MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-Chapter 6 exercise

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In the early morning of the next day, Fenghuo got up early and made breakfast for three people. After eating his own share, he grabbed the other two and ran to the Uchiha Obito family next door.

"Obito, are you up yet?!"

"Hehe, Fenghuo is here, come in quickly." In the room, a kind old woman bent over and walked out, looking at Fenghuo with a smile.

This old grandma is Uchiha Obito's grandma.

"Grandma." Feng Huo smiled and handed over the breakfast in his hand.

"Hehe, thank you so much, Fenghuo."

Seeing Feng Huo being so filial, the old man had a happy smile on his face.

Walk into Daitu's house, seal the fire and look around, and find that it is quite similar to his house.

"Fenghuo, you sit down, I'll ask Obito to get up." The old woman said with a smile.

"No need, Grandma, I just came here to ask, do you have sandbags and other props that can help exercise physical strength?" Feng Huo asked directly.

The old lady tilted her head and thought for a while, then nodded: "Ah, I remember that Obito's father had always exercised because he couldn't open his eyes when he was a child. Later, when he opened his eyes, he threw away all the props. If you don’t mind, just collect them secretly, it should be in the small warehouse in the backyard now.”

It is said to be a small warehouse, but it is actually more like a doghouse. Sealing the fire got into the upper body, and it took a long time to get out a lot of scattered props.

What leggings, weight-bearing sandbags, iron blocks, and bandages, there are a lot of things.

"Fenghuo, do you want to practice physical skills?" The old lady sighed next to her, "Our two families have always been neighbors, and even our fates are so similar. It's really hard for Sharingan to open your eyes."

Of course, Feng Huo would not tell her that he had opened his eyes, he said with a smile: "Grandma, if you have cultivated physical skills to the highest level, it is no worse than Sharingan."

In the final battle in the original book, Maitekai opened the last dead door of the eight-door Dunjia, and Liudao Madara, who opened the eyes of reincarnation with explosive force in an instant, shouted that he was falling, and almost KOed him!

"Fenghuo, you are still young, you must pay attention to your body when exercising taijutsu." The old lady is indeed very kind and kind, she doesn't look like a member of the Uchiha family at all.

"I see, thank you grandma."

After thanking him, Fenghuo moved the batch of props home with great difficulty, and then began to arm himself.

He strapped a kilo of sandbags to his legs to exercise his leg muscles.

Then a half-kilogram sandbag was tied to the arm to exercise the arm muscles.

After installing these few things, he immediately noticed the change. When walking, it seemed that the gravity of the center of gravity became stronger, and when he made seals, it became more and more difficult, and his hands were very stiff.

"This is just the beginning, you will get used to it soon!"

Of course, Feng Huo will not be easily discouraged. From morning to night, he carries these burdens and wants to get used to them as soon as possible.


"Hiss, it hurts to death!"

Falling from the tree again, Feng Huo struggled to stand up while rubbing his butt.

After tying up the load, climbing trees that used to be easy seemed strange, and Chakra couldn't keep his balance at all.

As for treading water, let alone.

"Hey, am I being ambitious like this?"

It stands to reason that since he has opened his eyes, he should concentrate on developing Sharingan, relying on Sharingan, he can reach the pinnacle of life.

But, thinking of the perverts in the Fourth Ninja World War, it’s really all right with Sharingan only?

Thinking about it, Feng Huo's eyes gradually became firm. Since he has come here for a while, he must not spend his life in a dull way. Even if he can't reach the peak in this life, he will die on the way to the peak!

In the next few days, besides chakra refining and seal practice, Feng Huo stopped the practice of climbing trees and treading water, but started exercising, sweating in the small courtyard every day, doing push-ups, sit-ups, and squatting. Every workout imaginable is insanely sweaty.

With such crazy training, Fenghuo's body will inevitably be overwhelmed, and the daily food is enough to fill his stomach, so it is inevitable that Fenghuo will become thinner and weaker.

"Fenghuo, you train too hard like this, your body won't be able to bear it!" Obito felt distressed seeing Fenghuo getting thinner day by day.

"It's okay, just get used to it."

While closing the fire, he was cooking, and he grabbed the iron pan and shook it a few times to make the fire more even.

He was still strapped with a weight on his arm at this time, but he seemed to be okay. On his thin arm, a trace of thin muscle had already appeared.

After lunch, I closed the fire to drive away Obito Uchiha who was chattering non-stop, and continued to exercise.

After a few days of crazy exercise, Fenghuo has gotten used to this weight, and then he started climbing trees and treading water, getting used to these weights, which made him more comfortable in controlling his body, and Chakra became obedient.

Crack, crack, crack.

Feng Huo walked on the small pool, under his feet, circles of ripples spread, reflecting Feng Huo's blurry little face.

Then, he started making seals.


"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

A violent force condensed in Fenghuo's throat, and he blissed to the heart, blowing forward with his mouth.


A ball of fire the size of a basketball spewed out of his mouth, hitting a dry tree trunk in front of him. UU reading


The moment the fireball hit the tree trunk, it exploded, directly blowing the tree apart.

Feng Huo's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it.

The last time I practiced this ninjutsu was a few days ago, and I failed every time. I didn't expect to succeed once!

Feeling the power contained in his body, Feng Huo seemed to understand something.


Suddenly, Feng Huo's feet softened, and he fell directly into the small pool. It turned out that he was distracted, and the chakra on the soles of his feet changed slightly, breaking the balance.

"Oh, it's still not professional enough."

Feng Huo crawled out of the small pool, took a quick shower, and then began to add weight to himself!

Before, he carried one kilogram on each of his legs, but now, it has increased to two kilograms, directly doubling the weight.

The same goes for the hands, from half a kilogram to one kilogram.

The weight doubled directly, making Fenghuo's limbs heavy, and then felt stiff, and the blood seemed to be blocked.

Fenghuo didn't stop, and immediately started running around the small courtyard, and soon, his blood began to evaporate.

"so tired."

After running for more than ten minutes, Fenghuo was out of breath.

"No, run for another ten minutes!"

Feng Yao gritted his teeth and insisted, his eyes showed firmness.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes...

Finally ten minutes was up.


Feng Huo just slumped on the ground, or in other words, he was dragged to the ground by the weight of his hands and feet. The sweat on his body quickly wet the weeds on the ground.

"Hoo hoo... why does it feel like it's getting heavier..."

The world spun for a while, Feng Huo's eyes went dark, and he passed out directly.