MTL - Last Building on Earth-Chapter 214 Tang Ruoyu's special features

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"Wang Xuan, you can also fight." Xu Jian was by Wang Xuan's side, and they joined forces to defend against the hordes of tree demons and mushrooms who rushed up. Seeing the fighting on the other side, Xu Jian couldn't help it. Now, whispering softly, he felt that Wang Xuan's strength was not inferior to Yukai, and he could also compete with these monsters.

Wang Xuan didn't say anything, he decided to wait a little longer, it's better that these monsters fight to lose both sides, he will pick up a bargain, otherwise it will be difficult to **** the essence of the ancient tree totem from these three six-and-a-half-star monsters .

Yukai's strength has reached the upper limit in the super state, and he is almost infinitely close to the top powerhouse level in the super state, but he is still invincible, and he is blown away by the cannibal flower king.

The tree demon king's tall body swayed, avoiding the poisonous arrows sprayed by the man-eating flower king, and the tentacles under him propped up to the ground, and it rose into the air, suddenly rising 20 to 30 meters high, from top to bottom, pressing to the ground. The piranha flower below.

The tree demon king just jumped into the air when a tree root suddenly burst out from below, stretched out into the air, wrapped it around with a bang, and then dragged it down.

The tree demon king had no room to resist and struggle, it didn't even understand what happened, and was dragged down in an instant.

The group of tree roots below the ancient tree totem suddenly opened, and the smooth bark that was slightly raised in the center suddenly swelled outwards, splitting from the center to the outside, just like a flower that suddenly bloomed. Each flower is covered with tiny teeth.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked. The tree demon king suddenly screamed with fear. In this scream, there was a meaning of begging for mercy. Unfortunately, it was too late. The roots of the tree were twisted and twisted, twisted into a giant ball, shaped like a twist, and stuffed into the giant mouthparts that opened like petals.

The petal-shaped mouthparts contracted and covered, and there was the sound of squirming and chewing.

The ancient tree totem, which was originally half-dead and had almost no vitality, suddenly became stronger as it devoured the tree demon king.

Cannibal King and Mushroom King realized that something was wrong, and they were busy trying to escape, but unfortunately it was too late. Two tree roots stretched out and caught them.

Yukai reacted very quickly. He had been pulled upside down by Kao Kao with a rhizome, and was very close to the mask. When he saw the Demon King of the Dryad suddenly entangled by the roots of the tree, he knew that it was not good. He turned over and rolled in. into the mask.

Almost half a second later, a thick tree root stretched out, but he rolled into the mask first. The root stuck in the mask, causing the mask to fluctuate violently.

As long as he is half a second later, he will be caught by the root of the tree, and the end will be the same as that of the tree demon king.

Yukai escaped and stayed in the mask, watching the tree demon king twisted into a twist and swallowed by a twist, he was covered in cold sweat and his face was pale.

Wang Xuan, Wan Qianying and others were also busy stepping back.

This ancient tree totem seems to have clear grievances and grievances. It only shoots at the tree demon king, mushroom king, cannibal king flower and You Kai who want to fight it. As for Wang Xuan and Wan Qianying, it did not attack and arrest them. .

The nine people fled back to the mask. Wang Xuan secretly screamed that it was dangerous. He originally wanted to fight the ancient tree totem, but he just wanted to wait for them to lose both. Can survive, devour the tree demon king, and at the same time capture the man-eating flower king and the mushroom king.

Both the Piranha King and the Mushroom King screamed, which was the sound of begging for mercy.

Wang Xuan's Eye of Fear sensed that their hearts were full of fear, but unfortunately the ancient tree totem did not respond to them, but wrapped and compressed them into a ball, opened the giant petal-like mouthpart below, and stuffed them one after another. .

Connecting to the leaders who devoured the three major races, the ancient tree totem's vitality recovered a little. Although only half of its body remained, it slowly stood up as it swayed. Countless monsters in all directions did not dare to move. Wang Xuan When ten people stayed in the mask, they did not dare to go out.

Especially Yokai.

The ancient tree totem was erected in front of the mask, and Wang Xuan sensed a vague awareness covering the surroundings. Yu Kai, who was beside him, suddenly fell back a few steps, and his face became extremely ugly.

Although this ancient tree totem does not have eyes, for some reason, everyone has a feeling that it is staring at Yukai hiding in the mask through the mask.

"This guy seems to be very vengeful." Wang Xuan passed a thought in his heart, watching the ancient tree totem lift up the roots of the roots, and suddenly poked on the mask, as if he wanted to break through the mask and capture the inside. Yokai.

The mask, which covers this area like a pot lid, begins to fluctuate violently. Although the strength of the ancient tree totem has declined and is no longer in its former heyday, its power is still extremely powerful for everyone, even stronger than the super state. Even the more powerful Tree Demon King and Mushroom King are vulnerable when faced with it.

Whether this mask can stop its attack, no one knows.

One by one, the roots of the trees were poking on the mask, and the fluctuation of the mask became more and more violent, and everyone felt a strong sense of unease, especially Yukai, who kept retreating.

Wan Qianying suddenly said: "Yukai, it seems to be coming for you, or you should return to the ghost town now, and come up later, it can't see you, maybe it will leave."

Yukai nodded, turned quickly, and rushed towards the elevator to "Ghost Town".

The ancient tree totem above attacked the mask more and more violently, Yukai quickly opened the elevator door, rushed in, and the elevator door closed immediately.

It is strange to say that after the elevator door was closed, the ancient tree totem's attack on the mask became weaker, and then the tree roots were pulled down towards the mask. Although the mask fluctuated violently, the surface of the mask grew The strong rebound force bounced the roots back.

Wan Qianying guessed right, after the totem of the ancient tree did not see Youkai, it slowly shrank back to the root of the tree, began to turn, and showed signs of leaving.

The people under the protection of the mask saw this and secretly let out a sigh of relief. Gu Zijian, Sun Yaofei and Yi Wu, who were from the ghost town like You Kai, wiped away the cold sweat that appeared on their foreheads.

Except for Wang Xuan, who was relatively calm, everyone else was quite frightened.

The speed of the ancient tree totem left was very slow. Obviously, although it was lucky to survive this time, its vitality was severely damaged. Only half of the original tree trunk that was as high as 100 meters remained, and the lush tree crown disappeared.

It dragged its stump, moved slowly, and finally disappeared into the distant forest.

Until the ancient tree totem completely left and disappeared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but although the ancient tree totem left, the various monsters surrounding the mask showed no signs of leaving. They kept staring and hiding in the mask. The crowd seemed to want to attack them at any time.

The elevator doors in "Ghost Town" reopened, and Yukai appeared again, but didn't get out of the elevator right away.

"It's alright." Gu Zijian waved to him while saying, and he came out.

Youkai stepped out of the elevator and saw that the ancient tree totems outside had disappeared, so he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a wry smile: "I can't believe that this guy didn't die, and he still hates me. Fortunately, there is a safe area here, otherwise I'm in big trouble."

Huang Qingzhi said: "It's getting dark, what should we do now? Continue to stay here? Or go back to town first?"

Wang Xuan looked up at the sky, and found that the sky was obviously much darker. He came here this morning, and after so many things happened, night was about to come.

Gu Zijian said, "There are monsters all around, and it will only be more dangerous at night. If you want to find the five major cities, you can only look at it in the daytime tomorrow. Brother Kai, why don't we go back to the ghost town first?"

Yukai nodded in agreement.

Seeing that Yukai and Gu Zijian were about to return, Wan Qianying also decided to go back to Insect Town to rest first, and wait until tomorrow morning before returning here to see the situation.

After the two parties agreed to come back here tomorrow morning to meet, You Kai took Gu Zijian, Sun Yaofei and Yi Wu into the elevator to "Ghost Town" and left here.

Wan Qianying also walked to the elevator to "Insect Town" and said, "Let's go back to Insect Town first, have a good night's rest, and come up tomorrow morning to see if these monsters are scattered."

Xu Jian, Huang Qingzhi, and Gongyang Xuan all followed to the elevator, but Wang Xuan didn't move, saying, "You go down first, I'll be back later."

Wan Qianying was stunned for a moment, looked at him and said, "You still want to stay and continue to hunt monsters?"

Wang Xuan nodded to her.

Xu Jian understood and said, "Wang Xuan has just broken through to the super state, and he needs a lot of energy from white scales. It's not like we need enough energy, and we don't need to hunt monsters anymore."

Wan Qianying can understand Wang Xuan's mentality. He has just broken through. The hatching beast needs enough energy. Only when the required energy is full can he seek further breakthroughs, especially his second ghost wing, which is growing continuously today. Everyone was watching, seeing that Wang Xuan wanted to stay, Wan Qianying didn't persuade him any more, just nodded and said, "Be careful, if the situation is not right, go back to town immediately."

After that, Wan Qianying, Gongyangxuan, Xu Jian, and Huang Qingzhi entered the elevator and returned to Insect Town, while Tang Ruoyu also stayed.

Like Wang Xuan, she only broke through to the super state and needs to hunt monsters to gain energy.

The sky gradually darkened, and now in the safety area of ​​No. 9, only Wang Xuan and Tang Ruoyu were left in the mask.

"Follow me, don't get too far." Wang Xuan walked towards the outside of the mask, and at the same time whispered, as long as Tang Ruoyu was within seven meters away from him, even if there was any danger, he could save her with his metal tentacles.

Although there are tree demons, mushrooms, and piranha monsters all around, it is difficult to threaten him with these monsters alone, and he is still confident that he can protect Tang Ruoyu.

Tang Ruoyu understood what he meant and did not refuse, but just gave a soft hum.

After that, the two passed through the mask and walked out.

As the surrounding monsters quieted down, the mask that originally appeared was slowly fading away.

The two just walked out of the mask less than five meters, and a group of tree demons in front immediately let out a sharp hissing and surrounded them in a fan shape. The more distant Mushrooms were even more direct, and they launched Mushroom bombs at a distance of more than ten meters. .

Wang Xuan swayed, and the four metal tentacles stretched to the limit of seven meters long. Each metal tentacle lit up with a blue light. If he wanted to instantly kill this six-star dangerous monster, he had to use blue crystal scales. energy can do it.

With a sway of his body, he accelerated and sprinted over, dodging these mushroom bombs, and four metal tentacles swept out from left to right like a giant python. When it exploded, white scales appeared one after another, submerged in his right hand, and then half were absorbed by his ghost wings, and half were swallowed by the white light in his right hand.

Tang Ruoyu showed a two-meter-long white giant sword in his right hand. He swung the giant sword in both hands and chopped it out horizontally. The white tiger lying on top jumped out, turned into a three- or four-meter-long tiger, and hit a tree demon. , frantically biting.

She only broke through the super state, and her strength is not enough. It is difficult to kill the tree demon instantly. She needs to cooperate with the white tiger to kill a tree demon.

She was beheading the tree demon that was attacked by the white tiger, and the back was attacked. When it was in danger, a metal tentacle came around from the front and killed the tree demon.

While Wang Xuan shot and killed these tree demons, he could also take care of Tang Ruoyu, otherwise it would be difficult to support Tang Ruoyu alone under the siege of this group of tree demons.

The sky was getting dark, but there were more and more monsters gathered around. In addition to the tree demon, the solitary mushroom and the piranha, a group of perennial vines also appeared, and they came surging like a green tide.

Wang Xuan and Tang Ruoyu joined forces, and I don't know how many tree demons, mushrooms, piranhas, and perennial vines were killed. There were corpses on the ground all around. After getting tired, Wang Xuan took Tang Ruoyu back to the mask to rest. .

Enough rest, let's rush out together.

Repeating this, Wang Xuan's second ghost wing gradually grew, and Tang Ruoyu's strength also gradually improved.

She entered a super state and realized the power at her disposal. Originally, she had not fully mastered it and could not exert it to the fullest. Now, with the constant hunting of monsters, her strength is increasing at an alarming rate.

Originally, Wang Xuan didn't care, she just thought that she was familiar with the power of super-state, and now she fully exerts it, the improvement of her strength is normal.

Just like Xu Jian and Wan Qianying, when they first broke through the super state, they could only be regarded as the ordinary level in the super state. Later, after being tempered, they fully grasped the power and various abilities of comprehending the super state, and they could play it perfectly. Come out, and gradually reach the middle level of the super state.

Soon after becoming a super state, as long as the fighting talent is not too bad, basically you can reach the super state medium level.

Tang Ruoyu's situation is obviously a little different from Xu Jian and the others, because her strength is slowly improving, and after reaching the super-moderate level, she has no intention of stopping, her strength is still slowly improving, this feeling is very Like the ghost wings that keep growing after he draws energy.

"What's going on? Could it be that her hatching beast is special, like my ghost wings?"

In Wang Xuan's mind, he thought of the scene of the ghost car and bird fighting the white tiger that day. Now Tang Ruoyu's sword is lying on a white tiger, and his ghost wings are the power of the ghost car. Coincidence, or is the hatching beast obtained by Tang Ruoyu really related to the white tiger?

At this moment, the white tiger summoned by Tang Ruoyu's sword was huge. The tiger that could only change to three or four meters in length at first had grown to four meters in length.

The white tiger, which has grown a circle, has improved a lot in terms of speed and lethality. When he saw the white tiger pounce on a tree demon, the tiger claws grabbed it and killed the tree demon. .

And Tang Ruoyu's speed, strength and reaction ability are also improving.

Originally, she needed her own care, and he didn't know how many times he killed the tree monster that almost hurt her, but now she is completely independent, and she doesn't need his help and care among the group of tree monsters.

The white scales were picked up again, and Tang Ruoyu suddenly whistled slightly in his mouth. The four-meter-long white tiger fell backwards and overlapped with Tang Ruoyu's body. She raised the two-meter giant sword in her hands, and suddenly slashed into the air. go out.

The two-meter giant sword fell with a faint tiger roar, and slammed on the ground in front of her. With a single blow from the giant sword, countless huge tiger claws suddenly rushed out of it and flew out in the air.

A group of tree demons were caught by these huge tiger claws and died immediately.

Wang Xuan looked in his eyes with a hint of surprise.

The power of Tang Ruoyu's blow has surpassed the super-moderate level and entered the ranks of the more powerful superior powerhouses.

"There must be some reason why her strength has improved too quickly." Wang Xuan took a deep breath, realizing that she must have some kind of secret hidden within her, otherwise she would never have improved so quickly.

Killing several tree demons in a row, Tang Ruoyu stopped, her eyes closed seems to be feeling something, she slowly raised the giant sword with both hands, but saw the white tiger overlapping her body , is constantly merging into her body.

The Biying suit she was wearing was slowly being covered by a layer of white substance.

She seems to be undergoing some kind of transformation.

Wang Xuan saw that, and some understood why she was the peak powerhouse in the real state when she was in the real state before.

It seems that she has special abilities. As long as the hatching beast grows into a certain form, after constant battles and absorbing the energy of the white scales, her combat power can continue to increase, and eventually she will grow to the peak of this form.

So when she was in the state of being at the peak of the state, if it was calculated based on this, as long as she kept fighting, sooner or later, she would grow into the peak powerhouse in the super-state?

As powerful as Yukai, it is only infinitely close to the top level in the super state, and what level of super state peak powerhouse is stronger than the top level?

Seeing that Tang Ruoyu and the white tiger were completely merged into one, a layer of white material appeared on the surface of her body, with tiger stripes on it, which represented that she had completed the fusion. Suddenly, she kicked her feet and made a sound, and the white shadow flashed. Rush into a group of piranhas faster than just now.

Grasp the two-meter giant sword in her right hand, and swirl it in the air. The group of piranhas were suddenly cut in half, and a large amount of dark red juice splashed out. She swayed, and she had already withdrawn and rushed into another group of mushrooms.

The two-meter giant sword in the right hand revolved around her body, forming a huge sword wheel. Wherever the sword wheel rotated, the Mushroom Guren screamed and shattered.

One after another, white scales kept appearing, pouring into her body incessantly and being absorbed by her.