MTL - Late Night Tales Of The Capital-Chapter 61 Shuiyue Dojo, dream Buddha

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"Sir, I wish you all the best, and I wish the Tianmen Gate forever."

Zhao Ting was the first person to walk into Yongan Street and walk to the door of Tianmen Daoguan. Standing in front of the leaf, his demeanor was very respectful. There was a look of the Taishifuzi, and even a little excitement.

The voice just fell, white fish, Yunfeihe, Shi Lei, cold and heartless, and the dozens of people came one after another, and everyone’s face was innocent and innocent, from the heart, proud. giggle.

The behavior just now seems to be very handsome, and it is sensible to say that it is absolutely endless trouble for them.

Zhao Ting may therefore lose power in Zhao, and the white fish does not say that it is an ambassador. I am afraid that even the ruling department can't wait for it. Cold and unintentional may also be removed from the power of his second-level deacon.

They don't understand the consequences?

Do they want to know the seriousness of the problem?

I definitely understand, and I definitely want to be clear, but they still do it and still stand up.

Looking at the proud expressions on these people's faces, the leaves lacked to speak, but they lost their hands behind them, subconsciously received in front of them, then lifted up, left hand and right hand, holding a fist back! In fact, many people in front of him are not profound or even vague in his impressions, but that is not important.

People are here.

More than anything else.

Those who are unable to reach the official are the real dispensable.

"The doorkeeper, when the time has come, three moments." Chu Southeast quietly went to Ye Xiao and Qian Shuxiao, whispered.

"Then reveal it." Ye Xiao looked up and looked at the red silk at the top of his head.


Qian Shuxiao shouted loudly, and then went to the end of the huge plaque with the money painting, and two red ropes were prepared in advance, as long as one red silk was used to uncover it.

Red silk is exhausted.

The four words of Tianmen Dao Pavilion are presented in front of everyone.

Followed by a burst of firecrackers, I don’t know how many firecrackers the money book smiled, and it continued to ring for a while before it ended. It seems that I’m going to use this firecracker, I’m going to put all the people in Luoyang’s city. Attracted.

The idea is very good, the reality is very cruel, people are attracted, but one can not get in, all are stopped outside.

In the sound of firecrackers, the crowd is getting denser.

"This Tianmendao pavilion is lavish and lavish, and the venue is big enough, but it has provoked the soldiers of the generals, and there will be good endings."

"I heard that the person who ordered the blockade of the street is the second emperor."

"The aunt who laughs at the money book is still a prince."

"This day the door pavilion said that it is necessary to teach the people to practice. Do you know what is practice? Isn't practice only a fairy teacher? Can we ordinary people?"

In the crowd.

An old man pushed the other old man slowly and walked over.

"The front is the child's Tianmen Daoguan. I heard that it is still the owner of the Daoguan. According to my investigation, he should be a practitioner, and it is not low." The old man of the cart said as he walked.

The old man in the wheelchair, whispered, answered, then looked up and looked forward. "Why are so many people? You go and see."

After half a ring, the old man of the cart came back, and his face was a bit ugly. "Master, I heard that the military department handled the case and blocked the street. Now I don't want to leave, I need to pass the afternoon to pass."

"When the Ministry of Military Affairs needs to block the streets? When is the rule? Who blocks the streets?" Once the national events are involved, the elderly in the wheelchair will be in a state of mind, and the voice will be different.

"Ye Jiajun." The old man in the cart said something difficult to say three words.

"There is no reason!"

Soon, the two old people squeezed into the forefront. All the way to the ear was a variety of complaints. In the broad daylight, the streets were directly blocked. It is feared that the emperor’s travel is not so big. This is to attract people’s anger.

The old man in the wheelchair, the more his face is more ugly, the face is almost frozen into ice when he walks to the Changsheng Bridge.

Xiao Lianyue is the highest-ranking officer of Ye Jiajun in this blockade mission. Naturally, he is the chief person in charge.

The voices of the arguments next to them, complaints, he did not hear, but only subconsciously filtered out. Some complaints from the civilian population will make him feel in the heart. He has been working in this position for nearly eight years, and his official position has not been moved. He always thought that he was lucky and lacked opportunities.

Therefore, when Ye Yunhai spoke and added the instructions of the two emperors, Xiao Lianyue did not even think about it.

"As long as the task is completed beautifully, the future is full of glory." Xiao Lianyue has already passed the age of the battlefield, but with Ye Jiajun's resume, he believes that he can take it to the next level, everything is ready, only owe the east wind.

As for the impact of this incident, he will not care about Xiao Lianyue. Even if something goes wrong, how can he take him? He is a senior soldier of Ye Jiajun. Ye Jiajun is famous for his short support. The 200,000-strong army is twisted into a rope, and he is not afraid of death.

Perhaps Xiao Lianyue thought so beautifully that he was unaware of it.


The dream has not been finished yet, and there is a sudden pain in the waist. It feels like a blunt iron.


Xiao Lianyue exclaimed, turned and hurried back, and subconsciously pulled out the long sword at the waist.

The mouth will be angered, and the drafts in the abdomen have already been laid. "Is it impatient? I dare to attack the soldiers of Ye Jiajun and win it for me!"

But when I got to the lips, even the type of the word was not spoken, his eyes were suddenly widened, and even some could not believe his eyes.

"Yes, general?"

"You, how are you, how..." Xiao Lianyue looked at himself in a wheelchair, holding an old man with a faucet, and then turned his face to look at the other soldiers on the side.

Thirty-one Ye Jiajun soldiers, each standing straight, with a bright eye, like the general who accepted the majesty. No one has any eye contact with Xiao Lianyue. Obviously, these people have just seen Ye Zhengru, only he has been sunk on one side.

"What is your name?" The old man in a wheelchair, Ye Zhengru, who was supposed to be seriously ill, asked.

"Reporting General, my name is Xiao Lianyue, and I belong to the Ye Jiajun Department of the Winds Shuttle Scout Camp." Xiao Lianyue’s subconscious standing, shouting with a scorpion, sounds like a bell, seems to have given the strength to eat. However, the sword that has been squirted in his hand looks extraordinarily glaring.

"Affiliated to Ye Jiajun's wind department flying shuttle squad camp?"

"it is good."


Ye Zhengru said two things in succession, and then dropped five words. "Now is not."

"Not now!"

The simple five words, listening to Xiao Lianyue’s ears, are like the sky.

"You don't have the name of the shuttle snooker camp, Ye Jiajun does not have a soldier like you." Ye Zhengru said coldly, "Who gave you such a big right? Also blocked the streets? When did this street become the battlefield of Ye Jiajun? When do the people need to go through the permission of Ye Jiajun?"

"Ye Jiajun's military regulations, let you eat in the dog's belly?"


"Don't let me see you again."

Ye Zhengru glanced at Xiao Lianyue, and then looked at the thirty-one soldiers next to him. "I went back to the military camp and punished, doubled."

After finishing the training, Ye Zhengru suddenly turned and turned to face the crowd, bowing slightly.

"It is the old leader who is not strong."

"Let everyone suffer."

The firecrackers in front of the Tianmendao pavilion just fell, and the four levels that blocked the street were also disbanded.

The crowd gathered quickly to the pavilion, even if it was not concerned about it before, today it is remembered the four words ‘Tianmendao Pavilion’.

"Everything in the heavens and the earth, the Tao is natural, and people are equal in life. They can practice. The things of spiritual practice, regardless of high or low, require patience and persistence. I will demonstrate a set of exercises for you and a passage." After you go back, you can slowly comprehend. If you have a chance, you will be able to step into the door of practice."

The leaf is missing on a circular martial arts stage, in a white dress, from quiet to moving, like simple and complicated, with words in his mouth, "the Taoist, the heaven and the earth, all things. The cultivator, choose the good and the good, learn from the text , about the ceremony. Abandon, the moon, the dream, the Buddha..."

(Second today.)

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