MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 32 Pyrotechnic Toutuo Appears

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When it is determined that the way to climb has been cut off, the only option is to go down.

Li Daniu really didn't want to make this choice, because he really didn't think about how he should face Huogong Toutuo and how to be safe.

There is only one life, and everyone should cherish it. Li Daniu, who is afraid of death, cherishes it very much.

Now the choice Li Daniu faces is actually very simple, either wait for death on the cliff, or climb down to fight for the chance of narrow escape.

Give it a go and turn your bike into a motorcycle.

After making a decision, Li Daniu began to look for a place on the cliff where he could tie the rope. He was worried that if he couldn't find it, he would have to jump down.

It seems that God also felt that Li Daniu was too unlucky, the rope that was tied well, and the tree that fixed the rope broke for no reason. So, I didn't have the heart to watch him jump down.

After successfully finding a fixed point on the cliff, Li Daniu tied the rope up carefully. The rope of more than 300 meters is enough to go back and forth several times at this height.

After tying the rope, Li Daniu gritted his teeth and began to climb down. The reason for this urgency is that Li Daniu still has some physical strength, otherwise he will be tired and hungry after waiting a while, and he will not get the slightest supplement.

The distance of thirty to forty meters is not too high. After a while, Li Daniu climbed down. The feeling of being down-to-earth has never been so fulfilling as at this moment.

Although the sun has not set yet, the bottom of the cliff, because of the surrounding cliffs and the lush trees on the ground, already has a feeling of night in the line of sight.

Li Daniu landed on the ground and took a look. There were some trees in his sight range, and there was nothing special about it.

"Isn't this the activity range of Huo Gong Toutuo?" Although Li Daniu was nervous at this time, he still wanted to know something very urgently.

Who moved Lao Tzu's tree?

Following the rope, Li Daniu found a tree that had fallen on the ground. Above this tree were all messy branches. One can imagine the impact of this tree when it fell. The trunk is full of scars. These scars should have been caused during the fall, and have nothing to do with how the tree fell.

The rope was still tightly tied to the middle of the tree trunk. Li Daniu tried it, but it couldn't be pulled at all. When he saw the bottom of the trunk, Li Daniu probably understood why this tree had such a fate.

The bottom of the trunk is an incomparably smooth cut surface. Although the surrounding area has some hairs rolled up due to the impact of the fall, it is conceivable how the tree was cut off by such a sharp thing.

This is not modern, there are all kinds of advanced tools that can be used, this is an era of cutting trees with axes, or hand-saw blades, bit by bit. From this point of view, there is nothing in this era that can cut a tree into such a smooth section.

However, this was an era with martial arts masters. Li Daniu clearly remembered that at the market town under Wudang Mountain, the joint palm of the two elders, Xuan Ming, knocked down a three-meter-high stone gatehouse more than ten meters away. fall down.

Strength plus speed, as long as it can reach a certain level, even holding a broken hatchet can produce such an effect.

However, would a master at the level of Xuanming and Elders go to the back mountain of Wudang School to chop trees for fun? As for those who are worse than them, although Li Daniu is not familiar with the level and destructive power of martial arts masters, he is at least knowledgeable.

Among the Wudang sect, not to mention Zhang Sanfeng, the highest rank is brother Song Yuanqiao. Although they have different martial arts talents and efforts, if they think about it, even if there is a difference, it is impossible for them to differ by two ranks. At most, it is the difference in the experience of fighting against the enemy, so that some enemies Zhang Cuishan can't beat, but Song Yuanqiao can beat.

During Li Daniu's work as a handyman, he also inadvertently witnessed Song Yuanqiao's destructive power. The wooden dummy carried by Li Daniu was cut into more than ten sections by Song Yuanqiao in a few seconds. This destructive power is indeed good, but when Li Daniu was cleaning up the venue, he had seen it in detail. Although the cut surface of the wooden dummy with a thick bowl mouth is neat, it is not as smooth as the cut surface of the tree that Li Daniu sees now.

You know, this tree is several times thicker than that wooden dummy.

Therefore, if it is a person who can achieve such a level by virtue of his own skills, he is definitely a martial arts master.

Then, why did a master of this level come to cut Li Daniu's back? If it was to retaliate against Li Daniu, it would be even more impossible. Not to mention that Li Daniu has no ability to offend these people at all, even if he offends these people, he can press Li Daniu to death with a flick of his little finger, why bother with these moths?

Besides, isn't it easier to cut a rope than a tree this thick?

So, basically, it can be concluded that this was caused unintentionally. The rope woven by straw rope is a bit like vines, and Li Daniu's craftsmanship is relatively rough, and the cliff is overgrown with weeds. If you don't pay attention, it is very normal that you can't see it.

Will Zhang Sanfeng go to the back mountain to practice swords?

Even if Song Yuanqiao and his brothers were able to perform supernormally, why did they go to the back mountain to perform? Everyone has their own practice grounds, do you want to run to the mountains to play when you are idle?

Well, there is only one truth.

Li Daniu adjusted the glasses that didn't exist, and concluded in his heart: Which **** brought the Yitian sword to the back mountain to play.

Who else dares to steal the Yitian sword in the Wudang faction, except for Song Qingshu, the current Wudang faction's treasure?

After Zhang Sanfeng snatched the Yitian Sword from Miejue Shitai, it was stored in the main hall of Wudang Sect. With Zhang Sanfeng's skill, he naturally doesn't need the Yitian Sword, just like the sword demon Dugu seeks defeat. At the highest level, people with grass and trees as swords can be invincible in the world. Moreover, for the sake of the Wudang School's reputation, and Zhang Sanfeng's friendship with Guo Xiang, the founder of the Emei Kai School, he couldn't swallow the Yitian Sword.

Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng strictly ordered no one to have the idea of ​​Yitianjian, and only waited for the Miejue Shitai to send an apprentice who Zhang Sanfeng liked, and then returned it to Emei. People from Wudang faction naturally dare not disobey what Zhang Sanfeng said.

At this time, it has been more than a month since the sword was seized, and the limelight has gradually faded. Few people have extravagant hopes for a sword that can only be seen but not touched, except for guarding it carefully.

Judging from the personalities of all the villains, it is not impossible for Song Qingshu, as a twelve or thirteen-year-old urchin at this time, to find a way to get out the Yitian Sword and go to the back mountain to play.

Li Daniu gritted his teeth, Song Qingshu, you bastard, you ran to the back mountain to throw jade pendants, and hacked randomly with Yitian sword, isn't this forcing me to face adventures?

If I survive the catastrophe, I will definitely go back to trouble you, Li Daniu made up his mind in his heart. In fact, Li Daniu was not very confident about his deduction results, he just found someone to disperse his anger, otherwise, he would not know who was tricked, Li Daniu was afraid that he would vomit blood in anger.

As for whether Song Qingshu was wronged, Li Daniu didn't care, who the **** made you the villain?

After finding the scapegoat, Li Daniu didn't worry about it anymore. Since he went down the cliff in the morning, he has never had anything in his stomach except drinking some water. At this moment, his stomach has already started to growl.

The woods are not dense, but the rotten leaves accumulated on the ground for many years confirmed that Li Daniu walked one deep and one shallow.

Walking out of the woods, an open space, mixed with earth and rocks, turned out to be very smooth.

Li Daniu first found some dry firewood and prepared to light a fire. The most important thing in wild life is not water and food, but fire. Especially when the sky is dark and you have no fire and can’t see anything, how can you find food and water?

He took out the flint from his bosom, Li Daniu was glad that he had this thing with him, otherwise he would have to drill wood to make fire again. After the fire was hot, Li Daniu found some turpentine, made a simple torch, and prepared to look for food.


A strange sound slowly came from a distance, followed by the shaking of the ground.

Damn, Huogong Toutuo is coming out now?

Although Li Daniu had a premonition of what was about to happen, he didn't dare to make the slightest change, because the fire worker Toutuo in this movie was too perverted. Moreover, this place is at the bottom of the cliff, Li Daniu doesn't even know where the exit is, and he can't run away even if he wants to.

People die in chaos, and they will not die for thousands of years. Li Daniu never thought that after time travel, the things he encountered would always force him to be ruthless.

There is no need to pretend to be very scared, Li Daniu is really very scared at this time, his calves are trembling, this is already the second movie of time travel, and this is the first time that Li Daniu feels that he is so dangerous.

The sound of "rumbling" became louder and louder. With the light of the fire, Li Daniu saw a round boulder rolling towards his direction at a very fast speed.

In the blink of an eye a few times, the boulder rolled in front of Li Daniu, at a speed ranging from extremely fast to standing still in an instant.

No luxury car can match this braking performance. Li Daniu is still in the mood to think wildly at this time, I have to say that Li Daniu's heart has grown bigger after experiencing many things.

"I finally saw people. I haven't eaten human flesh for a long time, hahaha." On the boulder, there was a dirty bald head inlaid with half-clothes. It was the fireworker Toutuo who was defeated by Zhang Sanfeng.

"" Li Daniu trembled and wanted to speak, but found that he couldn't speak at all.

"What me? Haha..." Fireworker Toutuo laughed again.

"Are you a human or a ghost?" Li Daniu seriously recalled the plot in the movie and tried his best to restore the plot.

"Me? I'm the devil from hell, haha..." Huogong Toutuo also cooperated very well, saying his lines in the movie: "Are you a Wudang sect disciple?"

"I'm a handyman disciple of the Wudang Sect." Li Daniu knew that Huogong Toutuo hated the Wudang Sect, especially Zhang Sanfeng, so he emphasized that he was just a handyman disciple.

"A handyman? A small handyman, Zhang Sanfeng won't care if he is killed." Fireworker Toutuo jumped out of the script.

Did you remember the lines wrongly? Li Daniu didn't feel that he changed the lines first.

"Senior, who are you?" Of course, Li Daniu would not believe that Huogong Toutuo was a ghost, even if he didn't know the plot, he could tell from Huogong Toutuo's performance that he was a human or not.

"I'm Huogong Toutuo, boy, have you heard my name?" Huogong Toutuo stared at Li Daniu with burning eyes.

"Huogong Toutuo? Senior, you are the legendary Huogong Toutuo who shocked the martial arts world?" Li Daniu pretended to be very surprised.

In Li Daniu's opinion, since the Fireworker Toutuo in this movie, after injuring more than 30 masters in Shaolin Temple, went to challenge Zhang Sanfeng and wanted to be number one in the world, he naturally cared about his own name very much.

"Megatronic martial arts?" Huo Gong Toutuo was very puzzled, he didn't seem to have done anything earth-shattering, and he had disappeared from the world for many years, how could he be a mega-star in martial arts?

"Boy, tell me, I am so powerful in martial arts?" Although Huo Gong Toutuo is crazy, he is not stupid. He looked at Li Daniu and said gloomyly: "If you can't tell the reason, I will eat you , UU Reading eats your leg one day, eats your hand another day, and uses internal strength to maintain your life, so that you can't survive or die!"

For this threat, Li Daniu will give 101 points, because Huogong Toutuo has been alone on this cliff for many years, who knows if he is already a lunatic, what if he really wants to eat himself?

"Senior, I have already heard of your name." Li Daniu began to make up stories.

"It is said that the senior was originally a fire worker Tutuo of the Shaolin Temple. He is already middle-aged and is not valued by the Shaolin Temple. Who knows that the senior is so talented that he has learned the Jiuyang magic skill that has been lost for more than 300 years in the Shaolin Temple. In order to win the Jiuyang from the senior, the Shaolin Temple Divine skills, I tried my best to send more than 30 masters to besiege the senior, but they were not the enemy of the senior, and they were all defeated by the senior."

Li Daniu paused for a moment and said: "On this matter, senior's prestige has not fallen for many years, and countless sons and daughters in the rivers and lakes regard senior as their idol."

"Idol?" Huogong Toutuo was happy to hear it, but he couldn't understand this word at all.

"Um, this is a word that has become popular in the past two years, and it means to worship you." Li Daniu explained awkwardly.

"That's what it should be." Fireworker Toutuo asked suddenly after saying something narcissistically.

"Then, what did you say about the contest between me and Zhang Sanfeng?"

Li Daniu looked at Huogong Toutuo whose eyes suddenly changed to murderous look, and was startled, as expected, he couldn't be fooled by just a few sentences.

But this time, Huo Gong Toutuo lost in this martial arts competition. How can the person who lost the martial arts competition be said to be a powerful martial artist?

This question is so difficult to answer.

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