MTL - King Who Will Cross-Chapter 946 Break 1 planet!

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Ego used his real body as the core, and the planet he created was actually not that big. Shumilou

In the plot of the movie, after Xingjue and others destroyed Yi Ge's real body at the center of the earth, it only took a short time to escape to the ground. When Li Daniu came to this planet, he glanced at the size of the planet.

It is about the size of the moon and one forty-ninth that of the earth.

For Yi Ge, the size of this planet is not his pursuit, because his goal is to devour tens of thousands of planets at the same time. Moreover, this is not his ultimate goal, his ultimate goal is to devour the entire universe based on those tens of thousands of planets.

In the end, he will become one with the universe, become a truly immortal being, become a truly eternal being, and become the only **** in this universe.

It's not that Yi Ge didn't think about someone coming to destroy his own planet, but in this universe, there is almost no life that can master his more and stronger power.

Like now, Li Daniu, who is so powerful, is completely trapped by his **** power. Even if he couldn't destroy Li Daniu, he could still use his almost endless **** power to trap Li Daniu here forever.

"You are really strong, you can easily crush the power of the gods that destroy me, but so what?"

The enraged Yi Ge instantly increased the output of the power of the gods, frantically using the power of the gods to squeeze Li Daniu's room for movement.

"Although my power of the gods is not endless, the speed at which I replenish the power of the gods far exceeds the speed at which you can destroy it. So what if you can destroy my power of the gods without stopping? One day, you I will completely lose the power to resist me because I can't get energy replenishment."

The power of the gods can isolate almost all energy, and Yi Ge's plan is to use this isolation to prevent Li Daniu from being supplemented with energy.

Yi Ge's accumulation of the power of the gods for thousands of years does not mean that he does not lack energy, otherwise, he would not want to use Xingjue, his own son, as his energy supply.

After all, the energy required to devour tens of thousands of planets at the same time is simply too huge.

Thinking of his urgent demand for energy, and thinking about Li Daniu's inability to get energy supplements with his own godly power, Yi Ge couldn't help but feel happy.

"You saved Xingjue and made me lose the energy of a god, then, use your life to compensate me."

Li Daniu, who was wrapped in the power of the gods, closed his eyes and then opened them again.

It has long been integrated with his body, and the mysterious power produced by practicing the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kung Fu burst out at this moment.

Supernatural powers - the law of heaven and earth!

The supernatural powers from the world of oriental mythology showed its power and inconceivableness for the first time in the world of Western Marvel movies.

Li Daniu, who was of normal human height, began to swell. This kind of expansion is not like blowing up a balloon, which seems to increase in volume, but at the expense of its original appearance and stability.

It's not like the Pym particles used in the Ant-Man in the Marvel movie world, which only increase the volume and strength, but sacrifice speed and flexibility.

Follow the law of heaven and earth, follow its own way!

The Romance writes: Yang Jian used this supernatural power to become extremely tall, with a blue face, long fangs, scarlet hair, and three-pointed and two-edged sharp edges in his hands, just like the peak on the top of Huashan Mountain.

When the Bull Demon King used this trick, his head was like a mountain, and his two horns were like two iron towers. The length from head to tail was more than a thousand feet long, and the height from hoof to back was eight hundred feet.

But when Li Daniu learned this supernatural power from the eighty-nine profound arts, he really understood what it means to practice the way.

"My way is that..."

The body is like Pangu who opened up the world, and Li Daniu, who is thousands of feet high, directly bursts through the power of the gods including him in an instant.

But this is not the end, Li Daniu, whose eyes were already red with anger, suddenly roared out.

"Qi Tian!"

"Great Sage!"

Obtained from the blood of the Monkey King and Sun Wukong, because of the magic reform in "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons", it has completely become a demonized Stone Monkey.

The roar was not like beating drums or thunder, but it was like the explosion at the origin of the universe, resounding through the entire planet in an instant.

At this time, Li Daniu's body was 30,000 feet tall, with black hair all over his body, he was tall and strong, his eyes were sunken but he seemed to be hiding the sun and the moon, his huge mouth that hadn't closed after roaring was like the universe wantonly devouring everything. black hole.

As the sound waves tumbling, all the power of the gods around Li Daniu instantly shattered, and the surface of the entire planet, those beautiful scenery that had been managed by Yi Ge for an unknown number of years, completely became the past because the entire ground was lifted.

At this time, Li Daniu had completely activated the blood of the monster-turning spirit stone monkey in his body. After getting the blood of the Monkey King, the body he created for himself was actually a monster monkey.

Now, this huge ape body with a height of 30,000 feet is his real body.

He had already become a monster!

"It seems that it is bigger in Journey to the West?"

The body is like a monster, but Li Daniu's mind is clear and clear, and he instantly understands. This is because of the innate suppression caused by the rich spiritual power of the world in the Westward World. Whether it is the Monkey King or Yang Jian, the law of heaven and earth is only ten thousand feet high, but now, he has reached thirty thousand feet.

"It seems... not my end yet!"

Li Daniu stretched out his hands if he felt it. At this time, his hands had already turned into the hands of an ape, and his feet had also turned into two other hands.

"Then, try again!"

Raising his hands high, the air within hundreds of miles was cleared in an instant, and Li Daniu slammed hard to the ground.


With a loud bang, the ripples formed by air and dust swept in all directions in an instant. Li Daniu's body fell instantly, because the ground he was on had been completely smashed into nothingness by him.

The indestructible body trained in the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu, combined with a body that is 30,000 feet high and also 100 kilometers high, this smash is equivalent to a nuclear bomb with an equivalent of 100 million tons, and it exploded instantly!

The gigantic crater with a width of 500 kilometers and a depth of 50 kilometers that appeared out of thin air completely collapsed the planet that Yi Ge had operated for millions of years.

On a planet with a diameter of only about 3,500 kilometers, there is such a huge pit, like an apple that has been bitten.

But it is not an apple after all, but a planet. To be able to exist in the universe, it must abide by the relevant rules of the universe.

When the giant crater appeared, the entire planet had a chain reaction like the Countless cracks spread out around the giant crater in an instant. These cracks spread to the entire planet in just ten seconds, reaching deep into the center of the earth.

The result is the collapse of the planet!

Igna is like a human brain, but his real body is composed of the power of the gods. After the planet collapsed, he was completely exposed to the universe.

Li Daniu, who was originally standing on the planet, was already floating in the void at this time. The collapse of the planet made the gravity disappear, and the atmosphere of the planet was instantly scattered in the vacuum of the universe.

And the blow just now caused Li Daniu's body to swell up again.


The invisible sound waves spread to the cosmic vacuum along the scattered atmosphere. After the atmosphere was completely dissipated, the sound waves containing Li Daniu's monster power could actually spread in a vacuum.

Xingjue and the others, who had already flown far away, were dumbfounded when they saw the huge ape that suddenly appeared on the planet.

And that roar was also successfully collected by Friday and passed on to Xingjue and the others.

A planet collapsed, and the real body of a huge ape with a height of 50,000 feet could no longer be seen after losing its partner.

But that loud roar made Xingjue and others feel fear at the same time, even if Xingjue at this time also possessed the power of a god.

"It's still not enough!"

When it reached a height of 50,000 feet, Li Daniu finally stopped swelling. This is not because Fa Tian Xiang Di has reached the limit of this universe, but because Li Daniu's demon power is not enough.

Seeing the same huge Egg's real body exposed after the planet collapsed, Li Daniu couldn't help being jealous.

"How can I devour his godly power?"

ps: I recommend a book of gods, "The Strongest God of Wealth", which has more than 300,000 words.

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