MTL - King’s Landing: The Proud Empress-Chapter 18 It was her son!

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  Chapter 18 is actually her son!

  Seeing Eunuch Duan approaching Junli's ear, I don't know what he was saying, which made Junli look at her with a complicated expression, and the beautiful Mo was a little nervous. Could it be that Eunuch Duan found out about that, so now tell His Majesty to settle the score with him? No, no, if Eunuch Duan knew about that, how could he survive till now.

Denying the thoughts in his heart, a little panic flashed in the depths of his eyes. He pretended to be calm and looked at the two people in front of him. Every word in their words.

  After listening intently for a long time, but couldn't hear the slightest sound, I couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. When I looked up, I happened to meet a pair of deep eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

   There was a slight panic on his face, and he turned his head away quickly, but suddenly remembered who that person was just now, and was afraid that his actions would offend her, so he immediately turned around, lowered his head, and looked calm.

  Feeling the substantial gaze from in front of her, the Mo beauty saw sweat slightly on her forehead, her heart was filled with tension, her hands in her sleeves were tightly clenched, and her fingertips were slightly white.

Jun Li looked at this demure and elegant Mo beauty with complicated eyes, and sighed softly in her heart, she already doubted that Su Yunqing poisoned her, how could it be possible with Su Yunqing's temperament and those clear eyes To do such a thing of poisoning and murdering the current empress, besides, although the original empress was cruel, but she had no intersection with Su Yunqing, how could he poison and murder the empress for no reason.

It's a pity that she had just arrived in this world, and she couldn't go on clearing him of the crime without knowing the situation, so she could only let that matter go silent, even though there was already a suspect at that time, but she was unfamiliar with the place Yes, there was no way to start a thorough investigation of this matter, so I delayed it. I wanted to wait until I gained a firm foothold here before going to investigate this matter thoroughly and return him innocent. She met the Mexican beauty she suspected yesterday.

  If yesterday he only suspected that the Mexican beauty had something to do with poisoning her, then after hearing what Eunuch Duan said just now, this suspicion became affirmation.

  She really didn't expect that the beautiful Mo was her son, Zhang Bu's son, and Zhang Bu's only son, Zhang Limo!

  Who is Zhang Bu? The protagonist of the case that caused Prime Minister Meng and General Wei to quarrel in the early court today is Zhang Bu, the prefect of Yuezhou!

And Zhang Bu was convicted by the real empress a few days ago, and ordered to beheaded for public display in the future. Although she knew that the original empress was not simple, it was impossible not to know that Zhang Bu's case had other secrets, but she couldn't figure out why the original empress To behead this good official for the country and the people, she didn't know what kind of deep meaning was hidden in it, but she did know that Zhang Bu ended up like this, and she, the empress, "has contributed a lot", so as Zhang Bu How could the only son remain indifferent when the whole family was about to be beheaded!

  Combined with the unconcealable disbelief on the face of the Mexican beauty in the imperial garden yesterday, it is obvious that she can't figure out why she is still alive despite being poisoned.

Adding all of the above together, Junli can already conclude that Zhang Limo is absolutely inseparable from her poisoning, and it is even possible that Zhang Limo poisoned her in order to make her The 'cruel' empress went to be buried with her family!

  After thinking everything through, Jun Li didn't know how to tell Zhang Limo, the case of your mother has already been thoroughly investigated by the Emperor, so you don't have to worry?

He sighed helplessly in his heart, and didn't know whether he should pursue the matter of Zhang Limo poisoning her, but when he thought about it, he was at fault after all, and wanted to kill his whole family, so there was nothing wrong with him returning it, even though he said The person he was going to kill was not her at all.

  But after thinking about it, if Zhang Limo hadn't been poisoned, how could she be reborn on the body of this empress? Maybe she is still a lonely soul now, wandering somewhere!

  So in the final analysis, instead of blaming him, she should thank him!

After thinking clearly, Jun Li stepped forward slowly, and came to Mo Meiren, that is, in front of Zhang Limo. Regardless of the panic in his eyes, he stretched out his fingers and gently raised his chin, slowly hooking his lips, without moving his head. Turning back, he said to Eunuch Duan and the attendant, "Go and stay at the back, don't disturb us." The tone was extremely ambiguous.

  Eunuch Duan was taken aback for a moment, then he showed Junli a wretched smile of 'I understand', leaned over slightly, and stepped back.

   Fortunately, Junli was not facing Eunuch Duan at this time, otherwise he would have had goosebumps all over his body due to Eunuch Duan's smile.

  The attendant hesitated when he heard Junli's words, and left the beauty alone to face the tyrant, what should the beauty do? Not to be tortured to death by His Majesty. He still remembered the last time because His Majesty favored the beauty, but the beauty came back that night covered in blood, not a single part of her body was intact, scarred and horrible.

So now that he heard that His Majesty wants to leave the beauty alone, how could he not worry about the beauty, but he, a little attendant, can't change His Majesty's mind, so what can he do if he stays, maybe the beauty will be separated from His Majesty If they fall out, wouldn't he harm the beauty?

  After thinking about everything, the attendant didn't stay any longer, and followed Eunuch Duan and retreated.

  Zhang Limo was stunned, he didn't expect Junli to leave him alone, could it be...

   His face turned pale, he grabbed his collar subconsciously, and looked at Junli vigilantly.

  Being looked at by Zhang Limo with such wolf-proof eyes, Jun Li felt a little uncomfortable. What kind of eyes are these, as if she is going to do something to him.

Looking carefully at Zhang Limo, he found that although he is not the kind of peerless beauty, but he also has a special flavor, with an elegant aura all over his body, coupled with his delicate fair face, he unexpectedly gives people a kind of beauty for no reason. Amazing feeling.

  Junli will never admit it, just now, she was tempted by Zhang Limo's elegant aura for a moment, and lost her sanity for a moment.

   Facing his plain eyes with a hint of nervousness, Jun Li lightly released the hand that lifted his chin, turned around, and coughed uncomfortably, covering up the slight unnaturalness.

   "The emperor has ordered the Ministry of Criminal Justice to re-examine the corruption case of Zhang Bu, the prefect of Yuezhou. You don't have to worry about it."

  Zhang Limo was stunned for a moment, his face was blank, as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

"For the sake of Mrs. Zhang's incorruptible life, and because you are her only son, this emperor will not pursue this matter. But if you are disobedient again, this emperor will kill you with his own hands!" Jun Li finished speaking lightly, feeling that there was no need to stay any longer, and immediately walked towards the bedroom without looking back.


  But if she knew, with her character, even if her mother was honest, she might not let her go. Is this really the tyrant? Or is this really the Majesty who often tortured him?

   Zhang Limo found out for the first time, he was a bit confused...

  Walking out of the pear blossom forest, Eunuch Duan followed Junli depressedly. He couldn't understand why His Majesty came out so soon. Shouldn't he be inside for a while longer with the beauty Mo? Could it be that the Mexican beauty didn't serve His Majesty well and made His Majesty angry?

  Thinking of this, Eunuch Duan narrowed his eyes dangerously. It seems that the people in the harem are really getting worse than each other. Do you really think that Eunuch Duan is just showing off! See if he is free today, he will clean up a few little **** to show the people in the harem a little bit of color!

  Thinking that some people will be used as a punching bag for him later, Eunuch Duan couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, his old wrinkled face was wrinkled into a ball, like a shriveled chrysanthemum without moisture, extremely ugly!

After Junli entered the bedroom and refused Eunuch Duan's service, Eunuch Duan slowly exited the bedroom, looked at the direction of the harem with cold eyes, and smiled sinisterly, little bitches, wait for our family, we will go now Let's loosen the skin for you.

  (end of this chapter)

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