four preferred symphonies in the performance of the six songs, and one of the "First Symphonic Overture" by Mr. Guan Xia and Mr. Chen Gang and Mr. He Zhanhao. Liang Zhu.

This "No. 9 Violin Concerto in d major" is the first song to be rehearsed tomorrow, which was written when he was 21 years old.

The style of this song is light and clear, and the tunes are very warm and enthusiastic, especially the first movement to be played at this concert - "Cones March", with a grand and joyful rhythm and exhilarating momentum, very young people's vitality. .

Although this Cones March is secretly called "Hell" by many violinists, this song is not too difficult for him, even one of his favorite songs.

After the end of the song, in front of the composer, he smiled and sang one of the most familiar melody again with a fancy technique, then put down his bow and looked at the seat. The composer on the piano bench smiled and said: "Hey, I remember when you wrote this "Cons"... It seems to be 21 years old?"

Suddenly I heard this, and I calmly raised an eyebrow and asked: "Well, so?"

戚暮 戚暮 起 唇 唇 , , , , , , 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮 戚暮

The time is not forgiving: "..."

"The song you are writing now has no original edges and sharp edges. It seems to be more sleek." He sat on the piano bench with the violin and chuckled his chin and said, "But I am also very I like the songs you wrote in the past, they are very energetic, and there is a hope of prosperity. It is unstoppable."

After listening to this, the sly scorpion flashed a smile, and he asked with anger: "So... I have no hope now?"

I immediately shook my head: "You can't say that, probably... um, age, month, no, Rao, people."

The trick of not being able to make a fuss or a blow to the cone: "..."

But for a moment, the man who was sulking came directly to the violin in the hands of the young man. In the surprised and surprised eyes of the latter, the man stood up slyly and put the bow gently on the strings, then -

Play it fiercely.

The pair of hands that had just been pressed on the piano keys, while pressing the strings while pulling the bow. Countless beautiful and moving rhythms flowed out of the sound hole, and the melody was repeated and strange, even the 戚暮 did not hear the song.

In fact, this temperament is not very moving, but there is a kind of passionate and vigorous spirit, as if looking for a breakthrough export, and constantly strive to enter. The repeated melody also proved this, and at the end of the day... suddenly stagnate and finally ended in three short, slow notes.


The sensation can't help but applaud.

Everyone thinks that you are not good at violin, yes, but this is compared to his piano. In fact, although the violin's violin strength may not be able to smoothly enter the Bai's violin group, if you want to evaluate his violin level, no one except himself will judge the word "bad".

戚暮 Carefully recalled the rhythm of the previous one and curiously asked: “Is the **** of repeated practice so an Etude? I have never heard of it before? Is it a new song by a contemporary composer?”

Under the dim light of the piano room, holding the violin in one hand, looking at the young man in front of him. In the dim moonlight, his body was reflected in a faint moonlight, which looked very soft, but the sturdy gas field could not be ignored.

I saw a low smile and a lip: "Is it a master of composition?... Well, it’s good. It’s an Etude that he just played impromptu, you can call it - "The First of the Vital Etude." ”

Suddenly understand the embarrassment: "..............."

After a long while, I silently asked: "The first one? Is there a second and third one?"

The decapitated decapitation: "Well, from the composer's 31 to 41, 51 years old...and even 101 years old with his lover, I think there should be countless first "Essence Etudes" Let's go."

"Are you sure he can be 101 years old with his lover?" He smiled and snorted, and said in a plain voice: "Hey, today, listening to the Jenna of the flute group, she is a boyfriend who has been away from home for ten years. Recently broke up with her..."

"you dare!!!"

Junxiu's beautiful young man screamed and laughed. His nephew turned and said: "I remember that in this piano room, some people took the trouble to give me the "Don's Memory" and "Peterru". Ska, "Dance of the Dead"... I was thinking at the time, is your hand not sour?"

In a word, the time was reset to a year ago.

He gently put the violin back into the case and stepped back to the piano to sit down.

Beside him, the young man was still sitting two years ago. This piano is no different from two years ago, and the difficult piano skills still seem to be in the piano for a long time. Reverberate.

He couldn't help but lean on the man's shoulder and whispered in a low voice: "It has been so long... oh, I want to hear you play the dance of death again..."

The youth voice just fell, and the beautiful and gorgeous piano sounded loudly.

There is no slight difference between this song and a year ago, but the person who listened to this song is no longer the relationship of the year.

This is the first year they have been together, listening to this fierce and gorgeous "Dance of the Dead", 戚暮