MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 17 I decided to write a few books first

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In the old king's office, Li Daniu sat on a somewhat old office chair, looking at the information provided by Burns.

"Your Highness, according to the information we have collected in the past few days, the options we have are actually close to zero."

"No way? I remember that many countries sell islands." Li Daniu did not doubt Burns' professional ethics. Although he had only been in contact with him for a few days, Burns' work attitude was indeed good on the surface. Very serious and responsible.

"You are right. There are indeed many countries buying islands, such as Australia, which is relatively close to us, Greece, which is in economic crisis, and even a superpower like the United States, which also sells islands." Burns explained: "But Their sales are all state-to-private sales. Whether it is an individual or a company, they can buy these islands from them, but this kind of purchase is under the premise of retaining sovereignty, just like buying a house Similarly, although you have the right to use or even renovate, the land where this house is located, in essence, still belongs to the state.”

"You mean, there is no country-to-country sale?" Li Daniu frowned, this was much more troublesome than he imagined.

"Strictly speaking, in the last territorial transaction between countries, only Russia sold Alaska to the United States."

In this world, there is also such a thing. Russia sold Alaska, which is equivalent to one-fifth of the current US territory, for US$7.2 million, but that happened in 1867.

"So, in the past 100 years or so, there has never been a case where a country sold its land, including its sovereignty, to another country."

Li Daniu was really worried now. He originally thought that the problem could be solved as long as he earned money, but now he found it so difficult.

Before traveling, Li Daniu often saw similar news about selling islands. For example, Greece sold a batch of small islands because of the debt crisis. Although it is a small island, there are many with an area of ​​several million square meters, and the highest price does not exceed two million euros. Based on this price, Li Daniu's 200 million US dollars can definitely buy a place larger than the current land area of ​​Tuvalu.

One square kilometer is equal to one million square kilometers, and Tuvalu only has a total of more than 20 square kilometers, and it will cost tens of millions of euros if it is exhausted.

Moreover, buying the island privately is not a big news. In the original Datian Dynasty, there were many local tyrants who were the owners of the island in Australia.

But now it seems that Li Daniu's idea is too simple.

As Burns said, after buying these islands, they only have the right to use, but not autonomy, and the purpose of Li Daniu buying the islands is to build his new kingdom, the real kingdom, if he cannot have the autonomy of the land, then Will his kingdom be recognized? If the kingdom is not recognized, isn't that equivalent to the direct subjugation of the country?

Although Tuvalu said it was going to be submerged by sea water, it would have to wait at least fifty years. If you have worked hard to relocate the country, but find that the country is directly subjugated, then Li Daniu has no place to cry, because the system has said that if Tuvalu is subjugated, then the system will withdraw, and even before the withdrawal, Li Daniu will be taken away by the way. This little life is taken away.

"Of course, just because it didn't happen doesn't mean it won't happen." Looking at Li Daniu who was frowning, Burns continued: "If you haven't tried hard, who would know if it will be successful?"

For Burns, if he can buy a place with a better living environment, then his value will be reflected. It won’t be like now, where he can’t develop anything if he wants to develop, and can only cry poor in the international community every day Seek assistance.

"Well said." Li Daniu praised Burns' chicken soup for the soul.

"Your Highness, in the information you read, we have already marked some islands that are suitable for us. As soon as you confirm, I will start negotiations with the countries to which those islands belong. No matter whether it is successful or not, we must work hard to know. .”

Li Daniu had already finished looking through the information, all of them were islands, and Burns had also communicated with him about this before. Tuvalu has lived by the sea for generations. Although there are also plantations, they are all tropical plants such as coconuts and bananas. The main source of income is fishing.

This has also resulted in the situation that the vast majority of people in Tuvalu cannot survive without the sea. And before Li Daniu boasted that he wanted to support all Tuvaluans, but as far as the current situation is concerned, Li Daniu does not have this ability. Therefore, Burns and other high-level Tuvalu officials suggested that the preferred target should be the island.

"This Auckland Islands looks pretty good." Actually, Li Daniu doesn't care whether his kingdom is on the mainland or on the island. He only has one requirement, that the country should not perish.

"Yes, from the current point of view, the Auckland Islands should be the most suitable." Burns has already memorized the information on the several islands provided in his information by heart.

"The Auckland Islands are located more than 400 kilometers off the southwest coast of New Zealand. They have a temperate marine climate. In this regard, they are very suitable for our survival."

"It covers an area of ​​more than 600 square kilometers, and it has abundant rainfall and fresh water sources. It is a designated animal and flora protection area, and in the surrounding sea area, the fishery resources are much better than ours in Tuvalu."

"Why is there no one living in such a good place?" Li Daniu was a little curious. No matter from the information or the pictures, it can be seen that this island is very suitable for human habitation and has beautiful scenery.

"Because there are too many hidden reefs around it, and the terrain along the coast is very complicated, so it is very easy to cause shipwreck and death. A social reformer in the UK once led a group of people to move to it, but they only insisted on it." Two years. And the observatory that New Zealand once set up on it was completely closed sixty years ago."

Although Li Daniu has read this material, reading it casually by himself is completely different from listening to Burns' dictation. Now he just wonders if Burns is going to start cheating himself.

"In this case, why is it suitable for us?"

"First of all, the group of people who immigrated before were part of a social group and were unable to form a complete small society. In addition, the social development level at that time was limited and there was not enough material support, so they were doomed to fail. But we are different. Although Tuvalu is small, we have a complete society, and in the current era, the material level is abundant, and we can get enough support."

"Secondly, although the terrain near the Auckland Islands is very bad and prone to shipwrecks, the current level of technology can completely avoid this from happening. We only need one shipping route, which is enough."

"In the end, New Zealand doesn't need this piece of land at all. Not only do they have to spend a lot of energy and money on this piece of land every year to maintain this piece of natural heritage, but they don't get any return. As early as thirty years ago Some senior New Zealand officials suggested selling the island for private development."

After listening to Burns' explanation, Li Daniu probably understood that for this island, New Zealand was unable to develop it before, and now there is no need to develop it.

"So, what is your estimate of the island?"

Burns was very excited when he said just now, but when he heard Li Daniu asking the price, he immediately became frowning.

"The price of the islands is impossible to estimate now, because this is a seller's market. However, judging from the current international island sales prices, the price of the Auckland Islands should be about 200 million US dollars. But the later costs will be great. Yes. On the Auckland Islands, there is currently only one Auckland Airport, and there is no other infrastructure. To build basic living facilities that can satisfy 11,000 Tuvaluans, at least 300 million U.S. dollars is required. After all, we have to start from zero start."

"300 million? Is it US dollars?" Li Daniu was completely confused by this budget, and this is still basic living facilities. If you want to develop, you can't just rely on basic living facilities. How much will it cost to upgrade again?

Li Daniu really wanted to spend 300 million U.S. dollars on Burns' face and ask him to distribute it to the eleven thousand citizens of Tuvalu, so that each person could get nearly 30,000 U.S. dollars.

"Yes, because all building materials have to be imported, and we don't have many things that we have in Tuvalu that can be moved there. But in the later stage, our investment can be reduced, because the resources in the Auckland Islands are still relatively rich. Yes, we can develop industries, and we can be self-sufficient in many things, and we no longer need to rely on imports.”

Burns' addition made Li Daniu feel a little better. After all, judging from the current situation in Tuvalu, if you don't relocate, according to the original way of life, everything depends on imports, and 300 million US dollars can persist. for how long?

Because of the rising sea level, when a big wave comes, one-third of Tuvalu will be submerged. Therefore, in recent years, Tuvalu's output has become less and less, and its economic deficit has become higher and higher. It is always unable to make ends meet. Coupled with the low level of medical treatment, the average life expectancy is only forty years old. Perhaps before the entire country is submerged, all the people in Tuvalu will leave.

No matter how much you love this land, how many people can stick to it in the face of disease and death?

"300 million U.S. dollars is no problem, even if 200 million U.S. dollars to buy the island is not enough, there is no problem. I need you to get these things done as soon as possible. What I can provide you is funds." Li Daniu is not bragging, because the purchase is so big An island in China must also have autonomy. UU Reading is definitely not something that can be done in three to five months, and Li Daniu has a chance to cross every month. Maybe one time, he can do it. Come back with a big one.

Moreover, Li Daniu, who has already determined to work part-time as a copywriter, believes that as long as the works are selected well, it is no problem to earn hundreds of millions of dollars a year from publishing. You must know that the top 50 publishing companies in the world can add one piece to their annual sales. can exceed 60 billion euros. What kind of concept is this? Excluding some authors without copyrights, such as textbooks, and the remaining authors with copyrights, at least billions of dollars will be taken away.

As for Li Daniu, taking the classics from another world to **** the billions of euros, not to mention all, hundreds of millions can still be snatched. Therefore, Li Daniu is full of confidence.

"Your Highness, if you still have a treasure like that necklace, I don't suggest you take it out, because it may bring us disaster." Burns said cautiously.

"I understand what you mean, but I really don't have any." Li Daniu had no choice but to take out the necklace and sell it. You have no money these days, who would mess with you? But if you don’t have the ability to protect yourself, if you bring out similar things, you’re just looking for excitement. There are countless desperadoes in the world. If you only have one, and you move quickly, there’s nothing wrong with it. But if you take out one after another, wouldn't you be waiting to be robbed?

"Then you?" Burns was very curious, if there were no treasures, how could he get so much money?

"Oh, I decided to write a few books first." Li Daniu said boldly.

Burns: "…"

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