MTL - Lanke Chess Edge-~ Extra: I can save one more time (2)

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"Lan Keqiyuan( Find the latest chapter!

PS: The following is the content of the extravaganza, following the extra episode of the previous chapter, there may not be a follow-up ^_^!

Chapter 5 What to do if you kill a ghost by mistake

If it is said that there is no soul crossing of Ning Feng and nothing happened after this, then according to the normal development, it may be that the original "Ning Feng" committed suicide. After being found, he was sent to the hospital and died due to ineffective rescue.

Then the emissary came to the door on this day and sent "Ning Feng" to the Yin Si. If I remember correctly, the emissary said that they were under the jurisdiction of the City God of Lihuafu.

But perhaps because of Ning Feng's transmigration, the soul of the original owner of the body is no longer there, and now that Yin Si came to seduce the soul, Ning Feng was naturally unwilling to die.

In addition, Ning Feng didn't know the physical talent, and the situation was caused by a combination of yin and yang.

In any law, assaulting a police officer and attacking a public servant is a felony. Ning Feng didn't think that attacking a soul-enchanting messenger would be light, let alone killing him.

'It's dead's dead now...Nine lives are not enough! ’

Indeed, Ning Feng understands that he may have inherited some special abilities of the original owner of his body, and strictly speaking, he is not an ordinary person.

But he is not the Great Sage Monkey King, how dare he compete with Yin Si?

Killing one's life to pay off debts and paying money, what should I do if I kill a ghost messenger?

I'm afraid it's not really going to be blown away!

Now Ning Feng's mind is in a mess, and he can't see where the way out is. He is also afraid that someone from the Yin Division will come to settle the account soon, and of course he doesn't dare to sleep.

Moreover, it was very strange that none of the other people in the hospital responded to such a big movement just now.

That's how Rarity waited uneasy until dawn, when the nurse came to round the room.

The sky didn't fully light up. A nurse looked over from ward to ward. Most of them just went in to check it out, and came out directly if there was no problem.

Soon he arrived at Room 304 where Ning Feng was, and just opened the door. The situation in front of her shocked the little nurse.

"Ah! What's going on!"

The nurse's sharp voice made Ning Feng, who was pretending to be asleep, more awake. She hurriedly ran outside to call someone, then ran back and shook her hands carefully in front of Ning Feng's hospital bed.

"Mr. Ning, are you alright, Mr. Ning?"

Ning Feng pretended to wake up in a daze.


Then it seemed that he only noticed the mess in the ward with his peripheral vision.

"Ah! What's going on in this room? Miss nurse, was there an earthquake last night?"

"I don't know, Mr. Ning, is there anything wrong with you?"

As the nurse asked, she lifted Ning Feng's thin quilt to see if there were any wounds on his body, and checked whether the bandage of his left wrist was firm.

"No, I'm fine, why don't we get out of here first..."

"Yes, I will help you!"

The two quickly came out of the ward. At this time, other staff of the hospital had also come over, and some patients and family members who could move came out of the corridor to check. It seemed that they really didn't feel the movement last night.

If something like this happens, the hospital will of course call the police.

The police quickly arrived at the hospital. As the only patient in this ward, Ning Feng naturally accepted the police's questioning.

In a newly changed ward, the doctor checked Ning Feng again to confirm that there was nothing wrong, and then the nurse brought rice porridge for breakfast.

Ten minutes after the meal was over, two police officers came to Ning Feng's bed.

"Mr. Ning Feng, my surname is Liu. This is my colleague Xiao Li. I'm sorry to disturb your rest. I have a few questions about Ward 304."

Officer Liu looks middle-aged, while Xiao Li is very young.

Ning Feng was very cooperative.

"Okay, okay, I'm scared right now, if you have any questions, just ask, and I'll tell you all!"

Officer Liu nodded and sat on the stool beside the hospital bed, so that Ning Feng would not keep looking up, while Xiao Li stood behind him with a recording device and a record book.

"Mr. Ning, as far as we know, you were the only patient in 304 last night, so did you see or hear anything last night?"

Ning Feng patted his chest, showing some fear, but in fact, this fear is not fake.

"It scared me to death. The most frightening thing is that I didn't hear anything and just slept until dawn. Officer, you've seen 304, it's almost like an earthquake, and that bed... If I'm almost lucky... …Ouch……"

Officer Liu frowned and looked at Ning Feng.

"Okay, that means you didn't feel what happened, I can understand it like this, Mr. Ning."

"Yes, otherwise I would dare to sleep until dawn!"


Officer Liu took out his record book, turned a few pages, and suddenly looked up at Ning Feng again.

"I take the liberty to ask, Mr. Ning committed suicide and was hospitalized?"

His eyes swept to Ning Feng's left wrist bandaged.

"Is it convenient to answer what caused you to think of suicide?"

Ning Feng laughed at himself and looked at his left wrist. At this moment, he realized that he was actually very talented in acting.

"It's not inconvenient, I've already seen it... Officer Liu, I'm an orphan. My parents left together many years ago. This has changed my whole life, causing me to live in anxiety, fear and depression, and often have nightmares. , also makes me a little afraid to sleep..."

When Police Officer Li heard this, he couldn't help but looked at Ning Feng's face carefully. This extreme appearance really didn't look like he was sleeping well. Going out at night could scare people to death.

"So... I actually wanted to kill myself many times, and this time... I almost died..."

Although Police Officer Liu couldn't feel the same way, he also knew how much the loss of his parents had an impact on a child at the time.

"Mr. Ning, I know that I may not be qualified to say that, but some things will pass after they pass, please take a look..."

"Hehe... It's alright, Officer Liu, if you haven't really touched death, you won't understand the value of life. After this time, I will also see it, and I will live well..."

Well, the premise is that I am allowed to live!

The two sides talked about some other topics, but the two police officers didn't get any useful information from Ning Feng. After asking for a while, Ning Feng showed exhaustion and planned to leave.

Officer Liu stood up, and Xiao Li behind him also put away the record book.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation. If you think of anything, I hope you can contact us directly, so as not to disturb your rest!"

"Okay, please walk slowly!"

Officer Liu nodded and stood up, leaving the ward with Xiao Li, not forgetting to close the door.


Ning Feng exhaled softly, but this was only a small problem, and the real big problem has not yet come.

'Lihuafu City God...'

Lihuafu is the big city where Ning Feng is currently located. The information he has roughly checked before is that it is divided into states, prefectures, counties, and towns, which should be able to correspond to the provincial and municipal systems.

Ning Feng's eyes flickered, seeing that the City God might exist in the jurisdiction?

After resting for about half an hour, mainly after confirming that the police had left, he got off the hospital bed.

There seems to be no large-scale smartphone market in this world, and his mobile phone can't even connect to the Internet. To check some things, he needs to find a computer.

And the first thing he has to do is get out of the hospital!

This is not a serious illness, so if you are careful, you will be fine. Anyway, he doesn't dare to stay in the hospital.

Soon Ning Feng took action.

The hospital naturally hoped that Ning Feng could be hospitalized for a few days for observation, but Ning Feng also had a good reason. He felt that what happened last night was too panic, and he didn't dare to be hospitalized again.

After all, it is not really a big problem not to be hospitalized. Since Ning Feng insisted on insisting, the hospital agreed.

When he was discharged from the hospital, the problem that Ning Feng was most worried about was not enough. The thousand yuan he paid in advance was actually able to return several hundred.

Ning Feng was discharged from the hospital wearing the "blood clothes" washed and dried by the hospital nurses after admission. Of course, there is no blood on it now.

Since the address of the residence was knocked out while chatting with Brother Lu before, Ning Feng took a taxi and went back.

Everyone in the community looked at Ning Feng with strange eyes.

Ning Feng didn't care either. It's normal to turn heads when it comes to suicide, but he didn't know that it was his ghostly appearance.

When he got home, there was no sound from the next door, and it was estimated that they were not at home. Ning Feng took out his wallet and put a few keys on the wallet key to try one by one.

When the second key was successfully inserted into the door lock and turned, the door opened with a "click" sound.

Chapter 6 Escape!

The door opened, and the strong smell of blood had not yet dissipated, and the inside of the door was still as messy as before he left.

To be honest, this house also left a lot of haze in Ning Feng's heart, especially when he woke up in the bathroom and bathtub, but now is not the time to worry about it.

Ning Feng entered and closed the door, quickly came to the desk in the room, and began to use the computer to search for information in more detail.

Demons and ghosts... Immortals, Buddhas and spirits... Lihuafu... Chenghuang...

Ning Feng searched for this kind of information, but the most entries and content he got online were actually four words that he was very familiar with—feudal superstition!

Except for some worship customs and introductions of famous places, Ning Feng did not see any intuitive descriptions and authoritative sightings such as gods and Buddhas. They were basically described as myths and legends fabricated by the ancients, and today they are just some religious habits.

Although there are some ghost stories to share, personal experiences and other gimmick articles, all of them are entertainment works, at least Ning Feng can't understand any useful information.

Basically, Ning Feng could come to the conclusion that this world's views on ghosts and the like are similar to the earth in the previous world. Most people don't think there are ghosts and gods in the world, but they also have some folk customs and religious beliefs.

What should I do? It's not like finding a famous temple to worship, right?

Not to mention the ineffective, it is the real spirit. Maybe it is a system. Is it equivalent to throwing yourself into the net to ask for worship?

"Lihuafu City God... Lihuafu City God... That's right!"

Ning Feng murmured to himself with a flash of inspiration, and his hands began to type and search again.

A new message refreshed the web page again.

"it is as expected!"

Ning Feng's voice revealed a little excitement. This time, the search direction was different, showing the expected results.

He found that almost most of the prefectures, prefectures, and county-level cities in China have Chenghuang Temples that have been handed down from ancient times to the present, some of which are well-preserved historic sites, and some are renovated and rebuilt for local protection.

At the same time, these places are not only important places for the customs of Chinese temple fairs, but also one of the must-see attractions for tourists after they go to various places, because the city gods in each place have their own historical stories and myths and legends.

Naturally, as temples, the city **** temples in various places still maintain their basic functions, worshiping gods and burning incense.

Ning Feng's heartbeat accelerated slightly, and the thoughts in his mind turned very fast.

When he searched for information about the city god, the online encyclopedia stated that the city god's position was similar to that of the city **** in the previous life.

So is it true that the city gods in various places have been performing the duties of the yin division without the knowledge of ordinary people?

So, is it possible to assume that the city god's office is actually the same as the ancient or modern officials, with their own jurisdiction?

Thinking of this, Ning Feng couldn't help but whisper to himself.

"So, what if I escape from Lihuafu, or even Jizhou?"

When I came to this world, I passed the gate of **** twice. After such an inexplicable death, when I found out that there was really a ghost in this world, I might lose my soul. Who would be willing?

At least Ning Feng is not reconciled!

He also didn't intend to try to see if the Lihuafu City God would give him a side, and the officials under his command were killed, which was not very likely.

So Ning Feng gritted his teeth and made a decision.

escape! Run away!

. . .

Ning Feng began to rummage around the house, packing some clothes, and rummaging through the drawers to see if there was any money hidden by the bedside.

What he is most entangled in now is that he has obtained some painful memories of the original owner of the body, but there is no other "valuable" content.

Ning Feng still didn't know what valuable things the original "Ning Feng" had, and what the bank card password was.

In the end, Ning Feng spent half an hour sorting out what he was going to bring.

A backpack with a laptop in it, two sets of clothes stuffed in it, and a wallet with documents that can be found, plus the previous and later ones, a total of more than 1,400 in cash, plus a mobile phone, hesitating again and again Afterwards, he also brought three bottles of stimulant drugs called "boosting spirits" and several cans of drinks very similar to Red Bull.

Ning Feng finally changed his clothes and shoes, found a hat and put it on, then locked the door and set off.

He still hasn't figured out whether the house is owned by the original owner or rented. There is no landlord's note in the address book, and the house hasn't turned to the property certificate for the first time, but it is still necessary to lock the door.

Of course, before leaving, the blood in the bathtub was drained, and the toilet was roughly flushed with the shower.

When passing by the corridor, he paused in front of the leader's house. The life-saving grace can only be reported later, provided that he has a future.

‘Why do you have the illusion that you are a wanted criminal! ’

Obviously, he has always been a law-abiding and showy year, what a hell!

After walking out of the community for a few minutes, there is a street with cars coming and going.

This world is very modern, and there are basically a lot of things that should be there. Ning Feng looked at the cars and people in front of him, looked at the various shops and billboards on both sides of the street, and looked at the men and women in formal or casual clothes. As if still in the real hometown illusion.

Shaking his head, the most important thing now is to escape.

An empty taxi drove by in front of him, Ning Feng waved quickly.


The vehicle slowly slowed down from far to near and stopped on the street, Ning Feng hurried forward.


As soon as the driver saw Ning Feng's appearance under his hat, he trembled with fright.

"Where to go?"

"Master, is there a high-speed rail station here?"

"Look at what you said, Lihuafu is a second-tier city anyway, so there is no high-speed rail station? Get on the train!"

"Good good!"

Sure enough, there was a high-speed rail, so Ning Feng quickly got into the car from the back seat. He was still a little aware of his current appearance. After all, he had also scared himself, and he was afraid of affecting the driver by sitting in the front.

The taxi drove smoothly but not slow. The driver looked at the passengers in the rear view mirror several times, and finally couldn't hold back his words.

"I said boy, you can eat more and rest more..."

"Hahaha, I know, the driver, just scared you?"

Hearing the passenger's relaxed and witty tone, the driver was relieved.

"That's not it, I was really taken aback just now. We have seen all kinds of people in our line of work. If you can scare me, you are amazing!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Ning Feng smiled awkwardly.

About 30 minutes later, the taxi arrived at the Lihuafu High-speed Railway Station, and the fare was only 12 yuan, which made Ning Feng a little curious about the purchasing power of the coins here.

There is no developed mobile payment here, and it is basically a paper currency transaction.

The denominations of banknotes and coins are the same as those of China in the previous life. The large ones are yellowish and the small ones are blueish. There are no portraits on them, but all of them are landscapes of mountains and rivers.

There are many simple and easy-to-understand signs in the high-speed rail station. Ning Feng took a moment to find the electronic ticket office and bought a ticket to other states at the nearest time.

Ning Feng took a look. From Jizhou Prefecture to Ningze Prefecture in Dingzhou, which is more than 1,000 kilometers away, the ticket price for a second-class seat on the high-speed rail is only 82 yuan, not even 100 yuan. Purchasing power is really strong.

Then Ning Feng ate a bowl of beef noodles at the station also confirmed this, plus the order of a small plate of honey sauce Qian Zhang knot, a total of only four dollars, Ning Feng thought it was a very cost-effective lunch. But at the high-speed rail station.

Sitting on a chair after dinner, Ning Feng couldn't help but look at his wallet. In addition to various cards, there were more than 1,300 cash in it.

'With so much cash, is it possible that this guy is still a rich man? ’

Chapter 7 is really a scum

The original "Ning Feng" has no father or mother, and there are not many contacts in the address book. No matter how you think about it, he is a poor and helpless person, but counting the hundreds of dollars he spent in the hospital before, he brought him with him. There must be more than 2,000 in cash, not to mention that there may be some that were not found by Ning Feng in a hurry.

According to purchasing power, it should be almost equivalent to 10,000 yuan in cash in China in the previous life, and only a lot more.

It's not that he didn't have a bank card, and with so much cash around, it's no wonder that Ning Feng wondered if the original owner of the body was rich.

This made him more interested in the value on the bank card.

At the same time, Ning Feng also felt some guilt. After all, when he was rummaging through boxes at home, he thought that the original owner of his body was a pervert.

Now that I think about it, I might be a good boy who suffers from a "hidden disease", but made a fortune by self-reliance, strong desire to fight against fate, and finally committed suicide until he had a mental breakdown!

"It's a pity!"

Ning Feng took a sip of the noodle soup and sighed in a low voice.

Such a person should have ideals, ambitions, and executive power, and have the ability to benefit the society. Unfortunately, good fortune makes people, and he has a magical talent that overwhelms him.

‘Don’t worry, I will live a good life for you! ’

Just as Ning Feng was thinking about it, the phone in his pocket vibrated "woo woo woo...".

He took out his phone and looked at the caller ID, it was a number without any notes.

'stranger? Advertising or scam? ’

Ning Feng continued to sit in the beef noodle restaurant at the high-speed rail station, which had no customers at the moment, and did not answer. He wanted to wait for the call to hang up by himself.

Sure enough, the vibration stopped after more than ten seconds, and it should have been automatically hung up because it could not be connected.

The portion of this beef noodle restaurant is very large. Although the taste is not very amazing, it is still passable. Ning Feng does not know why the business here is so-so.

After sitting for more than 20 minutes after eating, and looking at the time on the phone, Ning Feng stood up. It was only ten minutes before his high-speed train departed, and it was time to line up.


After reading the time, the phone began to vibrate again. Ning Feng looked at it. It was the same number just now. It shouldn't be a mistake to call it consecutively. Maybe there is something important?

"Who would it be? Why don't you pick it up..."

After hesitating for a while, Ning Feng chose to answer.


If you meet someone you know, it's not easy to ask "who", it's better to just say "hello" and wait for the other person to speak.

There was a low-pitched male voice over the phone, but he couldn't hide the excitement in his voice.

"Brother, the goods are on sale!"

Then Ning Feng, who was on the phone, suddenly widened his eyes.

'Fuck! You old X 'Ning Feng' is really a scumbag! ’

Damn, I don't know what illegal activities I'm doing. I think it's true. A guy who stays at home all day and makes himself a ghost, doesn't seem to have a proper job, and has so much money. Not normal.

Ning Feng immediately overturned his previous "inspirational theory".

‘I don’t know how many younger brothers there are, whether they are powerful or not, how powerful are they…’

Thinking about Ning Feng, he realized that he was thinking a little crooked, shook his head and quickly made himself awake. He wanted to say something to the phone but felt that it was inappropriate to say anything, and finally he only uttered one word.


"Brother, the buyer is very satisfied and has the intention to continue to buy. The bid is also very refreshing. Do you have any more goods there?"

goods? I'm such a ghost!

"Not for now, let's do it first, I have something to do here."

"Okay, big brother, I will still give you the money and put it on your three cards, so I won't bother you anymore!"

After saying this, he hung up the phone.

This phone call made Ning Feng's mind a little confused. He was both curious and worried. The figure standing at the door of the noodle restaurant was quite vicissitudes.

Feelings have to run for their lives to avoid the Yin Si, and may have to be careful about the police in the Yang world to catch them.

It’s bad enough that some unlucky people offend the black and white in the film and television works. I am even more arrogant. I have offended the yin and yang judicial system. Is there any way to survive?


With a sigh, Ning Feng felt that he was a lot older and tired in an instant.

"Dear passengers and friends, the Gao 114 train has begun to check tickets. Passengers and friends who take this train should bring their luggage and personal belongings, and check their tickets at the No. 9 ticket gate. Please keep order and queue up consciously. After checking your tickets, please wait at the No. 2 platform. , the staff will…”

The station broadcast began to announce that Gao 114 was the high-speed train that Ning Feng was going to take, and it was the most suitable time.

"Let's take the car first, compared to the Yin Division is more terrifying..."

Putting his backpack on his back, Ning Feng walked towards the No. 9 ticket gate, where passengers were already queuing up.

Basically, it was similar to the high-speed rail ride in Ning Feng's previous life. The style of the automatic ticket gate was very similar. After entering the ticket, you could open the gate and pass through.

After passing the ticket gate and following the passenger flow, we went to platform 2, where there were already small queues in the carriages corresponding to the seats on the ticket.

About six or seven minutes later, the bullet-shaped high-speed rail entered the station, and after the passengers at the next station got off first, Ning Feng finally boarded the high-speed rail in this world for the first time, and the built-in was still similar.

'Block 04... Block 04...'

Ning Feng took the ticket and looked at it several times, moved around in the carriage to find his seat, and then saw Seat 04A by the window.

The next seat is a man in a suit sleeping on the seat, and there is already a person sitting in his seat at the moment, a fat middle-aged man with a sloppy beard and messy hair that looks a little greasy.

'Occupying a seat? ’

It's not Ning Feng's habit to be taken advantage of by others. He walked to the 04th row of seats, deliberately holding the ticket and looking at the man in the seat again and again to the seat number above.

Generally, if you accidentally sit in the wrong place, or if you want to sit for a while to see if there is no one in the seat because the standing ticket is too tired, you should stand up when you see Ning Feng's reaction.

It's just that the man kept pretending to look at the scenery outside the car window and didn't move at all.

‘Outside the window is the body of another high-speed train in the station, look at the scenery! ! ’

"I'm sorry, big brother, this is my seat, please take your seat!"

Ning Feng was still very polite and gave the other person a step down.

"Ah? This is your position? I..."

The man who was about to say something stupid suddenly saw the skeleton-like face under Ning Feng's hat, and he was showing the "kind" smile that Ning Feng thought he had. If he saw that scene suddenly, it would be terrifying.

"I... leave right away, sorry I took the wrong seat, sorry..."

The man hurriedly packed up the sundries, picked up two bags, stood up, pressed against the back of the front seat to avoid the legs of the man next to him, and moved out of the seat.

"You sit, you sit..."

After saying this, the man hurriedly walked towards the back of the carriage.

Ning Feng looked at his back and scratched his head, took off his backpack and stuffed it on the luggage rack, then moved to his seat and sat down.

'Did you blame the other party by mistake, is it really just a slow response? ’


The man in the suit who just woke up was taken aback because he glanced at the seat next to him.

Chapter 8 Spontaneous Cooking

It is more than 1,000 kilometers away from Ninghua Mansion in Dingzhou, and it takes about 5 hours to drive.

Ning Feng leaned against the window boredly, looking back at the scenery outside the window, feeling a little tired.

But he didn't dare to sleep. Although he learned from the previous memory fragments that strong psychological hints and self-restraint can prevent the activation of the dream talent to a certain extent, it is common to lose control.

Even if he psychologically hints that he needs to restrain himself, if the strange dream talent is still activated, and if he is going to have extreme nightmares here, the people on the train may be in danger.

Through the inconspicuous reflection in the car window, Ning Feng knew that the big brother in a suit who looked in his thirties would occasionally glance at him.

Ning Feng is not a beautiful woman, and that eldest brother must not be GAY. Naturally, this is because of Ning Feng's ghostly appearance, but Ning Feng is too lazy to care about him.

"That... buddy, are you also going to Ningze City? Don't mind, I saw the ticket you put on the table."

Since the man next to him took the initiative to talk to him, Ning Feng couldn't pretend he didn't hear it.

"Yeah, go to Ning Ze Mansion, you too?"

Ning Feng turned his head and showed a smile, and the man in the suit's originally natural face froze.

"Hey, I can't help it, because of irregular life and long-term malnutrition, and something happened a while ago, so I'm looking like a ghost now."

Ning Feng said something mockingly at himself, with a very relaxed tone.

"Well, aha, it's actually okay, okay! Don't say it, I was really taken aback just now!"

The other party's attitude was very warm, and he lowered his head and took out two tangerines from the bag under his feet, and handed one to Ning Feng while talking.

"Eat or not?"

"Oh no, you can eat it."

"Try it, don't dislike the home grown ones, they don't look good, but they're sweet, and the skins are easy to pick up!"

Ning Feng didn't refuse any more. He ate something to relieve his fatigue and saved himself from going out to his bag to get a refreshing drink, so he took over the citrus.

"Thank you then!"

"Haha it's okay, it's okay to rely on friends when you go out. My dad often said that there are multiple friends and multiple paths."

The other party smiled, and he also picked up the citrus.

"By the way, do you often go to Ningze? Are you familiar with it? This is my first time there."

"It's also my first time there. I just searched for some information on the Internet. This time, I just went around."

"Oh... I originally wanted to ask you about the local situation, but it seems that I had to explore it myself."

After eating other people's citrus, seeing that this guy was obviously a little sad, Ning Feng asked a few more questions.

"Are you traveling there or what?"

"Hey, I just graduated from college. I was looking for a job online, and a Ningze unit asked me to interview, but the place was a bit out of the way, a bit..."

just graduated?

Ning Feng couldn't help but carefully looked at the guy next to him. His skin was slightly darker and there were more stripes. With the short beard on his chin, he looked like he was in his 30s or 40s. You look a little anxious.

Hearing the other party's words, Ning Feng said something subconsciously, thinking of his own fresh graduates looking for a job.

"A little uneasy?"

"Yes, yes! I searched for that company on the Internet, and the website is quite decent, but the company's treatment for fresh graduates is very good. The key is... buddy, you should know about"

Ning Feng really didn't know, so he shook his head directly.

"Hey, it's a recruitment website anyway, and it's almost the same. I applied for a few companies, and I put my resume on it, allowing registered companies to view it. I didn't submit a resume to that company in Ningze, and they took the initiative to send me to the interview. Yes, I didn't graduate from a good university..."

"Oh, I see what you mean, do you think it's a little unreliable?"

Ning Feng stuffed a piece of citrus into his mouth, and the sweet and refreshing taste filled his mouth.

"Then are you still going? There are a lot of liars' routines now."

"It doesn't seem to be very formal regardless of their website... If you really want to hire me to work, what a loss if you miss out, the starting monthly salary is 2,000 yuan!!"

Ning Feng almost spit out the citrus with a smile, a salary of 2,000 yuan will make you happy... Wait, this is not the last life!

"That's two thousand!"

The 2,000 purchasing power here, Ning Feng, has personally experienced it.

"Yeah, you think if people are really recruiting people, I missed it, isn't it a pity?"


Ning Feng followed and nodded.

"Then what major are you, and what does the company do?"

The man scratched his head.

"At the time, the college entrance examination scores were too bad. I was admitted to a third-rate university in hotel management. The company looked at the website for hotel product supply, and that kind of disposable appliances. I think it's barely a side trip."

What else can Ning Feng say, I feel that this person is obviously more inclined to try.

"Then be careful yourself. If you are cheated of money, you can't lose money by stealing chickens."

Ning Feng was not interested in caring about others, nor did he want to delve into the content of the chat.

"Yeah, so I also searched a lot of information and materials on the Internet. It seems that there is no problem. Let's talk about the rest in Ning Ze..."

Rather than looking for someone to get to know Ning Ze, Ning Feng felt that this person was more inclined to find someone to talk to.

"Dude, why did you go to Ning Ze?"

After a few seconds of silence, the neighbors started talking again.

Ning Feng pouted inwardly, I said that in order to avoid being chased by the underworld, I'm afraid it will scare you to death!

"Me, I just wandered around casually, without any purpose, I happened to have never been to Ningze, so I went."

"I'm just going to play! Haha, I actually want to go shopping too, why don't we join? It's right to go to the City God Temple first!"

You just went to the City God Temple!

"No, no, I actually didn't think about it, and I'm used to shopping alone."

Ning Feng quickly declined, this person is a bit too familiar, and the citrus is a bit hot.

After chatting with each other, at 5:20 in the evening, the high-speed train finally arrived at Ningze Station.

Ning Feng also took this to say goodbye to the man next to him and left the high-speed rail station.

It is indeed inconvenient to not have a smartphone. The most notable thing is that there is no way to quickly book a hotel. You can only book online or by phone. However, Ning Feng now just needs to find a place to stay temporarily.

Taxis in the station are Ning Feng's first choice. He has no destination anyway, just let the driver take him to any hotel in Huafeng District. The key to staying away from the city is to stay away from the Temple of the City God.

Facts have proved that his current appearance is not too exaggerated, at least this time the taxi driver was not frightened, which made Ning Feng feel a little better.

Ning Feng just leaned against the window and looked at the high-rise buildings and streets passing by.

The car drove for about 20 minutes, and the driver stopped at the entrance of a hotel called Harbour.

"Arrived, what do you think of this hotel? The evaluation is okay. If it's not suitable, I'll take you to find something else."

Ning Feng looked through the car window to see the style of the "Harbour Hotel", an obvious express hotel.

"That's it, how much is it?"

"Eight dollars."

As always "cheap", this kind of playing feels really good. Ning Feng found a 10-yuan note from his wallet and handed it over. The driver quickly found two coins, and consciously pulled down the invoice and handed it to Ning. maple.

It is the beginning of April, and it is spring. Two big peach trees are in full bloom on the lawn in front of the hotel. With the breeze blowing, sporadic petals fall, which is very beautiful.

Ning Feng's mood was also more cheerful because of the scenery, and he walked in directly towards the hotel door.

Chapter 9 Just a Dead Man

The living room of the hotel is not very big, just like a regular express hotel, you can basically walk a few steps to the front desk.

"Hello sir, do you want to check in?"

The two girls standing in front of the stage asked with a smile, at least Ning Feng didn't see any discomfort on their faces, and it was unclear what they were thinking.

"Well, check in, give me a big bed room."

Ning Feng glanced at the unit price. The price of a standard room and a double room was between 20 and 30. Once again, he couldn't help but sigh that it was cheap. We don't care whether the price is discounted or not.

"Okay, please show your ID card!"

Ning Feng quickly took out the ID card in the wallet. The girl at the front desk compared her ID card with herself. After all, the entry and exit seemed a bit big, but the comparison was just a casual look. Ning Feng felt that the girl obviously did not dare to look at him seriously. s face.

After waiting for about a minute, the basic procedures were completed.

"Sir, please pay a deposit of 50 yuan in advance."

This rule is the same, Ning Feng found a 50-yuan note printed with Yunwu Mountain and handed it over.

"This is your deposit slip. Please keep it. This is your room card. You can enjoy free breakfast with your room card on the basement floor of the hotel every morning from 7:00 to 9:00."

"OK, thanks!"

Ning Feng thanked him and walked to the elevator in the corridor with his backpack on his back.

When he left the lobby and entered the corridor, the two girls at the front desk who had been smiling all the time suddenly broke.

"Oh, that person just now is so scary!"

A girl patted her chest with a look of fear.

"That's right... those dark circles, those eye sockets... and that pale face, if you encounter them on the road at night, you can scare you of a heart attack!!"

"Yeah yeah!"

In the corridor, Ning Feng, who was just about to turn back to ask about a nearby restaurant, had a black line on his face. He didn't come out of the corridor again, so as to save everyone's embarrassment, he turned around again and walked gently towards the elevator.

Familiar environment, familiar layout, and when opening the door of the room on the third floor, the small card on the door also gave Ning Feng the same sense of familiarity.

Putting down the backpack, Ning Feng lay down on the soft big bed like a child, closing his eyes and enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

'Hey...If there weren't so many bad things, it would be very convenient to integrate into this place and live forever... It's so comfortable, much more comfortable than a hospital bed! ’

. . .

At 9 o'clock in the evening, Ning Feng woke up from the bed in a rush, looked at the wall clock in the room with a look of fear on his face.

Because the bed was too comfortable and I was too tired, I just fell asleep unknowingly, and I didn't make any precautions!

Fortunately, nothing strange happened. After all, it felt like it was only 9 o'clock in the blink of an eye, and the sleep just now was not a dream.

I got up from the bed and went to the toilet to wash my face.

The faucet was still spouting tap water with a "crashing..." Ning Feng stared blankly at himself in the glass.

This is the second time he has seriously looked in the mirror since he came to this world. Compared to the last time with a **** face, this time is still much better, although it is still very scary.

The strands of hair tugged at the face.


Open your mouth and swing it from side to side and look at your teeth...

"Actually, I did a little self-mutilation before. The teeth are pretty neat, and the facial features are not too bad. If there is more meat, it should be fine!"

Ning Feng commented to himself on his appearance.


The stomach protested at this time. I ate a citrus from noon to now, and I was already hungry.

What else can we do, people are iron rice and steel, and Ning Feng is not the **** he used to be, even if he dies, he has to be a full-fledged ghost!

Bringing the room card wallet and mobile phone, Ning Feng went downstairs directly and asked the hotel front desk.

This time, the front desk was replaced by another group of people, a man and a woman, who were chatting, but suddenly saw Ning Feng appear in front of him and immediately dropped the topic.

Although he didn't cry out, Ning Feng clearly saw the two of them trembling, as if a prankster suddenly jumped out from behind the door to scare you when entering the door.

After asking where there is a restaurant, he walked out of the hotel and opened the hotel's pop-up door. Ning Feng, who walked out of the door, suddenly felt that the scene just now was quite interesting.


Ning Feng couldn't help laughing in a low voice, then strode towards the distant street.

For a prefecture-level city like Ningze, after nine o'clock, it was like the nightlife had just begun. The flow of people on the streets was no less than during the day, and some places were even more lively than during the day.

The place pointed out by the front desk of the hotel is very popular among the locals nearby, and now is the time when the barbecue and some snack shops are opening.

Walking on the lively street, Ning Feng lowered the brim of his peaked hat and intoxicated the scent of the two sides.

This body has obviously not eaten such street food for a long time. The sense of smell is very sensitive to the coke aroma of this mixed pepper and cumin, and the saliva is secreted quickly involuntarily.

Originally, I just wanted to eat noodles or rice bowls, but now Ning Feng has changed his mind and must eat barbecue, the kind of barbecued meat!

I glanced around, all of them were very fragrant, and then I saw a barbecue stall more than ten meters in front of the left. It seemed that it had just moved out not long ago. stacked together.

‘It’s just you! ’

Taking three steps and taking two steps, Ning Feng went directly to a small table on the edge of the barbecue booth and sat down.

"Boss, let me take a look at the list!"


The barbecue stall was run by a middle-aged couple. The woman walked over quickly and handed Ning Feng a list. She probably didn't deliberately look at Ning Feng's appearance.

"Well, 10 skewers of mutton, 5 skewers of beef tendon, two skewers of grilled chicken wings, one skewer of grilled corn, one skewer of grilled eggplant, 5 skewers of leeks, 5 skewers of beans, 10 skewers of potatoes, and a bottle of soda while grilling two skewers of gluten. I want ice!"

After glancing at the price, Ning Feng reported so much in one breath, and the speed of the barbecue stall owner's writing could keep up with the writing speed, and he finished writing quickly.

"Okay, wait a minute, do it now, and I'll bring you the soda right away."


After ordering things, Ning Feng began to look around. He couldn't do anything, and he didn't have a smartphone, so he couldn't do it if he wanted to be a bower.

Looking around, Ning Feng noticed that there was a magic stick booth a few meters away from this barbecue stall when his eyes returned to the vicinity.

A cart that can be used as a small table with a small curtain on it.

On the curtain on the left side of the small curtain is written: Daily calculation and gossip, good men and women are coming;

This small stall should have just come here, because Ning Feng didn't see it just now, he hasn't seen anyone who came out to set up a stall at night to tell fortunes, not to mention that in this kind of barbecue snack street, there are plenty of customers...

At this time, the fortune-teller was actually looking at Ning Feng, which made him tremble in his heart.

'Could it be that he is still an adult? ’

Ning Feng looked at the barbecue rack, which had just been put on the stove.

"Boss lady, I'll go over there to count my life, call me when the things are baked!!"

"Okay, by the way, can you eat spicy food?"

"Just a little spicy!"

Answering the question from the proprietress of the barbecue stall, Ning Feng walked to the fortune-telling stall with a little expectation. In the past, Ning Feng didn't believe this, but now the worldview has been refreshed.

Sitting on the pony tie in front of the stall, Ning Feng took off his peaked cap.

"Master, how much is your life?"

The fortune teller sat on the other side of the small table and looked up and down Ning Feng.

"I was looking at you just now, young man, how dare you come out at night like this? If you're not careful, you'll be scared to death!"

Ning Feng: "..."

Chapter 10 The Fortune Teller

The corners of Ning Feng's brows jumped obviously, and a sentence popped out between his teeth.

"Then do you count?"

"Calculate! Of course, the old man's ancestors learned from Yunshan Temple, and the daily calculation of gossip, the hexagrams and hexagrams are all correct!"

The fortune-teller with a small black round hat tapped the words on the curtain with a paper fan, and then added.

"You are the first hexagram today! Are you going to tell your fortune?"

Ning Feng smiled, is it not forcing me to come here to find ridicule?

"I'm already sitting here, do you think I want to fortune-telling?"

The fortune teller narrowed his eyes and smiled "hehehe".

"Little brother, it's really not Mr. I want to ridicule you. People who come to fortune-telling want to know their fortunes. I haven't seen anyone who already knows their fortunes looking for someone to tell their fortunes."

This sentence made Ning Feng's heart tremble, and his face became serious, this fortune teller has something!

He didn't know if he knew his fate, but at least he knew that Yin Si would never let him go, so he could be considered to know "part of his fate", and maybe he couldn't escape.

Although the fortune-teller narrowed his eyes, he was actually paying attention to Ning Feng's body movements and expressions through the gaps in his eyelids. When he saw Ning Feng's reaction, he knew that the other party had been fooled by him.

"Young man, are you still fortune telling?"

"Count! Of course! Master, how much is it to count?"

Ning Feng had never counted his life before, so it was quite novel.

"Let's not talk about money, let's talk about it!"


The fortune-teller shook out his paper fan, and on the white paper, the word "heaven and earth" was written in brush strokes.

It looks neat, but Ning Feng's heart actually jumped out of the badly written evaluation.

The fortune-teller made a move with his fan and motioned Ning Feng to lean over a bit. Ning Feng felt that this should be based on his appearance, and naturally he was very cooperative.

To be honest, Ning Feng's current appearance is indeed a little scary. The fortune teller stroked the goatee and gently fanned the paper fan.

"Young man, it seems that you already know that your disaster is approaching. I am looking for a fortune-telling sir, and I just want to find a solution."

"Yes, sir, has a solution?"

Ning Feng asked a question naturally.

"No hurry, no hurry, wait until I take a closer look at your face. If I don't have a solution, sir, I won't charge you for this hexagram."

The fortune teller looked at Ning Feng's appearance carefully, his face became more and more serious, frowning or shaking his head slightly from time to time, making Ning Feng also nervous.

"Tsk tsk tsk... young man, looking at your face, you have a fierce appearance, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive the catastrophe! But... the atrium is full of eyes, and it seems that there is some turning point!"

"What is the turnaround?"

Ning Feng frowned and asked.

The fortune teller saw Ning Feng's subconscious tension in his eyes, shook the paper fan and smiled.

"Young man, let me ask you, did the hospital diagnose you as a terminal illness?"

In the face of the fortune teller's confident words, Ning Feng was stunned.

Terminal illness? hospital diagnosis?

Two seconds later, Ning Feng recalled it, and when he thought about his appearance again, he was a little stunned, and the look in this fortune-teller's eyes was subtle.

After doing it for a long time, he is a **** of all corners!

It's no wonder that he is like this, like the result of suffering from some incurable disease. Unfortunately, this hard-working flicker is wrong.

After figuring out that this is not a capable person, Ning Feng suddenly lost interest, and the voice of answering was not so excited.

"Oh, can that gentleman treat my terminal illness?"

"Sir, I'm not a doctor, no elixir can help you heal!"

This Ning Feng became a little more interested, thinking that this fortune teller would ask for money to sell medicines or talisman water.

"Is there anything you can do to save me, sir?"

Ning Feng replied with a lack of interest. At this time, there was a shout from the proprietress from the barbecue stall.

"Boy, the mutton skewers and beef tendons are ready!"

"Oh! It's coming!"

Ning Feng stopped playing with the fortune teller, stood up and walked towards the barbecue stall.

This reaction made the fortune teller stunned.

"Hey, hey boy! Why are you gone, hey, wait!"

However, Ning Feng has returned to his small table without looking back.

On the plate in front of him, 10 skewers of mutton were steaming. The aroma of cumin, salt, pepper and spicy powder mixed with the aroma of coke, making Ning Feng's saliva secrete at an alarming rate.

I couldn't help it at all, so I picked up a bunch of mutton skewers and smashed it up.

This body obviously hasn't eaten barbecue for a long time. It is full of a kind of happiness feedback. Ning Feng hasn't felt this way for a long time. It's like the wonderful feeling of eating snacks once in a while. .

"It's beans, leeks and potatoes."

"Okay, leave it alone!!"

Ning Feng was a little speechless, and his mouth was full of mutton skewers. The 10 skewers were ordered according to the habit of the previous life, but it seemed that this would not be enough.

"Oh, this is delicious too!! This is too!!"

He picked up a bunch of leeks and put them into his mouth in two bites. He ate away a bunch of potatoes from left to right, filling his mouth with chewing. Ning Feng was so moved that he was about to cry. This was definitely his body's own feedback. Know how abusive that guy used to be!

The fortune teller over there saw that Ning Feng actually ate it, and had no intention of coming back at all, and finally realized that he might have been fooling around in the wrong direction just now.

This feeling of being seen through by customers is actually quite embarrassing, but Ning Feng didn't expose it face to face, but it saved him face, but he was a little embarrassed to set up a fortune-telling stall so close.

When Ning Feng finished eating the fifth skewer of mutton, he found that the fortune-teller had put away the pony and pushed the BMX to set up a stall farther away.

"Over there, that fortune teller is there!!! That's the one I said last time, very accurate!"

"Walk around, didn't you say that he is just gossip for a day, and it will be gone when it's too late!"


Two very young girls passed by this barbecue stall and saw the fortune-telling stall in the distance looking very excited, and they speeded up their pace towards it together.

Ning Feng also drank Coke and glanced at it, and had no interest in stopping the two girls. Seeing their excited appearances, it was estimated that they were asking about marriage or marriage, and they were tricked for pocket Eggplant , corn and chicken wings are also good! "

The proprietress brought the baked goods over, and diners sat down one after another.

Ning Feng buried his head and ate hard, and did not forget to say something to the proprietress with food in his mouth.

"Another 10 skewers of mutton and a can of Coke, Mrs. Boss!"

"Okay bake right away!"

On the other side, someone shouted hello.

"Madam, here are 30 skewers of 10 mutton skewers, 4 chicken wings, and 4 bottles of beer!"


"Boss, 8 roasted kidneys, 20 bunches of leeks!"



Looking at the noise and busyness of the barbecue stalls around, Ning Feng also wondered how the boss and the boss's wife could quickly remember so many orders.


Ning Feng, who was nibbling on corn, suddenly felt a chill.

'Is the evil coming? ’

Ning Feng raised his head and looked around in horror. He didn't find any evil, but he saw the magic stick who had been far away a little bit. He didn't know when, and suddenly came to his side. He looked shocked but his eyes were shining follow him.

As soon as he came into contact with the other party's line of sight, Ning Feng suddenly felt a chill.

"I don't want you to tell your fortune!"

The fortune teller pointed his finger at Ning Feng, and spoke with a little trembling.

"You... Do you have a teacher? You... I, I won't charge you any money, let me do the math for you!"

"Go, go, go, don't disturb my guests here to eat!"

Seeing this, the proprietress hurried over to chase people away, but the magic stick immediately took out two large bills from her pocket.

"I'll pay for his money, add it, add it, add what you want to eat! Let me do the math for you!"


PS: The above two chapters are extra content, there may not be follow-up ^_^, I wish you a happy New Year!