MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 20 2nd time through the movie world

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"Fate is like rape. When you can't resist, you can only choose to enjoy it."

Li Daniu was lying on a hillside, looking at the moonless sky, comforting himself with trembling.

"System, are you sure you didn't treat me like this because I discovered a loophole in the system?"

"The movie world you traveled through was randomly selected. This time, the system did not interfere in any way. In addition, the host must be reminded that this system has no loopholes, so there is no such thing as you discovering A loophole in the system."

"Isn't it a loophole that I plagiarized novels from the movie world? I'm all prepared. I don't need to do anything during this trip. I just buy dozens of novels and a few songs, and wait to travel back to Tuvalu to make a fortune. You came here for me?" Li Daniu looked at the coarse cloth robe on his body, and sighed helplessly.

"Again, there is no so-called loophole in this system. The world you travel through is randomly selected from the movies you have watched. According to the number of movies you watch, the probability of you traveling to the ancient world is 27.8 %, so this time travel is very normal. As for the loophole you mentioned, it is not a loophole at all, you can bring back to Tuvalu as long as your income in any movie world is within the scope of the system rules."

The voice of the system was as cold as ever. After listening to it, Li Daniu sighed. Sure enough, one cannot be too comfortable. He finally found an extremely simple way to make money. Unexpectedly, something happened during his second time travel.

What novels in ancient times can sell money in modern times? What songs in ancient times can sell money in modern times?

The times are developing, and the things that human beings appreciate are constantly changing. Ancient novels were mostly written in classical Chinese, and even those vernacular novels did not conform to the reading habits of modern people. The ancient songs are basically operas. How many people listen to operas in modern society?

"Okay, I believe you didn't punish me." Li Daniu knew very well in his heart that this time travel should not be caused by the system. However, it seems that something has been tricked out of the system just now.

"System, you just said that you did not interfere with this time travel?"


"Then can I understand that you have the ability to interfere with the world you want to cross?"

" comment..."

Damn, it's this sentence again.

Things in the real world are basically arranged. The publication of the novel is not something that can be done in a day or two. It takes at least a week just to pass the approval, plus the time for printing and distribution. Li Daniu left Castro alone, and brought his own The two guards are back in Tuvalu.

It's not that Li Daniu doesn't want to be unrestrained in the United States. It's just that Tuvalu has too many things to deal with. As the lord of a country, he can't leave it all to his subordinates regardless. Moreover, Li Daniu still has a lot to learn. Things like governing a country are much more difficult than frying tomatoes and eggs.

Back in Tuvalu, everything was as usual. Li Daniu began to worry about trivial things every day, such as not enough drinking water.

After a period of study, Li Daniu gradually got used to the daily routine of being a king. After all, Tuvalu is so big, and all problems are basically money problems, so Li Daniu can learn quickly.

Just when Li Daniu's novel "The Lord of the Rings" had just landed on the shelves of major bookstores across the United States, Li Daniu waited for the opportunity to time travel once a month.

However, I planned to go farther and farther on the road of Wen Chaogong, but I didn't expect that my second time travel would be to the world of ancient movies. What a blow.

"System, you haven't said which movie this world is in yet."

""The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Slaying: The Demon Cult Leader""

"I'm stupid, is there any mistake? This movie is older than "Dark War"." Li Daniu exclaimed not only because the movie was too old and he couldn't remember all the plots, but because of this. Movies are just too dangerous.

Why is this movie so dangerous?

Because the director of this movie is the legendary Wang Sanri. He has always been extremely unscrupulous in making movies. A good movie, Yitian Tulongji, was completely blackened by him. I don’t know how Jin Dada agreed at that time. .

In Li Daniu's vague memory, at the beginning of this movie, Guo Jing and Huang Rong refined the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Saber. At the scene of refining, thousands of people shouted "Wulin Supreme". Not only that, but Li Daniu clearly remembered that when passers-by Guo Jing and passer-by Huang Rong were holding the dragon-slaying sword and the Yitian sword respectively, there was a huge stone engraved with the supreme martial artist behind them.

What about the great chivalrous man who is said to serve the country and the people?

Isn't Mrs. Wang afraid that Guo Jing will jump out and give you Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms?

Not only that, but also divided the entire rivers and lakes into two factions, one is Wudang, Emei, and Shaoling, the six besieging Guangmingding, and the other is Mingjiao. But the two factions are fighting each other not because of the conflict between good and evil, but because they are fighting for the dragon-slaying sword.

Even to intensify contradictions and create conflicts. The decency in this movie is not even a hypocrite, it is completely a villain. In this movie, Huashan Erlao is completely the 2B of two **** mind-blowing worms. And the three generations of disciples of the Wudang School have completely become the dog legs of Song Qingshu, who is so bad that the soles of his feet are bleeding pus.

In short, this movie is completely a blackened Yitian Tulongji. It's all blackened, do you think it's dangerous or not?

Moreover, the general environment at that time was the end of the Yuan Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang had just gained some status in the Mingjiao. There were uprisings everywhere in China, and there were endless wars. Li Daniu had no martial arts and superpowers. He wanted to survive in such a world for three months. , that is simply the difficulty of hell.

"System, why didn't you remind me to make some preparations in advance?" Li Daniu remembered that when he crossed for the first time, the system reminded him to bring 10,000 US dollars, so that he could persist in the world of "Dark War" for three years. Months, this time unexpectedly, without making a sound, with a whoosh, I traveled from the bed to the movie world.

"The first reminder is because the host does not have any experience of traveling through the movie world. This system believes that after one time travel and successful harvest, the second time travel does not need this system's reminder."

"Damn it, you're totally murdering me, don't tell me to bring two guns, at least let me bring some money, I don't have any money, and I still look like a foreigner, why do you want me to be here? Survive in the world for three months?"

"Because the movie world you traveled through this time is the ancient world of China, your appearance has been switched to your original appearance. Please observe carefully before asking questions."

kindness? Li Daniu had just crossed over, only saw himself wearing an ancient robe, and started to question the system, without observing himself carefully, only now did he realize that his hands had become the pair of wives who had been with him for many years.

"What is your reason?" Li Daniu was very curious about the system's ability to switch his appearance. Isn't this equivalent to a very perfect disguise technique?

"Looks come from the heart, appearance is not important."

"Then will it be possible to help me change my appearance when I need it?"

"Only when traveling through the movie world, will your appearance be switched according to the main body of the movie world. This system will not provide you with the service of changing your appearance at any time."

"So, you have the ability to switch at any time?"

" comment..."

System, you are so arrogant, does your mother know?

Li Daniu searched his body, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find any pockets, let alone money.

"System, what identity am I this time?"

"Seller of cooking cakes in the market town at the foot of Wudang Mountain."

Cold sweat broke out on Li Daniu's head in an instant, and he asked cautiously: "I... can't be called Wu Da... Lang?"

"Your name is Liu Er."

"Liu Er?" Li Daniu's tense heart instantly relaxed, and he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Liu Er is good, haha, as long as it's not Wuhan University. Uh, then why am I on this hillside in the middle of the night? Where is my home?"

"You don't have a home."

"No home? Don't I sell cooking cakes at the foot of Wudang Mountain? How could there be no home?"

"This system can't interfere with the movie world too much, so it can only provide you with an irrelevant identity."

"Then you might as well arrange me as a stinky beggar, it will save trouble, why bother with this completely useless identity of selling cooking cakes?"

"If you wish, then the next time you travel, this system can meet your request."

"I don't need it, you must not satisfy my request."

Li Daniu found that he could not get any benefits from the system, and UU Reading might trap himself instead, so he gave up resolutely and began to worry about how he would spend the night.

This is a hillside, surrounded by trees, there are no buildings or people at all.

"I heard that there were many wild beasts in ancient times, so I wouldn't be so unlucky." Li Daniu tremblingly picked up a stick from the ground, then under the moonlight, he threw his shoes to find a direction, and tiptoedly started his first A trip to the world of martial arts.

"Fortunately, I just finished dinner at night, and the weather is not too cold, otherwise wouldn't I still have to starve and suffer from cold?"

This time, the system wiped away all the modern items on Li Daniu, so Li Daniu didn't know how long he had been walking, and finally saw a dilapidated mountain temple when the soles of his feet started to hurt.

"The cloth shoes in ancient times are really not as suitable for walking as sneakers. The soles are too thin." Li Daniu entered the mountain temple and found a forest of cobwebs inside.

Li Daniu collected the rotten tribute tables, and found some firewood outside the mountain temple, ready to start living. The temperature on the mountain will become very low in the middle of the night. and died.

"Grandpa Mountain God, you must bless me to successfully drill wood to make fire. As long as I can survive these three months, I will remake you a golden body the next time I come back from time travel."

In this way, Li Daniu's first martial arts world tour began with drilling wood to make fire.

"Did this time travel to the world of martial arts, or to a primitive society?"

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