MTL - Lady Cultivator-Chapter 619 Are you satisfied

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Charge chapter (12 o'clock)

After half an hour, the Qiankun bag that had just been sent out didn't take long to return to his own hands. // No pop-up window update // Mo Tiange refers to the Qiankun bag placed on the table by Hua Yan Daojun: "Brother Hua Yan, why did you get it back?"

Hua Yan Daojun asked, "Qingwei, are these things really given to Zongmen?"

Mo Tiange nodded: "How can there be fake?"

Hua Yan Daojun said, "Do you know the value of these things?"

"Naturally, the elixir in it was made by myself and Brother Shoujing."

"You say that, I understand." Hua Yan Daojun put away the Qiankun bag again. "These things are too important for Zongmen. I must go to Kunzhong City again."

Mo Tiange knew: "Brother go, there is us, Zongmen will be fine." Then took a wooden box from the dark grid of the desk case, "Brother Hua Yan, here are some more expensive elixir Lingcao, it's not appropriate to hand it over to Feng Xue directly. Take it with you and ask Brother Zhenyang how to deal with it, or you can divide it directly. "

The Jindan of Taiqing and the Yangdan of Jiuzhuan were placed in the same bag. Hua Yan Daojun couldn't think of any other medicine that would be more valuable. When Mo Tiange pushed the wooden box over and motioned him to open it, he did not quit. There are still jade bottles and jade boxes in the wooden box. Most of the jade boxes this time, about twenty, only four or five.

At first glance, Hua Yan Daojun saw the top jade box with the words "One hundred results, ten thousand years", and his expression was somber immediately.

"Previously, the ten thousand-year-old spirit grasses were all ordinary varieties. These are the rare spirit grasses." He heard Mo Tiange explain this.

Hua Yan Daojun nodded slightly, instead of opening his eyes for a closer look, he set his eyes on the jade bottle. Picking up a jade bottle and pulling out the stopper, a condensed and light fragrance slowly floated out.

"This is ..." After smelling the scent, Hua Yandao Jun stunned, then excited, "Is it Changsheng Dan?"

Changsheng Dan is very valuable, because it has a rare and precious spirit grass, which often appears in one hundred years. Once it appears, it will cause robbers, and those who **** the spirit grass will not necessarily practice Changsheng Dan. Therefore, Changsheng Dan rarely appears in this world.

Mo Tiange was surprised: "Brother knows? Have you ever taken Changsheng Dan?"

Hua Yan Daojun shook his head: "I was fortunate enough to have seen the auction of Changsheng Dan when I was born. Unfortunately, at that time, I was short of money, and I watched it fall into the hands of others. Later, I happened to have a baby and never saw it again. He looked at Mo Tiange, "Qingwei, don't hide from you, I need this dan, so I'm not polite with you, and I won't let you suffer if I return from Kunzhong City."

Mo Tiange waved his hand: "Brother Hua Yan, now is the time when Zongmen went through a difficult period together, who should we talk about? Brother should be able to see that we don't lack these. If we say something in return, we can use as much wealth as possible. No, it ’s not as good as you, mid-advance.

In the middle of the Jin dynasty, the strength of Zongmen was improved, and the possibility of them passing through this calamity was also increased. Hua Yan Daojun understands what she said, and thinks it makes sense. Then she said, "I will not be arrogant." After receiving the wooden box, I will not say any more. I will return to the main peak to explain, and then set off again to Kunzhong. city.

Watching Hua Yan Dao Jun leave, Mo Tiange thought to himself that it seemed that it would be necessary to set up a teleportation team in Taikang Mountain and Kunzhong City as soon as possible.

When she thought about it, she went back to Dongfu, and there was a wave of water, asking her to find a suitable candidate to learn the teleportation team.

Shui Linbo's work has always been very fast. She immediately went to the main hall of the main peak and told Luo Fengxue about it. Then, accompanied by Luo Fengxue, she gathered all the array masters left in the door and finally selected Two people.

They were thrilled to learn that they were going to learn the formation method from Qing Wei Daojun. Everyone at Xuan Qingmen knows that among several Daojun, Zhenyang is good at making equipment, Shoujing is good at making Dan, Hua Yan is good at making charms, and Qingwei is good at playing. Compared with the other three kinds of miscellaneous studies, the least number of people who study matrix formations, and they are called masters of battle formations. The other three kinds of miscellaneous studies are closely related to the practice of fighting, but the formations are not directly related. Usually, one or two are bought The set is enough, there is no need to teach yourself. This situation caused most of the array mages to rely on self-study, but also more talent. Now that they can get the opportunity to ask the Qingwei Daojun about the formation method, aren't they excited?

On the same day, Shui Linbo brought the two disciples back to Jiyuan Valley Cave.

From the big sculpture of the government, I saw the wonderful scenery of the Gorge Valley and there was no restriction. The two disciples felt strange. Did Qingwei Daojun not set up a defensive formation in his cave? Just thinking about this, a sudden aura rekindled, and a fierce bird called "Yeah", but could not fly down, they only knew that the formation method exists, but it was not visible in their realm.

When they discovered this, they were both reverent and fearful. It turned out that Qingwei Daojun ’s tactical attainments had reached a state of nothingness.

Led by Shui Linbo, the two disciples crossed the winding stone road to the hall of Dongfu.

"Aunt, Master, everyone brought it."

Mo Tiange was exchanging exercises with Qin Hui. He heard his voice and looked up.

The two disciples brought by Shui Linbo were all built by Jiu Xiu, a man and a woman. The man looks middle-aged and has a steady temperament. The woman is 18 or 19 years old, and it looks like she is not too old.

Seeing them, the two disciples quickly saluted: "The disciples Yi Wen (Xi Su) met with Master Shoujing and Qingwei."

"Easy to ask, Xi Su ..." Mo Tiange repeated their names, and laughed, "The names of the two of you are quite a bit of arithmetic, but it is interesting."

Faced with the ridicule of Yuan Ying Dao Jun, they did n’t know how to answer, and they saw Qin Yue standing up: “I ’m going to practice. What ’s the matter, you just have to tell Linbo to do it. There are already a lot of things, do n’t always It's up to you. "

"Just a little thing. Everything is called Lin Bo. She has only one person. How can I get here?"

"Then find a few more people." Qin Hui turned his head and asked, "Lin Bo, look back to Feng Xue, and ask a few people to help."

Shui Linbo responded: "Yes."

After thinking about it, he said, "Where did the real machine go? By the way, ask him to come and see me."

"The real machine went to Yan Wu Tang, and the disciples went here to call him back."

Qin Yue said "um", waved his hand, and went to the training room.

"Follow me." Mo Tiange told them, got up and headed for another stone road. Yi Wen Xi Su quickly followed up.

The stone road is wide and ordinary, but the two disciples are getting more and more shocked. There is a very clever prohibition here. Although they can see the existence of the prohibition, they cannot tell which kind of prohibition it is, let alone feel the change of Yin Yang and the Five Elements.

After walking across the end of a stone road, Mo Tiange stopped, printed his hands, opened a stone door, walked in, and the two disciples followed quickly.

This stone room is small and shabby. There are no tables, chairs, bedside tables. There are only rows of stone holes cut in the stone wall. There are all kinds of books, jade Jane and flags. There are various piles on the ground. All kinds of materials, almost without a foot.

Mo Tiange sat down on a slightly higher slate in the middle and said, "Sit."

The two disciples carefully released the things under their feet and sat down on their knees.

"First talk about your situation." She stretched out her hand, took a book, and rummaged as she asked.

Yiwen first replied: "Hui Yi, the master of the Qing dynasty, his disciples belong to the Lingyin Peak. They started at an early age, but their qualifications are very common, so they switched to array training very early."

Xi Suxiong said, "The disciples belong to Liu Yunfeng, and they also started from an early age.

Mo Tiange nodded: "I ask you a few questions, and you answer according to your habits."

Everyone knows that this is to examine their tactics.

Mo Tiange asked three questions. The two disciples thought for a long time and answered them one by one. After answering them, they looked at her nervously.

"You have a solid foundation," Mo Tiange said, handing them the books in hand. "Here is a sea-burning sunburst. I will give you three days to think of a solution. If it passes, I will accept you. To name the disciples, I teach all the formations. If you ca n’t get through, you can also learn the formations with me, but there is only one teleportation formation. "

The two were shocked and happy, and Xi Su busyly said, "Master, the method of breaking the battle, it is not accurate enough just to imagine ..."

"You can take whatever you like here," she said, and stood up and walked out. "I'll come again in three days."

The two got up and gave each other: "Yes, the disciples obey."

Back in the hall, I heard Qin Yun teaching Ye Zhenji: "You have been building the foundation for some time, but you do n’t want to have a buddy, but you have to play the martial arts hall every day. You must know that fighting is important. No matter how strong Ji is, he wo n’t be able to hit Jiedan. Starting today, you do n’t have to go out, and learn the exercises in Guzhong. When the time is ripe, you will retreat. You aunt has already closed her baby. "Although my teacher is a little worse, he is also successful. How can you, as our disciple, be lazy?"

Ye Zhenji said aggrievedly, "Master, you and your aunt are geniuses that are difficult to be born in thousands of years. How can I compare?"

"Isn't it comparable, you don't practice anymore? Hua Ling is going to prepare for Dan, too? You want to lose to him?"

"I ... I see."

The stone door opened, Ye Zhenji came out, and when she saw her there, she looked happy: "Aunt, are you here?"

Mo Tiange looked at him and didn't speak.

Ye Zhenji is inexplicable, so: "Aunt?"

After watching it for a while ~ ~ Mo Tiange said: "The real machine, I know that you don't have enough confidence in yourself, so you want to accumulate more, and then you can do it, but we don't have time now, you must do it as soon as possible. "

"Aunt, what happened?"

Mo Tiange shook his head: "You will know sooner or later, go to practice."

The real machine obediently asked no more and left alone.

Soon after, Shui Linbo came back and saw her sitting there, whispering back and forth: "Aunt, the head said, people will come over the day after tomorrow."

Mo Tiange nodded and remained silent for a while, and suddenly said, "Linbo, you have worked hard, are you satisfied with such a day?"

Shui Linbo paused and looked at her blankly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to the starting point mobile phone network to subscribe, reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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