MTL - Last Building on Earth-Chapter 26 9 scales

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He kicked out and kicked the two-to-three-meter-long giant lizard upside down. On the side, another scorpion-tailed lizard opened its **** mouth and rushed up to bite Wang Xuan's thigh.

As soon as he turned around, the steel bar in his right hand was pulled out horizontally, and with a snort, he pulled it on the mouth of the scorpion-tailed lizard. Immediately, blood splattered, and three of the exposed teeth were broken, and the gums were all cracked. It was so painful that the scorpion-tailed lizard opened its mouth wide and let out a hoarse scream.

Wang Xuan followed with the second and third blows... all the way to the head, mouth, and nose of this scorpion-tailed lizard.

Every time it fell, blood splattered everywhere. The scorpion-tailed lizard's nose collapsed, its eyeballs burst, its mouth was smashed, its flesh was blurred, and blood grooves appeared on its head.

With a "porphyr" sound, its head was completely blown off, and red and white splashed everywhere.

In the face of Wang Xuan's strength and shot speed, the scorpion-tailed lizard was beaten to such an extent that he couldn't even swing the barb behind him.

White light flashed, his head exploded, and the white scale on his forehead peeled off and flew to his palm.

The original seven petals in the palm of the hand immediately added another one, becoming eight petals.

Followed by another flash of white light, the scorpion-tailed lizard that he had just pierced through his head with steel bars finally died after struggling and twitching twice, and the white scales on his forehead flew over and merged into his palm.

In the palm of the hand, the petals of the small white flower turned into nine pieces, and these nine scales opened together, like a blooming white flower, which seemed indescribably magical.

Although Wang Xuan couldn't see it with the naked eye, he could vaguely sense it. The small white flowers formed by these nine scales seemed to slowly wriggle and spin in the palm of his hand. There was an endless stream of energy released, moisturizing the whole body, and making him feel that he had it. Strength, speed, hearing, and vision are slowly improving.

This scorpion-tailed lizard is not weaker than the wolf-headed ape-shaped monsters that he encountered before, but in the face of the current Wang Xuan, it seems vulnerable.

He killed two scorpion-tailed lizards, and Gu Manyao and Zhao Lei each successfully killed a scorpion-tailed lizard and obtained a white scale.

Of the seven scorpion-tailed lizards that appeared on their side, they killed five in the blink of an eye, and Zhang Haofei and Gu Manyao greeted the remaining two.

Wang Xuan took care of the two scorpion-tailed lizards and looked up to see the off-road vehicle driving towards him.

On the front hood and roof of this off-road vehicle, there is a scorpion-tailed lizard on each side, and another lizard hangs on the open door at the back, squeezes into the car, and chases after a few scorpion-tailed lizards , it can be said that the situation is very critical.

Tie Jun held the steering wheel with both hands, his face dignified, just waiting for the fat director and the photographer to get into the car, several scorpion-tailed lizards surrounded him, one jumped on the roof, and the other fell in front of the car Cover it, keep hitting the front windshield.

What's more terrifying is that a scorpion-tailed lizard squatted on the back door that could not be closed, opened its mouth with a **** mouth, bit the thigh of the photographer who got on the car last, and wanted to drag him out of the car.

The photographer let out a shrill scream, and clung to the back of the seat where Tie Jun was sitting with both hands. He understood that once he was dragged out of the car, he would surely die.

With a bang, the front windshield shattered, and a barbed tail stretched in and hooked at Tie Jun's face.

Li Luo, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was full of fear. Holding the wrench in his hand, he only screamed, but didn't know how to fight back.

Tie Jun slammed on the brakes suddenly, and let his body aside. Due to the huge inertia, the scorpion-tailed lizard lying on the front hood of the car slammed into the car, and the upper body rushed in completely.

The scorpion-tailed lizard on the roof was thrown out, and the off-road vehicle was parked a few meters away from Wang Xuan and Zhao Lei.

Tie Jun chose to drive towards the four of Wang Xuan, hoping to get their help. This was the only chance to survive. He believed that the four of Wang Xuan would not die.

Otherwise, these terrifying monsters will get into the car, and they will surely die.

While avoiding the scorpion-tailed lizard rushing in, Tie Jun grabbed the wrench in Li Luo's hand with a backhand. He lifted the wrench and smashed it towards the scorpion-tailed lizard's eyes.

The scorpion-tailed lizard squeezed its upper body into the car, twisted all over, got stuck between the shattered front windshield, and had difficulty moving. One eye was hit by the iron army's wrench, and it burst open immediately.

The photographer in the back row was dragged down by another scorpion-tailed lizard in a desperate cry for help.

Two other scorpion-tailed lizards rushed up from the other side of the off-road vehicle, hitting the co-pilot and the rear window glass.

They are very powerful, especially the barbs on their tails hit the corner of the glass, and they can easily smash the window glass.

Zhao Lei saw that the photographer was dragged out of the car by a scorpion-tailed lizard biting his thigh, and rushed up immediately. Although the performance of these people before made him a little chilled, he saw that these people were attacked by monsters in front of him hissing. Bite, he still rushed up without hesitation.

Hunting monsters can get more white scales. Now, among the four of Wang Xuan, Zhang Haofei and Gu Manyao, he is the only one who has the fewest He has just gotten two of them. Scaly.

The steel rod in his hand swept out, and the two white scales in his right hand released energy and concentrated in the steel rod. The rod swept faintly, and there was a faint sound of wind, and it hit the camera from behind firmly. The division dragged the scorpion-tailed lizard out of the car.

The scorpion-tailed lizard let out a scream after being beaten, abandoned the photographer, and turned to attack Zhao Lei.

Zhao Lei retreated slightly, holding the steel rod in both hands, and he fell head-on.

With a "bang", the stick hit the scorpion-tailed lizard's head, blood spattered, the skin split open, and blood flowed out from the mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

The scorpion-tailed lizard was hit by this stick, as if it was drunk, it staggered two steps, and fell to the ground.

This stick, Zhao Lei, used all his strength to smash the bones in the scorpion-tailed lizard's head with just one blow. After struggling twice, he immediately died.

Zhao Lei obtained his third white scale.

Zhang Haofei and Gu Manyao successively dealt with the remaining two scorpion-tailed lizards that besieged them before, and got the fifth white scale, and then rushed towards the off-road vehicle.

Wang Xuan rushed towards the other side of the off-road vehicle one step ahead of them.

There were two scorpion-tailed lizards on this side, shattering the window glass one after another, trying to drill into the car.

Wang Xuan's speed is getting faster and faster now, and he jumped, and the scorpion-tailed lizard that was just about to attack Li Luo sitting in the co-pilot was pierced by the steel bar in his hand.

He flew up and kicked the scorpion-tailed lizard to the ground. The power of this kick was so powerful that even Wang Xuan himself was surprised, and he directly kicked the scorpion-tailed lizard into the air. Said to have thousands of pounds of strength.